Book Read Free

Toxic Bad Boy

Page 16

by April Brookshire

  “It hurts.”

  “She didn’t mean anything to me. I didn’t want her.” Meeting no resistance, I pulled her against me. “I love you, princess. No other girl exists.”

  Her shoulders shook. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “Okay.” Reluctantly, I let her out of the booth. She disappeared into a back hallway.

  I never wanted to see that pained expression on her face again. No matter what problems we had in the future, I’d never turn to another girl to make myself feel better. The experience wasn’t worth it and I was worried what happened with Norah could break something between us.

  She came back ten minutes later more composed. Her quiet demeanor bothered me. I wanted her smart mouthed and teasing tone.

  Our food arrived, steaming and filling the large plates. I’d ordered myself chiles rellenos and tamales, and for her chicken tacos. “Please eat, baby.”

  She brought a taco to her lips, taking a bite. She managed to finish two of the three tacos and even ate a little of the rice and beans. I cleaned my plate, having not eaten since lunch at Dante’s.

  While we waited for the server to run my debit card, I asked, “Did her roommate call you?” Not that I wanted to discuss it further, but I couldn’t understand how them meeting came about.

  Gianna’s arms were crossed defensively. “No, she followed me to the grocery store.”

  “How the hell did she even know who you were?”

  “She says she found out online, from pictures posted last year on Facebook, I’d guess. But I don’t know how she found out where I live.”

  “That’s insane.”

  Gianna shifted in her seat, scanning the other diners. “Can we talk about this after we leave?”

  My girl had a lot to deal with at the moment. Just when we were finally working things out between us, she gets another hate letter in the mail and finds out about a girl I rebounded with.


  “Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever.”

  -Dylan Lauren


  The urge to prove she was mine was strong. If things were normal between us, I’d have her in my backseat already. Not that sex could fix our problems, but it’d satisfy the primal need in me to show her who she belonged to. Another time spent in the backseat of my Camaro with her underneath me sprung to mind, not helping the situation.

  I’d stupidly thought once I got out of juvie everything could return to how it was before, both of us having fun and loving each other. We’d get there eventually, but first there was all the drama to wade through.

  Not wanting her dad to hear what was to come, I drove to the mall and parked out in the lot away from other cars. The sun was setting and the mall would close soon so there weren’t many shoppers. Mostly it was young people using the place to hang out in the summertime.

  Gianna turned to me with hurt still lingering on her beautiful face. I wasn’t happy with what I had to do, but everything needed to be out in the open so we could get past it. She’d been blindsided today by Norah’s roommate and I didn’t want that happening again.

  “Caleb, what are we doing here?” She’d taken in where I’d parked and that we weren’t here to shop.

  “We’re here to talk in private about the other girls.”

  “Girls?” she said, her expression alarmed. “Are there more than Norah and the girl at the party?”

  When she shifted forward, I grabbed her chin to bring her face to mine. She didn’t fight me, but the look in her eyes was combative. “I love you, Gianna. There can’t be secrets between us.”

  “Say what you have to say, Caleb, then take me home!”

  “The girl at the party didn’t go far. I’d drunk way too much and was bent on fucking away the pain.”

  She flinched, squeezing her eyes shut as if it hurt too much to look at me. “Shut up, Caleb.”

  “Then you called,” I continued. “And I wanted you to feel my pain.”

  “Mission accomplished, I cried myself to sleep that night.”

  “And then I puked all over the floor of the bedroom we were in.”

  “You touched her?” she asked in a strangled voice.

  “Some,” I answered truthfully.

  “That hurts!” she cried, covering her face with her hands. “I don’t want to hear that crap!” Her hands moved to bat mine away.

  “But she was just a body.” I dragged her hands down, making her meet my stare. “You’re my soul.”

  “And Norah? Was she just a body?” The pain in her voice cut deep and sick guilt rolled through me.

  “I got to know her a little better,” I explained.

