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Triple Team- Reverse Harem Series

Page 37

by K. C. Crowne

  “Can I tell you a secret?” she said, her smile wavering just a tiny bit.

  She bit her lip and stared at me through thick, black eyelashes. There was a sparkle in her eye I found entirely compelling and drew me to her.

  “Oooh, a secret. Yes, I live for secrets,” I said, chugging the rest of my beer.

  I knew my limits, and not wanting to turn out like my old man, I tossed the bottle back into the cooler and didn't reach for another. I wanted to relax and unwind a little bit, not get wasted.

  “Eric was the first guy I actually considered doing anything with,” she said, her eyes falling to her hands. “I really thought I might finally get to experience things other girls my age have, but then – well, you know those plans all went up in smoke. Literally.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, sitting up a little straighter in my chair.

  “I mean, I've never --,” she started, laughing, her cheeks flaring with color. “I can't believe I'm telling you this. This is why I don’t drink. I should shut my mouth right now.”

  “No, go on,” I said. “I'm intrigued now.”

  She licked her lips and said, “Okay – well – I've never been with a guy,” she said. “Not because I don't want to, or because I'm saving myself for marriage, or anything stupid like that. It's just never happened for me. Probably because all of my days are spent in the stable with the horses and the lack of Prince Charmings running around out there.”

  I paused, not wanting to say the wrong thing. My head was spinning now. Jacklyn had just admitted to me that she was a virgin. This gorgeous woman was a virgin, and she didn't want to be. Blood rushed from my head straight down to my dick, and I was afraid I might end up insulting her if I said the wrong thing – something I had a bad habit of doing at times.

  “Wow,” was all I could think to say to avoid something stupid falling out of my mouth.

  She giggled nervously. “I'm sorry. Like I said, I shouldn't have said anything,” she said. “Must be the beer, I told you I don't drink much.”

  “No, no, it's okay,” I said. “It's more than okay. It's just – you're so –”

  “I'm so what?” she asked, cocking her head to the side and giving me the most adorable look.

  “You're just so beautiful. It's hard to imagine guys not throwing themselves at you,” I said.

  Her cheeks flushed and she looked away, the expression on her face enough to do me in.

  “Why, I don't know what to say to a compliment like that – especially from the likes of you,” she said. “But thank you.”

  “The likes of me?” I asked.

  “You know what I mean, Sawyer,” she said. “Stop messing with me.”

  “I don't actually,” I said.

  Her cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red. “You're, you know – hot. Like super-hot. And you're kind of a big deal. So, to have you compliment me – it means a lot.”

  “I'm a big deal?” I scoffed. “Maybe back in my college days, but not anymore. But you really think I’m hot?”

  “Oh hush. College wasn't that long ago for you. Only a few years,” she said.

  She looked up at me and met my gaze, and there was an intensity in that stare. She nibbled her lower lip as she continued to speak, a nervous tremor in her voice.

  “And yes. I do think you’re hot. I always have,” she said.

  “Oh, I know I am,” I said, giving her a wink to let her know the comment was made in jest.

  Sure, I knew I was an attractive man. I still had the physique of a linebacker, and the good genes of the Bucknell clan. But I didn't really expect that Jacklyn would be attracted to me. I assumed she was in love with Milo. Perhaps I was wrong about her though. Maybe she wasn't in love with my oldest brother.

  She leaned closer, and I did the same. Her lips were within inches of mine, her eyes begging me to kiss her. This was Jack and it would have to be special, and I wasn't sure if I was up to the task.

  Without thinking, I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her gently on the forehead. When I pulled back, her eyes had fallen. The look on her face gutted me.

  “Jacklyn, I didn't stop because I'm not attracted to you,” I said.

  “Then what is it?” she asked.

  “I'm just not ready for anything serious, and you're a girl who deserves better,” I said. “A hell of a lot better than me. Believe that.”

  She chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, can the whole 'it's me and not you’ speech, I'm not that naïve,” she said, her voice betraying her hurt. “I may be inexperienced, but I'm not stupid.”

