Blackmailed by My Teacher

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Blackmailed by My Teacher Page 2

by S. E. Law

  But Kurt looked petrified.

  “Ma’am,” he began again.

  “Your watch,” she demanded.

  With tears in his eyes, he finally handed it over, every move reluctant but finally, it rested in the teacher’s palm. She fiddled with the buttons, and the longer she had it the more nervous Kurt became. He nearly shrank into his skin when she let out an especially evil cackle.

  “Ah-ha! I knew it, you were cheating. Your device history has all the answers to the test in Google.”

  I swung around to stare at him in disbelief. No. He wouldn’t. But the shame and terror in his eyes said everything I needed to know. He had, and of all the teachers to try this with, he chose Mrs. Rogers. Was he insane?

  Before I could rip into him, he immediately began sobbing. The sudden shift from terror to tears made me jolt in surprise.

  “I’m sorry! I’ve had a lot on my plate so I didn’t have time to study and I didn’t remember anything from the test so I thought I would do it once. I’ve never cheated before so please don’t fail me. I can retake it when I’ve had more sleep!”

  I didn’t have to watch for Mrs. Rogers’s reaction to know that it wasn’t going to happen like that. She was known as the meanest teacher for a reason and my brother was about to find out why. Unless there was something I could do to save him. I stepped forward quickly.

  “Ma’am, my brother is very sorry so is there any way that he can make this up?” I knew it was probably futile to hope for her to suddenly grow a heart, but I had to try. Kurt looked ready to have a mental breakdown and while I was irritated and disappointed beyond belief with him, I still loved him.

  Mrs. Rogers shook her head, but then she paused. The smile that twisted her lips made my stomach curl. The glint in her eyes promised something truly horrific and I suddenly wanted to take my question back. She was a teacher, I tried to reassure myself, surely she couldn’t demand anything too bad.

  “You have the same watch as he does, my dear. Did you cheat as well? Naughty, naughty. You two were my best students, now I can see why. The Dean will be so disappointed in both of you,” she said silkily.

  Ice immediately swept through my veins. Now the bitch was accusing me of cheating? But I did no such thing!

  “You can look at my watch’s history if you want but I didn’t cheat,” was my stiff reply.

  I straightened my spine and returned her glare; I wouldn’t stand by and take false accusations on my character, not without fighting back at least.

  Besides, I knew the only thing she would find on my watch was fitness tracking information. I would bring it to the Dean if I had to, but that would be a last ditch effort since it would out my brother as a cheater.

  But instead of demanding to see my watch, Mrs. Rogers sneered.

  “No need, I’ll think up a punishment and call you later, Kim, to let you know what you can do. There may be something you can do to make it up. Wait for my call, dearie. Now then, I believe school is over, so give me some space while I consider next steps.”

  I grabbed Kurt, hightailing it out of there before she could say anything else. The decidedly witchy cackle she let out as we left didn’t help in my attempts to keep both my brother and I calm. She’s a teacher, she can’t hurt us, I kept repeating in my mind as I dragged Kurt back to the truck. But when we got home he was in for an earful from me.



  “What the hell were you thinking?” I demand forcefully. “Tell me, please!”

  Kurt cringed in his chair, the air around him practically oozing with apology. I didn’t care. I deserved answers and wanted them now.

  As it stood, we were both nervously waiting for Mrs. Rogers’s call. I felt jumpy, waiting for the phone to ring. Even worse, she didn’t say when to expect her call. It could be today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now.

  But to be honest, I was surprised Mrs. Rogers didn’t go straight to administration to report my brother. It was strange that she was willing to consider alternatives, seeing that she held no love for Kurt to begin with.

  The ringing of the phone made both of us jump, my hand snatching it up with more force than necessary as Kurt lunged to his feet behind me. I could hear his breath pick up as he began to hyperventilate, and the sound aggravated me further as I spoke into the phone.

