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Misfit Traveler

Page 6

by Olivia Marie

  “I know who you are, you know?” I asked.

  “Duh. I told you my name.”

  “No. I mean I know who you are. I know who Viki is too.”

  “What?” That got his attention and seemed to sober him up a little.

  “I moved in above you today. I saw and heard it all. You picked the wrong time to beat her up. I was out having a smoke and looking around when you started in on her.”

  “That is none of your damn business, bitch.”

  “Oh, so now I’m a bitch? You couldn’t wait to get a taste of this,” I said and showed him what was under my skirt again. “You weren’t thinking about her at all when you were all over the redhead either. Why does she matter now?”

  “Because she does, okay?”

  “You are going to have to try a little harder than that, Brent. I am not convinced at all that you give a shit about anyone but you.”

  “You don’t know us or what we are like.”

  “No. That is where you are wrong. Tommy was you and Viki was me. I get it more than you know.”

  “So then you know that I have to slap her around sometimes so she doesn’t think she can call the shots. It isn’t that I don’t love her.”

  “But you don’t. Anyone who treats someone the way you do can’t love. It isn’t in you. Tommy was the same way. I wanted him to love me as much as I loved him, but he couldn’t. And I was the one who was afraid to leave. How would I find anyone who would love me as much as he did? It took him being shot for me to realize I was better off without him. I feel like Viki needs the same kind of push to get on with her life.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  He was squirming in his seat now and the longer we sat there, the more he sobered up. If I was going to have a chance at taking him out without getting myself hurt, it would have to be soon.

  “It means I am going to set Viki free from you tonight.”

  I saw the sweat bead up on his forehead and watched the red drip from his face to his chest. Trying to slow his breathing, I watched his chest rapidly rise and fall. He knew he was in trouble, but I knew he thought he could still take me. He saw me as a weak, pathetic chick like Viki. He wasn’t wrong completely. Sitting there with him, preparing to do what I needed to, I was back in the role of being the submissive. I had to shove her down and grab hold of the monster that lay under the surface that begged to come out and play.

  Rolling my head, I let the pops relax me. It was time to play and I was ready for it. I wanted to take my time with him and make him pay for all the things he had done to Viki and for all the things Tommy had done to me. I wanted to strip him of his manhood, what little he had, and make him feel as naked as we had. I would play the games I thought of on him and see what I liked and what I needed to change before the next one. That was all I knew for sure in that moment: there would be a next. All the trash and evil that was out in the world, I almost understood why Stella started to do that in the first place. Dreamer was so young it was imprinted on her so hard, she never stood a chance once she turned eighteen. If they could have seen me, they might have even been proud of me and let me be a part of their family.

  But they weren’t there, and they wouldn’t see. I was on my own again and I had work to do.

  “I think we should have fun now,” I sang as I moved closer to Brent.

  “I don’t trust you now.”

  “Well, isn’t that funny? I’m sure Viki has wanted to say that to you before too. What would happen if she did? What did you do to her if she refused to let you touch her?”

  “If she ever said that to me? I would backhand her. If she ever denied me what was mine, I would take it from her.”

  “Okay.” I hauled off and punched him in the face. Still drunk, I caught him off guard and his head flew back and to the side, making him hit it on the window.

  “Cunt,” he yelled. He wiped the blood off his face with one hand while the other held the spot that smacked the window.

  “That isn’t nice, Brent,” I said and laughed at him.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “You have no idea,” I said getting closer to him. “So. Let’s talk about when you take what you think is yours from her. How do you do that?”

  “Anyway I want. The bitch belongs to me and she knows her place.”

  “Huh. Then I guess we will make it up as we go.”

  “Make up what? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about how we will start this fun you want to have. Since I want to play and you don’t, I figured I would ask and see how you liked to play with Viki.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “Honey, I come from a line of crazy. You haven’t seen anything yet. But you will.”

  He turned to get out of the car, and I stopped him. With my hand on the only thing he values and the hammer hanging over it, he froze.

  “Smart man.”

  “Move that thing away from my junk and I will stay here,” he begged but never looked away from it.

  “You will stay one way or another.”

  “Yes, I promise. Now move that.”

  “You are whiny, you know that right?”

  “You can’t mess with a man like that.”

  “I wouldn’t mess with a man like that. But you aren’t a man. You are a coward.”

  “What do you want from me?” He was near tears realizing how fucked he was. I wasn’t going to give in like Viki had every time he got a little harsh with her. The fact that his situation had become clearer to him, only heightened it all for me. I was ready to play my game of cat and mouse.


  I grabbed the rope out of the small purse I carried with me. It wasn’t as much as I had used the time before, but the situation was different and I had to accommodate for it. A nail fell to the floor when I got the last of the rope out and his eyes grew bigger.

  “What are you going to do to me?” he pleaded.

  “Nothing I am sure you haven’t done to Viki a time or two. Aside from the ending.”

  “The ending? What is the ending?”

  “I think it would be better if we found out together. Now give me your hands.”

