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Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1)

Page 17

by liberty freer

  I slip my hand between us to circle my clit. Nick begins to thrust a little faster, telling me how good I feel around his dick as he picks up speed. When I’m not able to keep up, I wrap my legs around his waist and tilt my pelvis up.

  The sound of our fucking fills my ears. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls so that my neck is stretched to the side. He nips at my neck, my ear, and then my bottom lip. Goddamn, this feels good. So fucking good. I press against my clit as he thrusts harder and harder, and then I squeeze my eyes shut and cry out as an orgasm rips through me. He slows down his pace as I contract around him.

  When I come down from it, Nick pins my wrists above my head and kisses me fiercely as he thrusts in and out.

  “Fuck,” he grunts against my mouth and then he’s pulling out to spill himself on my belly.

  I watch his hand as he pumps all of himself out. Sweat drips from his hair to his chest. His tan skin is glistening like the first time I saw him with his shirt off. He’s so fucking hot.

  Breathing heavily, he drops down next to me, propping himself up on his elbow while I use my shirt to clean myself up. His fingertip starts at my neck and lightly trails between my breasts and then he traces around each sensitive nipple.

  “Fucking gorgeous.” He leans over and licks each pebbled peak. “And mouthwateringly delicious.” His hand moves to cup me between my legs. “I didn’t get to taste this, though. Ready for round two?”

  I smirk. “I’m always ready.”

  Chapter 23

  Nick Cabot has some serious stamina. After round three, he leaves me a boneless mess to head downstairs and grab us water. I quickly rinse off in the shower, my mind replaying how amazing his tongue felt. The memory tempts me to reach down and touch myself, but I’m still so sensitive from the multiple orgasms Nick’s mouth graciously gave.

  I’m changing into sweats and a tank when there’s a knock at the door. “It’s unlocked!” I shout as I search the bed for my lip ring. I glance over my shoulder as the door swings open.

  Aiden rubs the back of his neck. “Can we talk?”

  Seeing him standing in the doorway looking uncomfortable has me remembering the whole reason Nick ended up in my room. What happened with Tilly and Aiden completely slipped my mind. I almost laugh out loud. Nick fucked me into oblivion. I step out into the hall with Aiden, closing the door behind me. My room smells like sex and sweat. “Sure, we can talk. Your room?”

  As we approach Aiden’s door, Nick steps around the corner holding two bottles of water. “Hey.” He holds out a bottle to me and winks. “Thought you might be thirsty.”

  I lick my lips. “I am. Thank you.” I take the bottle from him. Warmth spreads throughout my body as we stare at each other.

  “Gonna talk to Hayley for a minute. Think Rocco was looking for you,” Aiden tells him. “Him and Tilly were going out somewhere.”

  “Do you know where?” I ask, peeling my gaze away from the guy with the magic mouth.

  Aiden shakes his head. “They didn’t say.”

  “I’ll find out and let you know,” Nick says.

  “Thanks.” I wink at him before following Aiden into his room. I should probably feel weird I slept with Aiden’s best friend, but I don’t. Just like I don’t feel bad for sleeping with him after only knowing him for a week. My parents had sex the first day they met and were together every day after that. Not that I think Nick and I will be together forever.

  “I wanted to apologize, Hayley.” Aiden drops down on the couch.

  “Apologize?” I take the chair, glad twins can’t read each other’s thoughts. I don’t think he’d appreciate the graphic details of Nick’s mouth between my thighs.

  “I wasn’t thinking about you at all. Nothing in my life has changed, but for you, everything has.”

  “Yeah. Everything has.”

  “I feel like a dick for earlier.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll always be honest with you, Aiden. Even if it might hurt your feelings. I’m not leaving yet. I’ll stay for the two months as per the agreement with Nora. I want to get to know you, Liv, Colt, and John, but I can’t live with you guys forever.”

  “I get that. Maybe I can check out some colleges in Tennessee next year.”

  “Really?” I smile, liking the idea of having more family close by, and Aiden is my twin. I have a twin fucking brother. “That would be cool.”

