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Boys with Toys: M/M Romance Book 3

Page 6

by Sky McCoy

  “Why are you here?”

  “For you.”

  Taylor laughed and when he glanced at Dylan seated, his mouth was closed and he saw him tightening his jaw.

  “You can’t be serious. I’m a married man and I have no interest in fucking around with you, or fucking my life up. Not even for you.”

  “Me think you protest too much. Shakespeare I think said that.”

  “I know, don’t remind me.” Taylor leaned on his desk with both hands. “Are you still dragging young impressionable youths to outdoor plays and concerts under the ruse that you want to broaden their horizons?” He slanted his head to the side and met Dylan’s blue eyes.

  “You were never a youth and never impressionable. And besides, you’re not that much younger than I am.”

  “I was then. I was eighteen,” Taylor protested. “And you...”

  “What did I do? I made the idea of sex for you the most beautiful experience of your life. You never knew love, or how to make love until you met me. I was gentle with you, and I was rough. You needed to know both sides of that experience—”

  Dylan ran his hand over Taylor’s desk simulating the motion of how he’d caress Taylor’s thighs before he tightened his hand on his hard ass and sunk his fingers into Taylor’s ass cheeks. Taylor’s eyes followed his hands until he realized what Dylan was doing to him once again and he blinked to come back to the now of their conversation.

  “You taught me to satisfy you. That’s what it was all about. Your selfish needs,” Taylor interrupted. “And only you. And you made it so I couldn’t leave you. Or so you thought.”

  “Yes and you left me anyway.”

  “I had to for my own sanity,” Taylor confessed.

  When his gaze settled on Dylan, he wanted to take him as he had been taken by Dylan. If just to prove something to himself. But he wouldn’t because to do that would be to risk it all. Taylor’s breathing became labored as he looked into Dylan’s blue eyes thinking about the many nights that he had spent waiting on Dylan to come to him, and use him as he had done. He had become a shell of himself, and he didn’t care about anything or anyone, he just wanted Dylan and he wanted him inside of him.

  Then. Not now. Not ever again.

  But Dylan left him to be with someone else many nights and like a puppy, he waited and waited. Then he found a little peace in work and going to school, and when that day came when he wasn’t on a photo shoot or in class, he was there eager to have Dylan at any cost.

  And he did have Taylor at any cost because Taylor never had anyone but Dylan, but Dylan had made it known to Taylor that he had an insatiable appetite for sex, and unlike Taylor he couldn’t hold out. He had to feed that beast, and he did whenever he had the chance because he knew when no one else would want him, Taylor would be there waiting for him.

  Taylor accepted the role Dylan had placed him in because he desired no one but Dylan, and he’d waited until Dylan came back to New York, or when a lover had left him.

  One day when Taylor could no longer wait his young life out, being a butt boy for Dylan, he came across a newspaper clipping of a young lawyer who had been very successful in San Francisco.

  The guy was handsome and damn was he sexy, Taylor thought. But fuck, he was straight because there he was standing near the mayor’s daughter all smiles. His cock twitched that day looking at the picture, and he couldn’t get it under control. No other man had that effect over him, but Dylan.

  However, Taylor remembered the face and the moment which changed his life and what he said on seeing a picture of Payton Bailey.

  “How the fuck is it possible to fall in love with a man just from a picture and then travel thousands of miles just to be near him, not knowing if I will ever get the chance to meet him?” he’d murmured.

  But he did and it wasn’t long before he came face to face with a man who had been in his dreams night after night.

  Dylan had been right. He’d taught Taylor the difference in love and infatuation. With Dylan it was just infatuation and raw sex, but what drove Taylor thousands of miles was a desire deep inside him that he couldn’t measure. It took just a picture and no hope that the man he saw had everything he needed for his life.

  Hope springs eternal.

  And when Taylor had moved to San Francisco after law school, he had gotten a job because of his father’s connections, and when he learned that Payton was no longer engaged to one woman and newly engaged to another, he knew that he had to get close where he could meet Payton Bailey.

