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Page 18

by Burk, William

  Owen is standing over the bodies talking with guards. "This is only the beginning. A warning yes but this is a declaration of war and we will not take this sitting down. We need to find them. Right now we're sitting ducks and they've made a mockery of our security efforts." I hear from Owen saying as I close distance to him. Seeing Brandon and I, Owen stops any further talk and gestures us over.

  "Tell me you have some useful information to tell me about the car," He asks.

  "Only that it went east on the highway. The lights vanished in that direction" I answer.

  "Shit, at least we have a direction. But we can't take that for granted either. They were able to get into our perimeter and with a zombie no less. They may have driven the vehicle east as red herring. We're still at fucking square one here.

  Shaking his head before speaking further. "Get some food and rest. Tonight I'm sending you and Alan to stake out the highway going east. I'll be sending teams to the other highway on and off ramps. The primary goal is to report their incoming to command if they show themselves and try to follow them to camp. If you can help it do not engage unless ordered to or you're forced to." He begins to walk away before stopping suddenly. "Take extra ammo, food and water.Be prepared for anything."


  Chapter 25

  It's early evening when I awake to a tapping at my room's door. I open the door To find Alan standing there with an armload of food. "Dinner in bed is served! Now hurry up, get dressed and eat. I want to get set up for watch before the sun is gone" He says as he steps into my room and unloads the food onto my desk.

  "Sure, come on in" I say after he's already in the room.

  "I've got guns, ammo, more food, and batteries already loaded in the vehicle waiting for us," He says on his way out.

  "Uhh OK" Is all I think to say as I watch him hurrying down the hall. He doesn't stop to acknowledge I said anything.

  Closing the door I pull my pants and boots on taking a mouthful of food between each. I grab a sweater and make my way out of the building while tying the hoodie around my waist. The days are warm but overnight the temp still drops enough that I would prefer to have a sweater on hand.

  "Over here!" Alan shouts to me as soon as I step out of the building. Impatience showing on his face. I almost respond to tell him to chill out but then I remember what all occurred last night and bite my tongue. I pick up my pace and jump into the passenger seat while Alan is already starting the car. He shifts into gear before I manage to get my seat belt on.

  "Command, this is team Echo heading for our post" Alan calls over the radio. Noting the use of military lingo which is unusual. I ask "Team Echo. When did we start using code names for the teams?"

  "Since our enemy is human and could be listening in. We're team Echo to signify our post watching over the eastbound ramps" He says.

  Shrugging I say "Makes sense I guess. What are the specifics for the night in regards to checking in and what not?"

  "We're to check in every Fifteen minutes. You already know the rest of our orders" Alan barks out.

  "Report any incoming Rats, and if outbound we're to follow them to their nest." I say

  We cover the remaining distance to the highway in silence. At the highway, we pull the car off the shoulder hiding it behind a group of trees. When the sun is down the dark blue of the Toyota sedan will be next to impossible to spot from the road. And from here we can see the two ramps albeit we don't have a great view on the exit ramp. We have enough view to watch for anyone using it which is all that's needed tonight. The on-ramp we have an excellent view of and have the car set up in such a way to allow for easy following eastward. So we set up for the night. We pull out a couple of camping chairs. Set them up side by side with each of us taking watch over a different direction and settle in.

  The night is quiet and warm with no reports of Rats. We use a specific radio channel for our check-ins as do the other remote post teams. So we know no one has been seen around any of the highways. Out of curiosity, I switch my radio to the common channel every so often. Just to confirm nothing is going on at campus either. It feels as if half the night has passed in this manner and all things remain clear. I don't think anyone was expecting for events on back to back nights. But I was sort of hoping to avoid having to hang out here every night on watch.

  "Piss break," I say quietly to Alan as I stand up and make my way further into the trees. On my way back to the chairs I stop by the car grabbing a couple of bottles of water. I hand Alan a bottle of water as I return . Just in time for the radio to spring to life with chatter.

  "All remote teams. Be prepared for incoming hostiles. Last seen heading north one vehicle with three Rats. Stop them at any cost. Do not follow them, eliminate them by any means necessary." Owen's voice is loud and clear as he repeats the message. Voices from the other remote teams give confirmation of the new orders.

  Locking eyes with Alan I drop the bottle of water and run over to the car. Alan on my heel. Grabbing the automatic rifles and extra magazines. Confirming the rifles are locked and loaded. We head onto the highway and over the stone barrier in the center. Kneeling some fifty meters away from each other we brace the guns on the cement walls. This time however we're both facing the on-ramp. We're ready to light up anyone or any vehicle that comes into view.

  The tension is thick enough to scoop up with a spoon as Alan and I wait. We're straining our ears listening for the sounds of vehicles and met with only the sounds of the night. Several minutes pass as I take turns wiping the sweat off each of my hands onto my pants.

  "Remote teams, Report" The radio demands.

  Alan is the first to respond. "Team Echo. No contact"

  Following Alan, the other two remote teams report the same. My curiosity begins to get the better of me as I reach for my radio. Intending to switch my channel over to the campus line. With my thumb and finger on the knob, I freeze at the sound of a running engine coming closer. Meeting Alan's eyes confirming he hears it as well.

