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Triple Team- Reverse Harem Series

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by K. C. Crowne

  Triple Team

  Reverse Harem Series

  K.C. Crowne


  Title Page

  Book One - Men on a Mission

  Book Two - Christmas With Four Firemen

  Book Three - Dirty Cowboys

  Doctor Daddy (Preview)

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2019 by K.C. Crowne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Title Page

  Book One: Men on a Mission

  We lived through war together.

  All five of us.

  But suddenly one goes missing.

  Our biggest hurdle: passion so intense, it can cloud instinct and judgment.

  Our most secret desires blaze into the open as years of pent up yearning prove too much to bear.

  Can we save him before it’s too late?

  Book Two : Christmas with Four Firemen

  Who wouldn't fall head over heels for a hot fireman?

  Now multiply that by four and you have a Christmas gift fit for a queen.

  This Christmas, the fire burning in my heart might be hot enough to scorch us all.

  Secrets unfold. Truths are brought to light.

  Come on Santa, you know what I've been wishing for.

  I've been a good girl.... well...mostly.

  Book Three: Dirty Cowboys

  The fire had almost taken everything from me,

  The job and land I loved, and the family I adored.

  They’re all back in one place now that the ash has settled, and I find myself in a bit of a conundrum.

  I want them. All.

  As tensions run high and a big-money deal is on the table,

  The formerly close brothers can’t agree on anything.

  Except that they’ll do anything to save me when my life in in danger.

  Will it be enough to bring us all back together?

  Or will my dreams of happily ever after go up in smoke?

  Book One - Men on a Mission


  My heart was racing a million miles a minute in anticipation for what was to come.

  I turned my head to look into Jason's eyes.

  “I love you,” I said to him.

  His breath caught in his throat, but he gave me a gentle smile and said, “I love you too, Mallory.”

  I kissed his chest gently before looking up at Liam. He stared down at me with his bright, blue eyes. So hopeful, so sweet, so full of life.

  “And I love you too,” I told him, grabbing his hand and brushing my lips against the back of his knuckles.

  “I love you too, Mal,” he said. “I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” I said as my heart swelled and tears welled in my eyes. “God, I really do.”

  I flipped myself around so that I was facing Seth. Thinking about how I could have lost him back at the IHS building made the tears to roll down my cheeks even faster. Before I could even say it though, he beat me to it.

  “I love you, Mallory,” he said. “Always have, always will.”

  I brushed my lips against his cheek, whispering the words back to him.

  “I love you, Seth,” I whispered.

  My hands were flat against his chest, then I balled them up, and pulled him even closer to me. Our lips met before I knew what was happening. I didn't know who started it, but in that moment, I didn't care. All that mattered to me was the white-hot burst of energy that sizzled through my body as our lips met and his tongue swirled with mine.

  I kissed him passionately, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths as he played with my hair. Someone was rubbing my back, probably Jason, as I made out with Seth. I always feared turning these men against each other. Feared that if I loved one differently than the others, it would ultimately drive a wedge between us all. In that moment though, I knew that nothing could tear us apart.

  “Life is too short to deny ourselves love,” I said. “Right?”

  No one answered me. Seth kissed me again, cupping my face in his hands and literally stealing my breath away with his mouth. Jason's body pressed harder against me, and I shuddered as his lips brushed the back of my neck. I trembled as I pressed my body against his, and it felt like every nerve ending inside of me was alive and on fire. Liam ran his hands through my hair, and I whimpered gently, the rush of sensations coursing through me almost overwhelming.

  “God, I need you – all of you,” I murmured.

  I wrapped my legs around Seth, feeling the bulge in his boxers pressed against me. Jason's erection was now rubbing against my ass, touching off an explosion of feeling inside of me. I slipped my hand down Seth's boxer shorts and grasped his cock tight, bringing a moan from his lips.

  His eyes rolled back into his head for a moment as I stroked him, swirling my fingers through the precum that had accumulated at the head of his cock. I'd never seen any of them naked before, much less touched them like that. It was all new to me, but it felt amazing. Seth was longer and thicker than I'd thought, as was Jason, judging by the feeling of his cock pressed against my ass.

  Liam moved from his spot above us to the end of the bed down by our feet. I wasn't even aware of what was happening until his hands slowly moved up my thighs, the feeling of his fingertips brushing my skin sending a shudder through me. He parted my thighs as I continued making out with Seth. Liam kissed his way up my thighs as I groaned, spreading my legs a little wider to give him better access to the warm, wet center of me.

  The rest of the night was going to be the best night of my life.

  Seven Years Ago


  “Liam, you with us?” I called out through the radio in the Humvee. “Dammit, Liam. Answer us.”

  Silence. I looked at the other three guys with me: Jason Olson, Chris Sturgeon, and Seth McPherson. We were Marines, and the five of us had been a team for as long as I could remember. Liam Sanders was the fifth, and he was currently MIA.

