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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 25

by Lucy Langton

  “Good morning, my love,” he said as he came to her and kissed the top of her forehead.

  “Good morning,” she replied. “I had never thought you’d ever be able to rise before me.”

  “It seems that today is just a special day for surprises,” Flynt said, offering her his arms. She accepted with a smile, wrapping her arm around his and allowing him to lead her from the room and down the long hallway towards the dining room.

  “Do you know the history of all of these paintings?” Ada asked, gesturing towards the many that lined the walls.

  “I had once thought to discover such a thing,” Flynt said with a chuckle. “But I believe my mother would be the best one to help explain their stories. She spent enough time here with my father that she would surely know.”

  “Perhaps she would feel up for a tour of the grand home this afternoon,” Ada suggested.

  “She might. It would be good exercise for her and Aunt Bertie,” Flynt agreed.

  Flynt could hardly contain his smile as he walked into the dining room with Ada. Several flowers with long stems had been laid upon the table. Fresh citrus fruit had been sliced open, filling the room with a refreshing smell. And as Flynt spied the water glasses, he saw that mint leaves were soaking in the water to give it a better taste.

  “It’s a feast fit for a king,” Ada exclaimed as they walked by the buffet table. There was cooked bacon and ham, boiled and poached eggs, lightly toasted slices of bread that had already been buttered. And what Ada saw that excited her the most were strawberry tarts with plenty of jam.

  “I wanted our first morning back together to be very memorable. So, since I had happened to wake well before you, I came down and spoke to Cook about making something special,” Flynt explained.

  “It all looks so lovely that I dare say I don’t know where to begin,” Ada said as Flynt sat her down at the table. “The arrangements have been splendidly done.”

  “I do have to give Mrs Dencher a good bit of credit. She was able to make my jumbled ideas and really put them into action,” Flynt admitted.

  Flynt watched as Ada lifted the water glass to her lips and took a long sip, appearing to enjoy the taste. She then reached for a citrus fruit and started to peel the orange. As she took a bite from the tender fruit, she closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure.

  The sound caused Flynt’s member to stiffen, and he greatly desired to drag her back to bed with him before the others arrived.

  “My word, it is so delicious,” she said as she finished eating it. The footman came and served them both a plate of a little bit of everything. Ada thanked the man kindly, and Flynt simply nodded his head in return. He liked that she was always so kind to everyone.

  “I wanted to speak to you concerning Lord Peterson,” Flynt said as they started to eat their food. “He admitted to me this morning that he sometimes doesn’t sleep very well. It looked as though he’d been up all night.”

  “That certainly can’t be good,” Ada agreed. “What could we possibly do for him?”

  “I want him to be able to experience the love we have for one another. When I first ran into Lord Peterson, the day my mother told me that she was going to disown me if I didn’t marry you, he was courting a young lady that eventually agreed to marry another man for his wealth. He was truly devastated,” Flynt explained.

  “And I’m sure he has watched us fall in love and experienced both of our words of admiration for one another. I’m sure he is happy for us, but perhaps might desire the same for himself,” Ada spoke between bites of strawberry tart.

  “That is what I was thinking as well,” Flynt said. “Therefore, I want to think of some way we could help him discover true love as well.”

  “With us now residing in the countryside, it is a little bit harder to make acquaintances with young ladies that Lord Peterson might find appealing. But, considering the current state of the family’s reputation, we might be able to convince families from Town to join us for a ball here in the country,” Ada said.

  “My goodness, what a brilliant idea,” Flynt said as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m sure there are plenty of people that are curious to hear for themselves the disastrous plot of Miss Butler,” Flynt agreed. “And with Lord Locke making sure to put the story straight with his own article in the papers, we should be able to receive many sympathies from prominent families.”

  “I’m so excited about the prospect of hosting a ball,” Ada said cheerfully. “I think it would be a good project for us both to work on.”

  “Yes, I do agree,” Flynt said, looking down at Ada with much affection.

  In the course of the morning, Dowager Statham and White joined them at the table. Aunt Bertie was talking with Lord Peterson about the changing of the weather and how the cold always affected her knees when Flynt cleared his throat, wanting to gather everyone’s attention. The three looked towards them then, setting down their forks and knives to give Flynt their undivided attention.

  “There is something that Ada and I would like to share with you,” Flynt said, gesturing towards Ada.

