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Blackmailed by My Teacher

Page 4

by S. E. Law

“I’ll never refuse food made by you, my lady.” Before I could dismiss his compliment, he continued. “Here we are. We should have any ingredients you need, but if we don’t just let me know and I’ll have them delivered. Meanwhile, I await your delightful concoction, my lady.”

  With that, I giggled and got to work, my cheeks flushed. I’d imagined being ravished immediately upon my arrival today, but instead, I’m cooking in the kitchen with a godawful attractive man. Plus, he seems to find me pretty, and is able to temper his alpha dominant ways with a dose of humor that disarms me. Adam’s a tempting package, to be sure, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.



  The kitchen was gorgeous and it was all I could do not to run around like a kid in a candy store. There was a huge Sub-Zero fridge, two giant convection ovens, a microwave that opened and closed using a remote, as well as a six-top stove. Plus, the black marbled counters were sleek and custom dark cherry cabinets completed the look.

  The open kitchen allowed me to move around easily as I explored my new tools. My excitement had me bouncing in place as I kept finding new things to be thrilled about. I heard a chuckle from the doorway that froze me in my tracks. Shifting between my feet, I looked anywhere but at Adam. I couldn’t believe I’d just yelped from excitement!

  His feet came into view before strong arms wrapped around me. Suddenly being clasped to Adam’s chest made me jerk in surprise before relaxing into the embrace. I could feel the lean muscle of his arms against my back and the solid plain of his chest against my front. It made me feel…safe. It’s strange because alarm bells should have been ringing. I should be cringing whenever he comes near, but instead, all I feel is safety and comfort.

  When Adam didn’t immediately pull back, I took the opportunity to return his hug. My arms settled around his waist, the position reminding me of couples dancing before I shook the thought off. Maybe someday we could go out dancing, but for now I’d enjoy the peaceful moment.

  When he pulled back I wasn’t sure how long we had stood here and I didn’t care. Going by the playful look on Adam’s face, he didn’t either. Clearing my throat to remove the sudden lump, I managed to say, “I was thinking about making some kind of soup. How does that sound to you?”

  His beaming grin was more than answer enough as I moved out of his arms to start the preparation. A flash of loss made me almost turn back around for another hug, before I shook it off. My reactions to him were shockingly needy, but I wouldn’t focus on that now. I had lunch to prepare.

  I scurried around, chopping vegetables and simmering a savory chicken broth on the stove.

  Suddenly, Adam pressed a kiss to my cheek, bringing my attention to him before gesturing to the cupboard above my head.

  “That one has bags of pasta inside. Sorry for how high it is but I didn’t design this kitchen for someone shorter than me. I always assumed any woman I met would want me to cook, given my background.”

  I flushed and quickly waved off his apology.

  “It’s your kitchen so it makes sense. But could you help me grab them? I need the bowties for this recipe.”

  He nodded, but instead of reaching up to grab the necessary box, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up so I could reach what I needed. The squeak I let out made me sound like a mouse.

  “Was that not what you meant for me to do?” he teased. “You don’t like being lifted, my lady?”

  I giggled a bit, enjoying the strong feel of his arms around my waist. Not to mention, my breasts were almost grazing his head, and I could tell how distracted he was.

  “No, this works,” I said, reaching for the packages of dried pasta. With the noodles in hand, Adam put me back down on the floor. I could still feel his hands on my sides as I moved around and got everything ready. The tingling his touch left on my skin was new and exciting. I could definitely get used to it.

  Grabbing a knife, I forced myself to focus. The last thing I wanted to do was injure myself because my head wasn’t with it while cutting the vegetables. As I began to dice celery, Adam spoke up from his position leaning against the counter near me.

  “I have a food processer for that.”

  I had noticed the appliance but, while I preferred to do things like this by hand. I shot him a shy smile.

  “I know, but I enjoy cooking things. Sometimes I’ll use gadgets but usually I prefer to just do everything by hand.”

