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Harlequin Dare May 2021 Box Set

Page 44

by Jackie Ashenden

  She fell back onto the bed, feeling the urge to toss her phone again. But recalling how that had turned out last time, she simply dropped it onto the mattress and closed her eyes. She was definitely going to have a story for Eddie come Monday morning. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the story she’d pitched to him. Well, not exactly. The new angle she’d told RJ she would take on the story had turned out to be a great call. What she’d written so far was informative and enlightening; it was inspirational and touching. Not surprisingly each of the Gold siblings and Chaz spoke not only highly of Ron and Tobias, but also of what the two companies meant to them, to the people they’d ultimately become. She’d felt motivated just writing it, pressed to take everything her parents had taught her about resilience and courage to be the very best reporter she could be. She didn’t want to toss that aside.

  She climbed off the bed, went to the table where her laptop was and opened it. Plopping down into the chair, she waited for it to boot up and clicked on the file with her story draft. After reading over what she had so far, Grace knew she couldn’t change it. Not just because she really liked it, but also because it was exactly what she’d promised RJ she would write. It wasn’t the juicy exposé she’d promised the Daily Gazette. It was a story about how RJ’s family had broken the mold of all fashion houses and become number one all while facing adversity. No, she wasn’t going to change a word, not even if it meant Eddie would probably try to ruin her career.

  * * *

  “I dare you to kiss RJ.” Maurice chuckled heartily after saying those words.

  Grace froze, obviously regretting choosing a dare over the truth. RJ didn’t move either, but not for the same reason. He’d come into this game knowing exactly what his siblings would try to do. They’d each been on him about what happened in the past between him and Grace. Riley had been especially emotional, which he totally chalked up to her impending nuptials and new outlook on love.

  “I don’t think she’s here by mistake,” she’d said a couple nights ago when they were the last two at the table after dinner.

  “She’s not. She’s writing a story about our family, remember?” he’d replied, and Riley had smirked.

  “You’re a goof, but you’re not stupid. She could’ve stayed in New York and written that story.”

  “We’re all here—what better time to come and interview us?” he’d countered.

  “There’s such a thing as a phone. Zoom, Skype, email. Besides those other options, she wasn’t guaranteed an interview with any of us. She had no idea we would agree to this story. Yet she used money from her savings to pay for the room and airfare just to spend two weeks on this island.”

  “How do you know she used her savings?” Because of everything Riley had just said, that was the most important part to RJ. Grace hadn’t cared that she didn’t make a lot of money being a reporter. Even when her parents had compared her salary range to that of her sisters’, she’d argued that she made enough to live comfortably and that she was following her passion, doing what she was meant to do. And he’d championed her courage and determination. But the thought of her taking any type of financial hit because of this trip didn’t sit well with him.

  “She mentioned it the other day when we were having drinks,” Riley had said with a wave of her hand. “But what I’m really saying is that I don’t think she’s here just to write this story and I’m hoping my big brother is smart enough to figure that out himself.”

  Riley had left him to stew over that information and he’d been letting it ruminate in his mind since. On more than one occasion when he’d been with Grace at night, he’d thought about bringing it up, but since the night on the yacht, he’d liked the new low-stress caliber of their relationship. They’d been simply enjoying themselves, rekindling the things they enjoyed most about being together. Rocking the boat with questions and talk of where this was or wasn’t going was something he’d decided not to do.

  Today, this truth-or-dare game that was meant to pass the time and entertain them may just be propelling them in another direction entirely. It made what they were doing much more public than either of them had probably considered.

  “Well, alrighty then,” Grace said and stood from her seat.

  She wore white capri pants and a yellow top. Her hair was out today, wavy and hanging past her shoulders. When she walked over to him he wanted to jump up and say something, do something that might take them out of the spotlight. But that would’ve been counterproductive.

  Riley and Nina clapped while Major whistled and Maurice stood pumping a fist in the air. They were being ridiculous, and RJ looked at Grace with what he hoped she’d take as his apology for his wacky family. He made a move to stand when she was closer, but she stopped him by putting her hands on his shoulders.

  “You don’t have to do this. We can leave,” he said.

  She shook her head. “I’m not a sore loser,” she told him. “Besides, they want a show, I’ll definitely give them one.”

  And with that she shocked them all, but mostly RJ, by straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Yeaaahh!” Maurice yelled.

  “Get ’em, Grace!” Nina followed with a whooping laugh.

  Riley whistled this time and he heard Chaz chuckling as well.

  RJ couldn’t take his eyes off Grace, or his hands—which had a mind of their own and were now cupping her ass. “You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded. In the next seconds she was moving in, tilting her head before touching her lips gently to his. RJ was sure this was supposed to be just a peck. Maurice hadn’t specified what type of kiss she needed to give him in his dare, but to hell with that. Like Grace had said, if they wanted a show, they were going to get one. Especially since pulling away from kissing Grace wasn’t something RJ was able to do.

