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Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica

Page 7

by Karin Kallmaker

  "Are you going to be out here the whole time sunbathing naked?"

  "I thought it might encourage you to go faster."

  "It'll encourage me alright, but not to trim trees." Avery maneuvered her until they were front to front and her hands were on Sam's butt.

  "And my uncle thought I was crazy to hook up with a blue collar type," Sam leaned back, confident that Avery wouldn't let go but, she wanted to give her more room as Avery squeezed her hand between them. "At least my aunt understands."

  "What are you talking about?" Avery asked as her fingers brought Sam's clit back to life.

  "After seeing your new ad and how good you look hooked into that tree, she was tempted to call you for a free estimate," Sam laughed as soon as her head came back above the water after Avery had dunked her. "Don't worry, baby, I told her your free estimate days are over." Avery threw her over her shoulder and got out of the pool and when Sam was on her back on the chaise again she gave thanks to whatever higher power was listening that her Uncle Claiborne had bought a house with lots of trees.


  by Cheri Crystal

  ALICE DROVE SLOWLY, barely making it over ten miles per hour, due to high winds and patches of ice. Old Country Road was brighter than usual from snow reflecting the glow of the street lamps, but the twinkling holiday lights on Bobby's Bar and Grill caught her eye. She passed the corner bar every night on her way home from work, but hadn't given it a second thought. Alice was not one for going out alone. But it sure beat sitting home all by herself.

  Most people were probably home wrapping presents. Finding a parking space was easy. Sadness nudged her as she remembered that she had no presents to wrap this year for that special someone. She pushed the thought aside and braced herself as she stepped out of the car and walked up to the entrance.

  With the New Year approaching, Alice prayed for peace on earth and good will toward women. All right, men too. She would be satisfied with peace of mind, ridding her of painful memories of Nicki that consumed her every waking moment and monopolized her dreams. Right then and there she made a decision to put the past behind her and to get on with her life.

  A grapevine wreath, festooned with pine cones and a huge red bow, hung on the door. Alice entered and welcomed the rush of warm air on her face. The spicy aroma of Buffalo wings, fried onions, and beer assaulted her senses. Her stomach growled; she didn't remember taking a dinner break.

  Alice brushed the snow from her short hair, and then removed her coat. She shook it out, hung it up on one of the hooks by the door, and looked around. The place held a bar, booths, tables, and a tiny dance floor. Celine Dion's, My Heart Will Go On, played on the jukebox. Tears stung her eyes for the second time that evening. Her heart ached as she remembered watching Titanic with Nicki and how they vowed to live each moment to the fullest and love each other forever. Alice scrubbed the tears from her face and looked for a seat, determined not to dwell on Nicki for another second.

  Three men sat nursing their drinks at the bar. In one booth, a young couple held hands and gazed intently into each other's eyes. Between the bar and the booths sat two empty tables, one of which was in the corner. Not a busy night at all, but the bar was as festive on the inside as it was on the outside. Alice instantly felt at home in the cozy, dimly lit room, decorated with garland and lights tastefully done with what looked like much thought and planning. Alice felt her spirits lift just gazing at the Christmas tree. There was an electric Menorah for Chanukah and even a Kinara for Kwanzaa. The owner thought of everyone. Nice touch.

  Alice chose to sit at the corner table, scraping the chair on the hardwood floor as she made herself comfortable. She placed her hands over the candle to warm them and watched the men shooting whiskey. The bartender refilled their glasses. He had to lift serious weights from the looks of his strong arms poking out of the tight black T-shirt that sported the bar's logo. He held her interest for less than half a second. The waitress making her way toward the young couple had dark hair past her shoulders. Her bangs kept falling into her eyes. There was something in the way she walked, balancing two overflowing plates of food on one arm and a basket of onion rings in the other. Or was it the way she put the food in front of the lovers and rubbed her hands over the back of her pants? Nah, it was that confident butch swagger that immediately gave her away.

