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Hope & Despair- Full Circle

Page 22

by Alan Wild

  “You fucking piss ant, you smell like you haven’t showered in two weeks. So, you want the truth or what?” Are you going to go cry like a little girl, or you going to take it like a man? Sal gives the question some thought. “I think I will cry like a little girl. Cause if I say that I will take it like a man, you might shove your shriveled-up Vienna sausage up my ass.” You stupid piece of shit, you’re just like your bitch mother.” Sal laughed and said, “I’d like to see you tell her that she will toss your crippled ass out to the curb.”

  ‘That worthless whore is not your mother, you fucking idiot. You are adopted. I am your real father. Your mother didn’t want you. She knocked the shit out of you then left you. She left both of us. The fucking whore was sleeping with her own son in law. He was plowing her every chance he got. One day, she was gone. I found her in Denver and taught her a lesson. She thought she could leave me. Leave us. I showed her what she was missing out.

  She showed up with her daughter, her fuck buddy, and their ugly fucking brats. They moved her out. Not before I left my mark.”

  “I had my way with both the girls, but the boy was a pansy-ass fag. I already knew just by looking at him. He pissed on my chair, so I poured boiling coffee on him. It was fun watching the dumb fucks run around, not knowing what to do.” Sal said, “Wow, you are a sick fuck.”

  “You go and cry like a stupid bitch and tell the dumb fucks sleeping in the next room, I won’t finish telling you about the money.”

  “What money are you talking about?” Asked Sal. Coughing up a lung, he said, “Your money, dumb ass. I am dying, so it will be yours. The stupid fuckers never finalized your adoption because they ain't got a pot to piss in. They just bought a fake birth certificate from the guy I knew. I have your real birth certificate in my room. Sal said, “You mean MY room. They sent me to the attic to fit you in.”

  “Go get the birth certificate if you think you are so smart. It is in the dresser under my socks.”

  Sal sat looking at the man that looked like he should already be dead. The only thing he could think about is the money. “Okay, whatever, I’ll bite. Walking into the room, he reaches the dresser pulling out the drawers he knows the man can reach. Finding the envelope, he walks back to the kitchen. Tossing it to the man claiming to be his father, he said, “Here is it.”

  “Well, open the fucking thing asshole” Rolling his eyes, Sal grabbed the envelope and opened it. Pictures and a birth certificate fell out on the table. “That bitch is your mother, and that thing in her arms is you. The other paper is a signed contract that proves I own her. She hands over every dime she earns. I haven’t collected, so that is up to you.”

  The only thing I want is revenge. Her fuck buddy put me in this wheelchair. He came over, thinking he could kick my ass. If it was just us, I would have slit his patsy ass throat. His brothers held me down while he beat my legs with a bat. You need to go bash his head in. Take a few swings on each knee then his arms. Keep him alive long enough to feel the pain. If he is dead, go after his kids. That sissy boy of theirs is younger than you. Take that fag out and bash him. Get the money first, though.

  “I had that stupid asshole brother of mine go buy a bat. I said it was for you. Go in the closet; it's yours. The next time that bitch tells you to get a job, take a shower, or do the dishes, you take the bat and beat her head in.” Retrieving the bat, Sal made his way back to the kitchen. He left the ice cube tray on the table and grabbed the milk again. Dropping the cap on the table, he guzzles until he needs air. Sitting in his wheelchair, he pushed back, knocking the statue of Jesus that was surrounded by candles off its base, shattering it to pieces.

  Running from their room, she looks at the room to see the damage. “What in the hell happened? That was my mother’s. Why? Al shrugged his shoulders and pointed to Sal and said, “He did it.” The man Sal knew as his father walked over and slapped him. He said, “What the hell is wrong with you? You are 38 years old, living in our house, you stink to high hell, and you're worthless. Sal’s mother is screaming at him, his dad is slapping him. Al sat in his wheelchair, laughing. He looked at Sal and said, “Batter up” Sal grabbed the bat and started swinging. He hit his father first. Once he was unconscious, he hit his mother. He just kept swinging until there was nothing left.

