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The Flat on the 7th Floor

Page 15

by E. L Barry

  “I hadn’t planned it this way, but now that you are together, you’re all going to have an accident while looking in the cellar for a wine for lunch?”

  His voice rose slightly as he acted out.

  “‘How lovely it was of Josie to drop in to see her father with her boyfriend.’ The police will believe anything I tell them. And I’m sure the fire will burn off those clothes, so you’ll not be identified, just like your mother…”

  “No!” Josie and her father called out together.

  “You killed my mum!” Josie shouted as she moved towards Mr Mellors.

  He reached to the side of the desk and took the letter opener, pointing it at her father’s throat.

  “You know he’s too weak to fight,” he threatened. “Don’t try anything stupid.”

  Chapter 25

  “Now move towards the door,” Mr Mellors instructed Gareth and Josie.

  They did as they were told.

  “How did my mum die?” Josie asked calmly as she moved towards the door.

  “She suspected I was up to something and moved hotels before the factory visit. I’d been so careful.” He looked towards Josie’s father. “You suspected nothing. You were so naïve, even believing that she’d retired. She hadn’t!” he paused. “I saw her last as she walked into the factory. I’ll never forget the green scarf she wore and that yellow dress…so peaceful and summery.”

  Mum never wore green and yellow. Could it have been someone else?

  She thought quickly, if she suspected Mr Mellors, then maybe she did escape!

  “I’ve been poisoning your father for years. Sorry old chap. It won’t be long now.”

  “You won’t get away with this,” Josie’s father said.

  “I was on the job since the day I joined the family. Sometimes I didn’t want to betray you, but if I didn’t, my own family would be hurt. I tried to help when I could but now I wish I’d got rid of the flat, as it would have only been your father that had to die. But your mum was always smarter than me…” he tailed off.

  Gareth opened the door. He jumped in surprise as Michael and Bertie pushed their way in.

  Mr Mellors, stunned at the surprise, grabbed Josie from behind and put the letter opener to her neck as he dropped the box and photographs.

  “Come any nearer and I’ll slit her throat,” he warned.

  Her father shouted, “Don’t hurt her, it’s me you want!”

  Nicholas and Kim moved next to Mr Mellors.

  Bertie shouted, “You’ll never get what you want without me.”

  Everybody stopped and looked at Bertie.

  Mr Mellors spoke first, “What on earth would I need you for? You’re just the driver.”

  “No, that’s where you are wrong. Let Josie go and I’ll tell you everything.”

  Mr Mellors looked like he was considering his options.

  Nicholas, who had remained quiet up until this point spoke, “I can handle Josie. She escaped from me once, and it won’t happen again.” He stepped towards her, blocking her from reaching the side of the room where Gareth, Bertie and Michael were standing.

  Mr Mellors relented and moved the letter opener away from Josie’s neck and pointed to Bertie as he growled, “Now talk. This better be worth it or you’ll be joining the family in the cellar.”

  Bertie looked at Josie, “Miss Josie,” he began, “your mum and I loved each other dearly.”

  “What? You and my mum had an affair?”

  “No. I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you. We were married and I regret every day that I left you and your mum.”

  “Are you Albere?” Josie asked, as her eyes started to well up with tears.

  “Yes. Your mum and I worked together for years and the day came where I had to turn my allegiance. I couldn’t do it. There was nothing more painful than to stay and hurt you or to leave and hurt you. I covered my tracks and disappeared abroad.” He paused. “Your mum tried to find me, but I’d already had surgery and changed my ID. I risked it all by calling myself Bertie, but I couldn’t leave all my past behind entirely. I applied to work on your father’s grounds knowing that I could help in an emergency and protect you both.”

  “How could you not say anything? How could Mum not have known?” Josie asked.

  “It hurt me to only see a glimpse of you and your mum every once in a while, but it was the best I could do to stay in your life.”

  Mr Mellors interrupted, “That’s all a far-fetched story and what has that got to do with what I want?”

  Bertie looked over at Josie’s father.

  “I’m sorry I kept this from you. I was protecting Louise and Josie. Louise thought I was dead, and Josie didn’t know I existed. I didn’t want to hurt anyone any more than I had already. I knew you loved them both.”

  He turned back to Josie. “I don’t know who sent you the photographs of your mum but now I’m glad they did. It caused you to question everything, so when you came this morning, I saw my chance to put a tracer on your phone by leaving you in the pantry when the postman arrived. I saw that you had gone to the house, so I followed you and called Michael. We would have never known about Mr Mellors’ involvement had you not come here.”

  Mr Mellors scoffed, “I had you all fooled for years.”

  Michael, who had stayed quiet throughout had managed to move himself closer towards the desk where Josie’s father sat and had pressed the silent alarm button. Josie noticed that Gareth had moved closer to her too. She guessed that they had a plan, so she kept Mr Mellors talking. He seemed to like talking about himself and what he had achieved.

  “So why did you want Mum dead? Surely it was father you needed?”

  “Nice try, Josie,” he replied, “Did you think you could distract me while you figure out a way to get out of this?”

  “What do you mean?” Josie asked innocently. “You’ve lied to me all along. I have seen the documents for the flat. It’s me that you need, not my parents, so why hurt them?”

  “Oh, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for. So, you understood those documents you found, did you? That flat has been blocking me from gaining full control of your father’s estate. Until you’re both dead, I can’t do anything about it. And now Bertie, or Albere, or whatever you want to call him, has shown up, so this complicates matters somewhat. So, you’ll all have to die today.”

