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Triple Team- Reverse Harem Series

Page 20

by K. C. Crowne

  Wes shrugged. “Suit yourself, bro,” he said.

  “I'm assuming he said no,” Luke said.

  “Surprise, surprise,” I said. “Come on, let's get back to the house and get cleaned up.”

  * * *

  Down the street from the firehouse was a little dive bar where most of the guys from our house hung out at after work. I swear that we were probably the bulk of their business and were the reason they stayed open in the first place. Besides a few other familiar faces – drunk men sitting at the bar, alone, wallowing in their sorrows – the rest of the place was filled with my men.

  And woman.

  There was one woman amongst us, and only one. As much as I would have liked seeing more women in the field, there just weren't that many. Sarah was the exception to that, and there was no denying she had something many other women didn't. She had a spirit I didn't see in people all that often. A grit and determination uncommon in this day and age.

  She was the only woman in the entire bar though, and even if she hadn't been, she'd have been the only one I'd have noticed. After getting herself cleaned up and dressed in something other than our uniform, I felt a tightness in my chest as I looked at her. Sarah's hair fell in gentle waves down to her shoulders as it dried. She wasn't wearing any makeup at all, and she didn’t need to. Her skin was fair and dotted with too many freckles to count. Her eyes were a vivid blue-green, and even though she looked sleepy, they were wide open and smiling. She was laughing with Wes, the two of them at the pool table nearby as I sipped my drink.

  Her tight jeans hugged her ass as she bent over, and yes, I stared. It was wrong of me, given that she was my subordinate, but I found it hard not to look at her whenever she was around. She was a beautiful woman. I couldn't deny it. She was small, but fierce. Her body tight, but curvy in all the right places. Thin waist. Thicker thighs, all muscle, and a firm little ass. Wes smacked her ass and laughed like it was the funniest thing he’d done all day. That prompted Sarah to turn around, and playfully punch him in the chest, laughing the entire time.

  “Wes,” I called out, “that's potential sexual harassment, and as your supervisor, I have to ask you to keep your hands to yourself.”

  They were off the clock. Technically, I couldn't control what they did on their own time, but I needed to make sure my team stayed strong. That old saying was true – we really were only as strong as our weakest link, and I couldn't afford to have a rift developing between my team over something like a game of grabass gone wrong. Wes was a good guy, but he could get in trouble sometimes too.

  “Sorry, Chief,” Wes said, cracking a smile at Sarah.

  He held his hands up where we could both see them in an overdramatic fashion. His speech was slurred, and he stumbled forward, nearly toppling Sarah over with him.

  Luke was nearby and grabbed his arm. “Steady there, big guy.”

  “How much have you had to drink tonight, Wes?” I asked.

  Wes grinned at me. “I lost count, boss.”

  “Yeah, that's what I was afraid of,” I said.

  Luke and I exchanged a look. Sarah slid out from between him and the pool table, patting him on the back with a laugh.

  “I think it's time we cut you off, Wes,” she said.

  “Nah, I'm fine,” he said. “See?”

  He attempted to stand on one leg, but he didn't even come close to pulling off the maneuver. Instead, he fell over into a nearby table, sending all of the drinks on it scattering straight into the lap of the guys seated there. Two men stood up, their expressions dark and pissed off. They were in a rage and were looking for a fight. I quickly stood up too and joined my guys. We were much bigger than they were and outnumbered them by one. I liked our odds.

  “My friend here is a bit drunk,” I explained as I pulled out my wallet. “Let me buy you guys another round and call it even.”

  The men took the cash without a fight and sat back down without a word. Luke had Wes’s arm slung over his shoulder, and Wes was oblivious to the fight I just had to prevented from happening. Of course, he was pretty much oblivious to everything at that point.

  Luke said, “I think I'm heading home. I'll make sure the big guy gets home safely too.”

  “Good idea,” I said. “Thanks, Luke.”

  “No problem,” he said.

  He looked past me and straight at Sarah, who was now leaning against the pool table with an amused grin on her face.