  “No, I mean it,” I said. “I want you. I clearly want you.”

  The erection pressing against my zipper should have been obvious enough, but her eyes had never moved that low on me, so she missed it. She didn't even look when I tried to point it out to her.

  “If you want me, Sawyer, come and take me,” she said, standing up and walking toward the front door. “I don't want anything serious either by the way. I just want to know a man's touch. That's all I'm hoping for right now. But if you're not up to the task –”

  Before she finished speaking, I'd already closed the distance between us. I held her head in my hands and pressed my mouth to hers, kissing her with everything I had in me. My tongue pushed past those soft, delicate lips, and she gasped as her mouth opened to mine. She trembled in my arms, but when I stepped back, she grabbed me and pulled me close again. Her hands moved down the front of my body, stroking my chest as they moved lower and lower. I could tell she was curious about what I had below the belt; her hands were just begging to explore my body.

  And God, I wanted to do the same to her.

  Nibbling on her ear, I whispered, “We should move this somewhere more private if you want to continue.”

  I felt her nod, rather than saw it. Her head was nuzzled into my neck, and her breath warm against my flesh, which sent a rush of sensation coursing through me.

  “Yes, let's move upstairs,” she said, her voice deeper than usual.

  She was inside the house before I knew what was happening, her tight little body bouncing up the stairs. I was still in the doorway, watching her ass as her hips swished back and forth. She made it to the top and looked down at me, a devious grin upon her otherwise sweet, delicate face.

  “What are you waiting for?” she said, giggling as she spoke. “A written invitation?”

  “Nothing. Just enjoying the view,” I answered.

  I walked toward the stairway and heard movement in the study. Milo was still up and was moving around – another reason to move things upstairs. Quickly. I was sure he wouldn't be real pleased about us hooking up, but only because she was an employee. We were both consenting adults, so he had no other reason to stop us.

  There was still some residual guilt though. In some ways, it felt as if I was coming between the two of them. God knew if he'd wanted to be with Jacklyn, he'd had plenty of chances over the years. He always kept her at arm's length though. He never crossed that line with her. That was his damn loss. I hurried up the stairs, taking them two at a time to get up to her. She took my hand and started to lead me toward her, room, but I yanked her around.

  “No, come with me,” I said.

  I had the bigger bed and more room to spread out. More than that though, my room was farther from Milo's and away from the stairwell. There would be absolutely no reason for him to walk past and overhear whatever we might be up to. Jacklyn seemed to understand my thinking as she giggled under her breath and followed me into my room.

  It was basically, the same room I'd grown up in. Eli and I shared it back in the day, and it was large enough for two beds. It only had one king-sized bed in it now though. The walls were still painted a light blue with navy trim, but the posters of football stars had been taken down years ago – after I returned from my failed attempt at going pro.

  I kicked the door shut behind me, and then made sure it was locked. Jacklyn walked toward my bed but didn't sit
down upon on it. She ran her fingernails along the navy blue down comforter and gave me a seductive look, sliding the tip of her tongue along her plump, sweet lips.

  “Are you sure you wanna do this?” I asked her.

  She didn't answer me with words, instead, she pulled me close to her, pressing her petite frame hard against my body. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed and touched my face, stroking my cheeks and held onto me as if her life depended on it. When she pulled away, she stared at me with those big eyes of hers.

  “I have never been surer of anything in my entire life, Sawyer,” she said. “I'm so ready to be with a man.”

  A knot formed in my throat and my gut churned like a tornado. We were talking her first time, and I wanted it to be special. There was so much pressure in the moment, and I wanted to give her everything she could ever want and more – everything she deserved.

  But I also didn't want to hurt her.

  Jacklyn pulled up her shirt, but I grabbed it and lifted it off myself. Tearing it off over her head, I quickly tossed it to the ground and admired her beautiful body. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed me again, as I reached around and unclasped her bra. It dropped to the floor and I reached up, cupping her perfectly soft, round breasts. Just enough for a handful. Perfection.

