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The Wolf's Secret Witch: Howl's Romance (The Sentinel Brotherhood Book 1)

Page 10

by Marianne Morea

  “Nightmares, doubt and anxiety reign supreme, and you think I’m terrific.” She exhaled. “I wish you could see me in court. I’m pretty bad ass. Not this quaking mess you get to see.”

  “For someone whose world upended in spectacular fashion, I’d say you earned yourself a pass. You handled this with composure and a dash of snark. In my book, that’s pretty bad ass. Not to mention you rode a wild wolf bare back.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  He laughed. “If you say so, but as far as I’m concerned, having your legs wrapped around my furry flanks is something I’ll never forget.

  Jared moved to get up, but Tanya held on tight. She pulled him down to the bed, so they were nose to nose. “Don’t go.”

  “What are you doing, Tanya?” he asked as her hand drifted from his chest to the button on his jeans.

  “Finishing what we started in the dark.”

  His mouth crushed hers, no waiting. He took her lips, her breath, ravaging her tongue with rough, needful strokes. Her breath came in rasping pants, but this time it wasn’t from fear.

  Breath mingled, and tongues tangled. Tanya dug her fingers into Jared’s hair as he climbed between her legs. His mouth moved from her lips to her throat, trailing along the deep cleft between her full breasts. He took one nipple through her tank top, grazing his teeth along the puckering flesh. He flicked the stiff peak with the tip of his tongue, teasing until he pulled the spaghetti strap from her shoulder, freeing the hardened bud.

  Tanya moaned, arching higher. He smiled against her soft flesh, reaching for her other breast. “You’re gorgeous, Tanya.” He thumbed her other nipple as his mouth teased the first.

  “I can smell your wetness, love. Now I want to taste it.”

  He slid lower, taking her sleep shorts with him until she was wet and bare for the taking. Jared knelt with his face inches from her pretty pink folds.

  He circled her clit with his thumb before dipping his mouth to the hard nub. He pulled the sensitive bud between his teeth, slipping his fingers between her slick folds. She gasped, and he curled his fingers deep.

  Letting go of her nub, he licked her sex, moaning at the taste of her. “So wet. So delicious.”

  Tanya’s head dropped back as he pushed her knees even wider. She snaked a hand down her belly to fist Jared’s hair, arching to grind herself further into his hand.

  “So close, but not yet, baby.”


  He stripped, flinging his clothes to the ground. There was nothing tender or gentle about their need. He hissed as Tanya’s fingers raked his hard organ. She took him deep into her mouth, milking him with the flat of her tongue until he yanked her back by her hair.

  “Keep that up and you’ll choke on what I give you.”

  She released him with a gasp. Her clit throbbed from his raw words, leaving her swollen and dripping.

  They devoured each other, hands and mouths, touching and tasting as they pushed their desire higher and higher. Together they were raw need until it threatened to engulf them both.

  Their want was immediate, as if all the stress from the past week had to be vented in one quick and violent release.

  “C’mon, wolfman. Growl for me!”

  With a snarl, Jared flipped her onto her stomach. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back onto all fours until her ass was high and poised.

  He snatched a handful of her hair and pulled her head up until she looked at him over her shoulder. She watched as he wrapped his hand around his corded shaft and rubbed his thick head over her slick entrance.

  “So you want to be fucked wolf-style?” Savoring the wet feel of her slit, he licked the side of her throat, grazing her tender skin with his teeth.

  He inhaled, their mingled scents driving him to near frenzy. He pulled back, driving his full length deep into her slick entrance.

  Powerful thrusts pounded her flesh, lifting her with each plunge. Her furious need met his, their pace frenzied. She cried out, driving her hips back, grinding into him.

  Tanya’s body shuddered as she came, her walls spasming against his thickness as he slammed into her over and over.

  He gripped her hips tight, throwing his head back. Jared spiraled, his shaft swelling within her slick walls. He growled, his release on the edge. With a roar, he emptied himself fully, his body taut as hot spurts jetted deep.

