Tempt Me

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Tempt Me Page 16

by S. E. Lund

  I fulfilled one of your fantasies. Here's mine. Meet me at the Emirates Airlines lounge before the flight and we can have a drink before boarding. You can use the sex-drenched weekend fulfilling my fantasies as fodder for your fledgling career as a bestselling chick-lit author.

  Yours, Josh

  I hoped she'd accept and that I wouldn't be left waiting in the lounge alone until the first boarding call. If she didn't show, I'd cancel the tickets and reschedule until she agreed but I hoped she'd have been happy enough with our little hotel room tryst to try for another bout -- this time for a whole weekend.

  And there would be talking.

  Three glorious days at an all-inclusive luxury beach-front hotel in the honeymoon suite with its own private pool and a beach front room.

  Call me crazy, but at that moment, I was infected by a desire to escape to Bali with Ella and spend the time luxuriating in bed with her, walking the beach with her, and swimming naked in our own private pool.

  It cost a cool thirty grand but that was nothing considering I hadn't had a vacation for years. I'd had my nose to the proverbial grindstone for too long and the little fantasy stay with Ella at the Ritz-Carlton made me realize how little real relaxation I'd had -- or enjoyment for that matter -- in too long.

  I ate my Pho and read over my plans, and then dressed in my jeans and a t-shirt, I slipped into the elevator and dropped the envelope into Ella's office. I walked through the empty offices and thought about my accidental but very happy meeting Ella that day outside the building.

  Skinned elbows and knees had never turned out to be so fortuitous.

  The next morning, after my usual bike ride around Central Park, I went back to my apartment in the building and had a shower, then got ready for the day. Excitement grew in my gut that Ella would soon arrive at her office and hopefully, the flowers would have already arrived. She'd find the tickets and offer on her desk beside the flowers.

  Then, I hoped that she'd accept and in a week, I would be waiting at the lounge, hoping to see her walk through the doors.

  I arrived back at my apartment and after showering and getting dressed, I took the elevator to my office, eager to get to work.

  When I arrived, I picked up my messages from my assistant and sat down behind my desk.

  The first was from Marcella. I called her up, my sense of well-being falling a bit at the prospect of a date with one of her matches.

  "What's up, Marcella? How's the headhunting business?"

  "I have a couple of matches I think you'll really like. I'll drop by later this morning with their files, if you'd like. We can arrange meetings this weekend if any of them catch your eye."

  I kicked myself. I should have let Marcella know that I'd put the wife-hunting on hold for a few weeks. I had too much going on at the moment with the paper and now, if Ella and I went to Bali, I'd be away for the weekend and wouldn’t have any time for a meeting.

  "This next two weeks aren't all that good, Marcella. Sorry, but can we re-schedule until say, two weeks from now?"

  "Sure," she said, sounding hesitant. "What happened? You seemed to want to get going immediately. What changed?"

  "Nothing, just really busy with getting the renovation complete and ramping up with the newspaper."

  "Okay. I'll pencil you in two weeks from now and hopefully, the weekend will be a go."

  "I'm sure it will be."

  I ended the call and turned back to my computer screen. I had an image of the hotel we'd be staying on my desktop and was imagining the warmth of the sun, the clear blue water and the sound of the surf outside our hotel room.

  It was totally crazy of me to be fantasizing about a getaway to Bali when I should have been focused on my business, but at that moment, it was all I could think of. I checked my watch. Ella was scheduled to arrive at her desk any moment and I hoped she'd be pleased with the tickets and flowers. I wanted to go down to her office and watch her reaction, hoping she'd be really excited about it, but I held back. I wanted my fantasy to go the way I hoped it would -- with me at the airport and her showing up, ready for a dirty weekend alone with me at an all-inclusive resort.

  I spent the rest of the morning trying to keep my mind off Ella's response to my offer, and instead, focused on the issues that had come up during the past week at the Chronicle. I had several meetings and wasn't able to even take a breather to think about Ella, and so at the end of the day, I realized that it was already six o'clock and I hadn't had the chance to sneak down to her office.

  Once everyone was gone from my office, I closed up and made my way down the elevator, deciding to check her desk and see if she'd done anything about the offer. I used my keycard to get inside and found Sharon still working away at her desk.

  "You're here late," I said, and tried to think up an excuse for why I was in the office. "I thought I'd stop by and see if there was any mail for me."

  "We sent it up earlier," she said and frowned. "I'm pretty sure the mail clerk was already here. Didn't you receive your mail?"

  "I was in meetings all afternoon. I'll check again tomorrow. Don't worry about it. How's Ella working out?"

  Sharon leaned back and exhaled. "I'm so glad she's here. I'm just overwhelmed with work and she's helping me get caught up, bit by bit. I have a huge deadline on Monday, and I asked her to work through the weekend to get things cleared up. You know we have that meeting on Monday afternoon to discuss the Spring release schedule."

  "Oh, right. It slipped my mind."

  "I have Ella working on a presentation that I'll give to the sales department on why we've chosen a slate of books to purchase."

  "I'm glad you have Ella to help. You should give her a few days off to compensate."