  “We are quite sure that in the coming months, I will begin to show that I am expecting,” Ada explained with a bright smile. At first, Dowagers Statham and White were stunned. Then their own smiles grew as they began to clap their hands happily.

  “Oh, Ada. I can’t wait to become a grandmother,” Dowager Statham exclaimed.

  “And I a great-aunt,” Dowager White added.

  “Congratulations to the both of you,” Lord Peterson said as he raised his water glass. The rest of them followed suite, and they toasted to the great announcement.

  “In celebration, we would like to host a ball here at Vayle Manor,” Flynt said as he began to eat his poached egg.

  “Really, Flynt? Are you sure that is such a good idea since society is no doubt still talking about your supposed marriage to Miss Butler?” Dowager Statham asked.

  “I think now is the best time to host a ball while society is still wagging their tongues about us. It will mean that families will be more likely to attend because they will want to see and speak to us personally about the whole ordeal,” Flynt said.

  “And, it would be a great way to really use this grand estate. There are so many rooms here that I doubt we’d be able to fill them if we invited every prestigious family in England,” Ada said happily.

  “Well, I have always wanted to a host a large ball here,” Dowager Statham said as she looked around the room. “It would be nice to bring so much life back into these old bones.”

  “I hope you are referring to the house and not about us, dear sister,” Dowager White quipped. The two chuckled as his mother nodded her head in reply.

  “A ball would be a good way to enjoy the cooler days,” Lord Peterson said. “I very much look forward to it, even if I have not brought the proper attire for a ball.”

  “The date has not been set,” Ada assured. “There is plenty of time to make such preparations.”

  “Yes, we must first make the guest list and send out all the invitations to attend a ball in about a month’s time. It would be enough time for the letters to be delivered, gowns and coats to be made, and for people to travel to the estate to enjoy the ball and all the festivities for this baby celebration,” Dowager Statham said excitedly.

  It didn’t take long before the women were all speaking about the ball, who should be invited to the event, and what type of decorations would be used throughout the entire house. It was good for Flynt to see that everyone was so excited about the event. But as he looked at Lord Peterson and the forlorn expression on his face, he wondered that his best friend’s opinion of the event was.

  “Care to take a walk with me through the grounds this morning?” Flynt offered to Lord Peterson, catching his attention. The man smiled at him and nodded as the two of them finished their breakfast and bid the women a good morning as they made their way outside. There were more clouds in the sky that day, making Flynt wo
nder if winter would indeed come early to the countryside.

  “I’m very happy for you, Statham. The announcement of a child is a very joyous occasion,” Lord Peterson said once they were both outside.

  “Thank you, Lord Peterson. But you must understand the real reason that we want to host a ball,” Flynt said with a smirk. When Lord Peterson looked at him with a confused expression on his face, Flynt explained, “We want you to have the opportunity to meet a young woman for yourself and hopefully find the type of love that Ada and I have found.”

  Lord Peterson stopped his walking and looked Flynt directly in the eyes. At first, Flynt was worried that he had offended his friend. But when Lord Peterson embraced him, patting him on the back, he thought that it was a good sign.

  “I’m so very grateful for this opportunity,” Lord Peterson said as he let go of Flynt. “I have been thinking myself how dearly I would love to marry after watching you and Lady Statham together and all you two have been through to preserve your love for one another. I want the same for myself but feared that I wouldn’t be able to meet anyone till the next Season.”

  “You should also know that it was Ada’s idea. I had mentioned that I wanted to do something special for you, and she came up with the idea of hosting a ball,” Flynt said as he chuckled, glad to see his friend so happy.

  “Then I shall surely make sure that I have great attire for the event,” Lord Peterson said, full of life and excitement.

  “And you must let the women know if there is a particular family that you would like to be invited to the ball as well,” Flynt added. “I want to make sure you have the best opportunity at this one event.”

  “I will really think about the matter seriously,” Lord Peterson agreed. “I do trust your mother’s good judgement, however. She truly does appear to know everyone in Town.”

  “My mother might be quite familiar with all the prestigious families in Town, but it is Lord Locke that I consider to really know every person in England,” Flynt said as he shook his head. “I still can’t believe I relied on that man after everything I went through with him.”

  “He is certainly an interesting man and someone that could be of value from time to time. I’m just glad to know that your family can put the matter behind you,” Lord Peterson said as they resumed their walk.

  “And I am glad that my relationship with Ada has resumed so quickly. It is as though nothing happened,” Flynt remarked.