  Holding her close, he rested his face between her shoulder blades. “Don’t move.”

  “As if I could. I can’t feel my legs, dawg.”

  His smirked against her damp skin. “Okay, then. If you insist. Just don’t move too fast, or we’ll both be in pain.”

  They slid to the bed, still locked together. “Are you bucking for round two already?” She chuckled.

  He nuzzled the side of her neck. “No. You said you wanted wolf style, and that’s what I gave you. My nether bits need a chance to…to…recede.”

  “You make it sound like you let loose flood waters.”

  He shrugged. “Wolves swell when they mate. Most canines do. It’s a survival tactic. Darwinian, even.”

  “And how long does this usually take, Fido?” She wiggled, causing him to suck wind through his teeth

  “Ugh, woman! From wolfman to Fido in six seconds or less. If you stop squirming, you’ll get your answer. Keep wiggling your fine ass, and we’ll be going for round two, ready or not!”

  They lay in a sweaty mess a moment or two longer, until he slipped from her body. Jared didn’t move. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her waist, hugging her to his chest.

  “Jared?” Tanya trailed her fingers up and down his forearm.


  “Nothing. Forget it,” she bit off quickly.

  “What? Tell me.”

  She turned in his arms, so they were face to face. “I’m not usually one for pillow talk, but I can’t get past the feeling that something is happening between us, and I don’t mean the sex. Whatever this is, it’s happening fast. Too fast, or at least that’s how it feels.”

  It was obvious, she was scared. Even her scent tasted of unease. “Tanya, are you afraid of what’s happening between us or are you afraid of me, of what I am?”

  Tanya’s gaze dropped from his eyes to his chest. A week ago she was juggling a stacked docket in Manhattan, weighing the choice between living in a house in the suburbs, or an apartment in the city.

  “I don’t know what to feel. I mean, this doesn’t exactly fit any scenario I planned for myself. I do know I’m not afraid of you. From the beginning, I knew I was safe with you, regardless of what I said or how I freaked.

  “The reality of who and what you are is scary, I won’t deny it. That’s because I don’t understand it all. It’s quite a surprise finding the legends I grew up with are real.”

  He smiled at her. “I would never hurt you. In fact, I’d fight to protect you, and you’re not the only one a little freaked out by how fast this is all happening.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, gently at first, tracing his mouth with the tip of her tongue, and then more fiercely, letting their passion grow once more.

  Sliding his hand over her waist, he cupped her breast, teasing her until she gasped. With a fluid move, he spread her legs with his knee, entering her again. Loving her leisurely this time, he let his fingers explore every inch of her body, committing it to memory. Pleasuring her until she crested, shuddering beneath him as he released into her once more.

  Tanya lay tucked under his arm, secure and sated. She sighed as he lifted her palm to his mouth and kissed it. “What are you thinking?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe I am crazy,” she said as he cradled her close to him. “Whatever this is, or wherever it’s going, I’ll be damned if I let my own selfishness and doubt stand in the way.”

  “Beautiful, smart and unafraid of the unimaginable, what more could I ask for?” he said, chuckling.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hey, today’s the solstice
,” Tanya grinned, glancing at the date on the clock radio. Pushing it aside, she made room on the edge of the nightstand for the tray of snacks she’d carried in from the kitchen. She slipped off her robe and climbed into bed, giving Jared a quick peck.

  “It’s past nine, and still light out,” she said, plopping a grape into her mouth. “I wonder what could have preoccupied me for it to slip my mind like that.” She waggled her eyebrows, sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him.

  Rolling his eyes, Jared propped up the pillows behind him, but his gaze was soft.

  “When I was a kid, my mother would take us to the beach where she’d make a huge bonfire. It was her way to bid goodbye to the sun. Most people don’t get it. To them it’s beginning of summer, but the June solstice marks the start of shorter days. Kind of sad, if you know what I mean.” She shrugged, handing Jared the fruit bowl.

  “Sure do, there isn’t a supe around that doesn’t understand and appreciate the wheel of the year. Don’t forget, witches are a big part of the supe community,” he gestured, biting into an apple.