  "I'm glad I have her, too. Believe me, if she wasn't here, there's no way I'd get finished this by Monday. But you're right -- I should give her a few days off this week. I'll need her here for follow-up on Tuesday and Wednesday but she could have a long weekend."

  "That sounds like a great idea and very fair, considering she isn't being paid."

  "I know," Sharon said and raised her eyebrows. "I'm so lucky to have her."

  "Okay, then," I said and glanced around. "If there's nothing else, I'll leave you to it. And thanks again, Sharon, for your hard work and dedication. I appreciate it."

  "You know I love this work. There's nothing else I'd rather do."

  I left her and popped my head into Ella's office on my way out. Her desk was piled with files and I saw the flowers on the desk beside her phone. The envelope with the tickets was gone, so she must have taken them home with her.

  I'd have to change the date of the trip -- I didn't want to make Ella choose between her job and a hot weekend with me.

  I took the elevator up to the apartment and sat down at my desk, signing into my account and changing the dates of the trip to Bali. I was lucky -- there were still seats and rooms available for the new dates and so I printed off the tickets and boarding passes once more.

  I wrote a short note to her, explaining.

  Ella, I understand Sharon needs you to work this weekend to get the presentation ready for the meeting on Monday. I've changed the dates for the trip to Bali to reflect this. I hope I'll see you next Thursday at the Emirates lounge. I hope you show up and help fulfill one of my fantasies.

  Then, I waited until I was sure Sharon would be gone and slipped down to the office, leaving the new boarding pass and tickets on Ella's desk. I smiled to myself as I went back up to my apartment. I would have preferred to go to Bali that Thursday rather than waiting but it couldn't be helped.

  I went to sleep that night and imagined my time with Ella at the resort in Bali. I hoped she'd show up next Thursday. If she didn't, I'd have to change the tickets again and find a way to convince her that coming with me was what she really wanted to do. In the meantime, I lay in my bed in the darkness, my hard cock in my hand, and remembered my hour of forbidden delights with Ella at the Ritz-Carlton.

  The next mo
rning, after my usual routine, I showed up to my office and was hit right away with meeting after meeting with editors and my business manager, trying to get everything in place for the relaunch of the paper. On my way down to the thirty-second floor where the offices of my new paper were located, Ella got on the elevator and the expression on her face when she saw me was priceless. Her eyes widened and I saw her choking back a smile as she stood in front of the control panel and selected her floor. There were three other people in the elevator at the time who were on their way down to the lobby, so there was no way I could talk to her. She stood with her back to me, and I admired her sleek red-brown hair and her shapely butt under a navy blue dress that hugged her body.

  Damn... I wished she was mine so I could grab her hand and take her with me up to the apartment for a bit of afternoon delight. Maybe take her to my office and lay her back on my desk and fuck her in front of the Manhattan skyline seen through my office window.

  But she wasn't and so I couldn't.

  "How's the paper coming along?" a voice asked and I snapped out of my reverie of fucking Ella and turned to the man beside me. It was Clint Jones from the ad agency a floor below the offices of the Chronicle. We'd met several times at various business functions.

  "Oh, Clint. Didn't see you there. Everything's going fine. Just getting things off the ground in the next few months, if all goes well."

  The elevator stopped at Ella's floor and I was sad to see her get off. Then, I was hit with a flash of inspiration.

  "Talk later," I said to Clint and followed Ella off the elevator. She walked down the hallway, not saying anything to me, but as she rounded the corner to the other hallway, I saw her smile, her dimples clearly visible.

  I grabbed her arm and stopped her, glancing along the hallway to make sure no one was looking. Then I pressed her against the wall and shoved my erection against her, kissing her roughly.

  She kissed me back with definite abandon.

  When the kiss broke, I ran my fingers along her cheek.

  "Ella," I said with a stifled moan. "What you do to me..."

  "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Macintyre. Whatever could you mean?"

  "What is it about elevators?" I said and ground my hips against hers.

  "Mr. Macintyre, you're taking far too many liberties with one of your staff," she said in a breathy-yet-saucy voice with a hint of a sultry Southern accent.

  "This particular staff member recently had my cock in her mouth, so if I were her, I wouldn't be acting all prim and proper."

  She smiled and glanced up at me, both dimples showing, batting her eyelashes seductively.

  "Such language at the workplace could get a boss in trouble, even if he is the owner."

  "Such language is probably making a certain staff member hot," I said, and kissed her again.

  Then, before anyone came down the hallway and caught us, I left her where she stood and quickly made it back to the elevator. I pressed the down button so I could get back on my way and not be late for my meeting. I had a silly smile on my face and my semi-erect cock was only now starting to deflate.

  By the time I arrived at my destination, I was sure it would be at a near normal state of tumescence.

  Whether I made it through the rest of the day without resorting to my private executive washroom was a whole other thing.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  He left me standing in the hallway, my body practically vibrating with desire for him, my flesh swollen.

  He had an evil smile on his face as he left me, knowing full well how I would be feeling. It was fair game, considering he had a delicious-feeling erection. Had just the sight of me in the elevator done that to him?

