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Insta-Ever After: A Flirt Club Novella Collection

Page 15

by Loraine, Kim

  This is a little strange for me. I’ve never used a matchmaker before, but I have one goal and want to trust the experts to help me. I want someone who wants to share a life with me, to travel the world, and to do good. I’m looking for my forever to start right now.

  From what Grace says, you are that person.

  I’d rather tell you my story face to face. Get to know you. See what happens.

  I hope you’ll give this…us a chance.

  His handwriting is all sharp lines and edges, the ink is dark where he pressed hard on the paper. It’s so different from my own flowing and swirly script. I run my fingers over the indented lines of text as though I can feel him through the ink. Is this the man I’m going to be with forever? Stacy seems to think Grace knows what she’s doing. With a ninety-nine percent success rate, I can’t deny those statistics.

  “Mr. Right Now. Who are you?” I say aloud, wondering what my match will look like, what he’ll sound like. But Grace’s letter said he’d be calling me. My heart lurches when I realize I turned off my phone earlier. God, it was probably him calling that got me fired. I don’t know how I feel about that. Was it fate? Is he already saving me?

  Pulling the device from my pocket, I turn it on and wait. And there it is, a little notification bubble on my voicemail.

  I press play on the voicemail and wait, heart in my throat. There’s a beep and then a masculine throat clearing.

  “Um, hi. This is weird—not knowing your name. I guess I’ll just call you Petal since the only name Grace gave me was Petals and Prose. I’d hoped to get to talk to you a little before setting this up, but you’re not answering so…” he trails off and I can’t help but giggle. Then he coughs and takes a long breath. “Shit, I’m nervous. So I’ll just say what I’d planned to say and you can decide whether you want to meet me or not. I’ll be at Red Seas Brewing tonight at seven. I hope to see you there. I really want to meet you.”

  There’s a beep, and the line goes dead. My day just got a hell of a lot better.



  * * *

  Condensation collects on the side of my glass while I sit at a small table inside Red Sea Brewing. I’ve been here half an hour, but Petal is only five minutes late so far. My nerves got the better of me this evening and I couldn’t help but be early. Now I’m wondering if she’s even going to show.

  This is never going to work.

  “Mr. Right Now?” a soft female voice asks, pulling my attention from my beer.

  I glance up to see the most beautiful pair of aqua blue eyes I’ve ever seen staring at me. With a heart-shaped face, ruby red lips, and those eyes framed by dark lashes, she looks like a fairytale come to life. I can’t stop my gaze from traveling her curves. Full tits, a narrow waist, softly curved hips. She’s everything I want. “Petal?”

  She grins and nods. “It’s Rosie, actually.”

  Rosie. Of course it is. “I’m Ben,” I say, holding out a hand. When we touch, I swear to God, sparks fly. I don’t want to let go of her and I truly understand why love-at-first-sight is something people believe in. This woman, who I know so little about other than the fact that she loves to travel, likes beer, and wants marriage, is my match according to Grace, and I want it to be true more than anything.

  I stand and release her palm, but only so I can pull out a chair for her. She smiles and takes a seat, her cheeks pink and lovely. “Thanks,” she says. “What are you drinking?”

  “It’s a Belgian tripel.”

  She cocks a brow and glances at the list of beers on tap. “Really? That’s a big beer.”

  I shrug. “I’ve traveled a lot, got spoiled on good beer.” Then I notice how she’s eyeing my glass. “Do you want one?”

  She nods and grabs a menu. “Should we get some food? This one is nine and a half percent alcohol. If I don’t eat, it’ll knock me on my ass.”

  “Absolutely,” I say.

  We order some appetizers to share but all I can think about is learning more about this woman. I want to know why someone like her would be a match for someone like me. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who is eager to rush into a marriage. “Why?” I ask.

  “Why what?” She takes a sip of her beer and sighs.

  “Why would you do this? You’re fucking gorgeous. I’m sure you could have your pick of the men in St. Louis. What makes a woman like you go to a matchmaker?”

  She cocks a brow. “I could ask you the same thing. You’ve got the tall dark and handsome thing going on. I’d think you could find a date easily.”

  “My situation is…different.”

  “How so?”

  I shrug. I was going to go into this with honesty, by telling her exactly what I need. Instead, I find myself wanting her to really want me, rather than be in it for money. “I’m…” I drag a hand through my hair and sigh. “I’m tired of spending my time with people who don’t want the same things I want.”

  “Same,” she admits. “Life is too short to waste it on assholes.”

  I nearly choke on my beer. She looks like a Disney princess, but talks like a sailor. “You’re…surprising.”

  “I’ve heard that before, but usually it’s not a good thing.”

  “It’s fantastic.”

  Her smile is sunshine and warmth. “Mr. Right Now, tell me a bit about that.”

  I shrug, reaching for a piece of deep fried avocado. “I spent the last nine months traveling the world. My parents were wealthy, and they left me a good deal of money when they died.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss.” Sadness fills her eyes and my stomach clenches. I don’t want to make her feel sorry for me.

