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Forbidden Lies

Page 2

by Vanessa James

  “What the fuck.”

  I just stood there nodding as I listened to the two men talk.

  “I don’t know what my dad’s issue is, but he tried to kill me, and I’m fearing for my life still,” I told him, finally speaking up.

  “I see. Well, if you’re not on his side, you’re on our side. That works for all of us,” Drew said.

  “Yeah well, I don’t think I want anything to do with my father after what he just pulled,” I admitted.

  I was scared to go home. I knew that I would be leaving the life that I had here behind.

  “Where’s my dad? I saw his motorcycle here,” Caleb asked.

  “Oh yeah. Darren is upstairs in the main office. He’s been waiting for you to come back, but I’m not sure if he knows you brought a girl,” Drew said, grinning lopsidedly.

  “Oh, he knows. I’m sure my dad is pissed I brought her, but she’s on our side. She’s with us, so I’m not going to let him bother me about that,” Caleb said.

  I was glad at least that Caleb could stick up for me. But I could sense he was a bit worried about what might transpire, and I didn’t blame him.

  “Anyway, is there anything else that needs to be taken care of like right now?” Caleb asked.

  “I’d say check with the scouts, but for the most part I think we have it all covered,” he said.

  “Thanks, I certainly will.”

  Caleb walked into the room next to us, and I quickly followed. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Caleb, I just felt better knowing where I was going with him in tow. It made me feel more reassured, in my own way of course.

  When we got over to where the scouts were, they stopped what they were doing, looking at Caleb with shocked eyes.

  “You made it! We were worried you were dead,” one of them said.

  “No, I’m fine. How are things?”

  “Not good. The Skulls are in one of the neighborhoods nearby, and they tried to kill more of our men,” another guy said

  “Yeah, I know. She’s one of the victims,” Caleb explained.

  “I’m Mary. Yeah, apparently my dad is in control of the Skulls, and I’m the luckless daughter,” I said.

  “I see. So, you must know her then,” one of them said.

  Know who? I looked at Caleb, and I then saw the expression on his face change.

  “Wait, so that’s who Zephyr is?”

  “Of course. We heard Zephyr had a daughter with connections to that dammed priest, but I guess that’s not just a rumor,” one of the scouts said.

  What the hell was he talking about? I looked at Caleb, who simply nodded.

  “I see. Well, I guess we’ll see her when it’s time to attack,” he said.

  “See who?” I inquired.

  “You’ll understand when you see them. You don’t have to worry about it till tomorrow.”

  What the hell was Caleb talking about? Who were we to meet? I wondered if I really did now the woman they were referring to, but then, Caleb left my side, talking in whispers with the other person there. I wanted to find out what he was saying, but he kept his mouth mostly shut. When he pulled away, he looked at me with a smile.

  “Sorry about that. We had a couple of personal things we needed to discuss. Don’t you worry though, everything is fine,” he told me.

  I didn’t think everything was fine. I had a feeling there was much more to this than what they were saying, but it’s not like I could ask him about it. However, the subject was quickly dropped as Caleb grabbed my hand again, showing me some of the different places in the MC.

  It was much bigger than I had initially thought, with sprawling rooms and the like. I felt slightly nervous just being there, but Caleb’s presence reassured me. He didn’t leave me once. I mean, maybe it was because this was where he ruled, and he didn’t want me messing with things, but I could tell that he was also proud of what he had accomplished too.

  After we finished the initial tour, I noticed Caleb stop at the door on the second floor.

  “Alright, I guess this is it. Let’s go in,”.

  I could sense he was nervous, but I looked at him, trying to offer him some kind of reassurance. I knew for a fact that this was definitely going to change the way things were as well.

  Chapter 4:Caleb

  I felt scared, but not because it was my dad. I was mostly worried about how she would handle meeting Zephyr later on. It wouldn’t be tonight, but we’d run into her at some point. I had a lot of worries, and a lot that my mind needs to focus on, but I wanted to believe that deep down, everything would be okay. Or at least, that’s what I hoped.

