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Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water

Page 20

by Cassandra Finnerty

  “Sorry to interrupt,” said Prince Zo. “I wish you much happiness.”

  Drayaen nodded and extended his hand.

  “Thank you, brother.”

  The Sixth Prince turned to Aisling. “I’ll miss you both.”

  “Your Highness—Zo—you’re most welcome to visit us any time.”

  “I may take you up on that offer, sooner than you think. For now, let’s go celebrate.”

  The three of them crossed the walkway and entered the crowded hall. Aisling stopped and marveled at the glittering interior. Each table contained bouquets of red, pink, green, apricot, and white flowers, filling the room with a warm, floral scent. Matching lanterns hung from the ceiling. At each individual place setting, there were dozens of dishes, from soups and kimchi to seasoned chicken, beef, and fish. Each table was a potpourri of colors and flavors. She grasped Drayaen’s hand and hurried over to see the official who had coordinated their wedding.

  “Thank you for the wonderful food and decorations, Minister.”

  “I’m so glad you’re pleased. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you a long and happy life.”

  Aisling and Drayaen proceeded to visit other tables where they were inundated with well-wishers. She glanced over at her husband. Their eyes locked, and they smiled at the outpouring of support for their future happiness.

  Dinner concluded, Aisling thanked the king for his generosity. She glanced around the room and located her husband, who was speaking to the Crown Prince. As the crowds thinned, she realized they were both saying their farewells.

  In two days, they would be leaving for the coast.

  Prince Drayaen crossed the room and took her hand. They walked out into the crisp air and stopped at the water’s edge. The connecting bridge was decorated with lanterns that glittered in the dusk, casting shadows into the night.

  Aisling turned to her husband. “Thank you for today. There was a tremendous effort by you and your family to put together a wedding in such a short period of time.”

  “I would do anything to make you happy. Don’t forget, though, I was the one who insisted on the impossible timeline.”

  “Were you pleased with the way things turned out?”

  He nodded. “What I’m most happy about is that we’re together.”

  They wandered along the garden path, by the river. Aisling looked up at him, and smiled. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought we would spend a few nights in a special hideaway. Someplace just for us.”

  “That sounds intriguing.”

  He looked at the long train of her dress. “You may need help getting there.”

  “Is it close?”

  “It’s in the king’s inner garden, a few minutes away.”

  They followed the trail and listened to the water ripple against the rocks.

  “We’re here,” he said.

  As they turned the corner, Aisling stopped. Her eyes widened as she looked up at a pavilion that jutted out several stories above ground. The red pagoda roof unfurled into the surrounding woods, creating the appearance of a house suspended in the trees.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful. But how do we get there?”

  “With a ladder. Here, I’ll help you.”

  This is like the cave in the hills, Aisling mused. She climbed the vertical steps, with Drayaen close behind.

  At the top, they stood on the balcony. From their perch, they had a sweeping view of the gardens and palace.

  Drayaen opened the door and escorted his bride into the chamber. Aisling scanned the interior. There were two rooms with soaring ceilings and elaborate hand-painted screens in green, red, and blue on each wall. In the main area, a table was set with flowers, wine, and an assortment of fruit.

  In the back of the bungalow was a spacious bedroom with a deck. Her bags had arrived from the guest quarters, and her assistant had already laid out a change of clothes. She walked to the rear of the house and opened the screen. Trees surrounding the building created a private enclave with a view of the mountains. A large reclining chair occupied much of the space. Although it was dusk, she could still hear birds chirping in the nearby trees.

  Drayaen came to stand behind her. He enclosed her in his arms and murmured in her ear, “Did I tell you what a beautiful bride you are?”

  “You did, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”

  He turned her around and ran his thumb over her cheek.

  “You are the loveliest princess, now my cherished wife.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her with a fervor that took her breath away. After a few minutes, she looked up, dazed.

  “Come. You need to change, and I’ll get us some wine.”

  As he moved out of the chamber, Aisling noticed that his physicality seemed to overwhelm the space. She thought about her Captain’s Quarters and wondered if it would be large enough to hold them both.

  Aisling soon learned that her gown had been designed in elaborate pieces and that she was unable to reach the small buttons on the back of her dress. As she struggled with the garment, Drayaen set down the wine glasses and re-entered the bedroom.

  “Here, let me help.”

  She smiled as she felt his big hands fumbling with the rows of delicate fastenings. After a concerted effort and some low muttering, he spun her around by the shoulders.

  “There, I think that should do it.”

  “Thank you. I had no idea it was so complicated.”

  “After you’ve changed, come out and have some wine. I have something to show you.”

  Aisling nodded and began to unpin her elaborate topknot. She searched her bag of new clothes and found a red silk robe. She opened the veranda screens for more air, and walked barefoot into the main living area.

  Drayaen turned around and stared.

  “What is it?”

  “Your hair. It’s always been pulled back. I’ve never seen it like this before.”

  “Do you not like it?”