  “Jones household, Kimberly speaking.”

  “Hello, this is Time Warner,” a recorded speaker began. I immediately slammed the phone down, irate. This was no time for distraction.

  “Kurt,” I demanded again forcefully. “What were you thinking? Why would you cheat? You’re smart, and you don’t need to cheat. Besides, one bad grade on a test isn’t a life or death situation.”

  My brother’s eyes began to tear and he sniffled a bit.

  “I—,” he began, but then the phone rang again.

  This time, I snatched it up and snarled “What?” into the receiver without caring who it was.

  “Hello Dearie, I’ve come up with an agreement that will work for all of us,” came Mrs. Rogers’s sibilant hiss. My heart fell because I was half-hoping that she’d never call. Maybe she just wanted to scare my brother, and we’d be out of this mess. But her voice on the other end sent tremors of fear through my body.

  “Okay, what do you want him to do?” I asked in a sour voice.

  She laughed a little.

  “Oh it won’t be him doing anything. It has to be you.”

  Now I was even more nervous. Kurt and I exchanged confused looks before I prodded for more information.

  “But why? I’m not the one who cheated.”

  Unfortunately for me, I had caught it right.

  “Yes, dear, but you see, you have something that only women can provide. You see, I owe a millionaire a favor, and I think you can help me repay it.”

  My mouth dropped open.

  “I’m sorry?” came my choked question. Meanwhile, Kurt’s eyes were as round as saucers. Mrs. Rogers let out another evil cackle.

  “Well, if you want me to look past your brother’s cheating and allow him a chance to retake his exam, then you have to go and service a millionaire I know.”

  My stomach dropped as her voice caressed the word “service.” She couldn’t possibly mean that, could she? No, that was absolutely prehistoric. Women don’t do that anymore.

  “Ma’am, when you say service you mean like a maid, right?” I asked slowly.

  The laugh that came across the phone sent terror through me; this crazy bitch was enjoying the hell she was causing me! Before I could rip into her, she answered.

  “No, it does mean what you think it does. He’s not looking for a maid. Oh, the man in my mind could hire an army full of maids! Instead, he’s looking for a particularly curvy, ripe, young woman, and I think you fit the bill. Tell me, dearie. Are you fertile? Do you get your period regularly?”

  I gape into the phone.

  “You must be kidding me,” is my tight reply. “He wants to impregnate me?”

  “No, not impregnate. Well, maybe a little,” she conceded. “He’s a powerful man looking for a particular young woman, and what he means to do with her, I’m not totally sure myself. But I’m fairly certain you’d fit the bill. You’re what … about one hundred and sixty pounds?”

  “One hundred and seventy,” I say tightly.

  “Perfect!” exclaims Mrs. Rogers. “He did say that he prefers women with curves. Of course, the choice is up to you. If you choose to not accept this offer then I’ll tell the principal I caught both you and your brother cheating. There isn’t a college around who will take you in with that mark on your record.”

  I stammered as tears of anger trickled down my cheeks.

  “Y-you can’t do this, it’s blackmail!”

  But my only answer was another bone chilling laugh, as she continued with her nefarious plan.

  “It would be such a shame if you and your brother’s futures were to go down the drain,” she said with mock sympathy. “You two had such
potential too. You’re two of my best students, and I’m certain many colleges would love to offer you scholarships. But not with a disciplinary notation on your transcript.”

  The threat was obvious and as I considered what my brother’s poor decision would cost me, I swallowed heavily. Plus, I was plenty angry at Kurt. He could have taken my offer for help but no, he chose to cheat instead. Now I was stuck in this position and if I wanted out academic lives to not be ruined, I had to “service” some rich guy.

  What did it mean, anyways? The idea of losing my virginity to someone I didn’t even know sat like a rock in my stomach. How was I going to do this? Would I ever be able to look in the mirror again without feeling shame? Would I even be allowed to stay in my child’s life after I gave birth to them?