  His hands moved up her back as he took the kiss deeper. She followed his lead, hugging him tighter and pressing her body into his. For a moment he almost forgot his family was there staring at them and cheering them on. All he could think about was how good she felt in his arms, how perfect and right it felt kissing her and holding her.

  Grace broke the kiss—he was positive he wouldn’t have been able to do it. The cheers and comments in the room grew loud again, reminding him that they weren’t alone. Yet their gazes remained locked. Something was happening, some form of communication passed between them, which RJ didn’t think either of them had expected. It was a silent acknowledgment of sorts, but now was neither the time nor place to explore.

  Grace apparently realized that as well because she pulled back from him, easing off his lap to stand and look at him for a few seconds before turning away. When she walked back to her seat it was with her arms raised in triumph, like she’d just run a marathon instead of kissed him senseless. As for RJ, he couldn’t get out of that chair if somebody paid him. His legs felt weak, his chest full of heat and emotion. All he could do was clear his throat to try to get himself together. When his brothers responded to that with more crude comments and guffaws, he replied by giving each of them the middle finger.

  Later that evening, after the dinner Grace had decided to skip, RJ walked along the pathway that had taken him to her room so many nights before. The first time he’d walked this way, over a week ago, he’d had no idea what—or rather, who—he was going to find. His lips tilted into a smile as he recalled stepping on the vibrator she’d been looking for, even though at the time, laughter had been the furthest thing from his mind.

  There’d been an instant mixture of confusion and elation at seeing her again after so long. Of course that’d been combined with a potent punch of lust once she held the sex toy in her hand. That lust hadn’t abated in the days since that night and the many times he’d slept with her. It never would, apparently. Neither would the feelings he’d been harboring all this time.

>   His mother had tried to talk to him about it; even his brothers had tried to broach the subject with him over the years, and RJ had shot each of them down, not wanting to admit what was definitely still there. He was still in love with Grace.

  What did that even mean now? In the past he’d thought those feelings meant the next step was marriage. Now, after all that had happened, all that he’d learned, did it make sense to hope for a second chance?

  “Hey,” Grace said when she opened the door.

  He’d been so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t remember knocking.

  “Hey,” he replied. “Missed you at dinner.” He punctuated that statement by stepping toward her, slipping a hand around to the nape of her neck. “I missed you a lot.” He pulled her closer, sweeping his tongue along her lips before diving in for a deep kiss right there in her doorway.

  When he was finally able to release her, she blinked up at him. His ego inflated at the obvious staggering effects of his kiss on her. RJ grinned and said, “Hello.”

  She cleared her throat and shook her head. “Hello, yourself.” Moving out of the way, she let him into her room, then closed and locked the door behind him.

  “I have a lot of writing to get done,” she started as he moved farther into the room. “I met with your mother this afternoon and tomorrow I’m meeting with your father and Tobias. Both before the bachelor and bachelorette parties are scheduled to start.”

  Stopping near the table where she had her laptop and notepads scattered, he turned back to face her. “The last three interviews.”

  She nodded. “And then it’ll be done.”

  He stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his shorts. “You didn’t interview me.” Truth be told he hadn’t wanted to be interviewed. After agreeing to this story and spending more time with Grace, he hadn’t wanted to be bothered with any of its details. He’d only wanted to focus on her, but he had a job to do.

  She came closer to where he stood, lifting her hands to tuck wayward strands of her hair behind her ears. She wore a nightshirt, legs and feet bare, hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to be interviewed. Besides, I know how everything your father did affected your life. And I know you’ve always had a distaste for the feud between him and Tobias.”

  It was an inherited distaste, he could admit, since he’d never asked questions about what his father said had happened. Those were the facts, and as Ron’s son RJ had acted accordingly. That meant keeping a close eye on their competition. RJ could follow his parents’ decree that there was now a truce between the families, but he still intended to pay close attention to Tobias and his fashion house. Starting with Veronica and this book she planned to write.

  “I might have something new to add,” he told Grace, even though he really didn’t. He just wanted her to interview him, or at least say she’d stop working to interview him, and then he could easily maneuver that into something else.

  He closed the distance between them, pushing his hands under her nightshirt to run along her hips. “You can start by asking me whatever questions you want to ask.”

  She let him pull her to him, already shaking her head. “Nah, buddy. Not yet anyway. Just let me get these notes typed up and then you’ll have my undivided attention.”

  That last word was followed by her hand cupping his burgeoning erection, and he grinned at her to keep from moaning. “I can respect that,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “I’ll just be over here waiting.”

  When he didn’t move but kept his hands on her delectable body, she pushed him away, laughing. He chuckled, too, going over to sit on the bed. He took off his shoes and reached for the television remote. There wasn’t usually much on these hotel televisions with limited satellite channels, but he wasn’t really watching anyway. No, when RJ lay back against the pillows, one arm tucked behind his head, his gaze shifted over to the table where Grace sat.