  As I opened the door, I noticed a man sitting at his desk, looking at us with a small smile on his face. It was almost comical.

  “There you are, Caleb,” he said.

  “Hey, Dad.” I paused for a moment in an attempt to calm my nerves. “This is Mary.”

  “I had a feeling it was her. Hello there, my dear.”

  The grin never left my father’s face. I could tell that my dad was curious about her. However, I could also see the look of fear in her eyes but she definitely put on a brave face. I was proud of her.

  “Hello there. So you’re Caleb’s dad?”

  “Correct. My name is Darren, and I’m the true head of the MC here. My son, there reports to me.”

  “I see. I’m Mary. You probably know my dad.”

  “Unfortunately we all do. Didn’t know that he had a daughter though. That was news to me.”

  “Yeah well, I’m the daughter he tries to forget, and not to speak about. I’m the one he likes to hide,” Mary said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I know that my boy will take real good care of you. However, I want to know the truth, before we agree to let you into our MC,” my father said, the expression on his face hardening.

  “What do you mean?” I replied.

  “This question isn’t for you Caleb. It’s for Mary. You’re my son, and you do as I say. Mary, do you really like Caleb? What is it that you like about him? Is it just because he is my son? Or is there something more?” my father asked.

  What the hell kind of question was that? I couldn’t believe my dad was doing this, asking her why she was with me like some overbearing parent. But then, I heard Mary speak.

  “Honestly, Darren, sometimes I wonder myself. I wasn’t sure what I saw in Caleb at first. I mean, he saved my life from the men my father sent to kill me, and I know that he has a grudge with The Skulls, but … at the same time, he’s the first person I’ve ever been close to, someone that I’ve always felt a connection with. The two of us we … like hit it off right away.”

  I looked at Mary, and then at my dad.

  “So you do really like him, correct? I just don't’ want you to feel manipulated or anything?”

  “Dad, what the fuck.” This situation was really fucked.

  “Quiet their, Caleb. This is a question for her, not for you,” my father bellowed in response.

  I grimaced but remained silent. However, Mary seemed confident in whatever was going on.

  “No sir. I’m not being manipulated whatsoever. This is something I’ve agreed to and something I want to focus on. I know that it isn’t easy to understand. I don’t expect people to get it, but if there is at least one person who accepts my feelings for Caleb, I’ll be quite happy,” she said.

  I looked at her, shock settling in.

  ‘So you really do … like me” I asked, feeling slightly stupid the moment the words passed my lips.

  “Of course I do, Caleb. Why wouldn’t I? I mean, I trust you enough to go with you. And I know that this is all a mess. I feel like you’re part of an MC that is a bit different from what I expected but … I’m not scared. I just want to be with you guys, to support you all, and to help as much as I can. I can tell you stuff about my dad, about what he’s up to. Maybe we can use that information to plan our next move.”

  I looked at Mary, surprised by her words. Even my old man appeared surprised and that was a on
ce in a decade kind of thing. He simply sighed, getting up and extending his hand to Mary. The slight grin from before had inhabited his mien.

  “I can tell you love my son,” he said.

  “Love? What the hell was that? I didn’t know what to think. I mean, I’m kind of scared to fall in love, but then, I noticed her take his hand and smile at him.

  “I wouldn’t say that, but I trust him,” she replied, offering me a small wink.

  Thank god. Neither of us was falling in love yet.

  “So, do you know what we do? We’re a motorcycle gang. Our goal is to keep everything under control. We own a large business that I oversee. Caleb helps out with any of the bad apples,” My father explained, paying absolutely no attention to me.

  “I see. I don’t really condone that, but I also don’t want you to think I hate you guys. I just don’t see myself working in that line of work,” she explained.

  I honestly didn’t either, and I could tell my dad was slightly displeased by that.

