A 30 Day Devotional Journal
Please know the purpose of this journal is not to put on you another religious obligation. The reason this is being presented is to invite you to a 30-day journey with other men to celebrate and enhance spirituality. If you do this 12 times this year you will have completed devotionals throughout every book in the Bible accept the Psalms and Proverbs.
Optional Plans
You can be involved in whatever capacity you want. Here are some possible options you can have:
Get the Scripture and thought of the day in a text
Down load the 30-Day AMeds to read and interact personally
Download the 30-Day AMeds and add a personal reading of the Psalms and Proverbs
Read through the One Year Bible daily readings using the AMed as a focus
Read through the One Year Bible creating an AMed for future use in subsequent AMeds
Set Up
The devotionals are set up in the following manner:
Meditation: This is the scripture of the day that will be focused on.
Galatians 2.20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Examination: This is a brief consideration of the meaning and application of the scripture chosen. At the end of the short analysis there will be a few questions for personal examination. The key thought of the day will be in bold and in italics. The writings are made in second person so this becomes a direct talk to God
The message of the cross is dependency and diligence. The vertical beam reaches up to You in dependency and the horizonal beam reaches out to others in diligence. What I find in my life is I invert the cross and my diligence takes over. I put a lot of stock in my performance. It is like I am saying to You, thanks for the blessing but I can take it from here. Diligence in my life often is about worrying and managing my assets. Putting my emphasis on dependency on You would allow me to be more
effective with what I have and how I use it to bless others.
Have I inverted the cross putting more emphasis on my diligence above my dependency?
What could I do today that displays my dependency?
When is the last time I did something much bigger than I could possibly do myself?
Dedication: This is where a personal commitment or prayer can be made to apply the truth of that day.
I will be dependent on God and diligent to serve.
January 2014
January 1 – First and Last Words
Genesis 1.1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
What were the first words I said this year? What were the last words I said last year? First words and last words are important. In the canon of Scripture the first words are about creation and the last words are about grace. (The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. AMen. Revelation 22:21) These two things should be the driver for everything I do in life. As I embark on a new year may life be about creation and grace. May I create new and demonstrate grace as I do.
The first words in Bible are about creation and last words are about grace. This gives me direction for the new year of creating new and demonstrating grace as I do.
What am I looking at creating today? This week? This year?
How can I show grace in this creation today? This week? This year?
How will grace be displayed at the end of this day?
I will create with grace.
January 2 – Little Men - Little Kingdoms
Matthew 2:16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, …
Little men protect little kingdoms. Herod, as a puppet leader for the Roman Empire had precious little to contribute to world history yet he was vitally concerned about keeping his little realm. I have the tendency to do the same. I want to protect my little kingdom for I am not good with change. If my comfort zone is challenged I can become less than comfortable to live with. You have greater plans for me. Help me to be willing to yield my little earthly plans to Your eternal purposes.
God wants me to yield my little kingdom to His eternal kingdom.
How well do I handle changes in my plans?
How willing am I to allow Your interruptions into my schedule today?
What might You being doing now that is different than what I had planned?
January 3 – Walks
Genesis 5.24 Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
I enjoy walks on the beach with my wife at sunset, I enjoy walks with my dog in the early morning hours, I enjoy walks … Walking is not running. Walking is not rushing. Walking takes me away from. Walking takes me to. These are the kind of walks You invite me to. In my walk with You it is Your desire to take me away from my life to enjoy Yours. These walks are just practice for the last day I walk on earth and step into eternity. As I walk with authenticity there won’t be much change in my stride as I change my form.
God wants me to walk with Him in such a way that when I step into eternity there won’t be much difference from my earthly walk.
When is the last time I went on a walk?
Am I running or walking most of the time?
How am I walking with You today?
How close can I get to the walk that Enoch had?
I will walk with authenticity so that there is little difference between my earthly walk and my eternal walk.
January 4 - Ordinary Day
Matthew 4:18 They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” V20 At once they left their nets and followed him.
Simon and Andrew, two ordinary guys on an ordinary day experience something extraordinary. To be asked of a Rabbi to follow him without formal training was unheard of in this culture. This, for a common fisherman, was an unbelievable invitation. It became a surprising day. You can do the same for me.
You can take an ordinary day and turn it into an extraordinary day. You are good at taking common and making it exceptional.
What have been some extraordinary days in my life that incredibly surprised me?
How do I trust You to take the common and make it exceptional?
How do I trust You to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary?
I will be faithful in common days knowing You will make some of them extraordinary.
January 5 – AM and FM Communication
Genesis 11.6 The Lord said, ”If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”.
In discussions of all variety with my wife I am often made aware that we do not speak the same language. As I have noticed in personal life and in counseling; men and women seem to be on two different wavelengths when it comes to communication. Men have a tendency to be on AM (Assessment Mode). This communication frequency tunes in on assessing and fixing something. Women have a tendency to be on FM (Feeling Mode). This communication tunes in to expressing and hearing feelings. In order speak the same language I have determined to use XM. This communica
tion crosses over to hear my wife’s feelings and asking her to tell me if she doesn’t need me to fix something. I also have to let her know that I want a bottom line sometime. What is the action step from our conversation? If we can get on the same frequency in communication nothing will be impossible for us.
