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The Flat on the 7th Floor

Page 13

by E. L Barry

  She didn’t dare look behind her in case it slowed her down. Josie made it onto the street and panicked as she looked intently to see where Gareth’s car was.

  Where is he?

  She looked at her watch. It was right on time.

  Which way would he come from?

  She frantically tried to remember the way he came earlier that evening when he dropped her off. Josie ran across the road just before Gareth’s car would have run her over. Josie put her arms out and screamed, “Let me in, we’ve got to go now.”

  Gareth leaned over and opened the door.

  Josie jumped in and shouted, “Just drive. I’ll explain in a minute. Go!” she ordered.

  Gareth put the car into gear and pulled away just as she saw Nicholas and Kim come out of the building. Had they seen them?

  Chapter 21

  Gareth drove as Josie looked behind to see if she could see anyone running down the road or getting into a car to follow them.

  Josie spoke first, “Don’t go the way you usually would. Take this next turn.”

  The adrenaline had taken over from her tears earlier and she was in full survival mode. Gareth followed her instructions and kept focused on the road ahead as she navigated him through the side roads until she was sure it was safe. When they were back on a familiar route, Gareth asked softly, “What’s going on Jo?”

  “I’ll tell you everything when we’ve stopped. We’re not safe. Does Kim know where you live?” Josie asked directly.

  Gareth looked puzzled, “Kim? No. Why?”

  “I’ve got to figure this all out but if Kim knows where you live then we can’t go to yours. Are you sure she doesn’t know?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. She hasn’t been over, and I’ve never had any need to tell her. Is she okay?”

  “She’s alive. I can tell you that!”

  “That’s a relief,” Gareth replied, and Josie could see that a huge weight had lifted from his shoulders, and he relaxed.

  “Why are we in danger then? If she’s alive, isn’t it all over and we can call the police to tell them she’s okay?”

  “No, we can’t call the police until I figure what is going on. I’m sure the police are in on it too.”

  “In on what?”

  “I don’t know, but we’re not calling the police,” Josie continued to be strong and firm with her statement.

  Gareth didn’t persist in his questions and navigated towards his house, which was now only five minutes away. Josie kept checking the side mirror and looking behind them. There were no 4x4s and nothing to indicate anyone had managed to catch up and follow them.

  Arriving at his house, Gareth switched off the engine. The headlights no longer illuminated the front door and he looked over at Josie in the darkness, “Let’s go inside and you can catch me up.”

  “Sure,” Josie replied, getting out of the car.

  Gareth opened the front door and indicated for her to go in first. In the kitchen, Gareth made hot drinks.

  “Here you go.” He passed her a cup of tea. “Decaf just how you like it.”

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  That’s the second time he’s got my drink right today without having to ask!

  “Come on, we can sit here.” He showed her to the three-seater sofa and coffee table next to the double doors that led to the garden. He switched on the low lights on that side of the room and switched off the main kitchen lights, leaving the warm glow of the under-cupboard lights.

  Josie sat down on the sofa on the side nearest to the door. She was wearing her jacket as she hadn’t warmed up completely yet and she still had the box tucked into the inside pocket.

  She didn’t want to look at it until she had explained everything to Gareth.

  Gareth sat down, leaning forwards with his elbows on his knees and holding his mug between both hands. He said nothing. Josie felt the heavy silence and knew that she had to be the one to start.

  I have to tell him. I have to trust someone.

  Josie coughed, put her drink down and perched on the edge of the sofa, facing him nervously. She said softly, “Gareth…”

  He didn’t look up.

  She continued, “Look, I’m sorry, I should have trusted you.”

  “Trusted me with what Josie?”

  “I’m scared you’re not going to believe me.”

  “Have you ever lied to me before?” he said, still looking down at his drink.

  “Only once, but I was actually lying to the police about Kim seeing Nicholas, in order to cover my tracks. I was going to tell you, but…. I did it to protect you.”

  “I can protect myself, Josie.” He was now looking up at her. “Don’t lie to me again, okay?”

  Josie’s head dropped down and she was close to tears. Gareth moved over towards her and took her chin in his hand as he gently lifted her head until she could see his eyes. They were filled with care and concern.

  “Starting from now, you tell me everything, Jo,” he whispered.

  Josie caught her breath as she felt something completely new.

  He does care about me, she thought, as she reached up and took his hand and held it tight.

  “Yes, I will.”

  He took his other hand and placed it over hers protectively.

  “Okay, let’s start with Kim. I am not dating her, but I am glad she is okay. So, what happened tonight?”

  “She betrayed us, Gareth. Nicholas too.”

  “What?” he said, rising to his feet.

  “I think that Nicholas and Kim knew each other before he came into the bar the night we met. I’d never met Nicholas and then he showed up at my building and then at the bar later that day. He never gave me any personal details about himself and evaded so many questions I asked. He was so charming and complimentary, but, now looking back, he was also distracted and avoided any personal situation. Come to think of it, I paid for everything too, except when I spent £250 on half of the bill at Jacques…”

  Gareth almost choked on his tea that he had just taken a sip of. “How much?”

