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Their Bride (Marriage Lottery Series Standalone)

Page 10

by Stasia Black

  “Jesus, Washington,” Cam muttered. “What’s got into you?”

  His question should have made an impact, but Logan was too far gone.

  Vanessa made ecstatic noises around Riordan’s cock, her hips bucking more wildly than ever as Logan directed Ross to continue working her clit.

  She was giving herself over to it.

  To him.

  To his command over her.

  He grabbed her flesh and fucked her ass cheeks more furiously than ever. Jesus but he wanted to sink inside her. He wanted it so damn bad.

  He reached down between her legs and stuck a finger in her cunt, that sweet haven he wouldn’t let himself bury his cock in.

  She was more drenched than ever.

  He smacked her ass with his other hand. And then he took the finger in her cunt and dragged it up to the most forbidden spot of all. Time to dirty up their woman a little bit more.

  She jumped the second his finger made contact with her sweet rosette.

  “That’s right, baby. I know my dirty little girl wants her asshole played with. Have you ever stuck your finger up here when you touch yourself?”

  “Logan,” Michael warned, but Logan didn’t acknowledge it.

  Vanessa shook her head without losing purchase on Riordan’s cock, and Logan felt a surge of excitement quake through his chest.

  Another first he’d be taking.



  He didn’t care. He wanted it fucking all.

  What would it be like to fuck her there?

  A shudder ran down his spine and he pressed his forefinger, slick with her wetness, into her tight asshole.

  She was so tight and clenched, his finger wouldn’t go in at first.

  He massaged her ass cheek.

  “Shh, baby. You’re doing so good. Let me in.” He rubbed down her spine again. “Let me in, baby.”

  And at his words, she relaxed just that little bit so he was able to pop his finger inside her anus.

  Oh Jesus, yes.

  He grabbed his cock with his other hand. The barest friction wasn’t enough anymore. He gripped himself in an iron fist, jerking up and down so roughly on his shaft it was on the edge of painful.

  Just like he fucking deserved.

  He yanked back down hard on his cock as he pressed his finger further up Vanessa’s ass.

  Your wife’s ass. You’ve got your finger up your wife’s anus. And you fucking love it.

  Precum flowed out the tip of his cock and he painted it up and down the crack of Vanessa’s ass, all around the spot where his finger disappeared.

  “Shit. That’s right, baby,” he hissed. “You’re doing so good. Sucking his cock like you were fucking born for it and riding my finger all up in your ass. Look at Ross, baby. I don’t think he’s gonna last much longer while he watches you sucking his brother. Ross, move a little up the bed so Vanessa can see you fucking your hand while she sucks off Riordan.”

  Ross whimpered. While he’d been fingering Vanessa’s clit, he’d been jacking himself off. More and more frantically every minute. Logan could tell he was right on the edge of coming. Riordan too. Maybe it was a twin thing.

  Almost as soon as Ross had moved so that Vanessa could see him—that is, if she strained, looking to the left while her mouth still stretched around Riordan’s impressive dick.

  Less than two minutes later, both Ross and Riordan were shouting out their release. Logan fucked her ass with his finger even more furiously and looked over her shoulder to see Riordan’s cum spilling out of her mouth and down the sides of his cock.

  She hungrily sucked and licked at it and her body clenched around Logan’s finger because she was coming too and holy fuck, it was too much—

  Logan grasped his shaft harder than ever and his hips jackknifed forwards and backwards. “Jesus,” thrust, “fucking,” thrust, “Christ!” thruuuuuuuuuust.

  His cum shot across Vanessa’s cheeks in a glorious arc of cream, painting her ass with his essence.







  And then Logan blinked. And saw Vanessa underneath him, her back heaving with exertion. And his still hard cock nestled between her ass cheeks. With his finger buried up her anus.

  Oh Jesus.


  What had he just done?

  He pulled his hand free and then he backed down the bed. Away from Vanessa. Away from all of it.

  He’d just stolen pleasure that should never have been his to take.