  “Yeah?” he asks, sounding hopeful. “That doesn’t freak you out?”

  “No. You’re my brother.” I lean forward. “Colt too. I want to get to know both of you, but someone should always be around when I’m near Liv. She’s a handful.”

  He laughs. “She is. Sophia is incredibly good with her.”

  I chuckle and then sigh. “I need to find Tilly. We haven’t fought in forever.” I get to my feet and so does Aiden.

  “One more thing. Tomorrow. Mom’s family is intense but they’re good people.” He rubs his chin. “Rocco said you might bail. I think Tilly mentioned it to him or something.”

  “Surprisingly, that hadn’t crossed my mind. But yeah, I can’t guarantee I won’t lock myself in my room if they hate me.”

  “They won’t hate you. They’ll have opinions about… everything, but they love you.”

  “They can’t love me. They don’t even know me.”

  “Are you worried?”

  I scoff and then grin. “No. I don’t care if someone doesn’t like me. That’s life.”

  He smiles. “They might try to get you to come back with them.”

  “That’s not happening.” I back up toward the door. “Let me go find out where my sister is before she does something reckless.”

  “Okay, so, we’re good?”

  I nod. “We’re good.”

  I move across the hall to knock on Nick’s door, but no answer. My phone’s in my room, so I head that way. I push my door open and walk into a nice surprise. Nick is in my bed and shirtless.

  “How’d it go?”

  I drop down beside him. “Fine. Did you find out where Tilly is?”

  “Her and Rocco went for a ride. She needed some space.”

  “And Rocco to the rescue. I know you said he’s a good guy, but he’s a sixteen-year-old boy with a life of privilege. My sister is in way over her head.” I laugh because I’m in over my head. I’ve never been the casual sex type, but I don’t expect us to commit because we gave in to our urges.

  “Stop overthinking everything.” Nick grabs me around the waist, pulling me to straddle his lap. “I think you need some stress relief.” He kisses and sucks at my neck.

  “Hm,” I hum, tilting my head to the side to give him better access. “I think I do.” Just because I’ve never done the casual thing doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it. I let Nick relieve me of my stress, and damn if he isn’t amazing at it.

  Chapter 24

  I wake up to my alarm going off way too fucking early, but luckily, I actually slept last night. I’m not going to tell Nick. He was cocky enough when he slipped from the room late at night after giving me so many orgasms I lost count.

  We didn’t use protection. I know I don’t have any STDs and Nick said he didn’t either. I guess we’re already trusting each other. I’m also trusting him to pull out which probably isn’t very smart even though Nick insisted it’s fine. I might need to look into birth control if we keep this up, even though I hate the side effects it causes me—weight gain, constant headaches, and spotting.

  I’m scrubbing my teeth clean when I hear a woman calling my name. I step out of the bathroom and see Claire setting a bulky metal case down on my dresser along with two cups of Starbucks.

  “Hi, Hayley. Are you ready to get started?” She hands me a cup. “Mrs. Westling isn’t a fan of coffee, but I thought maybe you were?”

  “Yes, a big fan.” I take the cup from her and sit on the edge of the bed. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. I don’t see how people function without it.”

  I take a few gu
lps of delicious coffee. “By get started do you mean makeup?” She nods. “I like my makeup light, almost non-existent.”

  “Gotcha. What’s your makeup routine like now?”

  “Eyeliner and mascara.”

  “Okay. I’ll keep things simple.” She winks. “Unlike last time.”

  I watch as she opens the metal caboodle type case, displaying a makeup store. She examines my skin and then pulls bottles, brushes, tubes, and eye shadow pallets from the case.

  She looks up at the ceiling and frowns. “Do you mind doing this in the bathroom? The lighting will be better there. I’m assuming there’s a vanity like in the other bathrooms?”

  “There is.” I head in, kicking my dirty clothes and towels to a corner and then sit down on a cushioned stool while Claire sets everything onto the vanity.

  Soft brushes gliding over my skin, Claire’s soft humming, and the fact it’s not even seven, has me in and out of sleep while Claire works.

  “There. Tell me what you think.”

