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Falling Hearts (Hearts of Wolves Book 1)

Page 7

by Maggie Garrity

  “He was absolutely rude, Zee,” Delilah huffed out as she paced the living room, “I offered him a drink and he ignored me. When I repeated myself, he glared at me as if I’d done something wrong. Then when I tried polite conversation, he informed me that he didn’t have time for little girls.” And so it went, as Delilah picked over every horrible thing Jarren had done. I only half listened as I tried to think about what I should do.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Home. I stepped out of the rental car, and took a deep breath of mountain air, the scents of my father’s pack overwhelming me for a moment. I looked over at Tegan and registered her surprise. The house in front of us looked deceptively calm, but I could hear the sounds of dozens of people in the yard behind it.

  “So much for clearing my head,” I smirked at Tegan. She’d been sick of my pacing and grumbling. She said I needed to clear my mind. Her perfect solution was to visit home. My mother was ecstatic, we had been gone a month and she had been begging me to come visit for the past three weeks. Besides all of that, I didn’t have a good reason not to, the pack was doing well.

  Wyatt and Ryker were busy putting out feelers for offering survival training courses. We’d done it in Colorado, and thanks to reality TV it was popular. It was an outdoor job that played well on Wyatt, Ryker, and I’s strengths, and who better to learn survival skill from than a wolf. Scouting appropriate camping locations, drop off points, and the skills that would be taught, was keeping both males out in the forest where they could easily watch the borders.

  While Tegan was content to stay home, she had been combing ads for a possible job. I was fine with her staying home. The pack was financially sound, but there was only so much time you could spend in one spot. Having a busy mind kept the restlessness at bay. Aaron was even looking for side carpentry jobs when he wasn’t working on his family’s new cabin.

  The only pack member who wasn’t showing signs of finding a job was Delaney. She hadn’t been herself for a few days. I didn’t think it was because of me, she was completely avoiding me, but that was fine with me. I thought it was more along the lines of her not wanting to work. Those were the thoughts running through my mind when I had walked into my office and found her on my computer.

  I wasn’t sure what to think, until she started showing me spreadsheets. She had been working on the pack finances. I usually handled them, but her way turned out to be more efficient. Then she did one better and showed me some ways we could put some money in the stock market and start trading. I gave her an investment amount, and from then on, every time I saw her in the house she was concentrating on a computer.

  Jarren’s time was being spent hunting for the scent from our borders. It had faded, but he found it in a few place in town. There never seemed to be one exact location, and even those trails were fading. I was moving away from my worry of Hunters. I told myself it could have been anyone out there, and they hadn’t come back, so there wasn’t a real problem. Jarren didn’t share my optimism.

  I had left Wyatt and Jarren to care for the pack, and the next day Tegan and I were standing in front of the home we had grown up in. A brunette woman, with a face full of laugh lines and twinkling brown eyes, stepped out of the door. I heard her gasp before she stepped off the porch. Ever a regal woman, Ophelia Kallis didn’t run across the yard to us, but I’d say she moved as quickly as her sophisticated air would allow.

  “Hi Mom,” I managed, right before her strong arms engulfed me in a hug. She clung so tightly I was worried she might not let go. “Hey, I’ve only been gone a month. You can’t miss me that much.” She pulled back and her eyes roamed me quickly, I’m sure taking in my rumpled appearance and my scruff.

  “It was long enough, Alexander,” her tone was reproving, but the smile on her face contradicted it. I grinned at her, and she shook her head. “Come deal with your son, Pearson. It seems having his own pack has made him cheeky.” A solid hand smacked me on the back, and I turned to meet the amused hazel eyes of my father. While I had my mother’s hair and eyes, everything else about me looked like my father. He stood tall and muscular, even with his head full of grey hair. He was a strong alpha, and I had yet to see anyone brave enough to challenge him.