  “I wonder if my mother knows about supernaturals and their parallel universe.”

  “You could always ask. Or better yet, let me phase in front of her.”

  “Not funny, Jared,” she said, lobbing a grape at him. “I can picture the 911 first responders as I tried to explain my mother’s hysteria.”

  Jared stretched. “I’ve got to meet my brothers in a little while.” He leaned over, giving Tanya a kiss.

  “What? When…why?”

  He sighed, cupping the side of her face. He didn’t want to worry her, but it was better not to lie. “There’s been another demon sighting, and we’ve got to do a surveillance run. If we spot it, we’re going to try and take it out.”

  Tanya scrambled to her feet. “Tonight?” Her voice cracked, the word catching in her throat as it tightened in fear.

  “Aidan came by when you were asleep. They need me, Tanya. I’ve got to go. It’s my responsibility. My duty.”

  “I need you.” It was barely a whisper, but Jared heard it loud and clear. “What if something happens to you, how will I know?”

  He pulled her into a hug. “I’ll be fine. This is what we’re trained for, Tanya. Besides it’s not a lesser this time, it’s a full demon. There’s much less left to chance with them. Maybe I’ll show you some of my smooth fighting moves when I get back,” he added, trying to make her smile.

  “When do you go?”

  “Pretty soon. We’re scheduled to meet at moonrise. Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine. I promise.”

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he rested his head on top of hers and breathed in the clean scent of her hair. Exhaling, he closed his eyes, realizing for the first time in his life he had more than just his duty to come home to, and he silently prayed his promise was one he could keep.


  Jared raced into the clearing behind the abandoned pump house. The others were already gathered, so he phased back to human form as he crossed the open field.

  He caught Aidan’s attention, and from the corner of his eye he saw his brother approach, and he met him halfway.

  “About time, Jared. Hard to pull yourself away from such domestic bliss?” he teased.

  With a roll of his eyes, Jared flipped him the bird. “Jealous much?”

  “You wish,” Aidan snorted, punching him in the shoulder.

  The two fell into step and walked the rest of the way in silence. As they approached the others, a somber disquiet fell over the group. Some were stretching, others paced in anticipation, but they all knew it was time.

  “So, you ready for this?” Aidan asked quietly, his mouth a thin, grim line.

  Jared’s lip curled. “Always.”

  He clapped his younger brother on the back, and they walked to the center of the group.

  “Okay, now that we’re all here, this is the plan of attack. The demon was spotted not far from the first campsite. We’ve already run a preliminary perimeter check, and found a few animal carcasses, but nothing too major. No humans involved, as of yet. We want to keep it that way, so let’s move.”

  They all bristled for the hunt, and as Aidan spoke, the tension in the air was palpable.

  “We’re going to split into two groups. I’ll head one, and Jared will head up the other. We’ll maintain contact the usual way, but keep it concise and on target. We can’t afford to lose focus, and there’s always a chance the demon can pick the thoughts right out of our heads.

  “The only consolation with that is it’s reciprocal. If it can read ours, then we can read it. Be aware. Full demons are cunning shifters, but remember, its scent will give it away if it tries anything funny.”

  Phasing on signal, the groups took off in separate directions, running opposite but equal maneuvers. They would keep to the heavily forested areas out of the line of human sight, unless it became necessary to interact.

  Time seemed to drag as the wolves circled. A few stale scent trails led a couple of scouts on a serpentine, wild-goose chase. It was obvious this demon was smart, and it had laid false trails in anticipation of pursuit. They had never faced an enemy this clever, and the strain was beginning to show.

  “Aidan…anything?” Jared asked as his group finished its third, consecutive loop. No one said a word, but they all knew the longer it took for them to find and kill the demon, the higher the death count would be.

  “Not yet. Keep looking. Split up, if you must. If you come across anything, do not engage until backup is close. This one is too smart for any of us to go it alone.”