  ‘Covered in blood, he sat at the table. Sal takes another drink of milk from the jug. He asked, ‘So what about this money?’ Al told him, the first of your payment is in that bitches sewing box. She has been stuffing that away for as long as I knew her. Get that and the gun my brother has in the drawer. Let's get the hell out of here before the pigs show up. Loading the old man in the van, Sal slams the door. The sound sends a jolt through his body.”

  The sound startles Sal awake. Shaking his head, he listens again, the pounding is back again. Someone is back at the front door. He waits for the sound to stop then moves downstairs to watch TV again.

  Chapter 23

  Oliver Thaddeus

  A pounding so severe kept throbbing to the rhythm of a non-existent drummer. The rolling in the pit of his stomach was burning up, threatening to explode everywhere. There were sounds of people talking. There was a beeping sound that wouldn’t stop, it was doing nothing to help the pounding. Without warning, it was coming out, and Oliver was spewing vomit. His eyes flew open, unable to focus, the light was piercing his brain. Closing his eyes, he felt his stomach rolling again. Again, it comes out fast and furious.

  Someone has their hand on his back, rubbing circles. Attempting to open his eyes again, he could focus now. He recognized the garb as medical scrubs. Still, the vomit came without warning. The pounding was so severe he would do anything to make it stop. The person rubbing his back was talking, “There you are. Fuck, Ollie, you had us worried there.” Looking at the person speaking, he recognized his friend Ajay. Leaning back, Oliver closed his eyes. The smell was overpowering. The rolling in his stomach doesn’t stop. Trying to breathe through it, he swallowed, refusing to vomit again because that would make his head split open.

  “Where am I?” What is going on? Oliver asked while reaching to feel his head. “Hey, stop, you’re going to pull that shit out of your arm. The nurses are coming, just wait a minute. They will change your sheets and blanket.” Said Ajay. Oliver asked again, “Where am I?” Ajay mumbled under his breath and paused, then he said, “You’re in University Hospital. You had a bad knock on your head, and you’re covered in bruises.” Just as the words began to sink in, Oliver was surrounded by people. He felt the blankets being pulled off, and someone was on each side of him. Someone with a familiar voice asked the nurse, “What are you giving him?” A soft female voice said, “Something for pain, his head has to be killing him right now.”

  The familiar voice now sounded panicked, “No drugs. We have to talk to him. We waited long enough.” The soft female voice was more forceful, “No, your questions will have to wait.” Oliver opened his eyes, trying to place the voice. At the foot of his bed, running his hands through his hair, stood Ray. Raising his voice, he said, “Ask Oliver if he needs it first. Ask him damn it. Ollie, we need to talk. What happened? Where is Noah?” With the mention of Noah’s name, his eyes widen with a panicked wild edge. “Where is Noah? Is he hurt too?”

  Growling Ray said, “See, ask him if he wants that shit. Ollie, we will make it quick with the questions.” The voice coming from what Oliver assumed was the nurse asked, “Do you want the medication for pain management?” Oliver, growing frustrated that his questions were not being answered, said, “I want to know where Noah is.” The nurse said, “Fine, push the button when you are finished asking him questions. Just know he won’t remember, that is how the drug Rohypnol works.”

  Ray asked, “Ollie, do you remember what happened?” Oliver thought for a moment and asked: “What do you mean, what happened?” Ajay sounded irritated while speaking to Ray, “Cut the shit, lose your fucking training and tell him what you know, we do not have time for this shit. He needs the pain meds, and we need
to find Noah.” Ray spoke at a rapid pace, “Shit, here is what we know Ollie, you and Noah went over to his house to find his phone. You were gone too fucking long, and the off-duty officers went to see what was taking so long. They found you on the back porch, bleeding and unconscious. Noah is nowhere to be found. It’s like he just fucking disappeared. Now, do you remember anything at all?” Oliver tried to come up with the answers, but they just weren’t there. “The last thing I remember, we were upstairs looking for Noah’s phone in his room. I heard a noise like someone walking in and went to see who it was. That is, it. Nothing after is clear.”

