AMen AMeds

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AMen AMeds Page 2

by Brian Frizzell

What decisions am I making in a hurry now that may cause me to give things of importance away?

  How much of my life is lived in hurry?

  What is being done in my life today that is of eternal importance?


  I will make success a journey rather than a destination.

  January 12 – Less Enemies, More Energy


  Genesis 26.30 Isaac then made a feast for them and they ate and drank. v31 early the next morning the men swore and oath to each other. Then Isaac sent them on their way, and they left him in peace.


  Isaac was open always to reduce his enemy number. As the backdrop of this story informs me he turns a war of the wells into an agreement of associates. Adversity diminished is life focused. The less enemies I have the more energy I will have to move forward to where You call me. I will be quick to forgive my enemies and move on from past struggles. I only have so much energy; I will use it on positive forward movement not on fighting battles with enemies.

  How am I keeping adversity diminished?

  How quick am I to forgive and let past quarrels be just that, past quarrels?

  How many enemies do I have?

  How am I working to reduce that number?

  How much of my energy, time and resources are being used on enemies?


  I will use my energy for positive purposes not fighting enemies.

  January 13 - Come Passion


  Matthew 9.36 When He saw the crowds; He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd


  Lord as I read this I am stirred emotionally. Just this week I have had been in association with successful men who have a passion to do something for orphans, human trafficking, marriages in trouble, kids that are dying from the very curable diseases, men struggling with addictions and … I am blessed to be in contact with such men of passion. There are many things I can be passionate about but compassion is a worthy use of my passion. May the things that I am passionate about make a contribution to my passion. If compassion is to come it will:

  1.Come from You

  2.Come through me

  3.Come to others


  If compassion is to come it will come from God, through me, to others.

  How is my heart being touched by what touches Your heart?

  How is my compassion for people evident?

  How am I bringing compassion to others?


  I will be a man of compassion.

  January 14 – The Luck of Prosperity


  Genesis 30.43 In this way the man (Jacob) grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks…


  Prosperity is more than just luck. Success has to do with Your blessing and me being a good steward of that blessing. Many things fall into place when I follow time-honored practices, which have little to do with chance. If I follow the story here of Jacob’s movement to affluence and influence I see a pattern that I can follow:

  1. Stewardship - use what I have and don’t worry about what I don’t have

  2. Leverage - take what I do have and make it more.

  3.Organize - make patient planning and implementation a constant.

  4.Transition - change or move to new things when need dictates not being married to a place or process

  As I follow this formula I am realizing the harder I work the luckier I get.

  What am I blessed with (not taking for granted such things as health and relationships)?

  How can I take what I have and make it more?

  How am I applying myself to the due diligence of planning and implementation?

  How willing am I to change and make transition from the old way of doing things?

  How am I applying the same process to benefit others and their prosperity?



  I will follow time-honored practices to prosperity.

  January 15 – Nothing Hidden


  Matthew 11:26 Matthew 10.26 So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed. Or hidden that will not be made known.


  I am writing this sitting in the woods by my home on an unseasonably warm day just before dark. I just heard some rustling in the underbrush not too far away from me. Whatever animal being concealed is causing some anxiety because more than a small creature is making this sound. Call me a chicken or call me wise but I have decided to move away to less threatening places. I am thinking this is what I should do with all things that are hidden in my life.


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