  He placed them in front of me and waited for me to tie them up.

  “That might benefit you. Let’s do this behind the back, okay?”

  “Why are you doing this?” He flipped from starting to cry to anger and the struggle on his face was fun to watch. The red that engulfed him from the anger mixed with the frown of panic and fear to give him a toddler with a temper look that only made me want to go on.

  “I told you why already. If I have to repeat myself to you all the time, this is going to take forever. So, I am going to need you to be good and listen the first time, okay?”

  A grunt was all he gave me, and I tightened the ropes until he cried out. Making sure the knot would hold him when he struggled, I went back to my bag and gathered the rest of the nails that lay on the bottom. I counted them in front of him and watched the whites of his eyes get bigger with each one.

  “What are you going to do to me?” he begged.

  “That is the fun part. I won’t know until you know.”

  “This is fucked up.” The loud outburst from him made me laugh. He knew he wasn’t getting out of that and now his panic had begun to turn to rage.

  Getting right in his face, I stroked his cheek as I spoke.

  “Do you know what is fucked up? Using your girlfriend as a punching bag and servant. Going out all the time and sleeping with sluts while she sits at home and worries about what she has done to make you mad this time. The fucked up part is, unless I help her, she will stay with you forever even though we both know she deserves better than the piece of shit you are.”

  “You don’t even know what you are talking about. You don’t live in my house. You don’t see all the shit I put up with to be with her. She is an idiot and I have to hold her hand all day, every day. Who is going to do that if you take me
away from her?”

  “She will be fine on her own. Better even.”

  “No, she won’t. She doesn’t have a job, know how to pay the bills or even grocery shop on her own.”

  “Then I will teach her,” I said in his ear before I licked it. I could tell by the way he shimmied in the seat that he liked it. Even knowing he was in trouble, he was thinking with his dick. I would make sure that wasn’t an issue again before I was done with him.

  “Stay away from her, you psycho.”

  “Oh, I’m the psycho? Really? I don’t go around beating up on innocent people I claim to love. That is you.”

  “If you knew her, you would get it.”

  “Brent, this is where you are showing you’re dumb. I do get it because I was her. I know she will come out of this stronger than she ever knew she would be. She has an advantage though. She has me. I had no one and I did it.”

  “Are you going to kill me?”


  “Christ,” he mumbled before he sank in the seat.

  He was a bully, an asshole, and a user; he would break quickly. The ones who had to beat on those weaker than them, they were cowards. I bet I could have him begging for mercy in less than an hour. When he pleaded for me to kill him, I would.

  “I want to make sure you don’t go anywhere. I think I need bigger nails for that.” I came back out with longer, thicker nails and went to remove his shoes.

  “What are you going…”

  Whack. Whack.

  “Ahh!” The sound of his screams started to get me wet. Feeling the nail break through his flesh and bones before locking into the floor was a feeling I would never forget.

  “That should hold you.”

  “You bitch,” he screamed. Globs of spit flew out of his mouth with every word he fired at me. Firetruck red took over his face and I saw the white blotches start on his neck. Squirming in the seat, rocking back and forth, he tried to get the pain to leave him.

  He had no clue that was only the warmup. I had so much in store for him.

  “I’m going to help you strip, okay?”

  “What? No.”

  “Yeah. It will be more fun that way. You stay here. I’m gonna go see what you have in the truck that we can play with.”

  “You can’t leave me like this.”

  “Oh, I’m not leaving. We aren’t even close to done.”

  I got out and the cold night air gripped me hard. I hadn’t realized how warm we had made his car until then. Wrapping my arms around my nearly naked chest, I walked to the back of the car and popped the trunk. He had more things in there than I had in my apartment. I rummaged through a few things, tossing them aside, until I found what I wanted.

  “Look what I found. This is the best day ever,” I said and twirled the item in my hand. The dome light caught the metal of the small bat and it reflected on his face.

  “What are you going to do? Knock me out?”

  “No silly. How many times do I have to tell you that wouldn’t be any fun?”

  “Then what?” he asked as I dug in my bag again.

  Coming back out with the shiny pair of scissors I put in there a few weeks ago and hadn’t taken out, I inched closer to him. I used the tip to caress his front and rolled it all the way down to his favorite part before stopping. Even in the dark, I could see the outline of his bulge. I wasn’t sure how he was getting hard, but it amused me.

  “Since you are tied up,” I laughed at my own joke, “I will have to cut these off of you.”


  “Yep.” I held the fabric as tight as I could and began to cut down the front. When I had a good cut, I laid the scissors down and ripped the shirt off the rest of the way. “Now for these,” I said and thumped his jeans with the handle.

  “Don’t. Be careful with those,” he cried out when I got a little too close to his excited buddy.

  “I’ll be careful. Besides, that isn’t my thing,” I said and turned up the left side of my mouth. “I prefer to add things rather than take them away.”


  “I think this would be way more fun.”

  I got out of the car, slammed the door shut, and walked over to his side.

