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Tamed Under The Moon (Wolf River, ID. Book 4)

Page 6

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

"I'm starving."

  Whiskey whistled and another large male took his place at the door.

  She followed him across the dance floor to a private booth in the corner. Affina sat facing him. She beheld his striking features, wide high cheekbones, deep skin tone and plump lips and hazel eyes that contrasted it all.

  "If you just got here," he said. "What are you doing out alone? The city can be confusing."

  "I... do not want to be coddled. I'm used to doing for myself."

  He nodded. "I've never actually seen a saber before. I assume your clans tend to keep to themselves."

  "We did." She swallowed hard. "Now I wonder if that was wise. Maybe if we'd allied with the other clans there wouldn't only be two of us left."

  "Two?" He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "What happened?"

  Affina looked down at his hand, large enough to cover hers completely. "Can I get some water?"

  He gave her a crooked grin. "Of course. I'll be right back." Whiskey got up from the table and his tall muscular figure stalked to the bar. Every inch of him moved and rolled like a wolf on the prowl. In his tight t-shirt and low-slung jeans, she watched the bunching and unbunching of his muscles as he moved.

  She'd never been exposed to other species growing up. In the last five years, she'd seem them all though. Watching her father beg for sanctuary had been more than eye-opening. Especially as one by one they had all refused to get involved.

  Whiskey returned with water and a bowl of small flat food and red sauce.

  "I'm sure this isn't what you're used to," he said. "But it will get you started. I ordered you some tacos."

  She picked up one of the small triangles. "What is this?"

  "It's a corn chip. You dip it in the salsa." He picked one up and scooped the salsa onto it and then popped it in his mouth.

  Affina did the same. She crunched down on the chip and it broke apart in her mouth. Heat rose from her tongue and she choked. It burned up the roof of her mouth and through her nose. She coughed and grabbed the water. She chugged it down in large gulps.

  "Are you okay?"

  She nodded. "Hot."

  He chuckled. "Yeah. It's a little spicy I guess but I got the mild."

  She sucked air into her lungs and laughed. The taste was explosive but good.

  "I like it."

  Whiskey smiled and ate another chip.

  The music stopped as the band took a break.

  "What kind of music is that?" she asked.

  "It's called Mariachi. It's from South America."

  She nodded and dipped another chip in the salsa.

  "So you're a saber. Are you staying with the lions?"

  She shook her head. "No. I'm staying with the other saber here."

  He watched her for a moment. "I take it you don't like him."

  Her chest squeezed. She dipped another chip. "We were close once, or so I thought. But... he's different now."

  Whiskey nodded. "It happens. It's why I left Wolf River. I love it there but... I wanted to see what else was out there. My mother didn't like that. She wanted me to stay and mate and raise my young there."

  "And you don't?"

  "No, it's not that I don't want to. It's more that I want to make sure when I do go back and raise a family I don't regret anything."

  "How long have you been here?" she asked.

  "I left Wolf River about six years ago. I was eighteen."

  "Do you miss it?"

  "I do. But I also know that every day I spend here, is a day that brings me closer to making the decision to go back and be truly happy with that decision. But until that day I'll keep doing what I'm doing."

  "What about you?" he asked. "Now that you're here, what do you want to do?"

  She chuckled. "I just got here but I'm trying to figure it out too. What I want to do with the rest of my life. Who I want to be."

  "You didn't have a job before?"

  She shook her head. She suddenly felt silly telling him she'd been a princess. After everything she'd been through it sounded so trivial.

  "Well, I'm sure you will figure it out. From what I heard your friend has quite a bit of money. I'm sure he'll help you out."

  She scoffed. "Yes, his money I've seen."

  Two large platters filled with various colors arrived on their table. She looked them over and her stomach growled and her saber drooled.

  "If you aren't that hungry you can take what you don't finish home with you," he said.

  She looked up at him. "Not finish? I was going to ask if I could get a second platter."