  "Team Echo, Confirmed sound of the incoming vehicle. Will engage" Alan calls in quickly dropping his hands back to his rifle and calling over his shoulder to me. "Safety off, fire when I do"

  Clicking off my safety I aim down the rifle sights listening to the sound becoming louder in the night air.

  "Team Echo, take no prisoners. Take out all hostiles. Team Sierra get to Echo's position ASAP!"

  "Roger that. ETA five minutes" Team sierra calls back.

  " We don't have five minutes. Be ready James this is on the two of us" Alan shouts to me. My hands are trembling in sync with my racing heartbeat. The runner in me that used to train based on heart rate zones wonders what zone I'd register at currently. I'm guessing a zone five which is a full out sprint to reach. A moment is all I'm allowed as the car comes zipping into view. The headlights are off and it's coming along the highway rather than coming from the on-ramp. My hand twitches on the trigger but doesn't squeeze yet. I fight against the panic as Alan opens fire at the same time as yelling out to me.

  "Open fire!"

  I take another breath reminding myself 'me or them'. Shaking my head I bear down on my rifle taking aim at the moving car that has sped up since the initial shots from Alan. I pull the trigger unleashing round after round into the car for the space of a breath. Letting up on the trigger for a moment I firm my grip again firing in bursts as I was trained to do. Aiming for the driver's side of the car. Between Alan and I, not a window remains un-shattered. Both driver side tires have been shot out and the car comes skidding to a stop not far from our positions. From this distance, I'm able to make out the figure draped motionless over the steering wheel in the driver's seat.

  Alan and I stop firing as the car sits motionless.

  "Bang, Bang, Bang." Gunshots erupt from the car. The bullets strike harmlessly into the cement barrier. Behind which, Alan and I are kneeling. The shots go wide as well. It's unlikely the shooter knows where we are. I think back to what Owen reported. Three hostiles total in the
car. We have one dead and one shooting, One remains unaccounted for. The sound of the car door closing pulls me out of my distraction. Focusing back on the task at hand. From what I can see it appears the shooter is crouching behind the passenger side of the car using it as a shield.

  "vehicle stopped near Echo ramp. At least one Rat returning fire. one hostile down. and one unaccounted for." Alan speaks into the radio.

  I fire off a few rounds and duck behind the barrier as the shooter returns fire much closer to me this time. I look at Alan gesturing that I'm going to move further down the road for a better angle. He nods his agreement and fires off a few rounds of his own. The barrier isn't tall enough for anything but a bear crawl. Not great for covering distance quickly and I fall flat on my face more than a couple of times in my haste. Fifty meters down from where I began I pop up and take a look at my target. I am able to see the back of the shooter but only just, I do not have a clear shot. Without thinking of the danger I hop over the barrier. Staying low. I move further into the center of the road. Aiming down the rifle every step prepared to begin firing if the shooter turns in my direction. Or when I have a good line of sight. Five more steps watching the Rat. Just one shooter and he is staying occupied with Exchanging fire with Alan. I begin lining up my shot estimating almost a hundred meters. I take a breath.

  "Bang" A gunshot echoes from the trees on the side of the road. The shooter drops their gun and freezes. Almost comic-like before dropping to the ground. Holding my position as two figures rifles held at the ready rushing to the car. I watch them as they check the vehicle and body on the ground before they fire three more times. One-shot for each of the Rats confirming they won't get back up as zombies.

  "All clear. Three Rats exterminated" Radio goes off in my ear.

  Taking a breath I stand up arms held wide. My gun hangs over my back by its strap. I make my way slowly over to them as does Alan. Alan is already calling into command when I walk into the circle of the group.

  "Three hostiles down. No injuries. Team Sierra is here with us."

  "Great work. Clean up the mess and make sure the bodies and car won't be found. Then get yourselves back to base for debrief." Owen responds over the radio.

  With the help of team Sierra, we manage to drag the shot-up car off the highway and into a garage of a house near the on-ramp. Definitely left a trace with the blood pools and the scrapping from the shot out tires on the asphalt. But not a whole lot we can do about that. We don't exactly have spare tires or tow trucks handy. The bodies we dump in the middle of a random field. I had advocated for burning but the smoke would have been to easily seen. Plus the light from a fire a night is visible for miles.

  The sun is up and shinning by the time we return to base and find out what happened. A four-man team of Rats was caught sneaking around the campus. The guard that happened upon them managed to injure one of the four with a shot to the leg. But the other three were able to make it to their vehicle and fled north. The captive was moved into one of the teaching buildings where Owen and a small group of the guard have been since. I decide to follow Alan when he heads in that direction. Walking into the front lobby of the building we find Brandon alone.

  "What's going on?" Alan asks.

  Brandon answers slowly as if thinking carefully over what to say. "We caught a Rat. He's in the side office with Owen and John interrogating him now. You can wait here but I can't let you go in. strict orders from the boss"

  "Fine, How long have they been in there?" I ask.

  "A couple of hours, " Brandon answers.