  He’d vowed to protect Vanessa and instead he’d— He’d come in here and he’d— He’d—

  “Logan?” Vanessa’s voice was drowsy as she glanced over her shoulder.

  But Logan couldn’t even bring himself to look at her. He’d already fucked things up bad enough.


  That was all a selfish, ruinous bastard like him deserved.

  So he turned and fled the room like the coward he was.

  Chapter Twelve


  One Month Later

  Vanessa had been married for a month and nothing was going according to plan. She was supposed to come into town, enter the lottery, and for once in her life be part of a family that wanted her.

  She shook her head at herself as she pulled on her jeans, using the belt because they were still too big on her.

  No, the plan was to come here and get married so you’d be safe from Lorenzo. So, mission accomplished, right?

  She frowned and sat down on the bed, raking her hands through her hair. It had grown half an inch since she’d been here so that now she resembled a newborn chick, with soft fluff that stuck straight out on all sides.

  She stood up again, jaw set.

  She was being ridiculous.

  Every day for the past eight years had been a struggle fighting for her life and now she was going to sit here crying over the fact that her love life wasn’t all she wanted?

  Boo hoo.

  So what if Logan hadn’t ever come back to her bed after that first night? If he wanted to sleep down the hall and spend half his time working night patrol at the Security Squadron, well, good for him.

  Riordan, Ross, Cam, and Michael still slept in the master bedroom each night.

  If the sex was a little… less than spectacular, well, that was fine too.

  Sometimes she came. Sometimes she didn’t. It was just that, well… Ross often seemed at a loss for what to do with her. Whereas Riordan treated sex like a full-on contact sport. Especially when he and Cam were both in bed with her at the same time.

  Sometimes she felt like an object they were using in a never-ending game to one-up each other. Who could fuck her longer or make her come more often, that kind of thing. She swore, they might as well start making notches on the damn bedpost.

  She’d overheard them the other day taunting each other about it.

  “You up for tonight, Thing 2?” Cam said. He’d taken to calling the twins that. Thing 1 and Thing 2. Because maturity. “Cause that rutting like a pig technique you were working last night was less than impressive. Good thing I was around to give it to her like a man.”

  “Shut up, old man. You worried your arthritis is gonna act up and you’ll throw your back out? That why you gotta talk shit before the game?”

  “I’m only thirty-three, you little fuckwad.”

  A chuckle from Riordan. “Hey, I’ll even let you go first. Age before beauty, right? Just think, I’m about to enter my prime and you’ll be… middle aged. Hope Vanessa doesn’t mind saggy, limp-dicked old men.”

  “Say what you want, but I’ll be the one who’ll have Vanessa screaming from the rooftops while you’re still trying to sort out her clitoris from her clavicle.”

  Vanessa wanted to yell at them that they were both idiots and that she faked her orgasms half the time no matter which one of them it was.

  But she still had hope th
at this was just an adjustment period. And after the sex, when she snuggled up between their firm bodies, it really was quite lovely.

  And that was the kicker, wasn’t it?

  The happiness she longed for was so close, she could almost taste it.

  If only Logan would stop being so stubborn and come back to them— If only Cam and Riordan could put aside their differences and work together—

  If only.

  And then there was Michael.

  Oh Michael.

  That first night everything had seemed so promising. He could watch while she made love to the others and touch himself and be just as much a part of the family as any other husband.

  Except for the fact that it wasn’t working out like that.

  She squeezed her eyes shut remembering last night. Riordan had been fucking her—she usually didn’t like to be so crude about it, but there was no other word for what he’d been doing. He’d had her legs up, ankles by her head, and he was banging away at her like he thought he could get an Olympic medal for endurance fucking if he kept at it for long enough. It was doing absolutely zero for Vanessa but she thought, maybe if she looked over at Michael, she could make that connection and feel an emotional link there.

  But Michael’s gaze was locked on where Riordan entered her. And though he pumped his cock up and down, it wasn’t lust she saw in his eyes. His brows were drawn together and he looked half-mesmerized, half-devastated.

