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Santa Material

Page 8


  “Okay?” She pulls the sheet to her chin as she looks down at me. “Then what—”

  I pull the ring box from behind my back and hold out the platinum band with the large ruby in the center and emeralds all around it.

  Her eyes water as she stares at the Christmas gems, the ones worn by every Mrs. Claus, and the ones that belong to her now, if she’ll accept me.

  With a shaking breath, I ask the question of my heart: “Lil bit, will you marry me?”



  Years later

  “Noelle.” I call for my daughter. I can hear her little giggles as I enter the stuffed animal assembly area. This place is her favorite out of all the workshops. All the elves are working hard to get the last of the gifts ready to go. Mac will be taking off soon. “Has anyone seen an adorable little girl?” I ask. “She has pigtails and a shirt that says Permanently on the bad list.”

  “Nope.” Tinsel Tim shakes his head, a twinkle in his eye.

  “No idea who you’re talking about,” the elves all say without looking my way.

  “Noelle is on the bad list? I’ll have to fix that,” another says under his breath.

  “I see she has you all wrapped around her little finger, too.” When I’d found out I was knocked up, I was worried about how a baby would do up here at the North Pole. That worry was short lived when Noelle came into this world. She’s never lacking for attention, and Christmas magic runs through her blood. The elves fussed over her the moment she came into this world, and they adore her still.

  I thought Cinnamon Stick was annoying before I got pregnant, but he took it to a whole new level once he found out I was expecting. But I have to be honest, Noelle adores her Uncle Stick. He may not admit it, but I know he feels the same way about her. It’s written all over his face. He lets her get away with murder. Always covering for her.

  I rest my hand on the small baby bump that has already formed with our second child. This one is a little boy. The plus side to having a baby at the North Pole is that I don’t have to do anything for the pain. A little bit of magic is like a shot of laughing gas.

  “We aren't snitches,” Mistletoe Mary says. Her button nose wiggles.

  “But we do stitches,” Candy Cane singsongs as she sews a bow tie onto a white teddy bear.

  “Ah! I get it.”

  Noelle pops up from inside of a box filled with beanie babies. A bunch of them fall to the floor as she continues giggling at Candy Cane’s joke. Sylvester jumps out beside her and scurries off to hide elsewhere.

  A smile spreads across my face at the sight of them. Noelle has what looks to be dried chocolate all over her face. “Mommy,” she says before stretching her arms out, wanting me to pick her up. I walk over to help lift her out. She’s getting too big for me to carry her anymore.

  “Let’s go see Daddy. He’s leaving soon.” I hold her hand as we leave the teddy bear workshop to head over to the barn. Elves are rushing around, trying to make sure everything is done now that the sun has finally set. The Christmas lights bring our little village to life at night. It definitely is magical here. Noelle wiggles her nose, and snowflakes start to fall. I’m pretty sure she has more magic than anyone here.

  I pull the handle of the giant barn door, bringing into view the reindeers who are being fed. Mac looks up from the clipboard in his hand, a smile pulling across his face when he sees his girls. He’s more handsome than ever.

  “Daddy!” Noelle takes off on a dead run toward him. Mac drops the clipboard and catches her in his arms to pepper kisses all over her face. My heart flutters at the sight of them together. He is not only Father Christmas to the world but the most loving, caring and hands-on dad to our baby girl.

  “Don’t be giving the reindeers cookies.” Cinnamon Stick pops up out of nowhere as usual. Noelle sticks her tongue out at him.

  “Have a good trip, Daddy. Don’t forget our tree,” she says, getting another kiss before Mac puts her back on her feet.

  “I’ll have to check the list.” He teases her as she runs over to help one of the elves with Comet, her favorite reindeer, who I have no doubt she is about to sneak a cookie to.

  “How did I do?” I walk over to my husband. He pulls me into his arms.

  “I’ll give you your present when I get home.” He drops his mouth down onto mine. It is kind of a tradition for Mac to ravish me when he gets home. Who am I kidding? He’s always trying to ravish me.

  When we’d gotten married on the eve of Christmas, we barely got to say our I dos before he had to be on his way to save Christmas for the rest of the world. There was only enough time for me to fix his sleigh before he was in the air. I also tease Cinnamon Stick that I saved Christmas. All the elves made it up to us the next night by throwing us a reception where I got to properly meet everyone that is now very much my family.

  I think knowing that I’m home waiting for him helps Mac pick up the pace when he’s on his route. Every year he seems to beat the past year’s record.

  I moan into his mouth as he deepens the kiss.

  “We can all hear you,” Cinnamon Stick mutters.

