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The Dynasty Club Box Set

Page 23

by Celeste Raye

  He wasn’t running from the people that were going to come after him in retribution, if any. He was running from himself and his own actions. There was nothing that could be done about it.

  Trent found himself back in America and back in the one place that he knew he would be able to go and be left alone. The club had become his second home. This time, he wasn’t drinking as much as before. Trent needed to sober up.

  His father had sent word that he needed to come home. Trent had an idea what it was about, but he wasn’t ready to answer the call. Not when he knew what it was going to be. His father had found out what happened and now he was going to want to punish him.

  Trent felt so guilty that it seemed like a good idea. As much as he wanted to believe that he was going to be able to find a way out of it, he possibly didn’t want to. It was time for him to answer for what he had done. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but it never was. That’s just something that he was going to have to live with.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Trent has finally sent word that he would be back sometime that day. I don’t know how I am going to tell him about Darius.”

  “I am sure that it will be a shock to him, but he must have known that something could happen.”

  Sienna was trying to keep her face clear of any understanding that she had and that she possibly shouldn’t have. As much as she wished she hadn’t seen what happened between the two brothers, she had, and that was all she could think about.

  Then Trent had left, and it had been almost a month since he’d taken off. It was hard for her to imagine where he was or when they were going to see each other again. She wanted to see him, and the idea that he was going to be home was subdued because of the current conversation and company. She wanted to go somewhere and to be alone so that she would be able to smile the way she wanted to.

  “You’re right. I am sure that he will be okay with it, but I don’t know what to do about you. There isn’t a set way to handle this. The brother usually would marry the dead brother’s wife to ensure that the children are taken care of. I would hate to have you and Mobly out there without any protection.”

  Sienna had been told before the pack’s traditions. It was too good to be true. Though after a time, Sienna started to wonder if that was why Trent had taken off. Was it because he was so opposed to marrying her?

  “I will be fine, Ronald, but thank you for your concern. I can always go back home…”

  She had thought about it some, but she was still waiting for a miracle to play out. She needed one. All she could think about was getting Trent back and them working it out. She would marry him in a heartbeat if that’s what he wanted. But she had to think ahead. She had to have a contingency.

  “I would hate that. We want to see Mobly. He will need training in our ways. He’s going to be a shifter, is a shifter, and I want to make sure that he has everything that he needs.”

  Sienna agreed that it would be better for her to stay, but she had to leave that thought in her mind just in case. She’d learned long ago that if nothing else, she had to keep a Plan B in place.

  They were both shocked to hear the door slam open and her heart went out to the man standing there. Trent was smiling at them both, though she knew that he was not going to be smiling soon.

  She noticed he had a bit of a limp, and Sienna wondered if it was from the fight.

  “Are you okay, son? You look like you have suffered some injuries.”

  “They are not that bad. It’s almost healed now.”

  “In America?”


  “Ah, this war… has taken a toll on all of us. I have to tell you something.”

  Sienna watched Trent’s face as he was told about the death of his brother. He already knew about it, of course, but the shock was real because he didn’t know that it had been blamed on one of the McClellans and it had been the catalyst to get peace, instead of just a truce. Darius did not die in vain, though no one knew the real way that he died or why.

  She would never tell the truth, not if it meant something happening to Trent.

  “I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, son.”

  He embraced his father, and Sienna waited for him to look at her. They hadn’t really seen each other since that day. It had been a horrible day, but she was still hopeful that something good would come of it.

  After a time, they settled down in the library. The men drank some and Sienna rejoined them after she fed the baby and got him back down to sleep. When she reentered the room, they were talking about other things.

  “It isn’t required of you, Trent, but it would help the family out. You know that the allegiance means a lot to us.”

  “I thought there was real peace found this time?”

  “Well, peace is finicky, and it is always good to leave an opening…”

  She cleared her throat and waited for them to notice her. Sienna had learned that sometimes her being a woman held her back, and she didn’t want it to today. At the moment, she needed to know what was going to happen next.

  “I can come back if I am disturbing you two.”

  “No, not at all. I was just learning about everything that has gone on since I left.”

  “I was also talking to him about marriage, Sienna.”

  Trent looked surprised that they were talking about it like it was no big deal. Sienna could imagine his confusion. Trent no doubt had no idea what he was walking into.

  “Wait, you knew about this?”

  “You’ve been gone for over a month, Trent, since it happened. A lot of conversations have taken place. I told your father that I was willing to marry you if it would help the transition.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “It’s not required of you, Trent. But you know, it would honor your brother, and then maybe Sienna wouldn’t have to move back home. We’d never see the baby if that’s the case.”

  “You are going back home?”

  “If I must.”