  With Payton’s previous engagement, the woman happened to divulge to Payton that she’d had an affair, and revealed it to Payton, who was obviously a man who wanted his wife faithful. That affair had been with Taylor. Taylor’d had to find some way to get close to Payton. He believed in the mantra, all’s fair in love and war.

  Chapter Seven

  STARING DOWN AT THE sexy man three years Taylor’s senior, he looked older maybe forty, but as handsome as ever with a few grey strands of hair on the side of his tanned face.

  Looking down on the man who had controlled his life until he graduated from law school, and left without saying a word to him and moved to San Francisco, he could only ask the question he had been dying to ask him all these years.

  “What is it that you want now, Dylan?”

  “I want an explanation.”

  Taylor raised an eyebrow and chuckled. And Taylor noticed a frown cross Dylan’s face. He was never bothered before by how Taylor felt one way or the other.

  “What do you have to say to me? You never gave me a reason why you left. You never called me, you just left. I still have some of your clothes hanging in my closet.”

  “Give them to Goodwill.” Dylan’s lip curled up to the side with a closed mouth and stared at Taylor.

  “You were always a smartass, and the only time you would shut your fucking mouth and stop complaining about me not giving you enough of my time was when I placed my cock in your sexy mouth. Do you remember that? You were on your knees and begged me to give it to you. I had been traveling and came in from a flight from Spain, and you wouldn’t let me sleep. You accused me of fucking around, so I made you suck my cock. Well, I didn’t have to make you, you were like a dog rutting for a bone. You were that eager to get me in your mouth. To shut you up I let you suck me for as long as you wanted, and you did, all night and practically the next day. I went to sleep and woke with my cock in your mouth. Do you remember?”

  “Unfortunately, I remember everything. And were you? Had you been fucking around?”

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “That is the point. Now make it fast. I have an appointment to keep.” Taylor glanced down at his watch after he decided to sit behind his desk. Then he scanned outside his office to see the last of the personnel leaving. And he knew then that he was late, and he had to get to the restaurant and meet Payton.

  “With that jealous husband of yours, and you so eager for love from him, the next thing you know, he’ll have you wearing a cock cage.”

  How did he know that was what Payton had proposed? I never would do something outrageous as that, Taylor thought as he looked down again to check the time but Dylan kept up his aimless talking.

  “I know you’re loyal and why doesn’t he know this? Is there a crack somewhere in your relationship?”

  At that statement Taylor stood. “I have to leave. This conversation has gone too far and too long.”

  Taylor walked to the cabinet, and reached for his leather satchel he had placed on top of it. He didn’t hear when Dylan strode quietly around the desk, and stood directly behind him. Taylor felt his presence and smelled his aftershave.

  Taylor didn’t think he would have the same reaction to him as before, but he did. His cock shuddered when he smelled Dylan’s cologne of sage and lavender. It could only be described as Fucking Fabulous, and it was by Tom Ford. Taylor knew because he’d bought some for Payton, and from the smell, if he closed his eyes, he could swear that
it was Payton standing behind him, so close he could feel his cock between his ass crack, but it wasn’t. It was Dylan standing against his ass with a thick pulsating cock.

  If he turned around there would be no need for a bed because he was jacked up against a wall with Dylan who Taylor thought he had resistance to, and discovering that the barrier he placed between him and Dylan existed no more. But turn he did, and faced his fears. And looked at the man who once controlled every muscle in his body with one touch and one kiss.

  TAYLOR CLOSED HIS EYES, and when he opened them, Payton was coming through the main door leading to his office. Payton stopped when he saw Taylor standing against the wall and facing Taylor, he couldn’t see, but the man was too close to be an employee. He had to be someone Taylor knew intimately.

  The boys like Max and Noah would have been that close of friends to embrace him the way this man was, but it was neither of his boys.

