Blackmailed by My Teacher

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by S. E. Law

  Blackmailed By My Teacher

  A Forbidden Romance

  S.E. Law

  Copyright © 2020 by S.E. Law

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by S.E. Law

  Sweet Treats

  His Candy Cane

  Her Juicy Cherry

  Her Honey Pot

  Second Helpings

  Sugar Walls

  Please and Tease

  Forbidden Fruit

  Band of Brothers

  Her Italian Wedding

  The Boyfriend Diaries

  Mommy’s Ex

  Mommy’s Boss

  Mommy’s Landlord

  Daddy’s Christmas Gift

  Daddy’s Holiday Baby

  Daddy’s Love Child

  Made for Them

  Built For Them

  Sugar and Spice

  The Naughty Party

  Sweet as Candy

  Blackmail Fantasies

  Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend

  Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss

  Blackmailed In The Boudoir

  Blackmailed By My Teacher

  Forbidden Fantasies

  My Fiance’s Dad

  Irresistible Bachelors

  Sweet as Candy

  Must Be Love

  Meant To Be


  You’re Mine

  Boss of My Panties

  Naughty Relations

  About My Daddies

  About Last Night

  About This Morning

  About That Evening

  Playing with Them

  Playing with the Doctors

  Playing with the Criminals

  Playing with her Priests

  Healing Hands

  Dr. Feelgood

  Dr. Man Candy

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  About This Book

  1. Kim

  2. Kim

  3. Kim

  4. Kim

  5. Adam

  6. Kim

  7. Kim

  8. Kim

  9. Kim

  10. Adam

  11. Kim

  12. Adam

  13. Adam

  14. Kim


  Sneak Peek: Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss

  Sneak Peek: Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend

  About the Author

  About This Book

  Kim has always been a good student, but she takes the fall for her twin brother when he’s caught cheating on an exam. Her teacher, Mrs. Rogers, offers her a deal: if Kim agrees to live with a local billionaire, Adam Jackson, her academic record will remain clean.

  Adam Jackson has been running a chain of restaurant for years now. He prides himself on his fairness to employees and his open mind. But when the opportunity to get to know the beautiful Kimberly Jones presents itself, he finds himself violating his own moral code. After all, he’s determined to have a baby … even if his baby mama was sold to him.

  Reality has left the room, but never fear: you’re in for a wild roller-coaster ride that will leave you craving more! Pour yourself a tall glass of iced tea because you’ll feel the heat in this story of a sassy heroine who ends up having a baby with the man she loves. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always a HEA for my readers.



  The alarm’s shrill ring dragged me from the best sleep I’ve had in the past week. Wrestling an arm out of the warm duvet, I blindly swiped at it until the godawful noise finally stopped.

  Muffling a groan as I stretched out all the kinks in my shoulders, I began my morning routine with reluctance. Studying had taken a serious toll on my mental and physical health lately and last night had been especially brutal.

  But today’s exam is important, so unfortunately, some hard-core hitting the books was necessary. Both my brother and I are good students, and as twins and classmates, we decided to study together. We don’t love American History, but it’s a required course. Plus, Kurt is generally better than I am at memorizing facts and figures, so I was grateful for his help.

  But as I got dressed, my mind turned to my twin. Lately, Kurt had been even more exhausted than usual. With the constant pressure from our parents to get into a fancy college, it wasn’t too surprising. Plus, I think the fact that Kurt is a boy makes it worse. My parents are still old-fashioned, and they think that a man needs to be the breadwinner of his family. Because I’m female, they still think I can marry rich, although with my curvy body and frizzy hair, I’m not sure any man would be interested in me, much less a wealthy one.

  But my brother worries me. The bags under Kurt’s eyes seem to be getting darker, and his ribs have started to poke out under his shirt too. He still eats, but it’s like watching a rabbit nibble at carrots. Seeing my brother so physically run down was painful and there was nothing I could do about it.

  That wasn’t even adding in the emotional toll that the stress was taking on him. It’s been years since I’ve heard my brother cry, but lately, I’ve been hearing muffled sobs when he’s in the bathroom with the door shut. He thinks I can’t hear, but in fact, his every sob is audible above the pounding of the shower water.

  I’d offered to talk with him about what was going on, but like a typical boy, Kurt refused. Grinding my teeth at the absurdity of the male ego and his refusal to ask for help when he needed it, I forced my attention to the day ahead of me.

  I had to stay focused because an A in American History will look good on my report card. What college wants someone who pulls out a B in a class like this? It’s vital that I ace it.

  But as I pull on my shoes, I hear painful retching sounds in our bathroom. Quickly, I tiptoe over to the door and knock lightly.

  “Hey Kurt, are you okay?” I ask softly.