  I shake my head. “It was a long time ago. My grandmother raised me most of my life. After grad school I couldn’t settle for working at her company. So, I left. Traveled.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “First, I did the staples. Backpacked through Europe, stayed in youth hostels or with friends when possible. Then I ventured to China, Japan, and Korea. But the last few months I’ve been in Honduras working on a clean water project.”

  Her eyes go wide. “So, you inherited money but used it to help people?”

  “My parents spent their lives helping others. I knew as soon as I could, I’d start doing the same. Even when I was a kid, I was always coming up with ways to help.”

  “So you’re hot, generous, educated, why the rush to find your forever? Is there something wrong with you? Are you going to be deported or something?”

  I laugh. “No. I’m an American citizen. I think…I think I’m just ready. My mom always said, the only way to help the world was to raise more good people than selfish people. I want to do that.”

  She downs her beer in a few long swallows and grins. “You are literally the only good thing during an absolute bastard of a day.”

  “You’re pretty great too.”

  “And you’re really not just in this for a quick fuck? Because I have to tell you, saying you’re looking for a woman to spend your life with is like my kryptonite.”

  The sound of the word fuck on her lips makes my dick stiffen in my pants. I have to shift and adjust my erection so I don’t embarrass myself. God, she’s gorgeous. “I wouldn’t turn you down, I’m not an idiot. But that’s not my end game. I’m in this for someone who wants marriage, not a hook-up.”

  “Maybe you should be called Mr. Perfect?”

  Shaking my head, I take another drink. “I’m far from it.” I take in her rosy cheeks, the soft smile makes her eyes sparkle as she pops some food into her mouth. “So, what do you do, Rosie?”

  Her brows rise and she covers her mouth as she finishes her bite. “Me?”

  “Yeah. It’s your turn.”

  “Well, I was a paralegal, until…recently.” Her expression darkens and I realize I took us down a path that might end up ruining our night.

  “What do you want to do?”

  She brightens at that. “God, I want to do so many things
. I’ve hated my job for the last two years. I worked for an absolute bitch of a woman who treats everyone around her like the shit on her shoe.”

  “Tell me how you really feel.”

  She laughs and orders a second beer for both of us. “I wanted to do what you’re doing. Help people. I went to college, planned on law school…but things don’t always pan out.”

  “Make plans and God laughs,” I mutter.


  “You know, if you want to make God laugh, make a life plan.”

  Our beers are delivered, and she holds her glass up. “To ruined plans and new adventures.”

  I clink the rim of my glass with hers and take a long sip. She savors the moment, eyes closed, cheeks pink. I have a moment to think how perfect she is, then she sets down her beer and looks at me very seriously.

  “Want to get out of here?” she asks.

  I do. I want to go anywhere with this woman. “Where do you want to go?”

  She shrugs. “Let’s find an adventure.”

  She grabs her bag and opens it, but I stop her with a hand on hers. The connection between us sizzles when her eyes meet mine and I shake my head. “I asked you on this date. I’m paying.”

  I drop some cash on the table and place my palm on the small of her back. Again, there’s a spark, and something more than lust races through me. It’s a sense of rightness. We were just waiting to find each other all this time.

  I lean down and take in the scent of her hair before whispering. “An adventure with you sounds like exactly what I need.”



  * * *

  We end up going to a nightclub at the top of a building with a view of the city I’ve never experienced before. The music is all pulsing beats and sensual rhythm and I know this is something the two of us need. Our conversation has been easy, and I think our attraction is obvious, but nothing tests chemistry like dancing. Honestly, I want Ben to hold me, share the intimacy of moving to music together because though jumping straight into bed after one beer might be enticing, I like a little anticipation.

  Ben tugs me toward a little booth near the dance floor. The two of us settle next to each other and watch the light crowd move under the multi-colored lights. His fingers brush my arm and I fight a shiver of arousal. When he leans in and asks, “Do you want a drink?” it takes a moment to register because I’m so focused on how close his lips are to my ear.

  I shake my head. “I want to dance.”

  He slides his hand over my arm and down to my fingers, linking us as we exit the booth. The music has changed to a seductive slow song, and when he locks gazes with me and pulls me close, I can’t help but inhale his delectable scent. “Then, let’s dance.”

  In a whirl of motion, he spins us into the center of the dance floor and I’m against his body—his big, warm body. His palms settle on my waist and we move together. I can’t look into his eyes again. Not right now, because if I do, I just might fall head-over-heels for this man.

  “What’s wrong?” he murmurs in my ear. “Why are you hiding from me?”

  He stops us and tilts my chin up. I give in and let our eyes meet. Yep, there it is. That…spark. It’s a promise of my future. But I think the future is right now. “You’ll think I’m stupid.”

  He shakes his head, lips turning up in a grin. “Impossible.”

  “I like you.”

  We start moving with the music again, hips pressed together, bodies swaying and rolling in ways that make me wish we were in his bed. “I like you…a lot.” He leans his face close to mine. “Too much.”

  I want him to kiss me with those perfect lips of his. I’m ready to see if he’s as wonderful as I hope, but I’m also afraid we’ll take things one step too far and the spell will be broken. Like maybe I’ll wake up in the morning and this will all have been a dream. He’s too handsome, too kind, too smart to be real.