  “Okay, Ollie, so do you remember who walked in the house? Did Noah go willingly, or was he abducted? Oliver squinted his eyes in the direction of Ray but remained silent. Ajay said, “Ollie, we don’t know what happened, that is why we are asking. How could Noah just disappear in thin air if he didn’t walk out on his own.” Shaking his head caused unimaginable pain. “Noah wouldn’t do that. There is no way.” Ajay asked, “Can you remember anything at all? Close your eyes and think, you are in the kitchen looking to see who came in the house. What do you smell?” Oliver absently reached to rub his neck. “I felt something sharp like a needle. You little bitch. I called him a little bitch. It was Sal.” Ajay asked, “What did he look like?” Oliver closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and said, “Body odor, he smelled awful. He had buzzed hair. That is all I remember.”

  Ray had a look that Oliver could not identify. He cleared his throat and said, “I am so sorry Ollie, I am going to find him for you. I promise.” As Ray left the room, Oliver started to pull the wires off his chest. Ajay grabbed his hands. “What in the hell are you doing? You’re going to mess it up.” Ajay reached down and pressed the button calling for a nurse. Pushing it again, A nurse came on the intercom and asked, “How can I help you?” Ajay yelled, “He needs his meds, and he is pulling shit off. I can use some help here.”

  Oliver started fighting Ajay’s attempts to stop him from leaving. Ajay said, “Stop, what are you going to do? Are you going to run off and save the day, Superman? You are pumped full of drugs; you have a concussion and your damn head is split open.” The only thing that stopped Oliver was when Ajay said: “Why can’t you just trust your team; you know the people that are doing everything they can to help?”

  Laying back in his bed, Oliver only intended to wait and hear what the team was doing. He took a deep breath and asked, “So what is the plan? What are you all doing?” He didn’t pay attention to what the nurse was doing, he only wanted to focus on Ajay. “Will you let go of my hands? What is wrong with you? I need to find Noah.” The rolling in his stomach had returned, dry heaves taking place where his words once flowed. The nurse rubbed his back and said, here, sweetie, this will help. She pushed something into his IV. He was still dry heaving, but he felt the tingling first, then a calm took hold, and he sat back and relaxed.

  Ajay was talking, but Oliver wasn’t exactly sure who he was talking to. The Nurse rubbed Oliver’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, sweetie, we are only keeping you overnight for observation. You will be released tomorrow after breakfast.” Ajay said, “No, I am going to stay with him overnight. Okay, I will see you in a bit, bye.” He got in Oliver’s face and tapped on his nose and said, “Are you still with us, Superman?” Oliver closed his eyes and asked, “What are you doing?” Letting out a giggle, Ajay said I am tapping on your nose to see if you are with me.” Letting out a moan, he said, “I finally found someone who I could spend my life with. Now, he is gone.” Tears fell down his face as he continued, “Please tell me what you are doing to find him.” Taking a moment, Ajay said, “Willa has broken into every WIFI network in the neighborhood. She found a few interesting leads. She is sending officers over to the neighbors behind Noah’s house and next door to him.”

  “Summer is using her contacts with the FBI, and they are officially involved. Of course, their activity is top secret. Dario is forming a neighborhood search party. He is using his stunning good looks and charming personality to work with the press. Ray made him the official spokesperson for the family. Darian is combing over all of the information to see if we missed anything. Owen is taking care of everyone by keeping us fed. He is also helping Nate, who is using his police contacts to see if there has been anyone purchasing Rohypnol, the date rape drug, by anyone that looks like Sal. And I am your personal security guard. You also have two off duty officers outside this room.”

  Oliver closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “Thank you, Ajay, I do appreciate everything the team is doing. I need to get out of here soon.”

  “You heard the nurse. You will be out tomorrow morning. I know you want to help find Noah; we all want to find him. There isn’t anything you can do tonight. Just rest.” Said Ajay.

  Turning on the TV, Ajay said, “Let's see what is on.” They channel surfed a few minutes then Ajay landed on the news on Fox 31. Oliver asked, “How long have I been here?” Ajay said, “I rode with you in the ambulance, and we got here around 1:00 PM. Oliver was ready to start taking the cords, monitors, and IV’s out again when the TV caught his attention. “Turn it up, please.” He said.

  A fox news reporter was outside Noah’s home. Oliver already heard this story because he has lived it. Then without warning, Dario was being questioned. Oliver said, “He is doing great. Maybe he should pursue a career in public relations. I think he will be our spokesperson. Then the reporter said, “We are showing you a picture of the main suspect in the case. Salvatore Petrelli is dangerous. Do not approach, call 911. Oliver looked at the picture and said: “That must be an old picture, He gained muscle mass and has a buzz cut.” Ajay said, “Oh, fucking shit, what else Ollie, what else?” Feeling confused Oliver heard Ajay’s phone dialing, he asked: “What are you doing?”