  Her broad shoulders were encased in a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The top few buttons were open, revealing the swell of ample breasts and just a hint of cleavage as she leaned down to place the plates on the table. Alice delighted in how smoothly the shirt tucked into tight black Levis, emphasizing a narrow waist cinched with a thick black belt and shiny gold buckle. She imagined yanking the shirt from the grasp of those tight jeans, playfully running her fingers along smooth fields of skin that would turn to goose bumps, and stealing through lush valleys to approach mountains of warm flesh that culminated in pebbled peaks.

  Alice was pulled out of her sensual reverie when a voice said, "Evening, what can I get you?"

  When she looked up into piercing blue eyes, Alice gulped. She knew she should probably stop staring, but she couldn't turn away. Heat rushed to her face and elsewhere.

  "Would you like to see a menu?" The waitress's sultry voice made it sound like an invitation. Her blue eyes glanced at Alice's lips then back at Alice's green eyes. The penetrating look sent the vibes Alice was hoping for. Her gaydar was on high alert, and it felt great.

  "Sure." Alice read the waitress's name tag. "Uh, what've you got, Bobby?"

  "It depends. Are you hungry or just thirsty?" The suggestive way Bobby said it made Alice squirm in her chair.

  "I'm ravenous. It's been way too long since I've had anything good to eat." Flirting was like riding a bicycle. Alice was pleased she hadn't forgotten how.

  "We'll have to fix that." Bobby winked before grabbing a menu from the nearby counter and handing it to her. "The jalapeno chicken breasts are tasty. They come with Monterey Jack cheese, smothered in onions, and guacamole on the side. Delicious, if you like hot and spicy."

  Alice yearned for a taste of hot and spicy breasts beneath her tongue. Were they on the menu? A nice little appetizer before the main meal? Along with Pussy Alfredo? Alice began to feel very warm. Somehow, she knew there was plenty to feast on beneath Bobby's clothing that would stimulate more than her taste buds.

  "That sounds great. I like hot breasts--the hotter, the better."

  "And, what can I get you from the bar?"

  "I don't know. Surprise me."

  "You like peaches?"

  "Love 'em. Nice soft round ones I can sink my teeth into." Alice lifted her hands as though holding two ripe peaches and pretended to take a bite.

  Bobby laughed aloud. "That wasn't what I had in mind, but we have a drink on special. If you like peaches, I think you'll like this."

  "Sure, I'll try anything once."

  "Great. Be back in a minute." She took the menu from Alice and headed toward the bar.

  Watching as Bobby spoke to the bartender, Alice caught an eyeful of her butt before she turned around and glanced in Alice's direction. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and selfconsciously, Alice looked away first. She felt a blush creep up her face at having been caught staring. It was hard to remember the last time she was this attracted to anyone. Alice felt like a cloud had lifted and she was ready to fly again. Only this time her wings seemed stronger. For the first time that evening--that month--heck, for the past six months, Alice felt free. Her body relaxed one muscle fiber at a time. Could she be ready to move on? She hoped it wasn't just a rebound lurking around this corner. She wanted to get to know this woman. She could tell Bobby was sizing her up, and she loved the feeling.

  She watched Bobby push her hair behind her ear and imagined putting her hands through her hair, tracing high cheekbones with her finger, touching wet, parted lips...

  "Let me know what you think," she said as she put the whiskey tumbler down.
  Alice sniffed it. "What's it called?"

  "Dublin Peach."

  Alice took a sip. "Yum! Is there Amaretto in here too?" Bobby nodded. "How did you know I love Amaretto?" Alice drank some more.

  "Lucky guess. Glad you like it." Bobby made no move to leave. "What's that great scent you're wearing? I've never smelled anything quite like it."

  "It's an assortment of fine fragrances. I work at the Christian Dior counter at Macy's in Roosevelt Field." She sniffed her wrist. "This one is Escada from the Givenchy counter across from mine." She raised her wrist, and Bobby inhaled deeply, which Alice found delightful.

  "And this one is J'Adore from my counter." She let Bobby have a whiff of her other wrist. "I must have sprayed on several others tonight as well. I can't even remember the names of all of them."

  "Well, the combo suits you."

  "Thanks. You smell like you're wearing Beautiful by Estée Lauder."

  "Nah, the only scent I carry around is beer and liquor." They both laughed. "Be right back with your order." She paused. "You know my name, but I don't know yours."