  “Very well. Whatever you want to do is ultimately up to you,” he said.

  “Thank you, sir. I just don’t want to get embroiled in something like that. I’m here with Caleb, not for anyone else,” she said.

  I looked at Mary, and she grinned at me with reassurance. Fuck, I might end up falling for her after all. My dad seemed to understand it too.

  ‘Very well. Thank you for that there, Mary. You have my support,” he said.

  “So what’s the plan then? What are we going to do about him?”

  “Well, your dad, Bart, and I go way back. He’s one of the great rulers of this city. He’s a dastardly man too, always looking to ruin everything. I mean, there are a few things that we can do, and few things I do suggest we don’t,” he said.

  “Like what?”

  “For starters, we plan our attack tomorrow. Zephyr is coming in, and she’ll be able to give us some intel. But the goal here is to take out The Skulls. That means, killing. Both of you are … fine with that, right?” my father asked.

  I looked to Mary, who seemed a little more uncomfortable with the idea of killing than I was.

  “I am fine. I want to make sure that we take care of the problem before it gets worse. I don't’ know if I can fight, but … my dad tried to kill me. For the first time, I feel like I have a purpose with you guys, and that’s something that … that I really enjoy,” she explained.

  “I see. Very well then, I do believe that settles it. I think it makes sense that you’re on our side then. You’re a part of our team now, and we’ll help you as best as we can.”

  “Dad, are you sure this will be okay?” I asked. This was all going so fast. I could barely comprehend how everything had gone so much better than I had expected.

  “Course. She’s on our side. You’ll watch over her, so she doesn’t get into trouble, right? I trust both of you. And, Caleb, we’ll discuss how this business will be conducted after this. Right now, it’s an emergency. We’re trying to hold our ground as best as we can, but I don't’ know how much longer we can maintain it. For now, I would like both of you to rest. I would like for you to help Mary get acclimated to our space, and I’d like to have her meet Zephyr tomorrow,” he said.

  “Very well. Thanks, Dad.” And I meant every word. Did the old man have a soft spot? I just couldn’t believe it.

  “Thank you, Darren. You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll help out as much as I can,” Mary said.

  “That I can agree with. I know that you’re worried father, but we’ll help out as much as possible,” I added.

  “Great. See you two around. I’ll be using this office tonight. I had to hide my tracks, so I used the chopper to get here. Right now, I do believe we have to take care of the situation with Bart before we plan our next move.”

  “Alright. We’ll see you tomorrow, Dad. And uh…thanks,” I said.

  “For what?”

  “For not kicking Mary out. She’s been through a lot and … It’s much appreciated.”

  He chuckled throatily.

  “Of course! I mean, I can see you’re sure of yourself there. Both of you. So it makes sense that I approve of this. You two need not worry. I’ll help as much as I can,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I told him again.

  “Yes, thank you,” Mary agreed.

  “Anyways, run along now. I’ll wrap things up here. We’re going to have to take care of a few supporters too,” my father said.

  I didn’t approve of the way my dad handled things more often than not. In fact, I felt a little unsure of whether this was going to work, or if it would fall on our faces. But, when I looked at Mary, I saw that she was determined to make this all work, to be by my side, and I could tell that she was definitely going to stick around.

  I smiled, feeling happy about this, ready for whatever would come our way. I didn’t want to back down, and I didn’t want this to be the end for any of us. I had a feeling that no matter what, this would all be okay.

  Chapter 5:Mary

  After we met with Caleb’s dad, I felt better just sticking around here. I didn’t feel like I would get hurt.

  It’s weird, for a guy who runs a motorcycle gang that controls most of the city, they all seemed very nice, in a sense. I didn’t feel like I was being judged, nor was I harassed by any of them. Instead, they saw me as a comrade, a partner in crime, and on their side.