  “Ophelia, love, your son has always been that way,” he winked at Tegan who giggled, the brat, and nodded her head. Mom pulled Tegan into her side and led her up to the house. I heard her asking question after question about the pack and our new home. Tegan’s answers, usually shy, even after living with us for so long, were more animated.

  “Seems like Tegan is doing well,” leave it to Dad to jump right into something. He was right though. Tegan was different, braver somehow. I suspected Zee and Wyatt had played a big role in that.

  “Seems like,” I agreed. His arched eyebrow told me that it wasn’t a good enough reply. “I’d love to take the credit, but I think it’s Wyatt’s doing.” He seemed to think on that while we headed through the house. His face was conflicted, and I would have laughed, if I hadn’t had the same thoughts. Wyatt was a good wolf, a good male, but he’d be dead if he ever hurt Tegan.

  I walked out on the back deck and right into a pair of long lean legs and long red nails that belonged to a gorgeous blond female named Layla. She was a born wolf, and her intentions of being my mate had kept many females from making advances. Her stunning blue eyes peeked up at me from under her long black lashes. Her red lips formed a little pout as she waited for my attention.

  “Wow, Layla, you look beautiful as always,” I murmured, taking in her black dress that just reached the tops of her thighs and dipped low in front to allow a view of the honey colored skin of her breasts. The woman knew how to put on one hell of a show.

  “It’s so good to see you Alex,” she practically purred as she leaned up to place a long kiss on my cheek. “I know your pack must be broken up with you gone, but I’m so happy you came back.” Of course, she wanted to snoop, let the games begin. I narrowed my eyes at her and suppressed a smile when I felt her stiffen slightly.

  “I think they can manage a day or two without me,” my tone wasn’t so friendly, and she took a half step back. “I needed to speak with my father, and I thought in person would be best. Then we’ll be heading back.” Her eyes flicked involuntarily in the direction of Tegan with my mother.

  “So soon?” Layla pouted her lips again and batted her eyes a little. Zee would never play these petty games, but I wasn’t supposed to be worried about her. She needed space, and I needed to get my head on right. I pulled Layla’s body against mine and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her towards an open seat in the yard full of my family and friends.

  “I’m sure I’ll be here long enough to spend some time with a wolf as pretty as you,” I murmured in her ear. Her girlish giggle made me feel sick with myself for playing her game. My mother however was looking on with a smile. Tegan glared at me ferociously and I almost missed a step. She was never openly hostile to anyone, especially me.

  My afternoon progressed much the same. My mother shot furtive glances and happily smiled every time she caught my eyes. Tegan glared, switching equally between Layla and her wandering hands and me sitting back impassively. Layla seemed to know her place in the sun was precarious, because she didn’t leave my side for even one moment through dinner.

  When Dad suggested a run, she dug her nails into my arm a little, as if she thought I would stay behind with her. When I followed the pack to the edge of the mountain forest she followed closely behind. The pack waited, younger wolves bouncing with excitement, for my father to shift into his unusually colored off white wolf. We all followed suit moments later. Layla stood beside me as a light grey wolf. She nipped playfully at my jaw, trying to get my attention.

  Finally, I turned to her and raised my head high above hers in a show of authority. She ducked her head a little, but I could feel her indifference when she licked my jaw in apology. I was done dealing with her attention for the night. I wanted to run and feel the Col
orado forest around me.

  With a quick look at my father, who nodded his permission, Go, I let out a howl and dashed into the woods. I could hear the answering howls of the pack and the sounds of paws hitting the ground as they sped after me into the woods. Dusk had fallen and the woods were full of shadows. I smelled a fox nearby and considered chasing it for a bit of fun. Instead I kept on course, heading to the cliff where I always went to think. It was the exact reason I had searched for a similar cliff at my new home.