  "Nice to meet you, Alice," Bobby held out her hand. Alice shook it, reluctant to let go.

  "You new in the neighborhood? I've never seen you in here before."

  "No, I live a couple of miles away. In Hicksville. I was on my way home from work after and this place looked inviting."

  "I'm glad you stopped in." The cook stuck his head out of the kitchen door and waved to Bobby. "Your order's ready. Be back in a sec."

  When Bobby put the plate in front of Alice, it was sizzling, just like its server. Tantalizing smells of chili peppers and fried onions made Alice's mouth water. Bobby hesitantly turned to leave. Alice detained her by saying, "You and the bar have the same name. What's up with that?"

  "I own this joint." A cocky grin accompanied her words.

  "No kidding? And you waitress too?"

  "Not usually. Just filling in. I gave Mary, my full-timer, the night off to shop."

  "You're sweet."

  "No, please. Not sweet." Bobby squared her shoulders and stood with her legs wider apart. "I'm cool."

  "That, yeah, and modest too." They both laughed.

  Encouraged by Bobby's genuine smile, Alice said, "I love what you did with the decorations."

  "Thanks. I better let you eat before it gets cold. Enjoy." Bobby went to wait on the newcomers, and Alice had a tough time concentrating on her food. Yes, the drink was going to her head but the intoxication was more the result of one incredible woman named Bobby.

  The young lovers put on a Rap song, and Alice found herself dancing in her seat. She felt the beat pulsating in the bottom of her soul. She wasn't usually a fan of Rap, but all of a sudden, everything sounded better, looked brighter, smelled more enticing. Savoring every sip of her Dublin Peach, she felt the warmth move downward and settle somewhere in her crotch.

  Bobby was busier as the evening progressed, but she found time to check on Alice often enough.

  "How long have you owned the place?" Alice longed to know everything about her.

  "I worked here since high school and bought it when the owner retired a few years ago." There was a slight shadow over her contented grin. "This place is more or less my life. I live alone, so I don't mind the long hours."

  "I can certainly relate to that," Alice said more to herself than to Bobby.

  They chatted on and off while Bobby schmoozed with the regulars and greeted a few stragglers who came in to sit at the bar. Without being asked, Bobby replenished Alice's drink and said it was on the house.

  Alice enjoyed watching Bobby move. Enraptured by each delectable feature, she was surprised when Bobby announced last call. Alice couldn't believe the time, or that even after two Dublin Peaches, her new favorite drink, she was wide awake.

  She was headed over to the ladies room when Bobby intercepted her and said, "Why don't you stick around while I clean up? If you want to, that is."

  "I'd love to. Be right back." She nodded toward the door that said "Women."


  Alice checked her hair in the mirror. The short cut and gel made her baby-fine blonde hair seem fuller. Fortunately, it still looked good even after she'd worked all night and been out in the snow. She touched up her make up, wiped off the remnants of soft pink lipstick, and replaced it with clear lip-gloss. Satisfied her appearance was passable, she went back out.

  The bar was empty and dim. Even the bartender and cook had vanished. Alice felt like she was in Wonderland and the fairytale was about to begin. With only the Christmas lights on, and a slow romantic tune playing on the jukebox, she felt every nerve in her body tingle.

  The tingle became a thrum when Bobby came up behind her and whispered in a low, raspy voice, "Want to dance?"

  "I thought you'd never ask." She offered her hand and was nearly swept off her feet. They melted into each other's arms, breast-to-breast and hip-to-hip, as Bobby led her around the floor.

  Bobby sang along with Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight, breathing the words into Alice's ear and Alice thought Bobby was wonderful too. She'd always longed to have someone feel about her the way Eric Clapton felt about his beautiful lady. It was unbelievable; she could have no better dream than being in the arms of this sexy stranger who was serenading her with a love song. Bobby's sensuous voice and soft fragrant breath caressed Alice's cheek. Melancholy sailed away, leaving only hunger and desire in its wake.

  When the song ended, Bobby took her hand and led her over to the bar. "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "Water would be nice, thanks."