  Gianna laughed humorlessly. “Yeah, I heard about your connection from Christina.”

  Right, Christina, that was the roommate’s name. I’d thought Christina was sweet and cute, but chicks could get nasty when ganged up on another girl. “There was no real connection. Norah seemed nice, but that was it.”

  “And her body?” she whispered in a miserable voice.

  Fuck, this was the bad part. “We fooled around and it went a bit farther than the other girl, but my heart ached that she wasn’t you.”

  Gianna’s eyes flickered to my chest and the heart she owned. “I know I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t help myself. You kissed her and stuff?”

  “Look, the only reason I’m telling you any of this is because you might see her at the gallery.”

  “At your exhibit?”

  “Yeah, and even if it was only one date, the chick was pissed I didn’t want to see her again.”

  “You really don’t?” she asked, her chin trembling as if fighting a new rush of tears. “Because if you were tempted, I’d prefer you just tell me.”

  Wanting her body against mine, I gripped her waist to pull her onto my lap. “I’ll only want you until the day I die, Gianna. I’m sure after that, too.”

  Her head against my chest, she whispered, “I’m tired, Caleb. Can you please take me home?”


  I jumped the fence, scraping my hands a little in the process. The dog next door barked in a way that let me know it was big. Walking across the grass, I went to the other side of the house and found the door which led into the garage. I clenched the penlight between my teeth and got out the lock picking kit I’d bought at a hardware store.

  It was tricky, but I’d watched a video online while sitting in my car to make sure I had the process straight. With some quiet fumbling and a snick, the doorknob turned and I slipped inside the dark garage. I barely saw the lawnmower in time to avoid tripping over it. I went around the back of the vehicles to get to the door that led into the house through a mudroom.

  Thankfully, it was unlocked and I wasn’t forced to pick it. Pushing the door open slowly, I closed it behind me with the same caution. I removed my shoes and carried them in one hand as I traversed the first floor to the staircase. The house being fairly new, not one of them creaked.

  The bedroom door was locked, something I should have expected. Taking out one of the tools, I put my shoes on the floor. Gripping the doorknob in one hand, I carefully shifted the tool until it granted me access.

  Gathering my shoes, I entered the room, shutting and reengaging the lock. My shoes and clothes formed a pile on the floor until I was down to my white boxer briefs.

  It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to sneak up on a girl who’d been attacked, but after her initial fright I hoped she’d be happy to see me. Lifting up the covers, I got a glimpse in the dark of a blue pajama set consisting of shorts and a tank top. I slid under next to her, pulling her back into my front. At the same time, one palm covered her mouth.

  She was a deep sleeper, which I’d found out during the Vegas trip. “Gianna,” I whispered into her ear. “Wake up.”

  “Huh?” she mumbled sleepily under my hand and I wasn’t sure she was actually awake.

  “Are you awake?”

  “Caleb?” s
he said after tugging at my wrist and turning in my arms.

  Her warm, curvy body rubbing against mine had me shifting my lower body away from her. “It’s me.”

  A soft hand landed on my bare chest. “Am I dreaming?”

  “Dream come true?” I teased. “No, you’re not dreaming.”

  She gasped, whispering urgently, “What are you doing here? My dad is going to kick your ass!”

  “Like I said, he can try.” I buried my face in her neck, taking in the sweet scent of home.

  “What are you going here?” she repeated even as she snuggled closer.

  “Missed my girl.”

  Her sigh blew across my chest. “I love you, Caleb.”

  The words settled something in me. When I’d dropped her off earlier, the evidence of her pain still painted her face. There were no secrets between us anymore, but the revelations had been rough.

  Her head against the heart she’d brought to life, my girl fell back asleep.


  The knock on the bedroom door was accompanied by, “Gianna!”

  Jerking awake, her eyes met mine and widened in alarm. Her expression had my body shaking in silent laughter.

  “Yes?” she called out to her dad.