  I laugh, and Mac releases me with a grin. Everyone might think Santa is sweet and innocent, but I know the truth. Mac gives my ass a squeeze.

  “I think everything is all set,” he tells me. “I hate leaving when you’re knocked up, lil bit.” He runs his hand across my stomach.

  “I’ll be fine. Candy Cane is coming over.”

  Mac lifts his brows.

  “We’ll stay out of trouble, I swear it.”

  “Sure you will.” He lets out a deep chuckle that rolls through my body and makes our baby boy give a kick.

  “She’s still a single elf, so I'm sure she’ll bitch about Tinder while we binge on cookies.”

  Mac narrows his eyes on me. I shake my head. “I’m not going on Tinder. Let it go! It was an idea I had years ago!” I fight a smile, enjoying his jealousy way too much.

  “You’re mine.” He leans down and kisses me again. This one is harder and filled with possession.

  “It’s time to hit the road,” Cinnamon Stick announces. I stick my tongue out at him the same way Noelle did earlier. I catch her out of the corner of my eye brushing cookie crumbs off Comet’s mouth. I step back as they hook up all the reindeer and pull the sleigh out of the barn. Everyone starts to gather around to see Santa off.

  “I love you.” He drops a kiss on Noelle's head before giving me another long one that gets a few cheers.

  “I love you too, big guy.” I step back from the sleigh and take Noelle’s hand in mine as we watch Mac take to the sky. In all my wildest dreams, I never would have thought this would be my life.

  “How old do you need to be to have a sleigh license to fly?” Noelle asks.

  “Why?” Cinnamon Stick jumps in.

  “Cause I’m gonna be Santa one day like my daddy.” She tilts her chin up.

  “You’re a girl.”


  “Santa is a boy,” Cinnamon Stick points out, making Noelle roll her eyes at him.

  I only smile, knowing anything is possible if you want it bad enough.

  “Don’t mind him, Noelle. No matter what anyone tells you, always remember that girls have all the magic.” She smiles up at me before we both turn and stick our tongues out at Cinnamon Stick.

  Mac lets out a hearty ‘Ho Ho Ho’ from high above, and magic swirls around us, making our Christmas bright, merry, and full of love.

  Epilogue 2

  “I’ll have an extra shot of rum in that cocktail, if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure thing.” The server hurries away, his footsteps silent in the white sand.

  The ocean plays its calming tune of waves and seabirds as I relax into my chaise. I close my eyes, just enjoying the sun and the palm trees gently swaying overhead.

  My jingle phone wakes me, and I realize I dozed off for long enough that the sunset is blazing bright over the cerulean waters. Reaching for my
drink, I take a sip before I stop the jingling by tapping the Answer button.

  “How’s it going?” I ask.

  “You left me in the lurch bigtime.” Cinnamon Stick fumes. I can see him now, glaring at me as the little bell on his hat tinkles.

  “Look, I saw an opportunity, and I took it.” I take another big gulp of my drink.

  “Playing dead and leaving your hat like that was a dire breach of protocol. You know the rules.”

  “I know.” I sigh. “But I was tired of the gig, and you know it. Besides—” I look up as Cindy, the love of my life, walks over, her beautiful gray hair swept up in a bun beneath her wide-brimmed sun hat. “I had some important business to attend to.”

  “Relaxing in the Bahamas isn’t important business,” he huffs.

  “Maybe not to you.” I pat my lap and Cindy sits, then takes a sip of my drink. She’s so beautiful, her eyes just as bright as the first time I saw her many, many years ago on Christmas Eve. A single mother hoping for Santa, hoping for the magic of Christmas. I delivered more than just the gifts that night, if you know what I mean. Then I waited for her for years. She couldn’t come to the North Pole and leave her children behind. So I had to bide my time.

  When that expert tinkerer Jocelyn thought she’d killed me, I took the out. I disappeared, found Cindy, and both of us started a new life where we could be ourselves. Somewhere away from the winter chill. Somewhere warm.

  “I know you’re angry, Cinnamon. But you’re going to have to get over it. It’s done. And from what I hear, the new Santa did a great job this Christmas.”

  “He did. He and Mrs. Claus are absolutely perfect together. She runs the workshop; he embodies the soul of Christmas. They are a dream. All the elves are in love with them. In fact, there’s so much love in the air that the Christmas spirit is the strongest it’s ever been.”

  “Then what do you want from me?” I pat Cindy’s ass, admiring every bit of her.