  Whiskey laughed and shook his head. "Man I miss seeing women really eat."

  Whiskey picked up a taco and took a large bite. Affina followed suit. The flavors burst in her mouth.

  "These are really good."

  Whiskey nodded. "Thanks. I try hard to make sure our food is authentic."

  "You own this establishment?"

  Whiskey nodded. "It's small, but it's mine."

  "Did you have a place like this back in Wolf River?"

  He shrugged. "Sort of. My mom owns a diner with my sisters-" He stopped and swallowed hard. "My sister, Hannah. My younger sister died."

  She reached out and squeezed his hand. "I'm so sorry."

  He gave her a tight smile. "Yeah, me too. She was a sweet kid."

  Affina could see the pain in his eyes. "I lost my mother and my father as well as the rest of my clan. I know your pain."

  He looked at her for a moment and then chuckled. "Look at me making the conversation all dark. I'm sorry."

  "No. Don't be sorry. It's been a very long time since I've had a real conversation with someone that didn't involve wondering where we were going to get our next meal and if we were even going to be alive in a week's time."

  He shook his head. "I can't even imagine that. I guess I take for granted how sheltered we were in Wolf River. Sure we've had our share of squabbles with other packs but none have ever dared to attack and kill us off."

  Affina's saber paced thinking about what they'd been through. "So tell me about Wolf River. What's it like?"

  They talked for close to an hour while eating. By the end, she wanted nothing more than to find a place to shift and run free for a while. "Wolf River sounds nice," she finally said. "I barely remember what it's like to run free without being chased."

  "You are welcome to run with me any time. Or if you just need some peace and quiet I know of some great places outside the city."

  Affina smiled. "I'd like that."

  Whiskey returned her smile. "Of course we'd need to make sure your host was okay with it. I wouldn't want to start a problem with him and my pack."

  "I am Affina Tigra of the Saber Mountain Clan. My host has no say over what I do."

  Whiskey nodded. "Of course. But here in America, it's common courtesy to ask. Especially since your host is a good friend of my Alpha and his family."

  Back home her father was the only one she answered to. Now that he was gone, she answered only to herself. But Whiskey was right and she didn't want him to get in trouble with his pack.

  "All right," she said finally. "You may talk to Razor, but in the end, it is my decision, not his."

  Whiskey smiled. "I believe you."

  Chapter Eight

  Raze loosened his tie as he entered the elevator. All through his meeting and even after, while standing at the corner and hailing Marissa a cab he'd wanted to go home with her and release his tension between her legs, but his body- and saber- had other ideas. He was like a man used to eating hamburgers but his body had suddenly decided he no longer liked them. His brain told him that having sex would relieve his tension, but every other part of him felt physically ill at the thought of being with anyone other than Affina.

  His anxiety over having left her alone, and the grumbling of his saber, had made him cancel his other meetings and head straight back to his apartment.

  Not once had Marissa's advances or flirtations, or the look in her eyes produced even a
tremor of desire in him. That hadn't happened once since he'd come of age. He'd taken up to three women in a day in the beginning. But now his saber slumbered when in the presence of any woman except Affina. Unless he was grumbling, growling or snarling.

  He sighed. Affina. He needed to apologize to her. To explain. But how could she ever understand what it felt like to be a slave when she never had been? She'd called him servant. A member of the clan. But she had been the only person to ever treat him as such. As her father had given him money and shoved him through the passage he'd been shouting commands at Raze. Never asking. Never once showing concern for his well-being. He'd made his demands clear and what was expected of him. Confused, afraid, and alone Raze had boarded a ship and headed across the icy ocean.

  He walked to the living room and threw his tie on the couch with his coat jacket. He ran his hands over his face and looked toward the guest bedroom. His saber sat up and looked toward the room as well. Dick.

  Affina had been the reason he'd persevered all those years. The thought of her joining him had been his one and only motivating factor. Until the thoughts of her threatened to consume him and he'd forced himself to move on- or at least bury them.