  I half expected him to scoff. After all, Adam is the proprietor of a restaurant chain, and probably preferred functionality over sentimentality. But instead he looked at me with admiration.

  “You have more patience than I do. I prefer to get the prep work done so I can enjoy the rest of the cooking, but I won’t stop you from having your fun.”


  “It’s a labor of love,” I explained. “I feel that my food turns out differently if I put hard work into it.”

  He looked over my form with what can only be described as ravenous hunger.

  “That’s true,” were his low words. “A labor of love. I like that.”

  Blushing, I turned back to the veggies quickly to hide my reaction to his words. I began chopping only to stop a minute later when Adam cleared his throat behind me. Lifting a curious brow at him, I waited for what he had to say.

  “Are you sure you should be doing that so fast? What if you catch your hand?” Usually it irritated me to have someone questioning my abilities in the kitchen, but the genuine worry on his face soothed me. He wasn’t trying to be patronizing; he was just trying to watch out for me.

  I smiled even as I shook my head.

  “It’s fine. I’ve been doing this for years now and I rarely to cut myself. I’m sure you’ve gotten lots of practice with your knife skills too.”

  I expected him to nod, but instead he looked dubious.

  “Actually, all of the restaurants I’ve worked in have had food processers and the like, so I rarely have to manually prep anything.”

  He could have told me he had never touched a television and I would have been equally shocked. How could someone succeed without knowing the basics of food preparation?

  “I can show you if you want?”

  The offer was out of my mouth before I could think it over. It was rude to immediately assume he would want to be taught my way of doing things, given that his way had obviously worked fine for him so far.

  But instead of getting mad, he perked up in a way that reminded me of a puppy.

  “Would you? While I’ll probably use the processer, I think it’d be nice to see a demonstration up close and personal. Of course, many of my sous-chefs could give me a demonstration too, but I want to see how you do it.”

  His excitement was contagious as I nodded, sensing his big build as he came to hover over my shoulder. Then I paused.

  “Actually, there’s an easier way of showing you. Do you want to try?”

  My stomach was in knots as he nodded. I moved back and had him stand in front of me before handing him the knife.

  “I’ll guide your hands from here so you don’t have to crane your neck down to see what I’m doing.”

  Our position also had the added benefit of him not being able to see how red my face was right now. I had no idea where I got my sudden boldness from, but as my arms slid easily alongside his to show him the proper chopping motions, I could hardly focus. His warm back against my front made me electric with need. My nipples pebbled, and I hoped to god he couldn’t feel them pressing into his back. Plus, there was the definite issue of the moisture between my thighs. I was so steamy; could he tell?

  The demonstration was over entirely too soon, but and the teasing look on Adam’s face told me he knew full well of my desire. But the handsome man didn’t miss a step.

  “Thanks for that,” he quipped. “I guess even old dogs learn new tricks.”

  I didn’t manage to think through my words before they popped out.

  “I’m sure you have plenty of tri
cks to teach me too.” Oh my god, tell me I didn’t just say that out loud. But judging from the gleam in his eyes, I definitely had.

  “I do in fact have plenty of tricks to teach you and I’m sure you’ll enjoy every lesson, in bed and out.” His hands came up to pull my hands away from my face, revealing my scarlet cheeks. “No need to be embarrassed sweetheart. I’m just saying the obvious, which is that I’m going to enjoy your curvy body sometime tonight, and I can’t wait.”

  His thumb stroked my cheek, and the motion was oddly intimate. His eyes flicked down to my mouth, before meeting mine again. It didn’t take a genius to know what he wanted and considering what we were planning to do later, it felt juvenile to refuse him.

  Licking my lips, I watched as his sky-blue eyes followed the movement. His eyes darkened to a deep navy shade as he leaned forward until our mouths were less than an inch apart.