  “See ya tomorrow, Sarah.”

  “See ya, Luke.”

  Wes stumbled toward her. “Ain't you going to say goodbye to me, snookums?”

  Sarah chuckled and patted him on the cheek. “Goodnight, Wes,” she said. “Get some sleep, buddy. Another long day tomorrow and we can't afford for you to have a hangover, so get your shit square.”

  I chuckled to myself. I loved the spirit and fire in that woman.

  “Can I get a goodnight kiss at least?”

  “Wes –” I said, keeping my voice low.

  “Ah, right, not with the boss around,” he teased.

  He tipped an imaginary hat at me and walked out, arm-in-arm with Luke. The two of them exited the bar, and I let out a long breath of relief. As much as I liked Wes, and thought he was a standup guy, when he drank too much he was a pain in the ass. Always a big flirt naturally, the alcohol made it much worse. I felt bad for Sarah being the only woman, and thus, the only object of his attention and affection.

  “He's a character, that one,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, you can say that again,” I muttered, and then motioned toward her empty beer. “Want another?”

  “You buying?” she teased.

  “Of course. I wouldn't offer if it wasn't on me,” I said.

  “Sure. One more, then I better head home too,” she said. “My boss can be a real asshole if we come in hungover.”

  “Ah, I know the type. Real stick up their ass types,” I said with a smirk. “One more and I'll walk you home. How about that?”

  Sarah lived nearby – most of us did. It was easier that way. With the crazy shifts we worked, it just made sense for us to be near the house. Neither of us were fit to drive, anyway.

  “You know I can walk myself,” she said.

  “I know you can,” I said. “ But I’m going to do it anyway.”

  Her eyes sparkled as her lips pulled back into a bigger smile. God, she was beautiful. Seeing her eyes light up like that stirred something inside of me. Her lips parted, and her tongue darted out across them. I watched every move, my attention completely transfixed on her. As I looked at her, I found myself imagining what her lips would feel like against mine and knowing I'd never find out. I couldn't be able to find out. I was her supervisor, and that sort of thing was frowned upon.

  I flagged the waitress down and ordered us both another beer. After the day we'd had, I thought we deserved it. I'd only just finished my first one, and I thought Sarah was only one her second as well. We could afford to have one more drink before calling it a night. At least we weren't as sloppy drunk as Wes had been when he stumbled out of there.

  And besides, I wasn't ready to go home, and apparently, neither was Sarah, which suited me just fine. The waitress came by and dropped of our drinks, giving me a little grin and a wink. Sarah smiled as I handed her the beer, and we clinked our bottles together.

  “Here's to another grueling day at work,” she said.

  “May there be many, many more,” I added.

  “Hear, hear,” she said with a chuckle before drinking from the bottle. “Many, many more.”

  God, what I wouldn't have given to find a girl like her – a girl I could actually be with, and not just be friends with. She was pretty damn perfect in just about every way possible, and she ticked off all the boxes on that mental checklist I had floating around in my head, of everything I wanted in a partner.

  Yeah, if I found somebody like Sarah, I'd be the happiest man alive.

  * * *

  “Is he really going to name the ca
t, 'Mama'?” Sarah laughed as we walked down the street.

  Streetlights and shops adorned with Christmas lights illuminated our path down the sidewalk, making it easy to see. Not to mention a bit safer. Since it was a weeknight in our non-tourist season though, there weren't that many people out and about, and I knew she would have been safe on her own. Closer to New Years, things got a bit hectic around here. San Diego had a big New Years Celebration every year, and of course a lot of people came here for Christmas to escape the cold, but it was still not the height of tourist season.

  Sarah was a tough girl, and a girl who knew how to take care of herself. It was one of those many things I appreciated about her, and I knew she could have walked herself home. I felt better accompanying her, though. Especially if it meant I got to steal a few more moments with her..Sarah and I rarely got the chance to hang out together outside of work. At least, not without the others hanging around too – which usually made for something of a chaotic scene, like in the bar tonight. It was nice having a little quiet time together to spend just getting to talk to her. To have a little space from the others to see who she was outside of work.

