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Alpha Knows Best: Second Chance Shifter Romance (Southern Shifters Book 3)

Page 17

by Eliza Gayle

  Her claws sprang forward and dug into his flesh. The fire inside her wanted to burn her alive. Never had anything been like this. Not even their first time together. When she didn’t think she could take another second of his intensity, his mouth dropped to her shoulder and he bit into the same spot he’d marked before. Liquid heat splashed inside as he came. He swelled impossibly further until she exploded in another orgasm as he emptied inside her.

  Her body writhed against his in a desperate dance of mating more powerful than she’d ever expected. She screamed, he roared and all she thought of was betrayal. Hers.

  She realized now she’d not only forgiven him for his rejection, she’d never stopped loving him and come morning, he would remember what she’d done and the pain of loss would begin all over again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I can’t believe I missed the whole thing.” Malcolm shook his head at Lucas who’d finally arrived just after Chey had run off to hide.

  “Always a day late you are.”

  “Well… I had good reason this time.” He pulled his mate, Kira, into his arms and smoothed his hand across her stomach. “Apparently being pregnant makes you have to stop and pee a lot.”

  “Damn! Seriously?” Kane asked, a grin from ear to ear covering his face.

  “No, I’m fucking with you.” Lucas rolled his eyes. “Of course I’m serious, you idiot.”

  Malcolm remained quiet while Kane and Lara fussed over Lucas and Kira. He was genuinely happy for his brother but the thought of Kira rounded with child made him think of what he’d missed. While he’d been off becoming the bastard from hell, Chey had endured a pregnancy without him. She’d pushed his baby into this world and he’d been doing fuck knew what. Malcolm pushed his fingers through his hair and blew out a hard breath. He couldn’t change the past. Those years were gone and couldn’t be redone. He either manned up and moved on or the loss would eat him alive.

  Malcolm wandered into the office and found his child sleeping peacefully on the couch. Her black ringlets fell across her check, blocking her partially from his view. His heart ached at the sight of her. The past was definitely the past. This beautiful and amazing girl who’d shifted into the first ever female black cougar was their future. It was up to him to ensure no harm came to her until she was strong enough to defend herself.

  “We’re going to have to be careful what we do with this knowledge.” Lucas’ voice drifted on the barest of whispers. His brothers flanked him, joining him at watching his sweet child. “She’s going to be a heartbreaker.”

  “She’s the future of our clan. I can feel it in my gut.” And not just because she was part of him. When his brothers nodded, he knew they understood. “Kira could birth another.” The knowledge of that fact hung in the air.

  “Do you get the sense that we’ve seriously underestimated the power of love and family?”

  The brothers nodded.

  “I don’t know how we so easily forgot. From here on out, we must embrace the legacy our parents left behind. Love. Family. Peace.”

  Malcolm couldn’t deny a word Lucas said. Chey had risked everything for Allie. She’d been willing to sacrifice herself if it meant her child would live another day. Malcolm hadn’t witnessed that kind of love in his life since his parents had died. He and his brothers had lost their way. Especially him. Bran might have been the cause of it, but they’d allowed it to happen by sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to stand up to the council when the shit had hit the fan in the first place.

  “No more running,” Malcolm said.

  “No,” his brothers spoke in unison.

  “We’re going to need Kitty to cover our asses. She’s the only one who knows the truth behind her father. How deep his bullshit went.”

  Lucas laughed. “Good luck with that. That bitch only knows how to help one person and that’s herself.”

  Kane smiled. “Oh she’ll help. She owes me now.” They turned in question to Kane, who raised his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t look at me. She pissed off my mate and she’s the one with all the witchy powers. Kitty will sing like a bird or Lara will make her pay for everything she’s done, one spell at a time.”

  “Dude. Your woman…”

  Dark clouds formed briefly in Kane’s eyes at Malcolm’s words and he promptly shut his mouth. He knew when to stop. His past with Lara was going to be a touchy subject for a while to come.

  Together, they left the office and reconvened in the living room. Kitty lay sprawled across a cot Lara had set up for her with glowing stones surrounding the makeshift bed.

  “Just making sure she can’t go anywhere,” Lara offered.

  “What’s her prognosis?” Kane asked.

  “Alive and cranky. Did you expect anything less?”

  Two council members emerged from the kitchen, flanked by Ben. Malcolm growled and unsheathed his claws. “Who let the riff raff in?”

  “Easy, Malcolm. Ben was working for me the whole time. Unfortunately Charlie was not. She was Bran’s pawn and she caused all kinds of problems before Ben could put her down.”

  “She drugged Chey, dammit!”

  Ben stepped forward. “I know and I’m sorry. Her intent had been to kill you both. She’s the one who shot you outside your safe house.”

  Malcolm seethed with anger. Ripping out Bran’s heart no longer seemed harsh enough.

  “I did get a signed confession out of her before she was put down though. I’ve already presented my evidence to the council.”

  “Good, does that mean we don’t have to keep her alive?” Lara asked hopefully.