  “No!” Josie shouted, standing up, breaking the grip that Nicholas had on her shoulder. Caught off guard, he tried to move towards her and grab her before she reached Mr Mellors. She was too quick, and Gareth dashed towards Nicholas knocking him to the ground. Chaos broke out. Michael managed to reach Josie’s father and move him away to safety. Kim had looked up, surprised, not sure what to do. Bertie and Josie reached Mr Mellors at the same time.

  He pushed them both away and ran towards the study door in the direction of the hallway.

  Josie followed him, surprised at her bravery. She couldn’t let him get away.

  She needn’t have worried as Detective Newton and his team had just arrived.

  It wasn’t long before Mr Mellors, Nicholas and Kim were all handcuffed and in the back of a police car. It wasn’t until everything died down that Michael had the opportunity to explain more of what had happened to Josie.

  “I’m sorry I was rude to you and drove off, Josie. You spotted me a lot quicker than I expected, but I should have known, with a family like yours, especially having three parents in the secret service.”

  “Yes, three parents,” Josie whispered, as it started to dawn on her what she had discovered.

  “We are still trying to find out who sent you those photographs and who led you to the ancestry talk. That was very clever. The discoveries that you made in the flat were unexpected and only your mum could have hidden them there. We searched the place before you moved in and didn’t find anything, so maybe she did know that you would find them.”

  “Could she be alive?”

  “It’s doubtful, but we can always hope now we h
ave Mr Mellors confession. I think the best thing for you now is to focus on your future and building your relationships with both your fathers. They clearly love you and want to protect you.”

  “It’ll take some adjusting to. Will you still be following me?” Josie asked, as a smile formed on her lips.

  “If we do, then I’ll let you know next time,” he said reassuringly.

  Josie thanked him and stood up to go over to Bertie and her father who were talking.

  “Oh, and Michael. Who was calling me from the withheld number?”

  “What calls?” he replied.

  “Never mind. It was probably Nicholas. I’ll change my number anyway.”


  Josie collapsed on the sofa when they got back to Gareth’s house late that afternoon. “What a day!”

  “Tea?” Gareth asked.

  “Food or drink?” Josie replied, smiling.

  “Oh, you’re one of those people…” he said, flashing a smile and continuing, “It’s dinner where I come from!”

  Josie laughed. “Yes please, to a cup of…”

  “Coming right up!” Gareth laughed and took the mugs out and put the kettle on.

  “I’ll make us some food too. Spaghetti bolognaise okay with you?”

  “Yum, can I help?” Josie said, jumping up and coming over towards him.

  “Sure!” he replied and then passed her a chopping board and a knife, “The peppers are in the fridge on the bottom shelf.”

  They discussed how they were going to explain to James why Josie would need a half day off tomorrow morning to go shopping before work.

  Gareth had invited her to stay with him until they could get the flat cleaned up and ready for her to move back in.

  “Thank you so much Gareth for everything you’ve done to help me these last few weeks.”

  “You’re welcome, Jo. I love your company and I’d do anything to make you happy.”

  “Anything?” she replied with a twinkle in her eye.

  “What have you got in mind?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Do you have a pantry that we can get locked in together again?”

  He laughed, “Will this do?” he said as he pulled her in towards him and leant down to kiss her.

  “It’s a start…,” she said, as they kissed again.

  Q&A with Josie Jackson

  Interviewer – What did you learn through your most recent adventure?

  Josie – I guess it’s that nobody is perfect, and you can never be fully prepared for what happens in life. I had no idea that my family history was so complicated but now I know there are so many family dynamics blended, and with time and communication it can work.

  Interviewer – What is it like living rent-free?

  Josie – I know I’ve been lucky living rent-free after I left home, and I know that hardly anyone gets to enjoy that luxury. I wish I had saved more than I spent. If I had, then I could have been more like Gareth and saved up for a house by my age. It’s not too late for me to start, but it would have been easier if I had known when I was younger.

  Interviewer – How did you feel about Nicholas?

  Josie – Oh, I was so attracted to him, and he made me feel good when I was out in the posh restaurants and wearing my best clothes. It bothered me that I didn’t know him very well and that I was paying for everything. I like my relationships to be more 50:50 where we can both contribute and treat each other when we can afford it.

  Interviewer – What happened with your money?

  Josie – Well, Gareth and I spent some time looking at example budgets and insurance policies so that I could start again. It was difficult to admit at first that my spending was out of control. But when I worked out what I needed each month, it became easier to replace everything. I’m building up my deposit savings to be able to afford to live elsewhere if and when the time comes.

  Interviewer – And how are things with Gareth?

  Josie – He’s amazing. We’re taking things slowly with dating. While I’m rebuilding relationships with Bertie and my father, he’s supporting me to look for my mum too. I’ve not told Bertie or my father yet, but with their history, I bet they know I’m looking already! Although I’ve not seen Michael’s car since.

  Interviewer – So what’s next for you?

  Josie – Gareth and I are going on holiday in the winter to get away from everything. We’re going to a place called…

  ‘The Cottage on the Hill.’

  Money Characters


  Waiting for someone to come along and rescue them financially. Works for money but spends it quickly. Dismisses the need for making long-term choices, as they’ll find a relationship where the other person earns more and will pay for things.


  Buys nice things and looks for signs of wealth by seeing other people with nice things. Has to keep up with the other people’s fashions and trends and may cut corners to try to maintain an image and keep the lifestyle charade.


  Buys nice things and is aware of the balance between spending and saving but hasn’t got started yet. Doesn’t think she will need insurance or will get around to it one day so isn’t prepared for emergencies. Has parents who could help her out, but they won’t because they want her to make her own choices.


  Has made conscious decisions to save, spend and give. Getting on the property ladder as early as possible. He makes sure he looks after what he has and makes plans. Uses a budget to know where money is going and coming from.

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