It is essential in communication to seek to understand before being understood.
How much do I try to fix things in communication?
What are the feelings my partner is trying to communicate presently?
How can I be a better communicator?
I will communicate seeking to understand before being understood.
January 6 – Lust
Matthew 5.28 … I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Reading this in January is one thing but reading in the summer when clothing can be scant is another. The beauty of a woman I was hard wired to notice. Noticing is one thing but to ogle is something far different. The ways I continue to address lust in my life are:
1.Bounce my eyes and not let my gaze stay on what has attracted them.
2.Bring thoughts back to my wife and her beauty and the fulfillment of enjoying her body and she mine.
3.Become aware that beauty incorporates body, spirit and soul.
4.Be aware that every woman is some man’s daughter or sister.
5.Be aware that is up to me to capture lustful thoughts and bring them under control. (II Corinthians 10:5, Job 31.1)
I will use my natural inclination to notice the beauty of a woman for the purpose of enhancing committed relationships to the females in my life.
How effective am I at capturing lustful thoughts?
To what extent do I enjoy the total beauty of a woman, body, mind, soul and spirit?
Have I made a covenant with my eyes to not look lustfully at a woman?
I will use my natural inclination to notice the beauty of a woman for the purpose of enhancing committed relationships to the females in my life.
January 7 – Little Act, Long Legacy
Genesis 16.4a He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.
This seven-word sentence describing Abram’s sleeping with Hagar has incredible ramifications. In these seven words the religion of Islam was born. The little acts I involve myself in may leave a long legacy. The reason Abram carried out this indiscretion was because of lack of patience and not tempering his own desires. If I do something in my own way and in my own time I may end up with a large regret for a long time.
What is a decision I have made that I wish I could have back?
How much do I consider long-range results when making decisions?
How is my patience?
How aware am I that You continue using me even if I make ill-advised decisions?
I will pay attention to long-term ramifications of present decisions.
January 8 – The Road Less Travailed
Matthew 7.14 but small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
As a kid I remember my parents allowing me and my friends to go on bicycle treks on some country roads within a few miles of our home. Those adventures were enjoyable. Some of the roads we traveled on were gravel, some were dirt and some were little more than cow paths. We got to know them very well. As a result of this, when it came time for me to drive this came in very handy. When I needed to lose someone who was chasing me for some reason I could travel those roads with confidence. When I knew where I was going I didn’t have to worry for I would always know how to make my way home. This is the way I should be living life. When I know where home is I don’t have to be stressed about present predicaments. The road I travel should be one of confidence not travail.
Finding my way through past trial gives me confidence in present or future hardships.
What are the roads I have been on in my life that have been very enjoyable?
If my life were compared to a road would I say I am headed to life right now?
How much am I enjoying the journey?
How much stress is in my life right now?
How can I get to roads that lead me to better life?
I will travel today with confidence of being on a road leading to life.
January 9 – Faith Hearted or Faint Hearted
Genesis 20:11 Abraham replied, ”I said to myself, ‘there is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife, besides she really is my sister…
When I look at Abraham I can come to the realization of not beating myself up for my lack of faith. Even this biblical icon struggled with faith. I am starting to realize that in order to move to great faith I have to first have doubt. You are all about this process and are not disappointed because my faith is meager right now. All faith first starts in doubt or it wouldn’t be faith. It is refreshing to know that even Abraham struggled with this. I can be faith hearted or faint hearted and have faith that You understand.
What obstacle or trial do I have doubt about right now?
If I realized all great faith starts in doubt how might I start viewing this obstacle or trial?
How much do I realize You are not disappointed in me because of my lack of faith?
I will be honest about my faith and know You accept my honesty.
January 10 - Surprising Jesus
Matthew 8.10 When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”
There were two times that You were surprised in the record of Scripture. Both of them have to do with faith. In this incident astonishment was in place because of great faith of a military leader who believed that all You had to do was say the word and his servant would be healed from a paralyzing suffering. The other incident was just the opposite when You were astonished because of lack of faith of people in Your home town (Mark 6:6). Could it be that my faith can be a thing that can catch You off guard? If so, may my faith do that by the positive things I choose to think, believe and do.
The two times that Jesus was surprised in Scripture had to do with faith, one because of great faith and one because of lack of faith.
How positive am I in my faith?’
How is positive faith showing up in positive action?
What am I expecting You to do through me?
I will see if I can surprise You by my faith in what I choose to think, believe and do.
January 11 – Hurry
Genesis 25.31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.” V32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said, “What good is a birthright to me?”
Very seldom things of lasting importance are done in a hurry. If I do things in a hurry I give much away in the process or lack thereof. I must realize that success is a journey and not a destination. If I make it about destination then life will be disjointed arrival points rather than an adventure of exploration. Impatience and impulsivity leads to imprudence. I will take my time developing what You have put upon my heart so that I do not give much away but rather do much for Your eternal kingdom.
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