  In the first couple weeks, Michael got off work early and hung around Vanessa every chance he got. But as the month wore on, she’d felt him pulling away more and more. She’d have to be an idiot not to figure out why.

  It was killing him. Watching the others take her and only being able to look but not touch.

  Even though at least once a week she made sure to give him a private show, just him and her, it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough.

  And this week when she’d invited him to come home for lunch, just the two of them—what had been their code for their special times together—he’d mumbled some excuse about having to work without meeting her eyes and then hurried out of the room.

  She glanced out the window and the light that had been pouring in what felt like moments ago was now shadow.

  Crap, what time was it?

  She got to her feet and scrambled to pull on her socks and shoes. All this time sitting here wool-gathering, she was gonna be late. Audrey had invited her over for a girl’s afternoon and she hated to be late. If there was one solidly good thing about her time here in Jacob’s Well, it was the female friendships she’d formed. The women were so welcoming. It was like nothing she’d ever had before.

  As soon as she got her shoes on, she hurried to the bedroom door and pulled it open, all but running through it without even looking.

  “Van— No!” Michael shouted, jumping back from the other side of the door.

  But it was too late.

  She’d been in so much of a rush, her momentum kept her barreling forward. She ran into Michael’s chest and out of instinct, her hands went to his forearms to catch her, or him, she didn’t know.

  What she did know was that he screamed, “Don’t fucking touch me!” and yanked back from her so violently she stumbled and fell to her knees.

  And then he stood there above her, his entire body shaking and his eyes wide with horror—she didn’t know if from her touch or from seeing her on the floor.

  They both froze there for a beat.




  “Michael—” she whispered but he just shook his head back and forth violently and then spun on his heel and ran down the hallway.

  “Michael, wait!”

  He didn’t stop.

  She got to her feet, wincing at what would probably be bruised knees, and hurried after him. But the front door was slamming before she even got to the end of the hallway.

  “Dammit,” she yelled, kicking the back of the couch. Which only gave her a sore toe in addition to her sore knees.

  She scrubbed her hands down her face.

  Just give him a little time to cool off. Tonight after she got back from her time with the girls, she’d talk to him. They’d find a way to work this out. They had to.

  She glanced at the schedule posted on the wall. They all worked such different hours and shifts, it was the only way to keep things straight. Even she’d gotten a job working a few afternoons a week at the school, teaching a survivalist course.

  It looked like tonight was one of the nights all of their schedules would align so they’d get to have dinner all together, a rare occasion. Even Logan was off work. As to whether he’d show up, well, that was anyone’s guess. When he wasn’t at work, he seemed to spend all his time at Donovan’s, the bar outside of town.

  Vanessa sighed as she grabbed her keys, locking the door behind her.

  Then she headed down the street to Audrey’s house. The day was hot—shocker—but Audrey’s house was shaded by several big oaks and with the windows open, it felt like a little oasis. Cooler than Vanessa’s own house, especially when Sophia handed her a glass of lemonade with—

  “Holy crap, is that ice?” Vanessa breathed out, holding the cold glass up to her cheeks, first one and then the other. “Oh my God, I want to marry this glass of lemonade.”

  Audrey laughed. “I know, right?”

  “Shhh, Dad pulled some strings,” Sophia said, ushering Vanessa into the living room where Drea, Shay, and several other women sat chatting. “Don’t tell anyone about it. But some of the engineers in town just managed to hook up solar panels to what used to be this little Italian place.”

  “Okaaaaay,” Vanessa said, not following.

  “Not the whole place,” Audrey clarified. “They’re just routing power to the big walk in freezer in the back.”

  “Oh my God,” Vanessa said again.

  “Right?” Sophia said. “Come on in. Look, Camilla made bread pudding.”

  Vanessa smiled at her and she immediately looked down. She’d met Camilla before but the woman never said much. Vanessa had heard her story from Sophia, about how she’d been married to five abusive men who worked for Arnold Travis. Even thinking his name made Vanessa shudder.