  I turn around to face the mirror and smile. “Wow. It’s perfect.” My skin looks flawless but not fake, my eyes are sparkly and awake. I wouldn’t normally wear pink eye shadow, but this is more a gray-pink, and it’s applied just right. I place my nose and lip ring back into place.

  Claire smiles. “A little rebellious, I see?”

  I pop my shoulder. “I’m just being myself. I like my piercings.”

  Claire pulls the dress from my closet and holds it out to me. “You are going to look stunning. I think your hair would look beautiful pulled up to show off your neck.”

  “That works. I usually wear it up.”

  She hangs the dress on the back of the door to take my hair, pulling it in different directions. “I think I have an idea.” She smiles. “I’m so lucky I get to work with you. You’re the perfect model. So pretty.”

  I sip my coffee while she styles my hair into something that reminds me of a Viking. There are braids and twists. Parts of my hair are down while others are up. My naturally wild hair seems to work perfectly with this hairstyle.

  “What do you think?”

  Grinning, I turn my head from side to side while facing the mirror. “I love it. I look like a warrior.”

  “Exactly, a warrior princess.” She gives me a look like she knows exactly who I am, and then she heads into the bedroom while I slip on the dress.

  The dress fits snug against my skin and brushes against my feet. I’ve never seen a dress like this. There is lace, glitter, and beads. The back is open, so I go bra free.

  “Holy shit,” Claire whispers. “Sorry, you look... wow.”

  I move into the room to see myself in the full-length mirror, and Claire is right, wow. I look fucking amazing—fierce. I smile. Nora’s going to hate it.

  I slowly turn to Claire, careful not to move too fast. “I feel like if I move, my hair will come undone.”

  “It’s not going anywhere. I bobby pinned and hair sprayed the crap out of it. Move freely.” I notice something sparkly in her hand and frown.

  Claire holds up a crown covered in diamonds. “This is the last piece.”

  “Yeah, I’m not wearing that.”

  “It totally goes with the warrior princess look, and Nora will kill me if you don’t have it on. Please. I don’t want to lose my job,” she begs.

  I sigh. “Fine. I’ll wear it in front of Nora before I take it off.”

  Claire smiles. “Thank you.” She motions for me to sit down. “It’ll only take a second.”

  I drop down to the bed while she places the heavy crown on my head and tightens the strap around the bottom. She steps back, and I swear she has tears in her eyes as she takes me in.

  I inhale a deep breath. “I guess I should go check on my sister.” I haven’t heard from her since our fight. Aiden text me when she got home last night, but I didn’t want to push her to talk if she wasn’t ready.

  Claire nods. “Nicole was assigned to your sister. She’s probably ready.”

  There’s a soft knock at the door. “Hayley? Are you in here?”

  I instantly tear up. My baby sister looks so grown up. Her dress is light purple and floor-length. Tiny crystal beads cover the heart-shaped top. Her normally straight hair hangs around her shoulders in soft waves, and her bangs have been pinned back with a sparkly clip. “You’re beautiful, Tilly. Seriously.”

  She grins. “You are always beautiful but…” Her eyes cut to Claire.

  Claire smiles. “My work here is done. I’ll step out and give you two some privacy.” She grabs her coffee from the dresser. “I’ll come back for my things in a bit.”

  “You look like a real princess!” Tilly squeals, once we’re alone. “I love the crown.”

  Any concern I had about her being angry with me is gone. “Me? Tilly, you look like a princess and so grown up.”

  “I am growing up. I’m not a kid anymore, and I want to go to that school, Hayley. It’s an amazing opportunity.” Her blue eyes sparkle with hope.

  I need to let her make her own choices even if they aren’t my choices. It’s what Mom would have done. “I’ll miss you, but you’re right, you need to make this choice for yourself.” Nora wants her gone, and maybe it’s better she isn’t around the crazy bitch.

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I told Nora to book the ticket. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  I feel like the air has been knocked from my lungs. I force a smile even though tears pool in my eyes. “I didn’t know it would be so soon. You’ll be in another country.” My brows draw together. “Doesn’t a parent need to sign paperwork for you to go to a different school? How does that work?”