  “We’re hoping she can fill in all the gaps from the last few years. It seems the council has a lot to make up for.”

  “The council should be disbanded. You’ve grown so far out of touch with the clan you’ve become obsolete.”

  The council member stared hard at Malcolm for several seconds before relenting and bowing his head. “I believe we can all learn from this and begin to rebuild something even better.”

  Malcolm snorted. He was still too close to the edge to deal with political bullshit. This was his brothers’ area of expertise. “I’m going to check on Chey. She’s been through hell.”

  Lucas touched Malcolm’s shoulder. “So have you, brother. Cut yourself some slack. We’ve all made mistakes that we can put behind us.”

  He wasn’t sure he could believe that. Some sins didn’t deserve forgiveness. He nodded his head and left the room. His body ached for his mate’s touch. No matter where he stood in this house he smelled her. A delicious blend of woman and sass that made his dick press against his pants.

  He moved silently into the bedroom and removed his clothing. Nothing would come between them again, he vowed. Her slow, even breathing indicated how deeply she slept so he chose to simply wrap himself around her and soak in her heat. “You’re mine now and I have no intention of letting go,” he whispered into the silk fall of her hair before settling his head on the pillow and allowing his body to finally relax.

  Chey awoke in Malcolm’s arms surrounded by his heat and an incredibly hard erection poking her in the ass. His fingers played along the curve of her hip, stroking and tickling her sensitive skin. She held her breath, too afraid to look at him. They’d returned to Kane’s cabin and she’d practically run to the guest bedroom Lara offered to escape after she’d checked up on her slumbering child. Allie had always been one too quick to recover from any kind of trauma, but for the second time in her life she was grateful. After a quick shower, she’d slid under the soft down comforter and waited for Malcolm to find her. The pit of dread had grown tighter with each passing minute until finally exhaustion had taken her and she’d fallen into a fitful sleep.

  Why was he still here? And stroking her skin like a lover? Surely by now he’d recovered from killing Bran. Afraid to break the moment, Chey pretended to still be asleep. Long minutes passed where Malcolm’s soft touch drove her crazy. He seemed to hold her with such care, his touch li
ght and protective.

  “I know you’re awake,” he mumbled at her ear.

  “I wasn’t sure what to say yet.” Goodbye was going to kill her.

  “How about good morning, mate.”

  Chey whirled around and faced him, pulling back at the devilish grin crossing his face. “I—I don’t understand. You should be furious with me.”

  He cupped one of her bare breasts, brushing lightly across the hardened nipple. “Oh you can bet there will be punishment coming for not telling me about Allie. But she’s one of us now, she can’t leave and neither can you.”

  His easy statement in telling her she was trapped did not go well. She didn’t want to leave but that didn’t mean he got to order her around with a sardonic smile and a hot touch across her skin. He tweaked her nipple again. Okay, maybe he could have his way when he did that. She squirmed against him.

  “Telling me what I can and cannot do might not be the best way to start your day, cat boy.” Sarcasm came so much easier than the emotions churning through her stomach. Still, she touched his face and watched his eyes change color—deepen. It was obvious he wanted her but there was so much more she didn’t understand.

  “I haven’t changed, Malcolm. I’m always going to be—” She didn’t want to ruin the moment with the word.

  “I know exactly who you are. I always have. Goddess, Chey. I was a fucking idiot. I should be shot for all the years I wasted.”

  Tears rushed to her eyes. “Don’t.” She choked.

  Silence stretched between them while Malcolm tried to ignore the hunger pulsing inside him. He needed to go slow. Take it easy this time. But he was so damned desperate for her. Yes, she was still a half wolf but who was he anymore? He’d finally learned that it wasn’t his place to judge. Only took five years, you dumb ass.


  She was his. By some fluke of fate or the Goddess shining down on him for no good reason, she was definitely his and she wasn’t going to get away.

  “Kiss me.” If she didn’t he would die.

  She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his in a tight, close-mouthed kiss. When he was about to protest, she thrust her tongue into his mouth and stroked over his. Fucking A.

  All the events of the last several days flashed before his eyes, from the moment he’d pinned her to the floor, to her making a jump for Bran with his gun pointed at her. A wild cry escaped his throat. His beautiful blonde mate had a wild streak a mile wide that he suspected would be the death of him one day. He rolled her to her back and pressed her into the bed with his kiss. Hard and unrelenting. With her soft and compliant underneath him, he finally had control.

  He pressed his cock against her stomach. Malcolm wrenched free from their kiss and lowered his head to a hard tip of her breast and sucked it into his mouth. Her moans quickly filled the room as he stroked her nipples over and over until she writhed underneath him.

  He needed her so damned bad he was burning up with it. Chey parted her thighs and Malcolm slid a finger through her sex. Hot. Ready. He added another finger to the first and thrust harder. She moaned again, this time much louder. It wasn’t enough. She had to scream for him. He really liked that.

  With his thumb, he circled her clit, teasing her to the brink until her nose flared and her eyes widened on the verge of coming. He withdrew his hand.