  “You know Wes, he's not the most creative guy around,” I teased. “He thinks he is, but we both know he's not. This only proves that point”

  “That's very true. He once named the vacuum cleaner, Mr. Suck,” she laughed. “God, we have some characters in our house.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” I replied. “A lot of big personalities under one roof.”

  “True,” she chuckled. “You've heard Wes' name for Owen, right? Veggie Boy, or some shit like that.”

  “Well, he is vegetarian or something, I think,” I said. “So, I guess that makes some kind of sense.”

  “I think Owen says he's Vegan, actually,” she said. “At least I think so. Not like he really talks to anyone.”

  “What is that about anyway?” I asked, scratching the stubble on my chin as we stumbled down the street together. “Is it some new health craze or what? Like Keto, except the opposite?”

  “I guess so?” she said, shrugging. “He seems like the type who'd be into all-natural, organic, plant-based food. Or at least, whatever is trendy at the moment.”

  “Why's that?”

  “Because he's fucking rich and privileged as hell, that's why,” she said. “He thinks he’s better than us and this is just one more way he thinks he’s showing it.”

  “You think he's like that?” I asked.

  I knew Owen was kind of an asshole, at times. His privileged upbringing came out in a lot of ways, and often made him annoying as hell. Honestly though, even though he had a billion irritating qualities, I had to be honest and admit, that he'd never seemed to throw his being a vegan into our faces. It only came up when he brought his own food to BBQs and get-togethers – and even then, he usually muttered and kept to himself for the most part.

  “I don't know what to think of Owen, I really don't,” Sarah said with a sigh. “Why are we even talking about him anyway?”

  “Hell if I know,” I laughed.

  We reached Sarah's apartment building, and she stopped, twirling around to face me with a giddy grin on her face. Palm trees lined the streets, and in the trees, white Christmas lights that caused her eyes to twinkle and glow. Even though it wasn't that cold, she shivered and pulled her jacket up around her neck.

  “My roommate is out of town right now,” she said, biting her lip.

  My heart dropped into my stomach as the words passed her lips. Could she actually be asking me up to her place? Suddenly, I couldn't breathe, and I was afraid my brain would disengage, allowing my mouth to say something I'd quickly come to regret.

  “Oh, I don't think I could –”

  Before I could finish my thought, Sarah was standing within an inch of me. Her lips were in kissing distance, her breath warm on my face. Her big blue eyes stared into mine. The smell of vanilla filled my nostrils, and I was pulled into her warmth before I could stop myself.

  “I understand if you don't want to, but –” she stared to say, but I didn't let her finish.

  My mouth met hers, and we kissed there, on the stairs leading up to her building. My hands were in her hair, soft and silky as it was, and I forced my tongue roughly into her mouth. She gasped as I pulled her into me, and I feared I might have startled her.

  I stepped back. “I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me.”

  “No need to apologize, Austin,” she said, her voice low and heavy, a light of desire burning in her eyes. “What do you say? Want to come upstairs for a drink?”

  A drink? I knew better than that. I knew what she was really asking of me, and I should have said no. I was her boss. This wasn't something we should be doing. It could get us both in a lot of trouble.

  But instead of telling her I couldn't, I let my raging erection lead the way. All the blood had flowed down to that part of my body and my brain was temporarily offline, so I gave into my more carnal instincts. Not to mention that the alcohol probably wasn't helping me think any more clearly about the situation. “Yes,” I said.

  She smiled and together, we rushed up the stairs. She fumbled with the house keys, and my gaze never left her tight little ass. I grabbed it, much like Wes had done earlier, and mentally scolded myself for it. But Sarah giggled and wiggled it, just for me, which only made my erection even stiffer. She was encouraging my behavior. Dammit. I could tell that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. How had I not noticed this before?

  When the door opened, we stepped inside and she dropped the keys onto the floor. Her hands were on me in an instant, ripping my shirt off over my head, her nails raking along the flesh of my chest as our lips met once more. I kicked the door closed behind us and got lost in her kisses, in the feel of her hands on me.