  Payton would soon see who was being that intimate with his husband. As Payton strode closer, the figure turned around.

  “Oh hello, Payton. We’ve never been formally introduced.” Dylan held out his hand.

  Payton looked him up and down and then his eyes steadied on Taylor. “I tried calling you to tell you that everything went well in court, and that I would meet you here. You need to answer your phone,” Payton said barking out orders to Taylor, but with little or no warmth in his words.

  “I would never talk to you that way,” Dylan said his eyes aimed at Payton, but his words meant for Taylor.

  Payton leaned his head to the side, narrowed his glance, and furrowed his brow. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? This is my husband.”

  “And he was mine before he was yours, if he ever was yours,” Dylan said, his voice arrogant and nasty with a slight shake of his head.

  “Dylan, please leave my office. You’ve done enough damage by being here,” Taylor said to Dylan. His voice was respectful which was far more than Dylan afforded him.

  “I just wanted to see you again,” Dylan said turning to Taylor and ignoring Payton, “I just needed to talk to you.” Dylan’s voice had changed. It was more appeasing to Taylor, but still his eyes showed a steely glance which he didn’t try covering it up when it came to Payton.

  “You’ve seen him, talked to him I suppose, now get the fuck out before I throw you out.” Payton’s voice was so strong and loud that some of the employees on their way home gathered outside the closed door.

  Taylor made a step to show Dylan to the door.

  “No.” Payton put his hand to Taylor’s chest. “He can let himself out, or do you want me to throw you out on your ass, or call security? Take your choice.” Payton walked close to Dylan meeting his eyes.

  Dylan didn’t flinch, and Payton didn’t hesitate. He was ready to kick Dylan’s ass there in Taylor’s office, but he could see that Taylor didn’t want that altercation at Max’s company.

  “I’m leaving, Taylor. Just remember what I said.” Dylan was at the door with his hand on the leaver.

  “What the fuck did you say to Taylor?”

  “Why should I tell you? With a jealous unhinged temper like yours, you won’t be around much longer anyway. And I don’t have to worry about you. All I have to do is wait you out.”

  Payton made a step in Dylan’s direction, and Dylan opened the door and sauntered out. He walked slow and deliberate. The way he did everything in his life. Slow, deliberate, with a purpose, and his only purpose was to take Taylor away from Payton, and Payton knew it. But could he stop it?

  Turning quickly around after he was sure no one was watching, Payton closed the distance between him and Taylor. “What the fuck do you have to say?”

  Payton’s breath came hard. He didn’t know that he would have to literally fight another man for Taylor. He thought it would be a woman because he knew that before he met Taylor, Taylor had dated women, but he never knew of a man until he laid with him that fortuitous night that changed his life.

  Taylor had never spoken of Dylan in the two years they had been together.

  It had been a whirlwind romance out to dinner and into Taylor’s bed, with Taylor deep inside him. After that night, it had only been Taylor for him, but he couldn’t be sure about Taylor. Although he never even looked at a man or woman when he was around, Payton couldn’t be sure because he knew a man as seductive and handsome as Taylor didn’t just get the skills of seduction and cock-sucking overnight.

  And Christ he could suck Payton’s cock. That first night he shot his load all over Taylor’s fist, and stomach as Taylor tunneled inside him.

  It was the first date with that unbelievable handsome man, and it was the first night he let Taylor take him, and Christ was he a cheap date, and an easy one too, Payton thought.

  I shouldn’t have made it so easy for Taylor, Payton thought. He should have made Taylor work for his love. Yet he gave it free and clear. But it had worked out until now. He got one of the most handsome successful men on the east or west coast, and when Taylor asked him to marry, he forgot everyone and everything and agreed. Whether Taylor was just kidding and didn’t think he would accept didn’t matter anymore. He married him without a thought of anything or anybody.

  Payton never even thought about his family and especially not his mother whom he had been so close to before he left to go to law school in San Francisco.