  As the questions continued to build, I only asked one thing.

  “How long do I have to be with him?”

  Another cackle came from the phone, before Mrs. Rogers’s downright gleeful reply.

  “I don’t know because it’s up to him. But my guess is that you be his for as long as it takes for his seed to take in you.”

  Bile threatened to climb up my throat. This was such a horrible and cold way to talk about something that should be a miracle of life. This was an act that should be done between two people who loved one another and wanted a family together. For her to reduce it to an act of blackmail was downright cruel, if not vicious.

  Besides, I wanted a family with the man I would eventually marry. But how would I meet a good man, if my life was in ruins? Who would want me, if they knew of my so-called questionable values.

  With defeat in my voice, I answered.

  “Fine,” I said. “What are the next steps?”



  The humble hatchback pulling up in front of my house immediately caught my attention. Very few people know my address for safety reasons so there was only one person it could be.

  Adella Rogers had called me not twenty-four hours ago to tell me that she had found a woman who met all of the requirements I’d set forth for a partner. Honestly I had given up hope for finding such a woman but Adella’s call came just in time.

  After all, my mother’s been demanding an heir. I don’t know where she got her grandbaby kick from, but it’s made my life considerably more difficult. Day and night, all I hear is “Have you met someone nice? I’d love to have grandchildren soon.”

  Hopefully this woman will be what I needed to finally put a stop to my mom’s incessant hinting.

  The fact is that I do want children, but this wasn’t how I saw it happening. I’ve dreamed as a child of raising a big family with a woman I loved, but I had no idea how difficult it would be to find such a woman. Instead, everyone from gold diggers to drug addicts have come across my doorstep. My mother suggested that I attend a few Junior League events to find suitable women, but that was even worse. The ladies were fake, with gleaming smiles and rapacious airs. It’s as if they could smell my money from a million miles away, and all the “Bitsies,” “Kitties,” and “Dora Mays” circled me with their claws out.

  Shaking myself from my thoughts, I watched as the curvy figure of a brunette stepped out of the car. She was absolutely gorgeous, and I squinted to make sure I was seeing things clearly.

  As she walked up the drive, her features became clearer, and I knew that physically at least, she was just what I had been looking for. Aside from her slightly plump shape, which I noticed and approved of immediately, she had a set to her shoulders that said she had more fight in her than her small build would have you guess.

  The doorbell rang, and my butler let her in.

  “Come in, Miss,” he said courteously. “Right this way.”

  Soon, the brunette strolled into my home office, and I felt my cock sit up and wave hello. She was breathtaking. I hadn’t been able to see her eyes before, and up close they were truly a sight to behold. The brown was speckled with other colors that I would have to get closer to make out and the light from the window next to her made the natural highlights in her hair stand out beautifully. Her body was lush and bountiful with giant breasts, a narrow waist, and wide hips that looked fertile. Her legs were long and shapely, even if at the moment, she looked angry.

  Hope bloomed in my chest as she raked her gaze over me. Her pupils dilated because I’m a handsome man, with my deep black hair and piercing blue eyes. I work out a lot, and more than a few women have let me know how much they appreciate it.

  No worries darling, you can touch me as much you like once we get everything settled. I kept the thought to myself, though I ached to say it out loud. She looked ready to bolt as it was, and there no reason to give her more reason to run away from me. She belonged to me now, after all.

  Seeing her uncertainty, I stepped forward with my friendliest smile. See? I’m nice and safe. You don’t have to worry about anything with me. I’ll take care of you. In every way.

  The thought caused a twinge in my groin and I caught her eyes glancing down at the telling bulge in my pants. I wasn’t even embarrassed. A smirk played across my mouth as she quickly looked away. And she blushes so prettily too. This woman is perfect. Now all I need to do is convince her of that.

  Holding my hand out, I introduced myself.

  “I’m sure you know why you’re here. My name is Adam Jackson and you must be Kimberly Jones.”