  Ajay was speaking fast. “Ray, he remembers him. He said he gained muscle mass and has a buzz cut. Can you get an artist to update the picture?” Within minutes, the reporter was back on with breaking news. The reporter pulled Dario back into the interview. Dario re-capped some information, then he announced, “Salvatore Petrelli has been identified and has altered his appearance. He currently has a buzz cut hairstyle; he has bulked up with muscle mass.” Oliver looked at Ajay, “That was fast” for the first time Oliver found a smile. His smile widened with Dario's statement, “Sal Petrelli is dangerous and should not be approached. He is known for his poor hygiene, bad breath, and rotting teeth. You will smell him before you see him.”

  Ajay began laughing until the thought hit him, “Shit, what if Sal sees this and takes his anger out on Noah.” Oliver had the same idea. He said, “I swear to god, if he hurts Noah, I will kill the mother fucker.”

  The news began recycling its coverage of everything it ran a few minutes ago. In the hall, there was some kind of commotion. Oliver asked Ajay, “What is going on out there.” Just as Ajay finished saying, “It doesn’t matter, I am not going to leave your side to check.” The door opened and in walked a tornado of a woman, also known as Willa. She walked over and kissed Oliver on the cheek. She said, “We knew what a pain in the ass you would be to the nurses, so we bought them all dinner, and gift cards. Now, Ollie, Let's get the hell out of here. I am checking you out of this hospital.” Ajay said, “Um, no bitch. He is going to be released tomorrow.” Willa replied with, “Um, no bitch, he is leaving now. You can get your ass in the ambulance that transports his ass home. Remember, we already have a doctor and a nurse at his house.”

  Ajay mumbled under his breath then said, “You know, someone could have communicated this to me. I wouldn’t have had them drug him up. It is called communication, you know?”

  Willa strong-armed Ajay, pulling him close to the door. She was angry, whispering something to Ajay that Oliver couldn’t hear.” Oliver asked, “Who has my phone? I need to call NelDean and Nora.” Willa let out a rather loud laugh and said, “Honey, it’s a little late for that. Move your ass and get your clothes on.” Ajay told Willa, “Go get the nurse and
use your charm. We need them to take out the catheter. Offer whatever you have to, just get them here fast.”

  Thirty minutes later, Oliver was being pushed out of the hospital to a waiting ambulance. He was strapped in, and the vehicle was on the move. Oliver looked over to Ajay and asked, “So is anyone going to tell me what is going on?” Ajay said, “When Noah didn’t pick up his phone, his sisters tried to call you. You know how that went. They had friends call them and fill them in on what happened with Noah. They are on their way to your house. Ray has your phone. He thought that Sal called you once, He might call you again. Worse yet, Ray had a profiler get to work. He believes you pissed Sal off, and he is going to attempt to finish what he started.”

  Oliver had a look of fear on his face. Ajay said, “I know Ollie, this guy Sal is one scary freak.” With a shaky voice, Oliver said, “Um, I am more worried about Noah’s sisters. Is his Mom coming too?” Ajay said, “Yep, all three of them. Dario and Darian have given up their rooms, and Owen already has the sheets changed and ready.” With all the information floating in his head, Oliver relaxed and quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter 24

  Noah Blain

  Struggling to move, Noah tried to untie his hands. Looking for any sign of weakness that he could take advantage of, he moved the chair. The room he was in was similar to his own basement. The rounded finished edges of the textured walls caught his attention first. The strong smell of cat urine wafting up and filling Noah’s senses is the dead giveaway. He knew exactly where he was. He is in his neighbor’s house, the cat lady.

  Feeling blood dripping from his arm from the struggle, Noah had the overwhelming feeling that he had been hit by a car. Every part of his body was hurting. Ignoring the pain, he continued to work the rope, knowing damn well he eventually will get loose. When he became conscious, he remained in place, completely still. Listening for any sign of movement. Noah has planned, plotted, and contemplated what he would do if he were in a situation like this.


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