  “That is because you two have a deep love for one another that a little time apart helped to really nourish,” Lord Peterson explained.

  “I suppose distance makes the heart grow fonder,” Flynt said with a chuckle. As they walked through the garden, discussing how life had turned out for both of them compared to what they had expected during their school days, they exchanged quite a bit of laughter and plenty of hope for the future.

  Chapter 32

  “I think the burgundy fabric would be more appealing for Lady Statham,” Dowager Statham said as they stood in the dressing room in the family wing of the estate house. A seamstress from Town had been called upon to help them all have new attire for the ball that was set for a fortnight. It was now the women’s turn to have the seamstress’ attention so that they could all have unique gowns made for the occasion.

  “But what about the navy-blue fabric? It feels so luxurious,” Dowager White exclaimed as she ran her hands over the material.

  Ada was positioned on the dais in the room, standing in front of the looking glass while the seamstress took her measurements. She looked at her reflection, standing to her side as she tried to determine if her stomach looked any bigger than before. Ada understood that it would take some time to start showing. But she was waiting for the day she could look at herself in the looking glass and certainly say that she was expecting.

  “Do you want me to make the gown with ribbon ties so that it can be more adjustable?” the seamstress asked, noticing the way Ada was looking at herself in the mirror.

  “Yes, I would surely appreciate that. The Earl and I are hoping for a large family, so I will need gowns that can grow with me,” Ada said happily.

  “Congratulations, Countess. What a joyous time this must be for you and your family,” she replied.

  “Thank you kindly,” Ada said as she dipped her head. She held out her arms so the seamstress could finish taking her measurements while the widowed sisters continued with their chatter of which fabrics would be the best for her.

  “What about the sea-green fabric? It reminds me of the ocean in Brighton,” Ada said as she stepped down from the dais and her lady’s maid came forth to help her into her house robe. “And it reminds me of the fabric that was used for the gown you let me borrow for the concert with Flynt.”

  “Oh, that is right,” Dowager Statham exclaimed. “Yes, the sea-green fabric would be the most ideal.”

  “Ah, how romantic,” Dowager White added. “You and Flynt are truly a match made in heaven.”

  “Honestly, it’s all a miracle that Flynt married at all … and to a good woman,” Dowager Statham said as she winked at Ada.

  “And now we can count on our family growing even larger in the years to come,” Ada said happily, causing them all to giggle with excitement.

  When they were done choosing the fabric and designs for all of their gowns, Ada was dressed into her day gown and followed the older woman from the room after bidding the seamstress farewell. They talked about the ball, walking to the ballroom to discuss decorations, and then room assignments for each family that would be attending.

  “We must remember the social position of every family. We wouldn’t want to room a duke next to a marquess,” Dowager Statham said as they walked the ballroom from wall to wall.

  “I don’t think they will realize who they are sleeping next to unless they are properly introduced,” Dowager White said.

  “And yet I don’t want a scandal during this ball,” her sister replied. Ada smiled, thinking their bickering was always enjoyable. She learned so much from the two of them that she hardly thought she could do anything this fantastic by herself.

  “Ada, dear. What do you think of white and blue lace for the bows? I want the room to appear something other than it really is,” Dowager Statham pointed out as they walked together, gesturing towards the wall sconces and chandeliers.

  “Or perhaps white and green, to match my gown,” Ada suggested.

  “That is an idea. The green would help the room feel more nature-like. With the cold months looming right around the corner, people might appreciate a more natural look,” Dowager Statham reasoned. “We could have several potted plants brought up to the ballroom to make it appear as though we are out in the garden.”

  “And perhaps a few birds in their cages could be put in the room as well,” Dowager White said with much excitement as she clapped her hands together. “I’ve always loved little yellow canaries.”

  “I’m not sure where we will be able to find canaries so late in the year, but it is worth the effort if we can acquire them,” Dowager Statham reasoned.

  As the women made their way downstairs to the drawing room to discuss their ideas with Flynt and Lord Peterson, they were pleased to find the two gentlemen together at the card table, playing a friendly game of cards with toothpicks as their means of currency to bet upon. Glasses of water sat near them, reassuring Ada that neither one of them was drinking during the daylight hours.

  “Flynt, my boy, there is much we must discuss with you when it comes to the details of the ball,” Dowager Statham announced as they settled into chairs near the card table.


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