  “I was only calling to inform you that this Jingle Phone will be deactivated in short order. We wish you well from the North Pole. Of course, you’re aware that you may never reveal the nature of your role as Santa. If you do, I’ll send Elf Team Black to take care of you for good.”

  “I’m aware of the rules.” I sigh and finish my drink. “It was good working with you, Cinnamon, and I’m glad the new Santa is filling my shoes even better than I did.”

  “Thank you for your service. Goodbye, Santa.” The line goes dead, and the phone melts into a burst of snowflakes that melt in the tropical heat.

  “Trouble?” Cindy raises a brow.

  “No. We’re free, and I’m exactly where I want to be.” I cup her cheek and pull her in for a kiss.

  * * *

  Happy Holidays from MINK!

  If you want more sweetness and snow, read the Blushing Brides Series!

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  Also by MINK

  Stealing His Bride

  I can take care of myself. I always have. For that matter, I’ve also taken care of my best friends Aurora and Clover. Keeping them safe has landed me with a concussion after our car accident thanks to a wayward lynx.

  On top of that, I seem to have landed in a handsome man’s bed. Not just any man, Barrow attends to all my needs and never wants to leave my side. He’s big, brawny, and possessive, and I find myself falling for him more by the minute. The lodge is a safe haven that I’m quickly wanting to call home. But my self doubt creeps in ,and I start to think maybe I’m imagining Barrow’s attraction to me. After all, Aurora’s the star of our group, not me.

  But the more he dotes on me, compliments me, and gives me those heated looks I feel down to my toes, the more I realize he’s genuine and that we could have a real future together.

  When I get a job offer that’s hard to turn down, will I choose love or life outside the lodge?

  Claiming His Bride

  Performing onstage in front of tens of thousands of fans is a rush, without a doubt. But one look from Diego sends an even hotter thrill of excitement through my veins. He’s huge, a man of few words and hungry eyes. No matter how much I try to get him to open up to me, he won’t. So, I have to change my tactics.

  This mountain lodge is full of mysterious men, and Diego is the one I’m desperate to solve. He’s madly protective, but he won’t get close. Pushing him over the edge has become my main goal. I tempt him with skimpy outfits and my signature chocolate cake.

  My plan is going perfectly until my biggest fear comes true. I thought I would be safe out here in the snowy wilderness with Diego. Was I wrong?

  Knocking Up His Bride

  It came out of nowhere. A huge cat in the middle of the road. We swerved to avoid it and crashed into a snowy tree, ending our road trip early and stranding us far from the local town, in the middle of a snowstorm with another on the way. How can a pop star, her assistant, and her best friend survive in a snowy wilderness? Short answer is: they can’t.

  But then *he* came out of nowhere. The big guy with the gruff voice and the sharp eyes. The eyes that are always on me. I have to trust him, to accept his rescue of my friends and me, but the more I get to know Charles, the more I realize I need him. Maybe we landed at the lodge with these mysterious mountain men by accident, but Charles makes me believe it was good luck that brought us here.

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  But when an old threat follows us to the lodge, Charles reveals his particular set of skills, deadly ones. Can I accept the man who treats me so sweetly but can kill without a thought?

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  I live in a haunted house. Well, at least that’s what the bloggers and ghost hunters think. The legends about the house on Raven Ridge aren’t true. But when I find Sienna in a chat room and read her words of interest in my house, I take an interest. And once I learn more about her, I know I need to get her here by any means necessary. So, sure, I play into the “haunted” rumors.

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  Until strange things start happening. . . Sounds, feelings, and creepiness that grows by the day. I always thought the stories about the ghost of Raven Ridge were made up nonsense, but this October, I’m learning the past is alive, and I’m in a race against the clock to keep Sienna alive, too.

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dvantage. And I do. I take it all. But I also want to give her something I’ve never offered to anyone else. When she finds out who I really am, will she accept my heart or leave me empty handed?

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  I meet my new bride while her husband’s blood is still cooling on my hands. Bella, the Carrera daughter with the sharp tongue and the bright eyes. She thinks she’s nothing compared to her younger sister, but she’s wrong. Bella is everything, and I’m going to prove to her that I’m worthy to be her husband. Once I’ve exacted my vengeance on all who seek to take what I’ve fought and killed for, I’ll have my beauty on her back, panting my name, and thanking the Virgin I claimed her as mine.


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  I never wanted to come back here, never wanted to see any of these faces. Old friends and enemies—sometimes one-in-the-same. But I had to come. One last time. It’s hard enough as it is, but then I see him. The reason I’m here, the man who took my brother away from me. He may be the most powerful man in Italy, but right now, I don’t care. Right now, I want him to hurt the way I do.


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