  She’d always stayed clear of Travisville but Lorenzo traded regularly with the man, and he wasn’t running guns or stolen goods. Like Lorenzo, Travis specialized in the underground flesh trade.

  So Vanessa felt sympathy for the quiet woman, having escaped that hell. She went over and sat down on the open spot on the couch beside her.

  “Looks delicious, Camilla.”

  “Thanks.” She flashed a shy smile Vanessa’s way.

  “Damn, girl,” Drea said, looking Vanessa up and down. “You should take two pieces of the pudding. Are those boys stealing all your rations or what?”

  “Drea!” Sophia exclaimed.

  “What?” Drea said. “Are you not seeing what I’m seeing?” She gestured at Vanessa’s body. “She looks as skinny as the day they brought her into town. I thought they were supposed to give you clan families extra rations.”

  Vanessa crossed an arm over her stomach. Damn. She knew she hadn’t been putting on weight like she should but she didn’t think it was so obvious.

  “Anyway,” Sophia said, glaring Drea down. “Camilla’s helping me at the Food Pantry a couple days a week.”

  Drea shook her head but then introduced the other woman sitting on the couch by her. “This is Kylie. She’s new to town too.”

  Kylie was beautiful. She had the kind of curves Vanessa couldn’t help but be envious of. Along with long hair so dark brown it almost looked black.

  “Hi,” Vanessa said, reaching out a hand to shake. “I’m Vanessa. Great to meet you. I can’t believe I missed news of your lottery. Is Sophia helping you plan the wedding?”

  Kylie shook Vanessa’s hand but her face shuttered at the question and she let go quickly. “No. I had the option of staying free, so I took it.”

; Vanessa frowned, and she looked to Sophia and then Drea, each of whom had opposite expressions on their faces at Kylie’s pronouncement.

  “I don’t underst—”

  “I had an ectopic pregnancy when I was really young, okay,” Kylie said, face hard like she expected a fight. “It ruined my tubes so no babies for me.”

  “If you can’t get pregnant, then there is a loophole in the lottery law,” Audrey explained gently, a hand on Kylie’s shoulder. “You have a choice as to whether you’d like to enter a lottery, or if you’d rather…”

  Kylie’s eyes flashed Vanessa’s way. “Or if you’d rather take random dick whenever you feel like it. Which I’d much rather do than be shackled to five dudes for life. You got a problem with that like all those other bitches in town?”

  Vanessa shook her head no, lifting her hands up. “No, no problem.”

  “The whole system is barbaric,” Drea said, and Vanessa could tell she was gearing up for one of her rants. “We aren’t fucking cattle. We should be treated with resp—”

  Sophia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, here,” she shoved a plate Drea’s direction. “Why don’t you do something useful with your mouth for once and eat some bread pudding?”

  Drea glared Sophia down. “Some day, Princess, you’re gonna wake up and realize that you can’t just blindly swallow everything Daddy says as gospel. I really hope I’m there to see it.”

  Sophia rolled her eyes again, with even more exaggeration. “Oh please. It just kills you that there are actually good men out there. You’d love to just hate them all. But my dad’s one and take a look around this room.” Sophia gestured at Audrey, Shay, and Vanessa. “Three women here are happily married, so that’s fifteen good men. Sixteen, counting Dad. Sort of shoots holes in your whole all-men-are-evil theory, huh?”

  Vanessa busied herself with scooping out a portion of bread pudding. She agreed that her husbands were good men. As for the happily married part, though…

  “How’s it been going, Vanessa?” Audrey cut in, obviously trying to diffuse the tension between Sophia and Drea. “Shay was just telling us she’s finally settling in and whipping her men into shape.”

  There was light laughter from all the women and Vanessa looked up, pasting what she hoped looked like an appropriately cheerful smile for a newlywed bride. “Oh it’s going great. There’s all those personalities to get used to, you know,” she waved a hand. “But it’s great. Really great.”


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