  His breath on my lips made me shiver. The anticipation woke something inside of me that I had never felt before and I closed the last bit of distance between us, pressing my lips without abandon against his.

  His mouth was warm, his tongue immediately sliding slickly against the seam of my own. I had no idea what I was doing, but maybe if I just let him take the lead, I would be able to muddle through.

  The second my lips parted, his tongue wrapped around mine. The feeling sent a shot of pure heat between my legs as he pressed me back into the counter. His arms bracketed my body as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders for better leverage.

  My head instinctively tilted to better slide our mouths together, his hands moving to trace along my skin as he deepened the kiss. One of them came up to tangle into my hair, his fingers lacing through it before cradling the back of my head while his other hand rested around my hip.

  His thumb was positioned so it could stroke my hip, the rough pad catching on my skin and making me practically vibrate with the sensations. I had never known my hips were sensitive like this…

  When Adam finally pulled back, I was nearly gasping for breath but I didn’t feel self-conscious. His chest was heaving just as hard as mine, and his eyes had lightened from their deep ocean blue to a cobalt shade that was intriguing. He’s just as worked up as I am, I thought.

  The thought didn’t make me wary or scared. In fact, the knowledge that I did this to him made pride curl in my chest. Would it feel even better when we actually explored one another’s bodies fully? What would it be like to feel this man above me, churning and moaning as I accepted every last drop of his virility? Something in my eyes must have given my thoughts away because he let out a rumbling groan.

  Both of his hands came to rest on my hips as he spoke.

  “If you keep looking at me with those come-fuck-me eyes, I’m going to do just that. Screw the food.”

  To further prove his point, he dragged me forward to grind against the obvious bulge in his slacks. A gasp rasped from my lungs as my nerve endings sparked to life. Suddenly, the thought of sharing a bed with Adam wasn’t so daunting. Later sounded too far away for my liking as my arousal climbed higher and without a second of hesitation, I decided I wouldn’t be waiting for later.

  “It’s an open invitation,” I whispered. “The food can wait until we’re done if you want.”

  His eyes lit up with arousal before he smiled wolfishly down at me, the smirk sending butterflies through my stomach as the heat turned molten between my legs.

  “You’re right, sweetheart. It can. Come on, baby girl. It’s time that I claimed this delectable body as my own.”



  The room Adam led me to was the picture of luxury. The open space was decorated with paintings of landscapes, and floor to ceiling windows looked out onto the sparkling jade lawns of his estate. The bed was king-sized with deep green sheets that looked utterly divine.

  “Wow,” I breathed, looking around. “Gorgeous.”

  His hands came to rest on my hips, gently tugging me back against his chest. His mouth brushed my forehead, his words breezing against my ear in an all too pleasant way that had me shivering in anticipation.

  “Like what you see? I plan to have you in here many, many more times until you’re more familiar with that bed than your own. You’re the gorgeous one, Kim.”

  The thought of what we were about to do on those sheets made me flush but this time, I was buzzing with anticipation. I was eighteen and this was my choice. I wanted to sleep with this man and by the bulge that was grinding against my lower back, he wanted me too.

  Swallowing heavily, I turned to face him. The man who was about to take my virginity was standing before me, and luck have it, but he was so handsome that my body grew hot and liquid. I traced his strong jaw, the stubble catching on my palm sending tingling sensations through my hand. His eyes slid shut as I explored his face, taking my time to trace every plane before making my way down to his chest.

  His shirt stopped me from exploring too much and before I could blink Adam ripped it over his head and threw it to the ground. His eyes stared intensely into mine as he growled, “Go on, baby girl. Touch what you like.”

  Apparently, he was enjoying this just as much as me. Doing as I was told, I traced my hands over his rock-hard abs. The ridges tensed under my fingers as I moved across the plains of his chest until my hand settled above his waistline. His chest was broad and bronze, and judging from the huge bulge in his pants, I wasn’t a minute too soon.

  But then, Adam’s hand gripped mine before I could start to unbutton them, making me glance up at him in surprise.