  Jared took Evan and Kyle, and then sent the other three in his group to search by the river. He headed along the trail edge closest to the second campsite. They were about to turn back when Evan whined, covering his snout with his paw.

  Jared’s nostrils flared, and the scent filling his nose was like fetid decay.

  “EW! That’s got be it. Talk about raw sewage in July! Ugh!” Evan’s thoughts were as loud and clear as his obvious discomfort. He rubbed his muzzle in the dirt trying to clear the stench.

  Every one of them was on full alert looking for further signs of the demon’s whereabouts. They had to be close. Ears up and fur on end, they picked their way through the underbrush, not wanting to give their position away before getting a clear bead.

  “Aidan, it’s here somewhere in Campsite II. We can smell it, but we’re not sure where it is.”

  “Jared, stay low and don’t move. We’re looping around toward where you are.”

  “Wait…Aidan, we got visual!”


  “Too late. It has one of the campers. We need to strike…NOW!”

  Jared sprinted into the campsite with Evan and Kyle close behind. It was deserted compared to the crowds of people already enjoying the start to the summer at the first site.

  Crouching down, they made their way around the back of the cabin where the demon had been spotted. The stench surrounding the small wooden structure was overwhelming, and they knew this was it.

  The three large wolves crashed through the windows of the cabin, landing in perfect attack formation. The fiend barely acknowledged the intrusion as it continued to busy itself with its prey.

  It had masked itself well, cleverly taking on the form of a buff, teenage male. It had its victim on her knees in front of it, using her as a human shield to hinder the wolves’ attack.

  The girl was completely enthralled, and from the look of things, the demon had made easy work of luring her into one of the abandoned cabins.

  She was naked from the waist up, her tee-shirt and bra strewn across the wooden slats of an empty camp cot. She worked the demon’s thick organ with her mouth. Blood trickling in small rivulets from where the demon had sampled her tender flesh. She was completely oblivious.

  The demon turned its head, its fists wrapped tightly in the girl’s hair. It sneered at the wolves as they snarled and snapped, knowing they wouldn’t
attack as long as the girl lived.

  Baring his teeth, Evan took a step forward.

  “Evan, no! The girl is in the way!” Jared growled.

  The demon turned its red slit eyes toward Jared, and without breaking its stare, snapped the girl’s neck.

  At the distinct crack, the girl slumped forward. Jared sprang into action, attacking full force. His jaws locked onto the demon’s upper arm, crushing both bone and bicep, while the other two aimed for its legs. They needed to wound it badly, so it couldn’t vanish. If they tore enough pieces out of its body, it couldn’t dissolve.

  The demon backhanded Kyle, sending him crashing into the wall. Evan leaped for its arm, tearing it from its socket. The demon shrieked and shimmered to another form. Its body reshaped, and it healed itself as the wolves looked on in horror.

  A massive eight foot being, unlike any they’d ever seen, emerged. The transformation healed the demon’s injuries, and it stood contemptuous, its goat-like features scornful as it taunted the wolves.

  Its skin was covered in pallid scales that slithered of their own accord, whenever the demon moved. It was winged, and its feet and hands were clawed. It mocked them, rubbing its member as it swung, thick and pendulous, between its legs.

  Howling in frustration, Jared’s muscles coiled as he reared back, launching for its throat. The demon grabbed him by the head, but instead of breaking the wolf’s neck, its red eyes bore into Jared’s blue ones. The wolf’s body shook as if tasered.

  Jared yowled in pain as the demon tore through his thoughts, searching his memories. Then, with an evil smile, it vanished.

  Aidan and his group thundered into the cabin just as Jared slumped to the floor.

  “Where is it? What happened?” Aidan barked in annoyance. “I told you to wait for backup! Now the girl’s dead and it got away!”

  Jared got up and howled in anger. “God in heaven, no! It’s going after TANYA!”

  He took off at lightning speed, racing through the woods. His mind worked furiously as he ran, trying to decipher any shadows left in his head by the demon’s mind. The clock was ticking, and a clear path to the demon’s thoughts would give the wolves the advantage they needed.


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