  “Of course I like it. Each time I see you, you’re more beautiful.”

  Aisling reached up and brushed her lips against his. “I’m not used to compliments. I was always taught that beauty fades and that intellect is more important than anything else.”

  “That makes sense, I suppose, but I’m the happy beneficiary of both.”

  She looked up at his luminous dark eyes as he passed her a glass of wine.

  Then he clasped her hand and pulled her over to the table. “I have a small gift for you. He wandered over to the other side and picked up a document tied with ribbon. “I want you to have this.”

  “What is it?”

  “Open it, and you’ll see.”

  She unrolled the canvas, and could feel her eyes becoming misty. It was a picture of her father with the current king, painted when they were both young men. They were standing in the garden, under the cherry blossom trees, on the same white bridge where she and Drayaen had posed for their first official portrait.

  He was looking at her with an expression of concern. “I thought it would make you happy.”

  She hugged him and buried her head in his chest. “I am. Thank you, it’s a wonderful gift.”

  “Father kept it all these years. We’ll have our own picture before we leave. Now we can keep them both side by side, as a token of our family history.” He rubbed her cheek with his fingers. “Perhaps when we come back, we’ll have a child who will carry on the tradition.”

  Aisling nodded, and could feel the heat from the blush creeping over her cheeks. “When I was young,” she said, “I received a cherry blossom tree. I was told it came from a beautiful palace in the East Kingdom. Now it stands tall, underneath my bedroom window. When you see it, I hope it will also remind you of home.”

  It was clear to her that they had been destined to meet from a young age, with deep-seated ties that bound them together across the distance.

  Drayaen picked up the wine bottle and candles and carried them through the bedroom to the rear deck. He
lit a few lanterns and motioned for her to sit in the enormous chair.

  Aisling padded across the floor, her silk robe shimmering in the breeze. She sipped her wine as he moved next to her.

  “How did you ever think of this place?”

  “When I first came to the palace, the king suggested I explore the gardens. I used to walk along this path and admire the house in the trees. One day, I climbed up here and thought it would make an excellent retreat. Tonight, I wanted us to be together in our own secret refuge.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “There’s a great view of the stars.”

  “There are so many out tonight. It’s sometimes like this on the sea. I like to stand on deck when it’s quiet, and look at the sky.”

  “Now it’s something we can do together.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pointed to the constellations. As Aisling nestled beside him, she felt a sense of calm. She thought back to her conversation with the king, when he asked what she wanted with her one wish. I’ve chosen well, she thought. I hope we will always be happy.

  She leaned back in the chair and breathed the crisp air. When she looked up, Drayaen was gazing at her with a smoldering look in his eyes.

  “Come closer,” he murmured.

  She laughed. “There’s no room between us.”

  “Oh, but there is.”

  She placed both hands on his face and brushed her lips against his. He leaned in and pulled her against him. She could feel the hard contours of his body. As he kissed her, he ran his hands over the silky length of her robe. She could feel her heart pound as his warm lips mingled with hers. He pulled her closer, as they lay together under the stars, the lanterns flickering in the moonlight.

  Aisling closed her eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair, his deep voice murmuring in her ear. When he stopped, she looked up to find him staring back.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  She nodded as he held out his hand. He blew out the candles and walked them both into the bedroom, closing the screen behind him.

  She moved closer as he tossed his sword to the side and removed his robe. As she kissed him, her small fingers undid the buttons on his shirt. He cast his clothes on the floor and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up and moving her to the bed. They lay next to each other, the searing heat of his caress igniting something deep within Aisling.

  He grabbed the tie of her robe and drew it down from her shoulders. She gasped as her soft curves came into contact with his steely, unyielding frame. She lay back and felt him kissing her eyes and the sensitive hollow at the base of her throat. He moved his lips behind her ear, his deep voice murmuring words she couldn’t hear. She reached out and pulled him closer. As she ran her hands over his back, he moved lower.

  She could feel his strong hands caressing her thighs. Her heartbeat became erratic as she inhaled the night air, the cool breeze in sharp contrast to her heated skin. Drayaen moved up, shifting his weight to his arms, and settled over her. She looked deep into his glittering eyes and gasped as he joined them together in a steady, powerful rhythm.

  The ebb and flow of the dance reminded her of the motion of the waves as they moved into shore, the water nestling between the rocks before the swell retreated into the open sea. He moved his hands underneath her and brought them closer together. Aisling could feel a surge of power as he shifted them into a heated tempo. Her senses were on fire as his warm lips moved over hers, matching their sultry rhythm.

  When she awoke, it was still dark. A cool breeze floated in from the window. Drayaen was next to her, his arms wrapped around her. She shifted position and tried to sit up without waking him, but all of a sudden, something pulled her back down.

  “I’ve decided I’m not letting you out of our room.”

  She laughed. “I thought you were asleep.”

  “We can catch up on sleep a few years from now. I have other plans for you.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I’ll show you.”