  I kissed my way down her neck as my fingers trailed down her body, moving lower until I got to her jeans. She was busy yanking at my shirt, both of us fumbling with the other's clothes, trying to move as quickly to get naked as humanly possible. I wanted – no, I needed to feel her soft, delicate flesh pressed against mine.

  She giggled shyly and let go of my shirt as I unzipped her pants. She helped push them down, her panties going with them, and then stepped free of them and kicked them to the side. She was naked, and I took a step back to admire the view. I'd always thought she was a beautiful woman but seeing her completely nude in front of me was a sight to behold. My breath caught in my throat, and all the blood rushed to my erection, which was aching in my jeans already, making it strain against the fabric even harder.

  Her soft, pale skin was dotted with freckles – across her shoulders, down her arms, and just a few across her cleavage. With sparkling eyes, she stared back at me, as color rushed her cheeks. She was blushing, and she covered herself with her hands as best she could.

  “No, please Jacklyn, don't hide,” I said. “You are just – perfect. I was admiring perfection.”

  I closed the distance and took her hands in mine, pulling her against me and letting her feel what seeing her did to me. My cock pressed into her belly, still confined in my jeans but not for long. When I let her hands go, she lifted at my shirt again, and this time, I helped her slip it off over my head. Her eyes widened as she ran her fingertips down my chest. I was still in good shape, but seeing the way she looked at me was one of the biggest ego boosts of my entire life.

  She traced the tattoo of the compass on my chest, making me shudder with the sensation of her fingernail against my flesh. Then her hands moved lower, down to my belt. I quickly unbuckled it and she pulled it off with a playful giggle, dropping it to the floor, the buckle clanking loudly as it hit. I'd already unzipped my pants, but she helped slide them down, dropping to her knees before me and taking me by surprise.

  She looked up at me from the floor, her blue eyes taking up most of her delicate, but beautiful face. She reached for my cock, taking hold of it and stroking it almost too softly, as if she were afraid to hurt me by squeezing it too tightly. Her eyes moved down to my erection, and her lips pulled back into an adorable, shy smile.

  Wrapped around my cock like that, her hands looked tiny, which was incredibly sexy. Parting her lips, she leaned down and kissed the tip of my member. Her lips were warm, the sensation nothing more than a tease, but my body reacted to it. My cock throbbed in her hands.

  “You don't have to if you –” I started to say, but my words disappeared as quickly as my cock disappeared into her mouth.

  She couldn’t take me all the way in, but her hand made up the difference, moving in sync as she sucked me off. She was so gentle, so innocent with her movements, but it felt amazing. I let her work her magic, savoring the moment as her lips continued sucking gliding over my shaft. Her eyes tilted upward, locking with mine, and my insides turned to liquid.

  God, she was beautiful. Easily one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen – and was somehow even sexier with her eyes locked on mine and my cock in her mouth.

  I wanted her more than I'd wanted anyone in my entire life.

  “Come here,” I said, motioning for her to stand.

  “Am I not doing it right?” she asked, her cheeks burning red as she stood up.

  “Oh no, you were amazing,” I said, kissing her passionately.

  My hands got lost in her silky hair, and our tongues danced in each other's mouth as I pushed her backward toward my bed, feeling the absolute hunger for her rising up within me.

  “It's your turn now,” I said, my voice deep and gruff.

  “My turn?” she said, biting her lip.

  “Yes,” I said giving her a sly smile. “Lie back and relax.”

  She smiled back at me, doing exactly as I said. I stood there for a moment, still in awe of her. She wanted me to be her first – making me one lucky son of a bitch. I'd be crazy not to take her up on that offer, but part of me was scared. Not only because of what it would mean to her, but what it would mean to me.

  I was falling for this girl, hard and fast. Deep down, I knew I'd always cared about her, but this – this brought it all to the forefront hard and heavy. I knew that sex would only complicate things for both of us.