  We change with the music, our bodies getting closer, tension nearly crackling between us as one song morphs into another, then another. His hands never leave me, roaming over my shoulders and back, down to my waist and hips. I want more. As the night wears on, I want it all.

  The music changes to a song neither of us enjoy, and without a word, he tugs me back to our little booth. We slide in and I laugh as his long legs hit the table and shake the tiny votive candle in the center. “Careful,” I tease. “Don’t want to start a fire.”

  “It’s my curse. I’m tall, sure, but my legs are so long I’m always bumping into things.”

  I run my fingers over his thigh. “I don’t mind.”

  Taking my hand, he pulls my fingertips to his mouth and presses light kisses to each. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “So are your lips.” I’m breathless. I want him to do more than offer me chaste kisses. “Kiss me,” I whisper, hoping he’ll hear me over the music.

  His gaze is burning me with its intensity. He takes a long breath and leans in, the scent of him intoxicating. “Not yet.”

  Oh. My. God. Why not? “Shit, Ben, you’re killing me.”

  A laugh rumbles through his chest. “I love how you curse and look like a fucking princess all at the same time. Like if Snow White had been able to say what she really thought about those dwarves she lived with, I bet that movie would’ve been so much more fun.”

  Despite my frustration, laughter escapes me and I lean into his shoulder. I love that this man can make me aroused out of my mind one second and have me laughing the next. But it’s time to test exactly how compatible we are. I’m on edge and I want him. “I think there’s only one thing we can do to find out if we’ve got a shot.”

  He cocks a brow and grins. “What’s that?”

  “We need to see how we fit…together. How far is your house?”

  The amusement in his eyes disappears, replaced by dark desire. “A few blocks away.”

  “Can we go, please?”

  In a few smooth moves he’s out of the booth, his hand held out for mine. I don’t hesitate, taking his offered palm and letting him pull me against him. I can feel the hard length of his arousal pressing into my belly. I know he wants me just as badly as I want him. The only question is, will we be right for each other in every way?

  As we make our way to the exit, he leans down, his lips brushing my ear before whispering, “Let’s get out of here. I want to see if you’re perfect…everywhere.”



  * * *

  Ben’s hand is like a brand on my back, hot and possessive. Excitement burns through me as we leave the club. There was a promise of so much more in his earlier words. I want this. I want to jump in with both feet and trust the matchmaker’s process.

  Ben wraps his arm around my waist and his fingers tighten just enough to make me aware of the tension in his body. “God, you smell so good, Petal,” he says.

  My nipples harden, breath catches, and I swear, I damn near swoon. I’ve never met a man as sexy as Ben. In fact, I think I’ve only seen men like him in magazines and movies. He’s chiseled like a Hemsworth, just as broad and brawny too. The fact that he’s a good man, a kind person, someone who values others, is the icing on the piece of mancake that is him.

  “How far did you say?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “Eager, are we?”

  I bite my lip and nod. “It’s been a long time since a man looked at me the way you do.”

  “Then the rest of the men in this world are fucking insane.”

  * * *

  Ben holds me tightly as we walk down the street, our shoes are loud on the pavement. I think my heartbeat might be louder. I have never wanted a man as much as I want him right now and I think my lucky stars that Grace brought us together.

  "I live just up this block," Ben says his voice husky and needy.

  "Good, I don't think I can wait for you much longer."

  He chuckles and tightens his hold on me. After a few more moments we reach so awning that covers the entrance to a high-end
apartment building. I can't help myself I have to look up and I fight the gas at the extremely tall building before me. This type of apartment is a far cry from the small studio I live in with cracked walls and the leaking radiator. I clear my throat and bring my attention back to him. "This is where you live?"

  "My parents left it to me. I have only been back a little while, like I said, I was in my grandmother’s care, then college, and I spent most of my last year overseas." He averts his gaze and focuses on opening the door for me. The doorman raises his eyebrows and frowns at his job being taken. “I haven’t had the need to use it until recently.”

  "Mr. Elliott, I do wish you would let me do my job." The doorman folds his hands in front of him his frown growing deeper.

  Ben shrugs then shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Jake. I'm still not used to this kind of treatment."

  Jake nods, his expression softening. "It takes some getting accustomed to, sir."

  Ben's cheeks are bright pink and I can tell he's been embarrassed by this display of his discomfort with his life. I wonder if his entire life has been lived without the comforts of his parents wealth. It seems like someone like him would have spent a lot of time in an environment such as this one. I don't have time to dwell on this though because Ben has his arms around me and he's calling me toward the elevator before I can say a word to James.

  The elevator opens with a soft gang the elevator opens in a soft gang and the two of us step in size. Mirrored walls around us, soft music plays in the sound system, gentle piano and heart. All around me I see the two of us reflected, but the thing I noticed amongst is the way he's looking at me. His eyes only on me. This is why we are here.

  He doesn't kiss me or press me against the elevator wall as I expect him to, instead he takes my face in his hands and stares at me with a mixture of confusion and excitement in his eyes. "Where did you come from?" he asks.


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