  If so, it gave me a real thrill and made me want him even more.

  I went to my office and sat behind my desk, the file folder that contained several new manuscripts from the mailroom tucked beneath my arm. I placed it on my desk and tried to catch my breath, needing a few moments to collect myself and recover from the feel of Josh's body pressed against mine, his kiss and his words.

  My hour with him at the Ritz-Carlton had left me wanting more time with him, and now, with the offer of a trip to Bali the following weekend, I was happy that I would get it. The idea that I would be fulfilling his fantasy of a fuck-filled weekend at a tropical resort where he didn't have to worry at all about his businesses made me exceptionally aroused.

  Although I had a rule about office romances, given my experience with Jerkface, Josh was so high up there in the corporate ladder, he didn't really feel like my boss.

  Not really.

  At least, that was the way I justified -- okay, how I rationalized running away to an exotic tropical resort to have sex with him.

  I squirmed a bit in my chair, my flesh still swollen. I would have liked to go into the staff washroom and masturbate, but there was no way I would because it was too busy. I'd have to suffer until I could get home. Later tonight, when I was alone in my tiny apartment, I'd have a date with B.O.B. He'd have to do. Only thing was, B.O.B. didn't have a mouth or tongue that had given me so much pleasure the other day.

  JOSH: Damn, woman. I have this problem I wish you could come to my office and take care of.

  ELLA: Sorry, but I have ten minutes to get my coverage of this book done before my meeting with Sharon. Believe me, I'm suffering, too. You could come and visit me and we could find a broom closet, or we could meet at your apartment during my coffee break...

  I smiled and sent the text, wondering if he'd take me up on the offer.

  JOSH: Oh, God... I can't or believe me, I'd be there under your desk, my tongue on your...

  I waited for the text to finish but it didn't. I glanced at my computer screen and then at the manuscript on my table top, and then finally, back at my cell, but he hadn't finished his thought.

  ELLA: ...waiting with bated breath for the body part you were going to name...

  Nothing. I waited and waited but that was it. I finished my work and then left for my meeting with Sharon. For the next hour, I sat there trying to pretend I was listening to Sharon talk, all the while imagining meeting Josh for a quickie, but sadly, each chance I had to check, he never wrote back to tell me if and when and what part he was going to lick, although I had a pretty good idea.

  Finally, after I finished up for the day and reluctantly left the office, I heard a ding on my cell while I was sitting on the subway back home.

  JOSH: So sorry. On your hard little...

  I waited but nothing.

  ELLA: !!!?

  ELLA: Are you doing this purposely to drive me insane?

  Then he made me wait again for fifteen minutes.

  JOSH: Actually, I was in a meeting and thought I could finish the statement but I was asked a question and had to take over and lead the meeting. Then I was in constant meetings for the rest of the afternoon. But in my mind, I was fucking your brains out in front of my picture window overlooking the city.

  I knew he was purposely making me suffer by ending his texts where he did, so I decided to make him wait.

  ELLA: That's too bad because I was so frustrated that I had to...

  Ha! Let him suffer the way I had. I didn't believe for a moment that he couldn't have finished that text. It made me smile, because I liked the fact he was thinking of ways to make me aroused and needy. I liked the idea of finding a man who wanted to spend his time thinking of ways to drive me wild with desire.

  I got off at my subway stop, deliberately not checking my cell to see his response. I stopped at the local sandwich shop close to my apartment and picked up a pastrami on rye with a pickle for my supper and a take-out container of chicken soup. Then I walked up the stairs to my apartment and entered the space, glad that I finally had enough room to at least have a tiny table and chair near an actual window.

  I sat at the table and watched the street below, which was busy with pedestrians as the six o'clock crowd walked home from work. I dug into my s
andwich and took a slurp of soup when my cell dinged for a third time.

  JOSH: You had to what? Don't leave me hanging...

  JOSH: ???

  JOSH: I see what you did there. Honestly, Ella, I was not doing that on purpose. I truly was in a meeting, surrounded by my staff and I had to stop in the middle of a text. Besides, I figured it would fill your head full of ideas about where you would like my tongue to go...

  I smiled. Yeah, right... Like I believe that the ellipses weren't strategic. Hell, I was more convinced than ever that they were tactical rather than accidental. And now, he'd done it again by mentioning his tongue and where I wanted it to go. Now, I couldn't help but remember our hour in the Ritz-Carlton and where it was so located on my body and what it was so expertly doing.

  I texted him back after about ten minutes.

  ELLA: Sorry. I was just in the bathtub, having a nice long soak. Now, I'm just sitting here, wrapped in my little towel, wondering what I'll write tonight. Something racy. Maybe about the hot business mogul who enjoys teasing his lover until she can't stand it anymore. He might tie her hands to the bed posts with silk scarves and blindfold her and then drive her crazy with sensation... Something along those lines.

  I waited to see what he'd say in response. After a few moments, my cell dinged and I checked what he'd written.

  JOSH: Kinky little thing, are you? I like it. If you need help figuring out positions and the steps involved in a scene like that, I'd be willing to come over and assist.


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