  Payton turned to Taylor after Dylan walked out. Taylor stood with his eyes wide and staring he appeared to be waiting for his next order.

  “I need a drink, and after we have a drink, and you say hello to your boys, then we’re going home, and I’m topping you tonight, and every night if you want to hold our marriage together. If not, then it’s over,” Payton said to Taylor.

  “What do you mean it’s over? I haven’t done anything to be concerned about. A man has a right to defend himself against any false accusations. And you’re accusing me of doing something I haven’t. You give your clients more right of a defense than you’re offering me.”

  “How do you plead?” Payton said with a stern look as he approached Taylor with a steely glance.

  “Are you serious?”

  Payton didn’t say a word, but held that serious look as he gazed into the most amazing looking eyes a man had ever seen. God this man is making me crazy,” Payton thought. How did I get this irrational? He answered his own question. The day you let him fuck you, and now with you fucking him every-night in his tight hole, you will never be able to leave him without dying first.

  Chapter Eight

  “YOU HAVEN’T SPOKEN to me once on the ride here,” Taylor said glancing over at Payton. His face indifferent, as he turned his back to Taylor and gazed out of the taxi window. Taylor placed his hand on Payton’s hard thigh and he looked down, and promptly pulled it away from Taylor’s hand.

  “I hope you don’t have that attitude in the restaurant. You know I don’t like when you’re angry at me and especially when it was supposed to be our night. I will probably be working late until Max returns and I need my headspace clear and not worrying about you.”

  “Why would you worry about me? From what I saw today, I should be the one worried. Dylan sounds like a man on a mission, and that mission is you Mr. Knox.” He made sure he’d emphasized his last words when referring to Taylor.

  “Don’t call me that. You know I hate when you call me Mr. Knox.”

  “Yes I know. Especially since you seduced me and made me believe that I was the first time you had ever been with a man. But now I know different.”

  “I never said that I had never been with a man. I said I had never been in love with one until I met you.”

  “Now I know why you were the youngest district attorney in the history of San Francisco. You could charm a bird out of a tree.”

  Taylor aimed a sexy smile at Payton, but to Payton that wasn’t a compliment, it proved to solidify what he thought all along, that Taylor was persuasive, and very skilled at it.

  He convinced Payton in
one night, that he could live with him as a gay man, and for Payton it took a very convincing individual to do that especially since he had only dated women and was ready to marry one. And that persuasion came from him making love to him all night long and when he woke the next morning, he never wanted to leave Taylor, or be away from him. Ever. At least not in this life time.

  And then Payton grew angrier with himself, more than with Taylor because he was too much in love to see through Taylor’s persuasive charm and the sex was off the charts. That alone had him palming his cock more often than he cared to remember.

  THE TAXI CAME TO A stop, and before Taylor stepped out of the cab, Payton had left Taylor to pay the fare, and he hurried inside not because of the heat on a balmy June day, but because of his cold behavior toward Taylor that rode him hard, leaving no room for warmth for a man he once gave everything up for— his fiancée, his job, and his family in Oregon.

  His feelings then were so strong that he followed Taylor across the country to be with him in New York and never thought once about what anyone would think of him living with and loving a man.

  When Payton entered the restaurant, the host greeted him at the door with a smile and a straw-hat in hand and gesturing and speaking in French. Yes he had to wear it. To his surprise it was in celebration of Maurice Javier, the French entertainer who lived eon years ago during World War II.

  The restaurant were giving out straw-hats for this celebration to their patrons, and when Payton glanced around he heard everyone in the place singing joyously to Javier’s songs.

  Payton politely took his hat and stated that he was a member of a party, and he pointed to a booth. He spotted Noah and Jake sitting in their usual large booth against the back of the restaurant just so they could see everyone who walked in.

  Noah and Jake spotted Payton right off, and raised their hands, and he nodded at them acknowledging that he had seen them.


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