  Minutes passed with him staring at her door. Together he and his saber waited for any sound to come from that side of the apartment, but none did. A twitch of anxiety twisted Raze's gut and his saber growled.

  He walked toward the guest room perking up his hearing. Not even a heartbeat came from within. His steps quickened and he knocked on the door.


  No answer.

  He pushed the door open. "Fina?"

  Again no answer. Raze swallowed hard and his saber leaped to its feet and paced back and forth.

  "Affina!" Raze called.

  He ran to his room and sniffed the air. She'd been in his room. He skimmed it and his eyes went to his open closet door. He walked to it and scanned the clothes. His shirts had been pushed aside. His gaze fell on his old leather slave jerkin and he swallowed hard. Turning from his closet he noticed the open nightstand drawer. His gut clenched.

  He ripped it fully open. His money clip lay on top of his bottles of flavored lube and boxes of condoms, He thumbed through it. A couple thousand dollars were missing.

  He slammed the drawer and lifted his phone.

  "Hello, Mr. Edge. How may I be of service?" asked a female.

  "I had a guest with me. Tall, brunette, beautiful. Did you see her go out?"

  "Yes, sir. She was looking for food. I gave her my purse to put her money in."

  Raze covered the receiver and swore. He took a deep breath. "Do you know where she went?"

  "Sorry, sir. I asked if she wanted a car but she didn't. I gave her my card though in case she needed anything."

  Dammit! Raze banged the phone receiver on his forehead and then hung up. He paced his bedroom. She could be anywhere. With anyone. She'd been more than capable of taking care of herself before, but she was in Seattle now. A new country on a new continent. What would happen if she got lost? Or if she got picked up by the police? How would he even find her? How the hell could she be so stubborn? Didn't she realize how dangerous it was to just go walking around on the streets at night?

  His saber growled deep inside.

  "Shut up," Raze said. "This isn't my fault."

  His saber disagreed.

  Raze sat on his couch a glass of scotch in his hand and the bottle half empty on the table. His phone rang and he raced to the kitchen and lifted it.


  "Mr. Edge this is Brittany from the front desk. Your guest is back but she doesn't have a key-"

  "Give her one."

  "Will do. Thank you."

  Raze hung up. She was back. She was fine. His saber still scowled at him in anger. Raze had spent the last four hours pacing, worrying, and finally drinking. He ran his fingers through his hair and straightened his clothing. The bell rang and the elevator opened. He took a deep breath and then walked around the kitchen wall to the entrance.

  "Thank you again," Affina said. "I appreciate your concern for my safety Whiskey."

  Raze stopped dead at the sight of a large male standing in his entryway. His saber lurched to life and Raze's fangs descended into his mouth.

  "Who the hell are you?"

  The man's back straightened and Affina whipped around and her eyes narrowed.

  "This is Whiskey. He saw me back safely."

  Raze advanced.

  Affina stepped in his path. "Don't."

  "She was lost in the city," said Whiskey calmly. "I got her off the street and helped her get some food, nothing more. She told me you were her host and I brought her back."

  Raze looked between them. "Host. Is that what she told you I was?"

  Affina's shoulder straightened. "I thought that I might offend you if I told him you were my father's slave sent here to secure us a domicile."

  Raze growled as shame washed over him. Seeing Affina with another shifter, a wolf, made his saber gnash its teeth.

  Whiskey cleared his throat. "Like I told Affina, I don't want any problems between us. I know you are a friend of Jeremiah and Logan's. I'm from Wolf River myself. I was simply helping the lady out."

  Affina turned to Whiskey. "You did nothing wrong. I appreciate your help and apologize for Razor's inhospitality. There will be no problems, as I said earlier."

  He was from Wolf River. One call and Razor could confirm that- he could also cause major problems for Whiskey if he wanted. Logan and Razor had been close for several years and he was pretty sure Logan would take his side if there was an issue. But that wasn't who Razor was, he reminded himself. And Whiskey had saved Affina from possibly getting into worse trouble.