  “How many times did you make her have sex with you when she didn’t want to? How many times did you do things to her that hurt her while you sat there and got off?” I asked after I opened his door. He tried to move away, but with his feet nailed to the floor and his hands tied behind his back, he wasn’t getting very far.

  “What? I don’t know. I didn’t count.”

  “I bet she had. I bet when I sit down with her and talk to her, she will be able to tell me, in detail, all the things you did to her that hurt her.”

  “Stay away from her, you crazy bitch.”

  “It’s cute you want to protect her now, but who was there for her when it was you that was hurting her?”

  “What is your problem? If you did this to every guy who showed the woman where her place was, there wouldn’t be a man left.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. Want to know why?”

  “Whatever,” he fired back and looked away.

  “My dad was amazing and so was his boyfriend. They showed me what a real man was like.” I had his face in my hand and I was squeezing it with all that I had until I felt the teeth dig into the sides. His mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing came out. “Speak,” I barked.

  “No wonder your idea is so fucked. You were raised by a homo.”

  “He was more of a man than you will ever be.” I laughed as I flipped him on his side.


  I grabbed the 10” thin metal novelty bat with both hands, lined it up, and crammed it up his ass. When it wouldn’t go the first time, I spread his legs with my knee and tried it again. The sound of his flesh ripping under the force and the blood that oozed out of his backside was nothing compared to the animal scream he let out. Lying across the seat stiff as a board, I pulled the bat out only to do it again. It went in easier after the first push. I stopped when the screaming did. Peeking into the car, I saw he had passed out.

  “What a wimp. Come on, princess. I need you to stay awake for this. How much fun would it be if you slept through it all?”

  I smacked his face a few times and when that didn’t work, I pulled my arm back and clobbered him across the cheek.

  “Please, no more,” he cried out when he came to.

  “There will be so much more. I bet you aren’t hard now, are you? Do you think she enjoyed it when you did this to her? Cause let’s face it, I know you have.”

  “I didn’t know it would hurt so bad,” he said between sobs.

  “I think you did. I think you got off knowing you were hurting her. Am I wrong?”

  “No,” he finally admitted after he slowed down his breathing.

  “You are just like all the others who think they can do whatever they want to us. It isn’t right, and if you loved her like you said you did, you wouldn’t have hurt her. Not just like this either. You don’t think it crushed her soul to know you were out with other women? That you were probably nicer to them than you were to her? That pain never goes away. The pain I just caused you would. You won’t live long enough to know that, so I felt like I should tell you.”

  “Are you going to kill me?”

  “Yes. I don’t believe in lying and since you asked, I had to tell you.”

  “Can you just do it already?”

  “Ahh. I told you I would get you to beg me. But no, we aren’t done yet. I feel like you have been with Viki for a while now. Am I right?”

  “Six years.”

  “Wow. She needs a medal. Six years with a shit bag like you? I can’t believe she didn’t kill you herself.”

  “She isn’t a raging bitch like you are.”

  “And she clearly isn’t a little prick like you either,” I said and nodded towards his flaccid penis.

  “You are mad because y
ou wasted it.”

  “Wasted? I never had any intention on fucking you. You aren’t my type.”

  “I’m not your first kill either, am I?”

  “No. The first one was an accident. He deserved it, but after watching what I had to growing up, I wasn’t going to be like her. Now I see why she did it.”

  “Her? Your mom?”

  “My stepmom who wasn’t really my stepmom. I had to go live with her after my dad was killed. She taught me a lot even if I didn’t want to learn it at the time. If she was still here, I might not admit it to her either.”

  “Did she leave you too?”

  “You have no idea who I am talking about?”

  “Should I?”

  “Stella and Dreamer?”

  “The serial killers?”

  “Yep. That would be them.”

  “But I’m not a truck driver. Didn’t they only go after them?” he asked.

  “If I did that, how fast do you think I would be caught? They have every trucker from here to Canada and back on alert. Most carry weapons now and have stopped picking up strangers like they used to. I am still doing their work and ridding the world of evil assholes like you, but I have made it my own. Guess what? I will never get caught. I am smarter than they were.”

  “I’m sure Dreamer thought the same thing before she was caught.”

  “Who cares what they thought. I know what I am doing and why. That is good enough for me. Now shut up.”

  I reached over him, careful to not hit the bat still hanging from his ass, and grabbed a few nails from the floor. I reached for the hammer too and when I did, I lost my balance and landed hard on him. The bat came out and landed hard on my foot. His mouth was tangled in my hair and he managed to find my ear and bite down.

  “Ouch,” I said and pushed off of him. I used the handle of the hammer to hit him in the head. With a sickening thud, I was able to get him off of me.

  Regaining my position, I grabbed on to his lips and pushed a nail through it. It was enough to wake him back up. The flesh made its way along the nail as he started to scream. When he realized where the pain was coming from, he shut up.

  “You have to make everything hard, don’t you?” I didn’t expect an answer from him. I didn’t want one, but he needed to know I was still in charge of the game I started.


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