  “Just making sure you were okay. I’m heading out in twenty minutes. Do you want me to make you breakfast?”

  She rolled off her side of the bed, pointing to the bathroom door. Holding up my hands, I got up and sauntered in there. Keeping the door cracked open, I watched as she rushed to her bedroom door and took a deep breath before opening it.

  “Yeah, can we have French toast?”

  I couldn’t see her dad’s face with the way the bedroom door opened. “Sure, princess.”

  “Be right down,” she said before shutting the door and relocking it.

  I rushed out of the bathroom and picked her up to toss her on the bed. “Bad girl, sneaking boys into your room.”

  “It’s your fault. You broke into my house! I was innocent until I met you.”

  Lying halfway on top of her, I brushed the hair out of her eyes. “Your innocence wasn’t too hard to break into either.”

  “Jerk!” she hissed, trying to push me off her.

  I grunted, pretending her efforts were making headway. “Stop with your bullying, princess.”

  She giggled, which was my intention. “You’re crazy, Caleb.” The grin left her face an instant later. “I saw something on your back when you went into the bathroom.”

  I’d forgotten she didn’t know about the tattoo. “It’s just something I got done before entering juvie.”

  Her expression turned shy, prompting me to kiss her. “Is it me?”

  “Maybe,” I teased, sweeping a thumb over her cheek.

  “Can I see it?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

  Acting harassed, I pushed myself off the bed and turned around so she could get a look at the tattoo Donna had inked onto my back nine months ago. Her fingers traced over the artwork, trailing down to the waistband of my boxer briefs. “I can’t believe you did this,” she whispered. “What if we break up for good?”

  I spun, snatching her hips and pulling her against me. “You planning on breaking up with me again?”

  “No,” she said quietly. “I like it, by the way.”

  “It’s a good thing I won’t ever let you go.” Brushing her smiling lips with mine, I said, “Tell me you love me.”

  “No,” she said again. Grabbing a short fuzzy robe, she wrapped it around the body that drove me insane with desire. “I’m going down before my dad comes looking for me.” She closed the door only to peek back inside and whisper, “I’ll bring you breakfast.”

  Smiling to myself, I went into the backroom and glanced over my shoulder with my back to the mirror. The artwork was of the picture I’d drawn of Gianna last year. It portrayed her as an angel, her head tilted slightly down. Ian had teased the crap out of me when he’d first seen it in juvie, but he’d given up when he realized it didn’t bother me.

  As a wedding present someday, I planned on adding her name to it.

  I moved to her bedroom window to watch for when her dad left. The moment his SUV pulled out of the driveway, I returned to the bathroom to start the shower. Smirking, I left the door to the bathroom open and while taking my shower. Through the wet glass, I saw when Gianna came into her room, coming to a halt as she saw me.

  If I was going to help her overcome her fears, arousal was a good place to begin. She moved away from my sight, likely placing the plate and glass she carried onto her desk.

  I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. She sat at her desk gazing at her laptop screen. Drying off, I dressed, figuring she’d had enough for now. As I went for my breakfast, I kissed the top of her head. “Thanks, princess.”

  She shifted in her chair to watch me eat. “What do you have going on today?”

  “Spending time with you. I’m surprised your dad left you alone.”

  She blushed, biting her lip. “I told him you were on your way to pick me up and we were hanging out with Cece and Dante today.”

  “Liar,” I whispered scandalously, stabbing a piece of French toast. “Get ready. We’ll stop by my place so I can change clothes.”

  She stood, going into her closet. “Where are we going?”

  “To drop off a painting.”

  Her face careful, her words hesitant, she asked, “At the gallery?”

  After yesterday, it wouldn’t be somewhere she’d want to go. “At the warehouse where they store art. Their preparator, Tyler, runs it and handles their inventory.”

  She disappeared back into the closet. “Okay.”

  I wouldn’t mention that Norah made trips to the warehouse sometimes on errands for the gallery owner or manager. It was unlikely she’d be there.