  Whiskey's gaze moved from Affina to Raze and back. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

  Affina hugged Whiskey. "Razor would never hurt me. He knows better."

  She turned and her gaze fell heavily on Raze and for a split second, he saw doubt in her eyes. The idea was a slap to the face. She thought he could possibly hurt her? He stepped away refusing to let her see how much that stung.

  "I'll check on you tomorrow," said Whiskey.

  "I don't have a phone but as soon as I get one I'll call you."

  "You know where I am."

  "And I'll let you know about this weekend," she said.

  There was a rustle of clothes brushing together and Raze dug his nails into the wall to keep from turning around and seeing her hug Whiskey again. She'd always been very affectionate. As far as cat clans went, sabers were an affectionate bunch. But she'd never been affectionate with anyone besides her father, mother, and him.

  The bell to the elevator rang and Raze waited until the door closed before turning to look at her again. She stared at him for a moment and then headed toward her room.

  Raze rushed forward and grabbed her hand. "Affina, please."

  She stopped.

  "I'm sorry. When I got back and you were gone I freaked. Just the thought of you out there alone... And then you were here and he was with you and..."

  Affina stepped forward. "And what?"

  "And... this is my territory," he blurted. "You don't just bring other males into my territory."

  She stared at him for a minute and then stepped close. "And my territory now as well."

  He searched her face. Beautiful, strong, passionate. She leaned in and his heartbeat thundered. He wanted to grab her. To pull her lips to his and make love to her on the shag carpet, claiming her. Making it known that she was his and he was hers and no one would ever come between them again.

  Her eyes burned into him. He reached for her, ready to tangle his hand in her long dark hair and press his lips to hers. But at the last moment, she turned her head and sniffed his shirt.

  Her eyes narrowed. "Hmmmm."

  He saw the wheels turning in her head again. She walked out of his grasp, back toward her room.

  Baffled, he stared after her. "What the hell does th
at mean?"

  She continued on.

  "Affina! What do you mean by that?"

  She closed her door and the lock clicked.

  Dammit! Feelings swirled inside him mixing his thoughts into a bowl of dark soup.

  Part of him wanted to break down her door and force her to submit to him. Another part wanted to beg her to forgive him. The last part wanted to run from his apartment and go screw someone.

  Minutes passed and finally, he strode back to his bedroom and slammed the door. It had been so much easier when he was a slave.

  Raze awoke to the sounds of screaming. Affina! He raced out to the living room his heart thundering.

  "Affina? Affina!"

  Raze tried the door handle but it was locked. He banged on the door. The screams cut off abruptly and he pressed his ear to the door.

  "Affina, are you all right?"

  A shuddered breath sounded beyond.

  "Affina, open the door."

  Silence stretched out for several moments.

  "I'm fine," she finally called. "I apologize for waking you."

  He tried the handle again. He could break it off, but if she really didn't want him to come in he didn't want to force her.

  His saber grumbled.

  He pressed his palm to the door trying to connect with her through the wood. "Fina, let me in," he begged.

  He listened to the sounds of the sheets rumple as she tossed them aside and her footsteps padded to the door. He waited for her to unlock it, but she didn't.

  "Fina. Please let me in." He closed his eyes remembering the feel of waking up with her in his arms the previous morning. "Fina-"

  "Good night, Razor." Her footsteps headed from the door and the bed creaked as she lay back on it.

  He banged his forehead on the door. More than once she'd slept by his side. And more than once he'd been whipped for the privilege. Though nothing had ever happened between them, the feel of her body near his had been a comfort he'd not felt since.

  Raze backed away slowly, his saber whining to be near her. Until she saw him as more than just a slave there was no way he could bury the walls he'd erected around his heart.

  Chapter Nine

  Affina awoke to Razor speaking to someone. She rose from her bed and wrapped the sheet around herself before opening the door.


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