  These were good guys. The best guys. And we were all tighter than a drum. Maybe war bonds people closer together, like people always say. I don't know. What I do know is that I’ve trusted these men with my life, and I knew they’ve trusted me with theirs.

  It was no secret some guys in our unit would hesitate to run out on a mission with a woman. There were some Neanderthals who still believed women shouldn't be allowed in the Corps. But, not these guys. No, these four took me in from day one, and treated me like an equal, with no hesitation, and no equivocation. To them, I was just a part of their team. Their family.

  We had a bond stronger than steel, and I knew that even when we all got out, that bond wouldn't diminish in the least.

  We'd just finished up a patrol that had us out looking for a known terrorist hiding in a small, remote village in southeastern Afghanistan – and having no luck finding him. These assholes blended in with the crowd, and had people protecting them. The deck was stacked against us from the start.

  We’d searched every house in the village, every nook and cranny, and there was no sign of the man responsible for attacks on our convoys that had left more than a dozen of our guys dead and another dozen wounded. All we found were just families trying to live their lives amidst the chaos. Most of them were frightened of us, though they were equally as afraid of the man we were searching for.

  It was supposed to be a routine job. Stop, search, question. Nothing to it, and nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before. Some
how though, as we fanned out across this village, we’d gotten separated. Ordinarily, it wasn’t a big deal. We’d meet back up at the rally point, and we'd be good to go. In this case, the rally point was back at the Humvee.

  Except, Liam never showed up. We waited and waited, but as the sun started to slip toward the horizon, we knew we had a problem.

  “I'm going after him,” Jason said.

  Jason turned to go, but his best friend, Chris, grabbed his arm, pulling him back to the group. We clustered around the vehicle, all of us more than worried, but unsure what to do.

  “What?” Jason said. “You really want to just leave him here with these assholes?”

  “He'll be back,” I said, trying to remain calm. “We don't have any reason to suspect something happened to him. Not just yet.”

  “Other than the fact that he missed our rendezvous time, and isn’t responding to our radios, you mean,” Seth cracked.

  “He's right,” Jason said. “That's not like him. Liam would let us know if he had a snag. He wouldn't just leave us hanging like this.”

  “We just need to give it a little more time,” I said.

  “Except Liam doesn't fucking walk away in the middle of a mission,” Jason pressed. “He's always good about communicating with the team. He doesn't just go radio silent. Not on his own.”

  He was right. I hated to admit it simply because I was afraid of what it implied, but he was right. This wasn't like Liam. We had to be smart about this though.

  “No one is going back out alone,” I said. “We go out together.”

  Jason nodded sharply and looked satisfied with the answer. We closed up the vehicle again and checked our weapons.

  “We've only got about thirty minutes of daylight left,” Chris said.

  “We need to be quick,” Seth added.

  “Teams of two,” I said. “Seth, you and Chris hit it from the east. Jason and I will sweep in from the west. Hit it hard, hit it fast, and we'll meet in the middle. If we don't find him, we rally at the Hummer, call it in, and wait for the fuckin' cavalry.”

  “Copy that,” Seth said.

  “And stay in constant radio contact,” I added. “Constant.”

  “Got it,” Chris said.

  Jason and I took off to the west end of the village. It wasn't a huge place, but there were a lot of back alleys and hidden courtyards we had to deal with. We needed to sweep through, check out every nook and cranny we could, then get the hell out of there.

  These small, remote villages were not places you wanted to be when the sun went down. That's when the bad guys tended to come out, and a small team like ours would get shredded in a heartbeat. The dry heat and the late afternoon sun made it feel like I was being cooked alive inside my armor and uniform. I wanted to find Liam, get the hell out of there, and get back to base, so I could grab a cold shower and a beer.

  “Tango two, checking in,” Seth's voice came over the comms.

  “Tango three, got you loud and clear,” I said.

  Jason and I walked through the outskirts of the village, our weapons locked and loaded. We passed mostly women and children, some looking concerned and scared, others looking downright hostile. Given that we'd swept their village once already today, I was sure they were wondering what in the hell we were doing back again

  “They don't look too happy to see us,” Jason said.

  “They never are,” I replied.

  “Tango two,” Seth said. “Twenty five percent in. Nothing.”

  “Copy that,” I replied. “We're having about the same luck. Keep your head on a swivel out there, they're not exactly rolling out the red carpets for us.”

  “Copy that,” Seth came back.

  I followed Jason down a narrow alley. I covered our six, while Jason led the way. The alley opened up into a courtyard where four men in their early twenties were gathered. When they saw us, their eyes widened, their conversation stopped, and they all looked at us like they wanted to murder us right then and there.

  “English,” Jason said. “Any of you speak English?”

  “Yes. English,” said one of the young men.

  I kept my weapon up and at the ready, scanning the windows that lined the courtyard, while keeping an eye on the alley behind us at the same time. The last thing I wanted was for one of these bastards to get the drop on us.