  “No worries, I’m not stopping you for long. I just realized that you’re still fully clothed and I need to do something about that.”

  Understanding dawned as I let my hand drop from his pants. His hands traced up my sides, lifting my shirt as he went until I was bare except for my bra from the waist up. His eyes took in my ample chest with the same gaze as a starving man who found a feast.

  My bra soon joined my shirt on the floor and Adam let out a low groan as he took in my luscious Double Ds.

  “Sweetheart, you’re so beautiful,” he rasped while slowly reaching forward to cup one creamy mound. I gasped as his fingers tweaked my sensitive nipple. The shot of electricity was unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome. His chuckle was husky against my neck as he kissed his way across my shoulders.

  My body was on fire under his hands as he skillfully played me like a harp. Every touch seemed to make my passion rise until it was more than I could handle. I gasped out his name in a plea for him to hurry, his moan serving as my answer before his hands divested me of my jeans and underwear.

  Before I could blink, Adam lifted me up and gently put me in the middle of the bed. The cool silk sheets rubbed against my skin in a wonderful contrast to the burning heat of his hands and body.

  As he reached for his pants, I gripped his arm to stop him. Adam’s look of confusion quickly morphed into arousal as I undid his belt while murmuring, “I wanted to do that.”

  He didn’t answer verbally, just nodded with an intense blue gaze as he watched me slide his slacks past his hips. I had half expected him to go commando, but instead, the jut in his boxers told me otherwise.

  Hooking my fingers into the soft cloth, I stared up into his eyes as I dragged them down. The second his length was free it bobbed straight up, the sight immediately catching my attention.

  “Oh my god,” I panted, my eyes going wide. “It’s huge!”

  He chuckled deep in his chest.

  “I know, sweetheart. I’m big, but I know you can handle it. You’re young, so you’ll stretch.”

  My mouth watered as I contemplated what to do from here, but before I could try my hand at giving a blowjob, he shook his head.

  “If you do that then this is going to end hilariously quickly and that wouldn’t be fair to you. You’ll have time to explore me as much as you’d like later, but I want you now, sweetheart.”

  I barely had time to nod before Adam moved to hover ove
r me on the bed. The light gave him a backdrop that almost made him look like a celestial being as he moved to grip himself. As the head of his shaft came to rest at my entrance I stiffened. I had managed to ignore my nerves decently well up to this point but all of my friends had said the first time hurt.

  His free hand ran over my breast, gently massaging the soft orb until I relaxed again.

  “It’s alright; I’ll take care of you. Just relax and let me handle everything.”

  I took a deep breath and nodded as his fingers carefully stroked my hip. He repositioned himself, and then lightly swept the head of his hardness through my wet folds.

  “Shit baby,” he rasped. “You’re drenched.”

  “I am,” I mewled, “and I want you so bad.”

  But Adam is a man with enviable control. He gently swept the head of his shaft through my folds a few more times, getting it lubed while also playing with my clit. He ran the tip of his cock around the bulging nub a few times, and then slowly massaged the underside with the leaking head.

  I bucked, trying to get him in me without even knowing what I was doing.

  “Ooooh,” came my moan. “Please, Adam!”

  His satisfied smile told me this was what he wanted.

  “I love when you beg, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear while lining up at my entrance. “Now relax.”

  Slowly, the alpha male pushed past the first ring of muscle inside of me. A shudder passed through my form as I jerked away from the foreign intrusion, but Adam remained perfectly still. He didn’t move, waiting for me to adjust as his hand stroked mine.

  “It’s so big,” I cried helplessly. “I’m not sure if I can take more.”

  I hoarse groan came from his chest.

  “You can, Kimberly, and you will.”

  Slowly, he eased forward again and I moaned with part pleasure and part discomfort. This man was splitting me apart with his huge size and I yipped once more as he pressed further into my damp pinkness.


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