  “Then there is nothing to do but get married.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sienna couldn’t believe it was happening. It felt like she was lying to everyone, but that didn’t matter. What mattered most was that she was going to finally marry the one she should have. She loved Trent, and now they could be together.

  It was harsh how it all had to happen, but what was even worse was the idea that she would have done it all over again if given the chance. There was still so much more that she was willing to do to get the man that she loved. She would do anything for Trent.

  Their baby was looking more and more like him every day, and the few times that he’d shimmered into his dragon form, the child was almost the exact same color as Trent. They didn’t talk about it, but they both knew that Trent was the real father.

  The wedding wasn’t as big as the one that she’d had with Darius in America, but it was big enough. She’d wanted something small and intimate, and Ronald had gotten her to agree to under one hundred. She wasn’t going to count heads as she walked down the aisle, but it looked like he was really pushing it with the number. If it was under a hundred, it was just that.

  Her focus went to the man standing in front of her, and she tried to hold her face together. This was supposed to be a duty wedding, not because of love. It would be some time before they could show how they truly loved each other. She knew that she had to look at him with care and concern, but not the burning love that she felt for Trent. That wouldn’t do.

  The same words were repeated that she had heard not too long before. She could have said the words out of memory, and it was a strange moment for Sienna. So much had changed since the brothers came into her life. So much had changed.

  It was her turn to agree to the marriage, and it was the fastest yes that Sienna had ever said. How could she say anything else but that?

  All she wanted was Trent. That was all she had wanted since he had touched her for the first time and nothing had change

  “Yes. I will marry you.”

  Some more words were spoken, but their eyes met, and she wasn't able to hear a word of it. Everything was tuned out. The world didn't matter anymore. That's how it always was between her and Trent. Once they connected, nothing else mattered.

  Sienna melted with the kiss, but she knew that she had to pull back from it. It was not supposed to be something fiery that made her liquify inside. That's what happened, but the kiss was supposed to be more chaste. She was supposed to be doing this out of obligation and nothing more.

  After the kiss, there was a celebration just like before, and Sienna felt like she was playing her life all over again. This time, though, it was going the way it was supposed to go.

  They had their first dance, and at the end of the song, he pulled her close and whispered in her ear.

  “Do you want to get out of here?”

  “So badly.”

  Sienna wanted to be herself. She wanted them to be able to be together. Really together, and not the way that everyone wanted them to be together. She loved Trent. It wasn’t an obligation; it was the first time she had done anything in the last year and a half that she wanted to do. This was just for her.

  “Meet me out back in ten minutes.”

  She watched him go, and it was the first time that she didn't feel a soul-crushing pain in him doing it. She knew that it wasn’t like all the times before.

  Sienna thanked Ronald for setting everything up, and she talked to a few other people before seeing her servant one last time before she took off.

  “I will be back in a little while.”

  The woman smiled and agreed.

  “Don't rush home. Your little one will be just fine with me. I know that these first few weeks are very important to a new married couple.”

  Sienna kept that in mind. She wanted to believe that this was how it was all supposed to be.

  When she got outside, Trent had already changed into his dragon, and she felt a shiver go through her. There was just something about riding him that brought out her animalistic needs.

  She climbed on and leaned forward, putting her arms around his neck. She laid her face on the smooth scales and imagined how everything was going to be different now.

  “I love you, Trent.”

  The dragon took off into the sky. She never got an answer, but she didn't need one. She could feel the love between them. Just like the first time.

  “Take me to our cave, Trent.”

  Sienna wanted to go back to where it all started.

  Dragon’s Second Chance

  (A Dragon Shifter Romance Story)

  The Dynasty Club

  By Celeste Raye

  Book 3

  Chapter One

  “Aren’t you at least a little bit excited about tonight? It’s the only time of year, that our family name isn’t a social curse.”

  “You can see it that way if you want to, Ophelia, but I don’t. It’s kind of nice that I get to talk to the simpletons less. They know our family, know my reputation, and that’s all we need. It’s not that hard. You just want to be friends with everyone.”

  “There is nothing wrong with being friendly, Nik. You don’t have to be so mean all the time. The reputation is because of you, not Father. Father was bad, but you’ve been so angry lately. I know that if you would just find the right woman, she’d change you. Men your age need a mate to settle you down. I think it’s time.”

  Nik waved his sister off and tried to tell her that it wasn’t necessary. Every time he talked to a female in his family, it was always the same thing. Too much pressure to get married, especially when he hadn’t found a woman that he could tolerate for more than a few minutes.

  “While I am happy you have found the love of your life so young, it doesn’t mean that it happens for all of us.”

  “So young… you realize that I’m almost a century old, brother. It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this to happen. And you are almost twice my age. You’re going to tell me that in all these years, you’ve never even thought about it?”