  Alan and I choose not to wait and head out to wash up and grab breakfast. After eating I make my way back to the building crossing paths with Owen and Alan on my way. Seeing me Owen takes a breath before addressing me. "Suppose you want the full story too?"

  I nod and he continues.

  "Well, I'm going to give you the quick of it. We caught the Rat. We made him talk and now we know where they are living and what their plans are."

  "And" I begin to ask but Owen cuts me off.

  "And we needed to stop the other three from making it back to their camp. You and the rest of the guard did good work last night. We now have a chance to take the fight to them. And with a little luck this war can end in our favor." He finishes with a reluctant grin.


  Chapter 26

  I spend the early morning hours tossing and turning in bed before drifting into a fitful slumber. Reliving the events of the night over and over again. I wake up with a cold sweat during the early evening. Lacing on my boots I grab my bottle of water and head out of the dorms. On campus, everything appears more or less normal. Folks walking hither and thither . Chatting among themselves, getting food, and working the farm the same as any other day. The sun drifts lower in the sky. The gentle breeze makes for a relaxing atmosphere and with that mood. I go in search of friends to waste away some free time. I find Sarah and Adam both near the field turned to farm along with the rest of the farming group. Adam and Sarah along with most of the civilians have taken to working the farm. Some others handle the cooking, cleaning and a small few are working their way through the library. They're pulling any books that may contain useful information. We have books on agriculture, woodworking, metal working, medical textbooks, and even books on animal husbandry.

  Catching Sarah's attention she grabs Adam and the two of them head in my direction. "Hey, guys" I greet them each with a fist bump. "How are things with the farm? Harvesting anytime soon?" I ask.

  "A few weeks still to go" Adam answers.

  They both give me a grave look and clearly bite their tongues holding back questions. I glare in return. "Fine, I'm fine and yes all the rumors are true." I say even though I haven't heard any of the rumors. I know for the most part word of the guard's doings always gets out quickly and is mostly accurate.

  "So the Rat we caught was beaten?" Adam says in a matter of fact manner.

  This catches me off guard. I know nothing of beating him but thinking back it makes sense. That's why Owen gave strict orders that no one enters the room. That's why Owen was in there so long and how he got his information. The shock must have shown on my face for Sarah's next words were.

  "You didn't know?"

  "I mean it makes sense but no I was exhausted from the night's watch and the fighting for my life. I guess it just didn't occur to me how Owen got information from the man."

  "Let's grab some dinner yeah?" Adam asks quickly, changing the topic and walking away before either of us has a chance to respond.

  Shrugging I grab Sarah's hand and follow Adam to the food court. The cleaning crew finished cleaning it just a couple of weeks back. And it is now used as a dining hall once again. Though not for college students anymore but for us. If you concentrate you can still smell just a trace of the rotten food. But generally, you don't notice unless you go looking for it. During the meal, our conversation mostly deals with who is hooking up with who and other such gossip. Afterward, the three of us take a walk around campus. No particular goal in mind just enjoying a peaceful spring evening. The tension of the coming days is a constant in the back of my mind. But I'm determined to make the most of this time with my friends while I'm able.

  "James! Owen and Alan are looking for you." A young boy calls out to me as I round the corner of the dorm building. Only just now returning from the long walk with Adam and Sarah.

  "Where are they? I ask.

  "Command center" The boy responds. The boy is one of only a handful of children, the youngest being nine years of age. This one, in particular, is a little freckled thirteen year old by the name of Harry. Teasingly everyone calls him Weasly due to his semblance to an actor from a popular movie series. I cast my goodbyes and apologies to Sarah and Adam and stride over to the command center. Which is really just a classroom but it works out well enough with the chalkboards and what not. I walk into the room to find Owen standing at the window gazing off into the distance. I knock on the door frame to get his attentio
n. Startled out of his reverie he turns to me.

  "James! There you are. I had people looking all over for you for the past hour, Where have you been?"

  I shrug my shoulders before responding "Went for a walk and tried to enjoy my evening."

  "Outside of the perimeter?" He asks with squinted eyes at me.

  "Yup, I was armed it's fine," I say with a smug look on my face daring him to chastise me for it. He considers his words for a minute before responding.

  "I don't like it but whatever. From now on though I'd appreciate it if you kept a radio on you at all times not just when on duty."

  I shrug my acceptance. I knew it was only a matter of time. I think I'm the last of the guard that doesn't already carry a radio at all times. It was a precedent I set early on in my guard training. It hearkens back to my days working in IT. Where I always refused to put company email on my phone nor give out my personal cell phone. If I was needed you would call the on-call and if it wasn't me then too bad.

  "What'd you want to see me about? And where is Alan I heard he was looking too." I change the topic.

  "Went looking for you. It's fine we can proceed without him. He already knows everything I'm about to tell you and the plans moving forward."

  "Plans?" I question.

  "Yes, I sent a team this morning to check the camp location we got from the captive and keep eyes on them for the day. I sent three guards and one has since returned to report. The information we extracted was good. We have their location now. And we're striking at first light tomorrow. We're ending this.


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