  But her sweet smile and her hot body was beckoning me from my bed. With one hand, I spread her legs as I dropped between her thighs. She was trimmed nicely, just a soft tuft of red hair lining the entrance.

  I kissed along her inner thighs, teasing and nibbling. She gasped, her body shuddering underneath me. Feeling her wiggle on the bed, sensing her need, only added to my desire. Fuck, I wanted her.

  No, scratch that, I needed her.



  Sawyer's breath was hot against my skin, his mouth gentle as he nibbled upward, getting closer and closer to my most sensitive parts. Arching back my back, I begged him as the sensations rocked me from head to toe.

  “Please, Sawyer, I need you.”

  His fingers spread my lips, and his tongue flicked against my already swollen bud. Never had anything felt so good in my entire life, and I convulsed as he teased my clit. My hands were in his hair now, pulling him against me. All the shyness before had disappeared and had been replaced by pure, unadulterated lust. My insides were in knots, and there was a hole inside of me yearning to be filled by him.

  As if he could sense my need, he gently slipped a finger inside of me. Just one finger, but it was enough to temporarily scratch that erotic itch. He reached deep, deeper than my own hands could reach, and touched me in places that had never been touched before. I cried out in pleasure as he moved his finger in and out of me, licking and sucking on my clit at the same time.

  Then he slipped in a second finger. He stretched me open, gently and slowly, as if he was preparing me for what was to come. I was a virgin, but I'd used toys before. Nothing as thick or as large as his cock though. Some small part of me worried that he might be too large for me to take, but I was more than willing to try.

  He fingered me, stretching me open more and more, reaching deeper and deeper until his fingers touched my cervix, causing me to jump. He stopped and looked at me, alarm on his handsome face.

  “It's fine,” I said. “It just surprised me.”

  “I'll be gentler, princess. I promise,” he said, burying his face against me once more.

  He moved with more precision this time, finding a rhythm. My body moved along with him, shaking each time he penetrated me with his fingers. His tongue circled my clit, the pleasure building up within me more and more until it felt like I might ex
plode from it. My legs trembled, and I moaned, my head thrashing from side to side as I succumbed to the pleasure.

  I groaned, “Oh Sawyer, yes. God yes,” I cried out softly as I came.

  I'd had orgasms on my own before, but nothing like that. Nothing had ever felt so good in my entire life. My back arched upward, my pelvis pushing toward him as I held his head against me. Sawyer continued licking and fucking me with his fingers as I squirmed underneath him, pure bliss washing over me in waves I'd never felt before. It wasn't until I fell flat against the bed, completely relaxed, that he stopped. He looked up at me from between my legs, a cocky grin on his face. His lips were soaked with my juices and he licked himself clean – including the fingers he'd used to pleasure me.

  “Come here,” I said, motioning for him to climb on top of me.

  Sawyer sidled up, dotting kisses along my stomach and my chest before resting above me, hovering just over me. He stared down at me, holding his body just out of reach of mine. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling myself upward, closing the distance. As soon as our bodies were together, his cock slid between my thighs, igniting the flames of passion with me as he kissed me long and deep.

  “Please,” I begged him. “Please, Sawyer, I want this.”

  Without waiting another second, he adjusted himself, taking his shaft in his hand and sliding it against me. The tip of him pressed against my opening, slipping between my velvety folds. I gasped as the head of his iron hard cock parted my lips and he slipped into me, inch by inch. I stared into his eyes, sensation combined with emotion welling up within me. His face twisted and contorted, his expression strained, as if it took everything he had not to thrust into me all at once. He was slow and gentle, and he took his time stretching me open.

  My body accepted him readily. Greedily. I was wet and ready for him, but there was no way I could have been prepared for the sensations that washed over me once he was sheathed inside of me completely. Emotion blended with the physical feelings that rushed through my body as it hit me. This was it, this was really it. I was sharing this special moment with Sawyer. It was something I never truly expected, but something I was glad was happening. He caressed my face gently, just holding onto me as he remained buried deep inside of me. There was no movement at first, just that gently connection we shared.


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