  Bobby filled a glass with ice and sprayed some water over it with the nozzle. Holding the filled glass in one hand, she grabbed a beer with the other and gestured with her chin toward a table.

  When they had settled in their seats facing each other, Alice said, "You have a lovely voice."

  "Thanks." Bobby leaned in closer, resting on her elbows with her hands around her bottle. "I used to sing here on weekends when old man Foggia owned the place."

  "You don't do it anymore?"

  "Nah, no time. I have enough to keep me busy." She took a long swig of her beer then peered intently into Alice's eyes. "So, why does a beautiful woman like you live alone?"

  Alice told her the whole depressing story of how Nicki dumped her for a flirtatious femme with a mansion in Great Neck and a summer home in the Hamptons.

  "Ouch, the bitch." Bobby listened with a sympathetic ear.

  As Alice talked, the pain disappeared and loneliness was a distant memory. "Your turn."

  "It's been a long time since I've had anyone serious in my life. I didn't know what I was missing." Bobby took Alice's hands in her own and rubbed her thumbs over Alice's knuckles. "Until now."

  The next song played on the jukebox. "Oooh, I love this," Alice said, brightening.

  Bobby stood, put out her hand, and led Alice to the dance floor once again. Alice thought she'd die if Bobby didn't kiss her but she couldn't make the first move. When Bobby pulled her in with her strong hands for their first tender kiss, it was like getting everything you ever wanted for Christmas with a few surprises thrown in.

  Alice lost herself to sensation as their parted lips and tongues danced in time to the music. She wrapped her arms around Bobby's muscular body and their kiss deepened. The tune faded into the background as Bobby pulled Alice's blouse loose and slid her hands under it. Alice trembled, so sure she was alive from the beating of her heart but not positive it was real.

  "You're so beautiful," Bobby murmured. "I feel like we've known each other before." Her breath caught in her throat.

  Alice kissed her with all that she felt and all she desired. She felt starved for attention and affection, and Bobby attracted her beyond her physical need. Their passion building, Bobby backed Alice up to one of the booths and lifted her onto the polished wood table in one fluid motion. Alice was giddy with delight and anticipation. The outside Christ
mas lights blinked through the window and played their surreal light across the booth and onto Bobby's intent face. Alice thought she was in Wonderland for sure.

  Bobby unbuttoned Alice's blouse and reached around to unhook her bra. Not bothering to take them off, she pushed them up and out of the way. Alice moaned when her bra glided past her swollen nipples, which turned into hard pebbles beneath Bobby's fingertips. If Alice had any reservations, she quickly brushed them aside. She wanted this woman: heart, mind, body, and soul, and if she was going to start with the body, then so be it. She reached for Bobby's belt.

  "Not yet." Bobby slid her hands up Alice's thighs. She pushed Alice's skirt up, assisted only by a butt wiggle to release the garment from underneath. She pulled off Alice's black pumps and let them drop to the floor. Grasping the waistband, Bobby tugged off the silken hose and caressed her way down smooth legs, careful not to miss any spots. Goosebumps followed the hand trail, and Alice giggled with delight.

  "You're ticklish, hmmm? I'll have to remember that." Bobby moved up to kiss her again and ran neatly trimmed fingernails along the tremoring skin of her side. Alice arched her back, and Bobby worked her way down to the slopes of Alice's breasts placing kisses around each deep pink aureola, then suckling at each breast before taking tender bites of the hardened nipples.

  Once again, Alice tried to undo Bobby's belt. "Not yet, baby," she said, continuing to feast on Alice's soft skin with hot moist breath.

  Alice's clit throbbed and she ached for release. She thrust her crotch into Bobby's belt and groaned at the incredible feeling of the buckle against her engorged center. Bobby removed the cotton panties, adorned with pictures of reindeer and Jingle Bells, lyrics and all, and brought the colorful fabric to her nose.

  "Cute," she said with a smile, and Alice blushed. Bobby dropped the underwear on the booth seat, slipped an arm around Alice's waist, and pulled her closer. She dug the heel of her hand into Alice's most intimate recesses and spread slick lips with her fingers. Careful not to touch Alice's clit, Bobby worked around it, saving the best for last.


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