  I could hear the paws hitting the grown behind me, and the panting of the wolf’s breath. I was being followed. I scented the air and found exactly what I had expected, Layla was behind me. So was Tegan and I flicked a questioning thought at her. She didn’t respond but she did put on some speed. I turned my head when I caught her intentions, just seconds before she leapt onto Layla and knocked her to the ground. Layla landed on her back with her white belly fur flashing. I watched Tegan raise her head regally and raise her hackles. A growl rumbled in her chest, and Layla tucked her tail to her belly. I could feel Tegan’s satisfaction with Layla’s submission. For one moment I was immensely proud, and then she turned her glare on me.

  What the hell did I do? I pushed the question at her, but she ignored me and instead trotted past me, lowering her head only slightly. I glanced back at Layla, lying in the leaves looking like a whipped pup. She didn’t meet my gaze, but I could feel her panic. She was right to panic, if anyone else found out about this she would lose her high ranking among the young wolves. I guess it was time to re-evaluate Tegan’s omega status.

  I turned and dashed after Tegan up the mountain. When I caught up to her, I nipped her black tipped tail, Brat. Asshole, she shot back as she pushed harder to outrun me. I kept an easy pace behind her studying how she had changed. She was still a kaleidoscope of white, grey and black. Her eyes were an odd shade of azure that I’d never seen until she joined the pack. The change was in the way she held herself. Head and tail high, strong confident movements. I didn’t know how I had missed the change.

  When we neared my spot, I rushed past her and burst into the opening overlooking the forest below. Taking in a deep breath of cool mountain air I let loose a howl. Tegan skidded to a stop beside me and joined my howl. Her high-pitched howl mixing with my low to find a harmony that was joined from several locations in the surrounding forest. As the last notes of our nighttime symphony ended, I shifted back to human and Tegan did the same.

  “So, I take you don’t like Layla then?” I tried not to laugh as I looked out over the forest. Tegan had done enough glaring to turn a person to stone tonight.

  “She only wants you for the title of alpha female, and you know that,” Tegan huffed, “I know you’re upset about Zee, but letting Layla plaster herself to your lap is not the answer.” She spoke with authority and I glanced over to find her giving me a stern look just like Mom’s when we were in trouble. The little monster was right, and it sucked that I was going to have to admit it.

  “Yeah, I know,” my voice was resigned but then I thought about something that put a grin on my face, “I loved that take down Tegan. Been practicing your wrestling moves with Wyatt?” I laughed when she blushed. “I guess this means we need to discuss your pack rank. You can’t keep hiding as an omega, Tegan. You’ve always been better than that. Don’t give me that look. Omega’s are important, too, but you’re stronger than that. You proved it just now with Layla.”

  Tegan didn’t answer me, but I didn’t expect her to. She might not want to admit it, but her place was as the beta female. She paired well with Wyatt in handling the pack. Her calm and serious nature grounded Wyatt, and his playfulness and confidence were bringing her out of her shell. I looked up at the clouds floating across the star filled sky. I wondered, for just a moment, about how well Zee would pair with me in leading the pack.

  “She’ll come around Alex,” of course Tegan knew what I was thinking, “She just needs time. I was little when I learned that monsters were real, and that I was one of them. I grew up knowing all of this, you were born knowing it. Zee has always believed werewolves were a thing in someone’s imagination. She still cares for you a lot. Otherwise why would she have called me about it all?”

  I knew she was right, but I wasn’t used to waiting. I was so sure that Zee was right for me, and I wanted her to be sure. I wasn’t any different than I was before she found out. For now, though, I would respect he space. I couldn’t forget the pack to worry about what she would decide.

  I shook off my thoughts and stood to leave. Tegan followed behind me as I shifted quickly and started back down the mountain. It was time to get back, I needed to talk with Dad about the Hunters. I couldn’t shake the worry that they were who had been circling my territory.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Needing space was hard. I regretted asking for it so many times over the eight days that I didn’t see Alex. He gave me what I wanted; he didn’t even stop by the bar for a drink. That didn’t mean that there wasn’t a constant reminder of him every night.