  He began sifting his fingers through her hair. She looked into his luminous eyes. He held her face with both hands and descended with a heated kiss, rousing her awake. She reached out and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer as they melded into one.

  The next time Aisling opened her eyes, the first rays of light were entering the chamber. She glanced around for Drayaen and saw him sitting on the balcony, where they had been hours earlier.

  Aisling found her silk robe and pushed open the screen door. “You look deep in thought.”

  “Come, join me,” he said, patting the space next to him. He smiled at her. “Did you get any sleep?”

  “About as much as you did.”

  “I thought I’d come out here for some air, but I’m in need of company.”

  “I’m sure I can fix that.”

  “I’m counting on it. Come closer.”

  “Like this?”she asked, stretching out next to him.

  “No, here,” he said, and he held her under the arms and sat her on top of him. He caressed her silk robe as she moved in and kissed him behind the ear. Then he shifted his hands underneath her and moved them both into a hypnotic rhythm. She drew quick breaths as they arched into a cadence of ebb and flow. When she glanced down, their eyes locked and he pulled her down into an unwavering kiss.

  It was late morning when Aisling’s eyes next fluttered open. Speckles of sunlight filtered through the trees and cast muted rays through the windows. She extended an arm across the bed and found that Drayaen wasn’t there. As she sat up, she saw him in the other room, hovering over the table. He noticed her stirring and walked back to the bedroom with a tray.

  “They brought us some breakfast this morning. You must be hungry by now.”

  “I am ravenous.” She surveyed the vegetables, rice cakes, and tea. “This is perfect. How did they get the food up here?”

  “I had them leave it on the balcony.”

  “That was very thoughtful.” She leaned over and kissed him. All of a sudden, she found herself lying on her back. Drayaen held her arms and settled over her, moving his warm lips across her eyes. Her pulse began to race.

  I think the food can wait, she thought. The one thing I want is you.

  Aisling nestled next to Drayaen and closed her eyes. She felt as if she were floating in a sea of tranquility. The hideaway was ideal, and she was nestled in their perch among the trees. A few hours later, her eyes fluttered open as she felt his arm around her waist. His eyes were still closed and she drifted off again in slumber. She woke to find him staring at her.

  “I’m admiring my perfect bride.”

  She smiled. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Not long. I was thinking you must be half-starved by now.”

  “Food does sound tempting.”

  He held out her silk robe. “We have some delicious looking fare, and more drinks.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Come, I’ve set up the table for us.”

  She wrapped herself in the garment and walked barefoot into the next room. The table was decorated with candles, wine, and a colorful array of food. As the last rays of sun faded into the horizon, the chamber was illuminated by the flickering lights.

  “To my beautiful princess. I’m happy we were able to come here and spend a few days together.”

  “Me too. Thank you for organizing everything.”

  “It’s nice to have you all to myself.”

  “Let’s promise that we’ll always make time for each other. When things are hectic, it might be easy to forget.”

  “I promise. But I need a kiss to make it official.”

  She leaned over the table and brushed her lips against his. After a few bites of food, he blew out the candles and they retreated into the dark.

  The next morning, Aisling woke up in Drayaen’s arms. His eyes were still closed. She searched for her robe and slid to the end of the bed. It was almost dawn, and looked like a perfect day for travel. />
  She peered out the front windows to view the river, winding its languid path through the gardens. I’ll miss this place, she thought. It gave her an idea for a belated wedding present to her husband. “I need to write the estate manager with my list of requests,” she muttered.

  She felt a massive frame behind her as Drayaen enfolded her in his arms. Aisling turned around and smiled at him. “We have a few hours left here. Did you want to visit your special place in the woods?”

  He nodded.

  “I’ll get dressed.”

  “No need.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I have a new favorite place,” he said, as he moved them toward the back of the hideaway. They both laughed, closing the screen behind them.

  Later that morning, they stood on the balcony. Drayaen reached out and hugged her. “I love you,” he murmured in her ear.

  She glanced up at him and smiled. “I love you too.”

  “The servants will be here soon.” He gazed at her with his warm, dark eyes. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, I believe we are.”

  He grasped her hand as they walked through the hideaway and headed to the front balcony for their last few moments of tranquility.

  The entourage gathered in the courtyard. There was excited chatter as the travelers congregated for their final farewells. Aisling was surprised to see Colonel Lex and several warrior monks. She leaned closer to her husband. “Are they coming with us?”

  He turned and smiled. “They are.”

  “I’m glad. I know several of your officers have become trusted advisors. Won’t they miss it here?”

  “Yes, but they’d like to pursue opportunities elsewhere. This is a rare chance to do so.” He glanced over her shoulder at her crew with Hanu and Maehwa. “Are you bringing people?”

  “A few. They were very persuasive.” She turned and looked at the group descending the palace steps. “Look, your father and brothers have come to say goodbye.”

  They both walked over to extend their final farewells. The king pulled Aisling aside. “I expect you to come back to the East Kingdom when the time is right,” he said.


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