  Josie responded defensively, “It was a five-course meal and drinks!”

  “Oh no, I didn’t mean that, I’d happily pay that to take you to Jacques. It’s just that you’d have to eat everything and drink pretty much the whole back shelf of rare spirits for it to be that expensive. Are you sure you paid half? I could understand it being that for the whole meal…”

  “Hang on a minute...” Josie trailed off, “…he did go and talk to the waiter before the bill came over. Surely, he wouldn’t pretend to pay half, would he?”

  Josie could see Gareth looked angry.

  “Sorry, Jo, it sounds like it. Just wait until I get my hands on him.”

  Josie put her hand on his arm reassuringly and continued, “So, what are we thinking? That he was trying to get me to pay for everything? That doesn’t seem to be worth all the effort unless…”

  The thought Josie had before the police arrived at her flat dropped back into her mind.

  “What if he was the one setting up the burglary of my flat? Maybe he thought that I was rich, and he used Kim’s burglary as a cover so when he did mine the police would think it was connected and I wouldn’t suspect it was him or her as she was the victim?”

  “So why come after you tonight?” Gareth wondered out loud.

  “That’s what I don’t understand,” Josie replied, “but there’s more.”

  “More?” he paused, “I’m going to need another drink. Want one?”

  “Yes please,” Josie replied passing her mug back to him. She tucked her feet under her bum and leant into the corner cushions. She was feeling warmer now so took her jacket off and placed it over the arm of the sofa.

  From the kitchen Gareth called over, “So, who is Michael?”

  “He’s the guy who wanted the rental property. Kim was worried that his background check was too clean…”

  Gareth came back with two more steaming mugs. “What are you thinking now?�
�� he asked.

  “Follow me here…” she said, looking like an idea had formed that made sense. “So, Michael wanted a property and he came in when you were at Kim’s fixing her boiler.”

  “That’s right…” Gareth interrupted, “Sorry for barging in. I’ve just realised I didn’t say anything at the time, as it wasn’t a work property, but there was nothing wrong with the boiler. I got there and checked everything, and it was all working fine. She was trying so many ways to get me to stay but it was so embarrassing that I had to make excuses to leave. I thought she would be weird at work, but it was like nothing had happened.”

  “Hmm. So, while you and Kim were there, Michael had come in to book a viewing on the Saturday. Since that day, I have seen his 4x4 everywhere and I swear he is following me. I’m sure he was there at the restaurant tonight,” she paused. “I think he is in on this too, and Nicholas and Kim have been using him to intimidate me.”

  Gareth looked confused and concerned, “You never mentioned anything to anyone? You’ve been through all this alone. How have you managed?”

  “I haven’t! And that’s not everything.”

  “Tell me everything else and then we’ll get some sleep and decide what to do in the morning. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds sensible, are you ready?”

  Josie explained a rough history about her father, mum, the flat and how Mr Mellors had warned her not to try to find out more about her mum’s death.

  “I’m so sorry, Jo. I had no idea how much you were going through. You never said anything at work. You always looked so calm. So, when I met you at the library and the speaker was talking to you and you looked upset was that about your mum?”

  “Yes, and she told me things about my mum I couldn’t believe. When I spoke to Mr Mellors earlier tonight he hung up on me, and I’m scared that I’ve gone too far.”

  Chapter 22

  Josie also told Gareth about the letter, the photograph and what she had found out from the university online article earlier. He leant back and took a deep breath.

  “I’m thinking that the only person who might know what is going on is your father. Is there any way you can see him?” Gareth asked.

  “Not without Mr Mellors. Ever since I can remember I’ve always had Mr Mellors organise things for me and even when I did see my father, he was always there too. I’ve never understood that. Especially when I turned eighteen, as I thought I was an adult and could do anything I wanted…”

  “Yeah, I know that feeling. When I left my dad’s house, I thought I knew everything! I remember calling him when I got a letter asking me to pay the water bill. I thought it was included in my rent!” he laughed.

  “That’s not as bad as me when I was at university and called my mum wondering why I had to pay back my credit card. I thought it was free money!”

  Gareth laughed, “Now look at us. If only we had listened to our parents when they said, ‘you don’t know how easy you have it’.”

  “I know,” Josie agreed, “I had everything done for me – no responsibility, and an allowance without having to do any work. Although, I wish someone had told me about buying a house, as I now have nothing, especially now my flat is trashed. I’ve been stupid too, as I didn’t get round to buying contents insurance. I didn’t think I had anything worth stealing. I didn’t anticipate what replacing everything would cost. There’s no chance my father will bail me out. He never has.”

  “I’m sorry, Jo, but I’m sure that you’ll find a way and we will figure out what’s going on together. Who can we talk to about Nicholas and Kim so they can be caught? I was thinking that if we go to your father, he can help with that and maybe he can tell you what happened with your mum too. What do you think?”

  “I’m not sure…what if Nicholas and Kim follow us and we take them right to him?”

  “Ah,” Gareth paused, “I hadn’t thought of that. Do you know where Mr Mellors lives?”