  There’s no sound for a moment, but then the whoosh of the toilet rings in my ears.

  “I’m coming,” he calls. “Just give me one sec.”

  I wait patiently, and then the door swings open.

  “Hey,” I say hesitantly. “Are you okay? I know the exam has put butterflies in your stomach, but it’s going to be fine –”

  My brother cuts me off.

  “Everything’s going to be fine, Kim. Come on, we’re late,” he says, brushing by me to pull on his jacket. I stare at his turned back, wondering if I should say something, but then my brother shoots me a look. From the expression on his face, he’s clearly not interested in discussing the issue of nerves.

  “Coming?” he asks.

  “Sure,” I gulp. “Let’s go. We’ll ace this test, I know it.”

  But as the door closes behind us, I shoot another worried look at Kurt. His face is pale, and his entire being seems to emit exhaustion and despair. Is my twin okay? Unfortunately, there’s no way to know.



  I glance over at Kurt as I pull the family car to a stop at a red light. It’s worrisome. Every few seconds he begins to drift forward, sleep close to dragging him down, before jerking upright with a start.

  How is he supposed to take a test in this condition? He’s barely able to stay awake and Mrs. Rogers is a bitch. Even if Kurt were dying of some disease, I doub
t she’d let him postpone. The old crone is just like that.

  The reminder of our authoritarian teacher made my stomach’s contents sour. Ever since we started at this school, she’s always seemed to have it out for Kurt and me. Her beady eyes glowered holes into my head anytime I so much as breathed too loudly in class and she was always cackling whenever I got a wrong answer.

  Her behavior towards Kurt was even worse. She seems to hate my brother for no reason whatsoever. I don’t get it because he’s never done anything to her. But some people are just nasty for no reason, and unfortunately, our American History teacher was one of them.

  A honk startled me from my thoughts and I send a sheepish wave to the person behind us. I step off the brake and rolled through the now green light.

  There was no use dwelling on it. I would do my best to follow the rules and get good grades. This was the last year I had to deal with Mrs. Rogers, so all I had to do was stay out of trouble for a bit longer and I would never have to see her again.

  The school parking lot was packed, as always, and I noticed Kurt’s anxiety climbing as I picked through the lot for an open space. Once we were settled, I reached over to grasp his hand. The action caused him to jump, his gaze swinging to me with an almost wild panic that made dread curl in my chest.

  I gave him an uneasy smile.

  “Are you sure you’re alright? You look as pale as death, and you’re about to vibrate out of your seat. We studied hard for this exam, remember? It’s going to be fine. I know you’ll pull an ace out of the hat.”

  None of what I had said was actually wrong, but it was like Kurt was a robot. He acknowledged my statement with a jerky nod and then snatched his hand from mine before practically vaulting out of the car. My nerves only grew as we walked toward the exam room. I just knew that something bad was going to happen, and it would be up to me to save my brother from a disaster.

  Maybe I could talk to the principal of the school and explain the pressure being put on him? Mr. Henge was nice the few opportunities I’ve had to talk to him. But then my thoughts were cut off by the loud ring of a bell. Students everywhere scurried into their classrooms, and Kurt and I did the same.

  We put our bags down and took our seats. I smiled at my friend Marilee who smiled encouragingly back at me. She knows what a hard time my brother has been having, and was sympathetic. Plus, Marilee was under pressure from her parents to do well in school too, so she understood.

  Meanwhile, Mrs. Rogers stood in front of the class, with a hard twist to her lips that only vaguely resembled a smile.

  “So good of you two to join us,” she hissed sibilantly. “What with the no makeup policy I have, you would have failed the test completely had you missed this test.”

  Bitch. Usually I don’t care for vulgarity but this was the one woman who earned it more than anyone else. She just loved reminding us about her ‘power’ over us, however temporary it was. How such a horrible woman became a teacher I will never know.

  Plus, everything in her appearance screamed witch: from the tangled, ropy hair to her lean and whip-like body. Even her complexion was a pale, sickly green. She made me want to look around for flying monkeys and brooms, but I forced myself to look straight ahead.

  Meanwhile, my brother let out a small whimper that only I could hear. He was in the seat behind me, and then, a low, rapid thumping movement began and it only took me a moment to understand where it was coming from. Kurt’s foot was knocking against the back of my chair at light speed. While I understood his nerves, the feel was driving me crazy.

  Through my teeth I hissed, “Would you stop that? I can’t focus if you’re kicking my chair.”

  The movement immediately stopped, and an apologetic, “I’m sorry,” came from behind me. Immediately I felt guilty because it wasn’t his fault that he was nervous. But before I could apologize Mrs. Rogers slapped the exam down in front of me. Was it just me or did she have a particularly vicious glint to her eyes today?