  Tilly shrugs. “Nora said she took care of everything.”

  “Maybe I should go with you for a few days?”

  “Rocco’s coming with me. His parents have a house near the school. He knows the area and is going to help me get settled.”

  My eyes widen. “Things are serious between you two? Are you being careful?” One day she’s doing makeovers with her friends, and the next, she’s falling for a guy.

  “Rocco’s great. I like spending time with him, but we aren’t there yet.”

  I internally sigh with relief. “If you get to that point and have questions, I’m here.”

  “I think it will be a while. I’m definitely not ready for that. We haven’t even kissed.”

  I find that strange because he’s a sixteen-year-old boy who touches my sister every chance he gets. Maybe he’s one of those touchy-feely people. Maybe he’s not interested in my sister like I thought he was. He’d be an idiot not to be into her.

  “Hayley. Are you listening to me?”

  I blink. “Yes. No, what?”

  “Are you ready? Nora wants us downstairs for breakfast by eight. Your family will be here soon.”

  “Has Nora been nice to you?”

  “I haven’t talked to her much besides her offering to pay for school.”

  “Okay. That’s good. If today sucks, let’s play food poisoning and meet in my room.”

  Tilly laughs. “It’ll be fine. You’re meeting your family. They are going to be so happy to see you, Hayley.”

  Chapter 25

  My sister’s words play out in my head as we make our way downstairs. “They are going to be so happy to see you, Hayley.” If Nora is anything like her family, they will hate me too. Maybe Nora will convince them I’m not Anna, and Tilly and I will be asked to leave. That thought doesn’t make me as happy as it did a couple of days ago. I don’t know how I feel about that. I guess getting attached was inevitable. They are my family. They want a relationship with me. They won’t abandon me like so many foster families did, right?

  Aiden and Nick are sitting at the kitchen island that’s covered with trays of breakfast foods. Aiden’s wearing black slacks and a button-down shirt the same color as my dress. His hair is gelled in the plastic way I’m sure Nora likes. He looks handsome. Nick is wearing gray jeans with a darker gray shirt, a light gr
ay tie, and a black vest. He looks delicious. Dressed up but with style.

  Nick basically eye-fucks me. He silently mouths, “Fucking sexy.”

  I grin and mouth, “Same” to him. He glances down at my feet and chuckles lightly. I narrow my eyes in confusion.

  “You look great, Hayley,” Aiden says. “And so do you, Tilly.”

  Nick pulls out the chair between him and Aiden. “Better eat up so you can stomach today, princess.”

  “Stop. It’s not going to be that bad,” Aiden says with a smile. “You’re going to make her fake being sick or some shit.”

  I laugh as I sit down because that is my plan. Tilly takes the seat next to Aiden and grabs a chocolate chip muffin.

  “No shoes?” Nick whispers in my ear as his hand settles on my thigh over my dress.

  “I’m inside. Why would I need shoes?” I look down at his feet to see he’s wearing black sneakers. Aiden has on loafers, and Tilly has on white flats. I’m the only one without shoes.

  Nick grips my dress, inching it up until he can slip his hand under. His fingers instantly find my sex, and I raise a brow. He smiles and rubs his fingers back and forth over my silk panties. I lean my chest against the island edge to hide Nick’s hand.

  “Sleep okay?” Aiden asks.

  I nod, afraid to use my words because Nick has pushed my panties aside and is circling my clit. As good as it feels, I grab his wrist and pull his hand away. He sips his coffee while I straighten my dress. “Not here,” I whisper. “Bathroom in five?”

  Nick grins. “Hell ya.”

  “Morning,” Rocco says, sauntering into the kitchen wearing gray slacks and a black button-down shirt. He takes the seat next to Tilly and grabs a muffin.

  “Are you nervous?” Aiden asks me.

  “No. Not really.”

  “Hayley is rarely ever nervous. Mom used to joke she wasn’t born with the fear gene,” Tilly says.

  “I’m full.” Nick stretches and then stands. “Going to make a couple calls before the party starts. See you guys in a bit.”


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