  “How did we go from my reputation to me getting married?”

  “Well, if you were nicer, you’d find a mate, and this is the perfect night to find one. Everyone will be there, and maybe you will find a girl that isn’t from our area, our alliances. There has to be a woman out there for you, brother. I just know it. I know the gushy man behind the rough exterior.”

  Nik shook his head. His sister was always trying to set him up with women. All of his female family members set it as their life goal, to drive him crazy with it. Nik was content and had figured out a long time ago that relationships and the like weren’t always good for everyone. He didn’t think that they would be good for him. He knew it wouldn’t be good for him. He wanted to be free, not tied down by a woman.

  “Whatever is inside me, it’s only for you, Ophelia. I don’t think there is a woman alive that would be able to tame me. I know that’s your plot.”

  “You don’t need to be tamed, Nik. I just want to make sure that you’re happy. I know how happy I am with Claus, and I wish the same for you.”

  She was always too sweet and Nik knew that it was coming from her heart that was far too big. There was nothing that he could do about it—not really.

  “If it is meant to be, Opi, then there is nothing I can do to stop it, right?”

  Nik knew that he had her there. She was always talking about things being meant to be, so if he went with her theory, then it meant that Ophelia was just going to have to go with it.

  “Fine, Nik. I know what you’re doing, but just know that I know what’s going on. You don’t believe in fate, just like you don’t believe in forgiveness.”

  “I don’t believe in forgiveness. Especially for some of the people at this party.”

  “This party is for all dragonkin. Not just the ones you like. You really have to go with a positive attitude. You never know, brother: peace could come of this.”

  He shook his head because he knew that it wasn’t possible. His family would never get along with their sworn enemy. Ever.

  “We will never get along with the Domins. There will never be peace, and every time I get close to them, I can feel the beast wanting to come out. So, you see, sis, the last thing I’m thinking about is finding a mate.”

  Ophelia was irritated. Her expression, as well as the sound that she made, told him so. He knew that he sounded like his father, but it was something that he’d heard from him for quite some time. It made it easier to go to hate as a default. It was in his blood.

  “I just don’t understand what the Domins did to our family. Do you? I mean, I heard about betrayal and all of that, but what actually happened, how long ago? None of it makes sense, and it’s really hard to hate people when I don’t even know why.”

  He didn’t want to admit that he didn’t know the specifics either. He’d heard about it a lot, but he actually didn’t know why they were hated. Just that they were. For Nik, that was enough.

  “You’ve heard the stories, just like I have.”

  “No, I have heard several stories from different people and the rantings of a wicked man.”

  Nik knew how his sister felt about their father. He felt that way as well but had grown to know nothing else, so he didn’t see what Thomas did as wrong. It was just who he was.

  “Let’s not get into this, Opi. You are the one that told me I was supposed to go into this positively.”

  “I know, but I don’t see why you side with him. Look how unhappy he is. Do you want to end up like him?”

  That made Nik stop and think for a moment, but he didn’t want to get into it with her. “Let’s just say that I’m going to be on my best behavior.”

  “Good, and all I am saying, brother, is maybe you should keep your eyes open.”

  Nik told his sister that he would, but he didn’t actually plan on doing that. In truth, all he was worried about was getting through the night without g
etting into a fight. It was frowned upon, but Nik was above the law in most things. His family was fierce and powerful, but on the Birthday of the Dragons, he had to keep it to himself. Even he wasn’t above the ancestors, and he knew exactly what would happen if he lost his cool. He had done it before and lost a year of his life because of it.

  Ophelia left to finish getting dressed while Nik stared in the mirror. His dark eyes were not inviting. He didn’t look approachable, but that didn’t seem to stop all of the girls that couldn’t get enough of him. He didn’t understand what it was that they liked about him but he’d always known that there was something about him that pulled the women in. Nik had capitalized on that fact many times in the past.

  “Keep my eyes open, huh?”

  He shook his head in defiance of the thought. Nik wasn’t looking. He was happy how things were. When he wanted a woman’s touch, he got it and then moved on. There was no need to have seconds. Why would he waste his time trying the same thing again?

  It made no sense to him. Fate and love were just something that women needed. Men knew better. He could fall in love every night with a different woman if he let himself. It wouldn’t be hard at all. But one woman, forever, which was a really long time in his world, seemed impossible.

  Chapter Two

  Nik went downstairs a little after dark. The party had been going most of the day, but he was the one that wanted to make an appearance and then leave quickly after that. He didn’t want to be at the pretentious event, but he had to show up for a little while. If not, he would hear about it, like he had the last time that he skipped all of the festivities of the day.

  He heard his name, bellowed from the other side of the large room, and he knew immediately who it was. He didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Frank.


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