  While I didn’t know whether I wanted to stay on their side or not, there was no way I was going to let this go. I wasn’t going to let my dad get away with any of this. Caleb stayed quiet, and I could sense that he was worried about something. We went to one of the side rooms.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just … I’m surprised you see me in the way that you do,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean is … you actually accept all of this. Accept me for who I am, and you’re not worried about whether or not it’s right or wrong.”

  I mean, I was a little bit scared of what might transpire next, but I also wasn’t going to let things go by the wayside.

  “You’re right. I’m not scared, Caleb. I want to help as much as I can.”

  “Thanks, Mary. You know, I do like that you’re honest about this, that you care enough about the way things are to change things for the better. I know that your dad did a lot of damage to you, but I can sense that you’re trying to overcome the trauma,” he told me.

  In a sense, I was. I didn’t know what to think about all of this, or what would happen next. My thoughts were racing, but Caleb seemed to understand, in his own way, and that’s what made it easier.

  “Well, it’s weird. I’m worried about what my dad may do in retaliation, but in terms of the actual decision to finally step forward, to do something about him, that all felt nice, and it felt real,” I told him.

  “Good. I’m glad,” he said to me.

  The tension between our bodies was growing heavier and heavier, and I could tell that Caleb still had his doubts.

  “I’m a bit hesitant though. I’m surprised my dad took so kindly to you.”

  “I don’t know, a part of me thinks he’s happy with your decisions, Caleb. I know it’s weird, but we have a plan in place. I think it’s safe to say that you guys trust me,” I said.

  “Which is what’s weird to me. My dad is not like this. He’s usually always hesitant of who I bring to this place, and that’s what worries me,” Caleb admitted.

  I could understand that. I mean, I’m the daughter of the enemy.

  “I think it’s because your dad knows that I’m not a bad guy. He knows that even though it makes zero sense, it also is right to let me stick around, to help others and make it work,” I said to Caleb.

  I truly believed that Caleb’s dad just wanted his son to be happy.

  “I just wish he’d understand that. While I appreciate his support and help, he doesn’t need to babysit me all the time. And that I don't’ want to stay her
e and work with him. I want to live my own life, and make things work out in their own way.”

  “I think that’s honorable. I think it’ll all work itself out, in its own weird way,” I said.

  He looked at me, smiling.

  “It’s so weird. You’re the opposite of what I expected to fall for. I always thought it would be some chaotic girl with a whole track record of bullshit, but you are similar to Zephyr, I’ll give you that,” he said.

  Who the hell was Zephyr?

  “Caleb, can you tell me something? Who is Zephyr? Would I know her?” I asked.

  He looked at me, and then laughed.

  “Yeah, in a sense. She’s a girl who my dad’s brother is seeing. She’s a part of our team. She’s one of the top motorcycle riders in the state. And right now, she’s gathering intel for all of us on what your dad is doing,” he said.

  “I see. So I do know her then.”

  “Yeah, you do. It’ll all make sense later on. But for now, just accept everything as is,” he said.

  “Got it.”

  I couldn’t help but feel he was being cryptic with his words. Caleb looked out, sighting.

  “By the way, would you rather we … drove somewhere? I don’t like staying here. The atmosphere makes me anxious,” he said.

  “Sure. But is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just my dad is a bit overbearing, that’s all.”

  “Yeah. I can tell. You’re anxious about it.”

  “It’s not that I dislike him, he’s just a bit of a hardass. He only wants what’s best for me, but his definition of that is making it so that I’m always under his clutches,” Caleb explained.

  “Shit that’s annoying.”

  “You’re telling me. I just … I need a break. There’s a small area that I think is safe from The Skulls.”

  “Sure, let’s get over there,” I offered.

  We got on the back of Caleb’s bike that was at the MC and drove off. I could tell Caleb was anxious, but he seemed calmer the moment we were out of there. He turned the bike to the right, going up a hill until we got to the top, where a small house was.

  “What is this?”


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