  “You all know the rules. No looking around the room, no drinks or food, pencils down when I say to and,” she stopped to stare right at Kurt and I before continuing. “Absolutely no cheating. Those caught will be instantly failed from this class.”

  I had half a mind to scream at her right then and there. I’ve never cheated on an exam, and neither has my brother. So where was this coming from?

  But Mrs. Rogers merely strolled away with a nasty look on her face. I could practically hear Kurt swallow from behind me and again I felt bad for him. When our teacher wasn’t looking I gave him a thumbs up over my shoulder and took a deep breath. It was time to ace this thing, and I picked up my pencil to begin.



  The bell rang, and I put down my pencil. My nerves were frayed, but overall, I felt okay about the exam. Sure, there was some hard questions, but I knew the answers more or less.

  Grabbing my backpack, I sighed with relief as I packed up.

  “How was it?” Marilee asked while packing her own bag.

  I shot her a so-so smile.

  “It was okay. Let’s talk more after we’re out of here.”

  She nodded and began stuffing papers at light speed into her backpack. I focused on the task and hand and tried not to think too much.

  History had never been my strong suit, but I’m confident I did decently well.

  The problem is my brother. I shot him a quick look. He too, was studiously packing his bag, and I was heartened. Yet, I could hear Kurt breathing the entire test, but couldn’t say anything without alerting Mrs. Rogers. I hoped he didn’t have an asthma attack while taking the exam because our shrew of a teacher wouldn’t be sympathetic. She may even fail him for his “dramatics.”

  Just thinking about how she treated my brother made my blood boil. We may not always be the closest of siblings, but I still loved him. I’m not sure where this protective instinct comes from because actually, he’s older than me. We’re fraternal twins and he was born five minutes before me. But he had always been a cry baby growing up, running to me whenever someone picked on him or hurt his feelings.

  When we got into high school that had come to an abrupt halt, but I’m not sure it’s for the better. I think the stress is making him crack, and I wouldn’t mind helping him if he would just open up. But as a teenage boy, Kurt is obstinate and won’t talk about feelings.

  I exited the classroom, and when Kurt came out not long after me, I immediately noticed his paper white face. He looked…guilty. Immediately I grew wary. Was there something going on? But before I could grill him, Mrs. Rogers called us both back in.

  “Kurt, Kim!” she cackled. “May I speak with you for a moment.”

  Oh no. What was it now?

  “She wants something,” I whispered to Marilee. “I’ll see you later?”

  “Yeah sure,” my friend replied with a sympathetic glance. “Hopefully everything’s okay.”

  The empty classroom made me feel claustrophobic as Mrs. Rogers simpered at us.

  “Shut the door please,” she said in a sugary sweet voice. Obediently, I shut the door as Kurt and I went over to her desk.

  “Well, well, well,” she cackled. “Apparently we have a naughty little boy who didn’t listen to the rules.”

  What? What was this about? Unfortunately, Kurt’s color suddenly paled further than I was aware a human could go. He was positively ghostly. Sweat beaded on his skin as his breathing picked up. Was he going to have an asthma attack? I was glad he finished the test without having one but if he had one now, that could be catastrophic.

  “What is this about?” I asked tightly. “My brother is sick.”

  Mrs. Rogers merely cackled again and stretched out one bony hand.

  “Hand over your phone, boy.”

  I glared at her.

  “Don’t call him that!”

  She merely cackled again, showing stained, brown teeth. But surprisingly, Kurt’s tension dissipated, further increasing my confusion. Why was he suddenly cal

  He handed over the phone, and Mrs. Rogers looked over it with a skeptical eye, going through the open apps before handing his phone back. She clicked her teeth meditatively while staring down my brother. Her narrowed gaze sent chills up my spine and then suddenly, the old woman brightened. She noticed his smart watch, again holding out her hand.

  “Your watch too.”

  Suddenly Kurt wasn’t so calm anymore. His face turned red as the sweat trickled down his forehead like miniature rivers. He literally began shaking in place.

  “Ma’am, I don’t-.”

  I cringed internally because he knew better than to try to talk to Mrs. Rogers as if she were a rational adult. Why didn’t he just hand over his watch? Now she had a real reason to be suspicious of him.

  Mrs. Rogers’s aged face twisted into a sneer, the sharp features becoming gargoyle-like as they set in stone.

  “I didn’t phrase that as a question for a reason, boy.”

  When Kurt still hesitated to hand it over, I turned to him.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered. “Just give it to her. It’s no big deal.”

  After all, if he was hiding porn or something then he would get over it. Everyone watches porn on the sly, and for teenage boys, it’s practically a given. Besides, Mrs. Rogers looked about ready to fail him if he didn’t comply, I didn’t want his embarrassment to cost him this class. We needed it to graduate.


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