  “No, but I do know where my father’s driver lives. He offered that if I ever needed anything I could go to him. He’s been with the family since I was a baby so I’m sure he will help me. He won’t be happy though, as he already warned me not to try and find the truth.” She shivered thinking about their meeting in the alley.

  “Okay, but he’s our only chance so how about we go and speak to him in the morning.”

  “Sure, but there’s one more thing.”

  “Okay, what’s that?”

  “I found this in my flat under the window seat.” Josie took out the small box from her jacket.

  “I haven’t looked at it yet, but I won’t be able to sleep until I do. Will you stay with me while I open it, please?” She gazed across at him looking to see if he was okay with that.

  “Of course,” Gareth said, settling back into the sofa and saying softly, “I’m here for you, Jo, and I won’t leave your side.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. She was grateful to have his strength and calmness as she looked more closely at the box in her hand. Something was familiar about it, but she couldn’t place what it was. The box was made of dark wood with carved pictures of elephants, zebras and giraffes. It didn’t have any hinges to lift the lid or to unlock so Josie tried sliding the edges. It worked. The top panel moved slightly. Holding the box in both hands, she put her thumbs on the top and pushed gently until it edged open further.

  “Is there anything inside?” Gareth asked curiously.

  Josie nodded and took out three objects and placed them gently on the table.

  The first was a small, purple, velvet box the size and shape that would hold an engagement ring. Then, there was a folded piece of parchment style paper. Finally, a leather suitcase tag, which looked battered and worn on one side and had her flat address on the other side.

  Josie stared at the table wondering what to look at first. The address tag she could leave, that was obviously her mum’s.

  She picked up the box and carefully opened it, wondering if there was a ring inside. There was. It was beautiful. The aquamarine stone was breath taking. It was set between two small diamonds on a gold band. Looking inside behind the stones was the inscription ‘A&L’ within a heart.

  “I really need to find out who Albere is.”

  Next, she took the paper and opened it up. There were two pages folded together. She read the first page and then handed it to Gareth. He stayed quiet while reading and then read the second page when Josie passed it to him shortly afterwards.

  Josie took a deep breath, “No wonder I’m in danger. We can’t get caught and we can’t go to the police.”

  Gareth passed the pages back to Josie, “These change everything. I think we will be safe here tonight, but tomorrow we’re going to have to be careful. Do you want to try and get some sleep?”

  Josie didn’t say anything and felt like she was going to cry, as she got angry again, “Nothing makes sense anymore. My whole life is built on lies and the one person I want to ask I can’t. Why would my mum do this to me? Who is trying to dig up the past now? How on earth am I supposed to fall asleep?”

  Josie felt her emotions switch suddenly as she said to Gareth quietly, “You know, I don’t think you should come tomorrow.”

  “What?!” Gareth exclaimed, “Why not?”

  “It’s my family. They have made this mess and I’m the one that they want. I can’t let you get involved. It’s too complicated.”

  “But Josie, I’m already involved and I’m going to help you. Nicholas and Kim will be looking for you and if they know what we know now, they aren’t going to stop until they find you. If the police are involved then they will know by now that you’re with me, so we have to leave first thing in the morning.”

  “But…” Josie started.

  “Sorry, no ‘buts’. I’m coming. If we find your father’s driver, we may be able to find a way into the house. Then if we can see your father, we can try to talk to him. It’s a risk for us all to be together, but if we don’t, someone is going to get hurt.�

  “I know,” Josie admitted reluctantly.

  “And, if we don’t do anything, who knows what will happen? What I do know is that you won’t be able to let it go until you find the truth. Please trust me that I’m here for you.”

  He placed his hand on hers. Josie looked up at him with resolve in her eyes.

  “Okay, but promise me that we do this together. I don’t want you going off on your own.”

  “I promise,” he replied.

  Josie woke to the sound of her phone alarm. It took a minute for her to remember where she was. They had agreed to get up at six to leave early enough to go to the Gatehouse, where her father’s driver lived. He would be up early to get ready for his shift, which, Josie recalled, usually started about eight, even on a Sunday.

  It was rare these days that her father went to the office, from what Mr Mellors had told her, but she knew that her father was a man of routine and would want to know the option was available in case he changed his mind.

  Out on the landing, Josie could see that Gareth’s bedroom door was already open. The bathroom door was open too.

  He must be downstairs, Josie thought as she made her way down. He wasn’t. Where is he?

  The house was completely dark, and Josie panicked. She was alone and had no idea where Gareth was. Had he been taken, or had he gone off to do something on his own even though he had promised not to? Thoughts started to race through Josie’s mind as she tried to figure out what to do. The side door opened. Josie froze and then let out a breath when Gareth walked in.

  “Thank goodness it’s you.”

  He was dressed and ready.

  “I couldn’t sleep so I’ve packed a few things we need from the garage. I’ve left a towel on the stool in the bathroom, and I’ll put the kettle on. I suggest we leave in thirty minutes if that’s okay?”

  “Sure. I’ll be as quick as I can. I was worried that something had happened to you. I can’t take the stress of this much longer.”


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