  Wyatt dropped by for beers several nights. He always sent me a goofy smile. The first few times it was weird, but finally I found myself smiling back. Ryker would come in with him sometimes. He was more laid back, but he never failed to wink at me when I sat down their beers. They acted like nothing had happened, and it made it easier for me to start seeing it as not such a big deal.

  Jarren was an entirely different story. He never joined the easy-going duo. He waited for them to leave, or on the nights they didn’t make it in, he showed up early. He would order one beer from the bar and take it to a table to sit. Then his glare would follow me around the room in between his constant scanning of every patron. It had started as something highly unnerving, but I finally got to a point where I had no interest in his angry looks. Once he finished his beer and terrified the masses, he always left.

  The night before had been a totally different story. Delilah had been in the bar when Jarren walked in. His double take was hilarious and for the first time I saw his angry mask slip. Delilah chose to pretend like she hadn’t gasped when he walked in, or that she didn’t flip her hair a bit more than necessary while she talked with her friends. I couldn’t help but grin when I remembered how they both acted. For the first time, Jarren didn’t even pay attention to me. He watched Delilah until she got up from her table and then he cornered her in the hall. I had been too busy to eavesdrop, but I did watch her storm out of the bar. Jarren had, for the briefest of moments, looked sad. Then his hard demeanor settled back over him, and he left the bar

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the grumpy werewolf obviously had some interest in my sister. Why didn’t that thought bother me? I wasn’t upset that he was a werewolf. Oddly, it didn’t even seem to matter when I considered their weird relationship. It shouldn’t be so hard for me to be with Alex whether he was a werewolf or not. He was the same guy who I had loved spending time with. He just turned into a wolf when he wanted to. Which had me wondering what he looked like as a wolf.

  My racing thoughts and needy customers didn’t stop me from noticing when Wyatt walked in holding Tegan’s hand. Tegan was giggling at whatever Wyatt was saying in her ear. Ryker and Delaney followed behind them. Ryker shot me a half smile and of course Delaney glared. I just waved at them all from behind the bar.

  When Alex pushed through the door, I released the breath I didn’t even know I was holding in a sigh. He was dressed in black, like he usually was, but tonight he had added a black leather jacket to ward off the cool weather that had started creeping in. His jeans hugged his thighs and ass like they were made just for him. His t-shirt showed off his sculpted chest, and I couldn’t help but think of how those muscles looked without the shirt. The overall effect made him look like a model who had stepped right off a motorcycle shoot.

  I watched his eyes shifting around the room, passing over women that I knew would happily sleep with him whether he turned into a wolf or a bat.
When his nostrils flared, I knew he was scenting the air for me. His head whipped around, and his brown eyes searched mine for a moment. He gave me a tentative smile, like he was asking me silently if we were okay. I knew I wouldn’t stay away from him, but I also thought maybe we should slow down a little. I gave him a small smile back, and his sudden grin devastated my going slow plan. That man was hell on my good senses.

  I was behind the bar, so it was Jackie that took their drink orders. I started getting the beers I knew they would order ready while Alex watched me from their table. His brow furrowed suddenly, and he lifted his head and he cocked it just slightly. I fought down a giggle at how much he suddenly seemed like the wolf he was. His eyes shot back to me and he leaned in to talk to Wyatt before walking slowly around the bar. I had a rush of people wanting drinks, so I didn’t have time to wonder about his weird actions. I didn’t notice when he dropped into a newly vacated stool at the bar.

  “Hi,” I smiled a little at him when I stepped in front of him, “Do you want a drink?” I tried to convince myself that I didn’t need to be nervous. This was just Alex after all.

  “Nah, I just figured I’d stop and say hi,” he seemed to be waiting for something. I just wanted to kiss him, and I ran my tongue along my bottom lip as I thought of the last time his lips were against mine. His brown eyes swirled amber as they darted down to my mouth then back up to my eyes. His lips parted just slightly, and he leaned a little farther over the bar. Oh God, he was going to kiss me. He could not kiss me. Slow, I had to remember slow.


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