  The hunger in her voice awakened the more dominant beast inside him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and flipped her to her stomach. His gaze dropped to her beautiful ass. Round. Womanly and so fucking soft. He loved her ass. He lifted her on her knees and pressed her chest and face to the mattress. Yes.

  “Fuck me, Malcolm. Do it.”

  He positioned her so that the head of his dick rested at her entrance. She tried to move but he simply held her tighter. He had control now. The sweet scent of her arousal drifted to his nose, inciting the need already blazing out of control inside him. He drove inside as deep as he could go—and she screamed in ecstasy at the same time. Music to his ears.

  The hot clasp of her ripped at his threads of control, the muscles convulsing around him. He withdrew and plunged again. This time her mouth opened wide and a long loud wail filled the room. He thrust harder—out of his mind with need. The fist tight grip and liquid heat of her pussy overtook him. Every pulse of her release tore up his spine. His balls tightened painfully.

  “More!” she screamed.

  Their joining turned wild as he shoved into her milking pussy, slick with her cream. One last push of her ass in his direction and Malcolm erupted, his body trembled, and his release splashed inside her. A strangled roar filled his head before he collapsed forward, blanketing her with his body.

  Their heavy breaths and quivering bodies eventually settled into a steady driving rhythm that comforted him in ways that nothing else could. Mine. Love.

  The words fell from his mouth without thought. Never again would she suffer alone. Nothing could remove him from her side. Not even death.

  He eased from her body and snuggled next to her, burying his face in her hair. He could tell by the lack of movement from her that she held her breath. “You don’t have to do that. I meant what I said.”

  “How can you tell? The mating…”

  “Fuck that. Somewhere deep inside I’ve always known I just needed to quit fighting it.”

  “But what about the—”

  He clamped his hand over her mouth and turned her to face him. “No buts. No ifs. No what abouts. I love you. It really is that simple. Trust me, we can do this.”

  “I do trust you.”

  Tears fell from her eyes but something clicked. He saw it in her eyes the moment it happened. She stroked his face and traced his lips with her fingers. “You’re not going to make this easy are you?”

  He shook his head. “I can guarantee I will drive you crazy. But when we’re alone…” He looked over his shoulder. “…or semi alone, I can promise you there won’t be a single regret.”

  “Uh huh. I’m not sure I believe that, Mr. Gunn. Every time you think I’ve done something naughty you’ll be looking to punish me.”

  He grinned down at her. “You’re damn right. And you’re going to love every minute of it.” He pressed his mouth to her sweet skin and smiled. Let the games begin…

  Thank you so much for reading!

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  Ready for more Southern Shifters? Mate Night, the second in the series is now available and you can read the full first chapter at the end of this book.

  If you want more information on all of the books in my Southern Shifters series, you can find the full reading order and links at

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  Turn the page for the first chapter of Bad Kitty, the next book in the Southern Shifter series!

  Bonus Chapter

  Enjoy this Sneak Peek of the next book in the Southern Shifters series.



  Eliza Gayle

  Copyright 2013

  All Rights Reserved

  Kitty stared down at the keys in her hand and shook her head. Walking away from the Clan and everything she'd ever known had been hard enough, but this...this was too much. She wasn't just some damn charity case Kane could sweep under the rug by offering an empty house in the neutral zone for her to live in. Her entire life to this point had been in the sheltered protection of her clan. Now they didn't want her, just like her father.

  Anger boiled in her veins every time she thought of him. She tried to do the right thing when she found out about his attempt to kidnap Malcolm's child, but the Clan decided her efforts were too little too late. H
er father's attempts to kill or undermine the Guardian brothers at every turn had failed. He'd been a damned fool all along. Yes, she'd remained quiet despite what she knew. But she didn't need to stick her neck out and bring her own father's wrath down on her head.

  All she'd had to do was wait for everything to blow up. And there lay the crux of her problem today. She'd had more than a pretty good idea about much of what her father was up to and had kept the information to herself. As far as she'd been concerned, it hadn't been her place to either agree with him or stand against him.

  The why of most of his schemes still escaped her, so she ignored the havoc he'd created. She'd been under the mistaken impression that, somewhere deep down, her father cared about her. But then she'd discovered the child. Her father found out about Malcolm's secret offspring and had planned to do who knows what with her. So she'd snuck the child away and out of her father's reach. Rescuing the girl had been her only saving grace with the council and meant the difference between a death sentence and this. At the last minute Kane had stood up for her and offered a compromise in the form of an extended vacation. Kitty chuffed, the sound far more animal than human.

  Vacation my ass.

  More like indefinite exile, and to the neutral zone no less. The only people who belonged here were the half-breeds no one knew what else to do with. Kitty curled her upper lip, pushed opened the door and exited the car packed with the few belongings she'd been allowed to keep. She headed toward the small cottage with the extended wrap-around porch. Maybe, just maybe, if she'd been offered a place like this on clan land, its pretty exterior would have charmed her. But here it was no more than a prison of four walls where she'd have to hide from the local residents. No one wanted a full blood feline hanging around. Trust would be impossible.


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