  The small warehouse was on the outskirts of downtown Denver, in the middle of an industrial area. Across the street were several businesses related to granite and home remodeling.

  I’d picked up the painting when we dropped by my dad’s place. Gianna had seen my little studio set up in the basement. I did some of my painting at my mom’s apartment but it was convenient to also have a place to work at my dad’s.

  I didn’t think Jim would want to use this particular painting of a depressed kid in solitary for suicide watch, his wrists already covered in bandages from a failed attempt. Who would want to buy it? It wasn’t something a person could hang over the fireplace. Jim swore the rawness of my art would appeal to a certain type of buyer, but I didn’t see it.

  When Gianna saw the painting before I wrapped it, all she said was, “That’s sad.” Blue eyes had searched my face, I wasn’t sure what for.

  The only other vehicles parked in front of the warehouse were a black van and a white truck Tyler used to transport the art. I’d set up a time with him yesterday to make sure he’d be here.

  Gianna stood a few feet away as I retrieved the painting from where it lay in my trunk. “You’re so grown up,” she said with a thoughtful look. “I’ve never even had a job.”

  I stopped in front of her, holding the painting. “You don’t need to work. I’ll support you.”

  She made a face. “I already have a daddy, Caleb.”

  “I’m serious, Gianna. When we move in together-”

  She interrupted. “Move in together? Are you crazy? My parents would kill me.”

  “I’m not talking about right now, when we start college or after our first year.”

  “Oh.” Her lips adorably formed a circle on the word.

  “Come on, Tyler is waiting.”

  She jogged ahead to open the heavy metal door for me and I took the opportunity to check out her ass in the skirt she wore. Tyler as nowhere in sight, so I carefully placed the painting onto a worktable.

  From what I understood, Jim Doran, the gallery owner, was a collector himself. He was loaded and the gallery was basically a hobby for him.

  Along with the rawness of my paintings, I knew my actual talent was raw too. But the gimmick of a juvenile delinquent who painted the reality of youth corrections and city life would gain exposure for the gallery. If I decided to make a real career out of it, I’d have to go into an art program to mature my talent.

  Tyler came from one of the aisles carrying a wrapped sculpture. “Hey, Caleb.” In his mid-thirties, Tyler had worn gray coveralls each time I’d seen him.

  I moved to help him place the sculpture onto a dolly. “I put the painting on the table.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Tyler noticed Gianna standing near the door. “Who’s this?”

  I held out my hand. “Come here, baby.” Gianna approached, taking the offered hand. “This is my girlfriend, Gianna. Gianna, this is Tyler.”

  “Hi,” she said, slipping her hand out of mine to shake the hand he’d ripped a work glove off of.

  “Nice to meet you, Gianna.”

  I realized the moment he recognized her from some of my paintings, especially the one of the attack. I shook my head minutely and he got the message.

  “Is this the last one?” he asked, going over to the painting to uncover it.

  “I think so,” I told him.

  Tyler covered it back up. “Jim plans on coming down here next week to make his final decisions on yours and Sydney’s pieces.”

  I was curious about the other artist’s work. I’d met her at dinner one night, but I’d yet to see her paintings. Jim said she had a different style, but that her work would complement mine.

  “If I paint anything else, I’ll give you a call, Tyler,” I said before letting the man get back to his job.

  “He seemed nice,” Gianna said as I opened her car door.

  “I like him. Now, what do you feel like doing for the rest of the day?”

  “Can we go to the zoo?” Her expression was hopeful and I couldn’t deny her.

  “Of course,” I answered, shutting the door before she could glimpse my lack of enthusiasm.

  So we went to the zoo and, for the first time ever, I felt sorry for the animals locked in the cages. I could relate. When I got home that night I started a new painting. It depicted Ian wearing black and white prison stripes and looking dejected while locked in the gorilla cage at the zoo.


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