  He had no idea how long he watched her staring at the laptop screen, fingers moving over the keyboard. Every now and then she’d turn her attention to the notes on the many pads laid out, and then she’d go right back to typing again. He loved to see her work, enjoyed wondering how her brilliant mind came up with so many words. Her stories were always meaningful and poignant in some way. Even when she was talking about makeup comparisons, upcoming style changes, the lack of books in a public library. Regardless of what she wrote he could always find the heart and empathy she’d put into each word. While they were dating, he’d read every one of her articles, had even saved many of them on his home computer. She was the love of his life and everything about her was important to him.

  So when he dozed off, it was to thoughts of how she would work in the home office of the house they’d purchase together one day. He’d stand in the doorway watching her until he was too tired. Then he’d head to their bedroom and wait for her to finish and join him. He wouldn’t sleep soundly until the moment she was lying in bed beside him, where she belonged.


  THE NEXT MORNING when Grace awoke and rolled over in bed, she again went immediately still. This time, it was because she’d bumped into something, or she should say someone. Opening her eyes very slowly, she saw RJ lying on his back, one arm on the pillow above his head, the other hand buried beneath the sheet that straddled his waist. A smile ghosted her lips and she propped herself up on an elbow to stare at him.

  Sunlight poured in from the partially closed drapes at the patio door, a slash of gold cutting across his deep umber-hued skin. Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, she stared at his muscled biceps and chest. There was no part of this man that wasn’t heavenly to look at. If he turned over on his stomach, which he often did when he slept, she’d have a view of his firm ass and strong shoulders. As it stood now, she dragged her gaze back up to his face. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. No concerns about the company marring his forehead with lines, no private jokes from his brothers ruffling his mood, no worries about the wedding going perfectly for Riley. In the past few days, she and RJ had talked about a lot of things—his family, hers, his job and hers. Those conversations coupled with this morning wake-up view was just another reminder of old times.

  Last night after she’d finished writing, her thoughts had begun to focus on what the future held not just for the two fashion houses, but also for her and RJ. For whatever reason, she’d been able to keep what they were doing here on the island compartmentalized, or at least that had been her goal. But that was before truth or dare, and it was before her conversation with Marva Gold.

  “Why did you really want to write this story?” That had been the first question Marva asked after Grace was seated in the living room area of their villa.

  There’d been a level of comfort in all the interviews she’d conducted up to this point. She used to have a really good relationship with Marva but this was the first time she’d been in a room alone with the woman after turning down her son’s proposal.

  “Because it’ll be good for my career,” Grace had replied.

  Marva had seemed to accept that response by giving a slight nod. “Or was it because you knew it would bring you back to RJ? You wanted to right the wrong you knew you’d done by leaving all those years ago.”

  Well, clearly, Marva had some things she wanted to say about their breakup. Grace had figured this was fair. In fact, she’d given each of the Gold siblings a chance to voice their feelings about that situation during their interviews. For the way she’d left everyone high and dry, she figured she owed them that much. “I wasn’t wrong for making a decision to follow my dreams. Men do it every day. They sacrifice it all for their careers and they’re given a pat on the back. Why was I supposed to do something different?”

  “So that’s the reason you decided not to marry my son?” Marva nodded after she spoke again. “I see. You thought you wouldn’t
be able to continue on your career path while being married to such a high-profile man. Oh, I definitely see now.”

  While Grace wanted to tell Marva that she couldn’t possibly know what Grace had been feeling then or what was motivating her now, she didn’t. The irony of the situation was, if anyone in the Gold family could relate to what she’d gone through with RJ, Marva was the one. She’d attended college and worked briefly as an educator before marrying Ron and becoming the legendary man’s partner. In the years she’d been a Gold, she’d also become a very notable philanthropist, starting several initiatives to aid schools specifically in underrepresented communities.

  “Ron was that man for me,” Marva went on. “His big personality, the company, the fortune, even that fancy Rolls-Royce he rode around in, was a lot for a girl like me who’d come from much humbler beginnings in Baltimore.”

  “I know you were able to build a separate life and identity for yourself within the marriage,” Grace said in the hope that they could speed past this part of the conversation. She knew Marva’s backstory, had done all her research prior to this interview. They didn’t need to rehash any of it.

  “Then why didn’t you believe you could do the same?”

  “I didn’t want to,” Grace immediately replied, realizing then that it had boiled down to that simple fact. Grace hadn’t wanted to re-create herself under the Gold name; she’d wanted to have her own name personified first and was certain there was nothing wrong with that.

  “That makes sense. But how do you feel now? Are you certain you became fixated on doing this story because you believe you’re the one to tell it, or was it partially because you knew it would bring you face-to-face with RJ again?”

  Hours after that very long conversation with his mother, Grace stared down at RJ next to her, wondering if some of Marva’s observations might be accurate.

  “If you keep staring at me like that, you’re never gonna make it to your last interviews and I’ll be late for a call I have scheduled with the office.” He didn’t open his eyes when he spoke, and she wondered if he knew she used to stare at him every morning like this.


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