  Her hand was soft in mine, the skin feeling wonderful as it slid across the calluses on my palm. Their presence seemed to surprise her. I wasn’t born rich, after all. I’d earned every single one of those calluses with hours of work at blue-collar jobs before finally getting my break. Unfortunately, the calluses never went away but I’m not ashamed of them. If anything, I wear them with pride as a badge of honor.

  “Yes, that’s me,” she murmurs.

  Even her voice was heavenly, the sound lighting me on fire with the urge to wrap her into my arms and never let her go. I’ve never reacted like this to a woman before, and exhilaration filled me as I thought of what possibilities the future could hold with this sassy girl. Is it because she’s beautiful and tempting? Or because our arrangement is so illicit?

  After a moment I realized I hadn’t released her hand, and her awkward shifting alerting me to her discomfort with that fact. While I enjoyed seeing her blush, I wasn’t going to purposefully make her uncomfortable. Letting go of her reluctantly, I gestured back at the sofa.

  “Shall we sit? I believe we have much to discuss.”

  She gave a shaky nod, following me warily as I led the way to a sitting room. I would have to work on making her more comfortable around me and this was the perfect place to start.

  Once we both sat on the sofa, I ordered a drink from my butler before turning to her with an inquiring look.

  “Anything to drink?”

  “No thank you. I’m good.”

  Within moments, I had a cocktail in hand and she looked ready to combust with nerves. Something wasn’t right here because why was she so scared?

  Kim obviously knew why she was here, although I hadn’t expected someone so young. She might be twenty, but I seriously doubted it. Not that her being young was a problem. In fact, I prefer women on the more youthful side because it meant she’d be more able to keep up with me. Plus, the chance of her being fertile was higher, but that also meant it was unlikely she had experience. And wasn’t that an arousing thought: was I to be her first?

  Before my downstairs brain could get me into trouble, I smiled reassuringly.

  “You okay, sweetheart? No one’s forcing you to be here, after all.”

  Her lovely shoulder’s stiffened and suddenly all of my amusement drained out of me. Had someone forced her to be here?

  “Is someone forcing you? Is there something that I don’t know?”

  She eyed me with open uncertainty.

  “Yes, my teacher is. Adella Rogers. The story is long and honestly, I don’t understand half of it. I’m sure you’d prefer to just get to th
e main event, right?”

  While my cock certainly agreed with her words, I didn’t like how this was beginning to sound. I can have any woman I want, so why would I choose one that is being manhandled into my bed?

  I sat back, trying to look calm. Kim looked a bit like a nervous rabbit, albeit a very lush and beautiful nervous rabbit. No, this definitely wasn’t right. I felt an odd urge to protect her from whoever caused that pain in her eyes. She shouldn’t be afraid of me because I’m not an animal. The only way I was sleeping with her was if she was willing. I’m many things, but I’m not a man who forces himself into the affections of women.

  “I think I must be missing something,” I state in a calm voice. “How did you come to be here? Feel free to tell me everything.”

  She stares at me.

  “You don’t know?”

  “I think I have a vague idea, but I don’t know all the details. Why don’t you tell me?”

  She blinked in shock, probably surprised that I wasn’t throwing her on the nearest bed and having my wicked way with her. The absurdity of the thought brought made me sit back as I waited for her reply. Usually, women are begging for me to take them to bed, and not the other way around. But slowly, Kim began.

  The tale came out slowly, every word seeming to cause her great pain as she explained in detail all that she knew. By the time she stopped she was shaking again, and there were giant tears rolling down her cheeks. Her face was flushed, and unexpectedly, she was even more beautiful crying. The sight yanked on my heart in a way I wasn’t prepared for.

  “So as I understand it, you’re being blackmailed.”

  Her head jerked up a bit.

  “Yes. By you!”

  I hold up one hand.

  “No, not by me, by your teacher.”


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