  “We're looking for our friend,” I said. “Have you seen another soldier? Very very tall and big.”

  The four men looked at each other and spoke together in their language. The kid looked at Jason and nodded, pointing to another alley way that ran to the north.

  “My friend saw him a couple of courtyards over,” he said.

  “Great,” Jason said “Thanks, kid. Appreciate your help.”

  I fished into my pocket and pulled out some pieces of candy. Normally, we handed them out to the small kids, but hey, I was trying to improve our public relations around there. I handed them to the kid as I passed by them with a word of thanks, staying hot on Liam's tail.

  “Keep your eyes up,” Jason muttered.

  “You smelling ambush?”

  He shrugged. “Not definitely,” he said “But you just never know.”

  “Copy that,” I said.

  What we did in these towns and villages was dangerous. There wasn't a way around it. Our presence in the region was resented, and we'd had a few incidents over the years that had hardened those feelings even more.

  That meant there was always the possibility that the kid was sending us straight into an ambush. Small courtyards, narrow passageways, it was the perfect set up to put us right inside a kill box. But, our guy was out there, and there was no way in hell we were leaving Liam behind. Not until we knew what happened to him.

  “Tango two,” Seth said in my ear. “Sixty percent and nothing.”

  “Tango three,” I replied. “We may have something. Courtyard in the northeast corner of the village. Get over here on the double and keep your heads up.”

  “Copy that.”

  Jason used hand signals to let me know we were arriving. We moved down the dark, narrow corridor and burst into a courtyard with our weapons up, fingers on the trigger, ready to party.

  Sitting in the center of the courtyard was Liam and a younger Afghani kid. His helmet was off, and they were working on the kid's motorbike. The minute I saw him, and he looked up at us with that goofy, lopsided grin of his, I let out a long breath of relief.

  “Jesus, Liam,” I said. “What the hell happened?”

  “You missed the rendezvous,” Jason said.

  His eyes widened and he looked at his watch. “Oh shit,” he said. “I totally lost track of time.”

  “I tried calling you on comms,” I said.

  He looked puzzled and grabbed his radio and realized it was off. He turned to us with a sheepish grin.

  “Well, damn,” he said. “I didn't even realize I'd turned it off.”

  In that moment, I wanted to throw my arms around him and hug him. But, I kind of wanted to strangle him at the same time.

  “Dude,” Jason said. “I'm so going to kick the ever-living piss out of you when we get back to camp.”

  “You scared the shit out of us,” I said.

  “I'm sorry, guys,” he said. “I was helping this kid fix his bike, and I totally spaced out on the time and all.”

  Seth and Chris burst into the courtyard, weapons up and ready, and then seemed to physically deflate when they saw Liam sitting there.

  “Yeah, I'm absolutely kicking your ass up around your ears back at camp,” Seth said.

  “Get in line,” Jason growled.

  “My bad, guys,” Liam said. “I'm totally sorry.”

  None of us should have been all that surprised, honestly. Liam was the kind of guy would stop to help any stranger on the street. That was just his way. “Getting dark,” I said. “We need to go. Now.”

  “Copy that,” Liam said.

  He stood up and ruffled the kid's hair. He got th
e bike up and motioned for the kid to get on it. The kid complied, and that was that. He motored away with a wave over his shoulder for Liam, who smiled and waved back, proud of himself for a job well done.

  * * *

  “Do you remember that time you scared the shit out of us?” Chris asked, punching Liam in the arm. “Made us think the goddamn Taliban kidnapped your ass or something?”

  “You mean the time I stopped to help a kid, and you guys freaked out on me? Yeah, I remember,” Liam teased back.

  We were fresh out of the Corps, sitting by the pool of my apartment complex. It was late, and technically the pool was closed, but we'd snuck in anyway. It had been a warm day, and we felt like chilling out poolside, having a few beers. The pool was normally crowded during the day with kids running around like little maniacs, so it was nice to have the place to ourselves. Just a bunch of ex-Marines with no fucking clue what we're going to do with our lives now that we weren't strictly regimented from sunup to sundown.

  I was finishing up the police academy, Chris was working some security job, and Seth – well, Seth was our token professional white-collar guy, and was taking some finance classes. He seemed to enjoy it, but it seemed a little out of place compared to the rest of us. Jason and Liam were still unsure what they were going to do with their lives, moving between bartending gigs, security jobs, and whatever the hell else they wanted to do.

  It was nice, in a way, to be free from the Corps, but there was actually a lot I missed about it.

  Though truthfully, it was mainly the shenanigans with my boys I missed most. We had some memories together, that was for sure.

  “Hey, you broke protocol and didn't tell anyone where you were going,” I said, throwing back my bottle of beer and taking a big swig. “You deserve all the shit you get for that, Liam. We were ready to tear that place apart to find you.”


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