  “We shouldn't be doing this,” I whispered against her lips.

  My words were lost into the depths of her mouth, though. I pulled her shirt up, lifting it off over her head, and exposed her perky tits sheathed in a simple black bra. The stark contrast between her bra, and her skin was striking. She was ethereal. Stunning. My mouth moved lower, kissing between those perfect mounds as she moaned, her hands raking along the back of my scalp.

  She wrapped her legs around me as I lifted her up off the floor and pressed her up against the wall. Sarah gasped as I buried my face in her cleavage, inhaling the sweet scent of her. She wrapped her legs around my waist even tighter, dug her nails into my shoulders, and held on for dear life. My erection was straining so hard it was painful. A small noise escaped me as I thought about how good, and how amazing it was going to be to finally be inside of her – something I'd wanted for a very long time.

  “Austin, the bedroom,” she whimpered, nibbling my ear. “Now.”

  I hoisted her up higher, and without letting go, carried her down the hallway. I almost walked into the first bedroom, but she shook her head.

  “No, the one on the left,” she said, her voice breathy.

  Pushing the door open with my foot, I stepped into her bedroom for the first time. A queen-sized bed was centered in the middle of the room, covered by a thick, white comforter with a black chevron design. Simple. Casual, but somehow still classy. Just like her.

  I laid her down onto the bed and dropped down to my knees. Her feet hung down onto the floor and I slipped her shoes off, tossing them over my shoulder behind me. I heard them thump against the hard wood floor as they landed. Next came her socks. She giggled and pulled her feet away as my fingers moved along the soles of her feet.

  “Ticklish?” I asked her.

  “A little,” she said. “No one has ever touched my feet before.”

  I tickled them playfully, and she giggled some more. The sound was like the sweetest music I'd ever heard ringing through my ears, and I never wanted it to stop. My groin was aching though, my cock straining against my pants, begging for release, and I wanted to touch more than her feet.

  I sat up higher and quickly unbuttoned
her pants, staring down at her gorgeous face as I went. She bit her lip and helped me with the zipper, but it was me who slid them down and off her. I smiled when I saw that her panties matched her bra – a simple, silky black thong. Classy, elegant, and sexy – all things that described Sarah.

  As I took her in for the first time, drinking her in from head to toe, the lust and desire burning in my gut for her only grow hotter. Stronger. Sarah's body was simply amazing; fit and toned, as I'd always expected it would be. There was just the slightest hint of roundness to her belly, which only seemed to amplify her femininity and sexuality. Her breasts still peeked out from the bra, begging to be released, but my attention was drawn even lower now.

  I couldn't resist. I playfully grabbed at the sides of her panties with my teeth, and she giggled some more, wiggling underneath me as I slipped them down lower. Kissing my way along her lower belly, then downward, my gaze drifted up toward her face. As I moved toward the warm, wet center of her, I found myself watching her reaction. She gasped as I moved lower, kissing right above where the hair began. She was trimmed, with only a small landing strip , which drove me crazy.

  I spread her legs open, giving me a better view of her tight pussy. I dotted kisses along her inner thighs, nibbling as I worked my way back up. She shuddered as I got close, my breath against her most sensitive spots. I took a deep breath in, her musky aroma heady, and my mouth watered. I couldn't wait a second longer. I dove between her thighs, my tongue finding her clit just as her hands found the back of my head.

  Sarah moaned my name as I buried my tongue deeper and deeper inside of her. She was pushing my head downward, grinding her wet pussy against my mouth as if she couldn't get enough of my tongue. I couldn't get enough of her sweet pussy, the taste and scent of her driving me absolutely crazy as I lapped at her wetness, tasting her sweet juices as they dripped down my face. Her legs started trembling, and that was the first sign she was close. I picked up my pace and kept licking her, moving my tongue in and out of her. Sarah's pussy tightened around my tongue and she let out a loud groan.


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