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Daddy's Little Wild One (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 4)

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by Olivia Fox

Subject:Mia Bella


  So glad you emailed and told me your name. You have occupied my mind incessantly since I stumbled upon your fairy cabin in the woods. I guess it’s not super cool to admit, but it’s true.

  Are you going to let me see you again? This time without handcuffs. I mean, hey, handcuffs can be fun and all, just not when I’m wearing them ;)

  Can you FaceTime out there in the boonies?


  Like it or not, I admitted to myself, what I felt after reading the email was giddiness. Ridiculously, I leapt around the house, jumped on the couch, and turned on the stereo and danced with my broom across my tiny kitchen.

  You have occupied my mind incessantly.

  The frolicking made me forget there were rules to this sort of thing. I ignored them and wrote back to him immediately after reading what he sent.


  Yes, we have connectivity here in the boonies. I never FaceTime though.

  Maybe you can talk me into it someday. Maybe not.


  The circular bathroom mirror revealed flushed cheeks, and my fingers felt the undeniable desire to caress as I stroked my own throat. Soft towels, a warm washcloth to smear creamy soap over my skin so I smelled like a vanilla cupcake, a fluffy mat beneath my feet when I got out of the tub—all of these sensations reminded me it had been a coon’s age since I had felt the touch of a man. Let’s be honest, those few and far between instances in the time before hermitage were short, rarely sweet, and purely animalistic in nature. Nothing like this teasing dance Jasper and I had begun.

  Tonight didn’t feel like scotch. Tonight felt like champagne.

  I took a bath while sipping champagne and came up with a million different naughty scenes for my Academy Reverse Harem series. Okay, a million was an exaggeration, but the creative juices were flowing—along with all the other juices.

  I felt unusually rested as I sat down at my computer the next morning, after having leisurely steeped my cup of tea, taking my time puttering in the kitchen, proving to myself in doing so that I wasn’t desperate to check my email again.

  What I saw there when I gave in and clicked on my inbox had my face flushing hot.


  You were a naughty girl going to bed without saying good night.

  Do it again and I’ll spank you.

  Is that what you want?


  Warm fluid poured over my skin.

  Trust me, I got it. Scene 1: power play, enter stage right. And I knew where to go with it. The deal with this perfect-case scenario was Lost Dude, Jasper, had no earthly idea where I lived. Yet, we could still play. I had plenty in my arsenal of kink with the genre I wrote and knew how to use my dirty mind against him.


  You’d better tell me what a bad girl I’ve been. Maybe it’ll make me behave.

  Don’t count on it though.


  The hydrangea collection needed taming before the flowering trees and bushes burst forth with their snowball-sized clusters of blue and white. I whacked, hacked, and chopped in order to prepare for their lusty blossoms. My muscles protested in a welcome way when I pulled a sparkling water from the fridge. It had been a few hours since I sent the last ill-mannered email.


  Little one, let’s start slowly and set you up for success. Tonight, you are to go to bed at 9 p.m. After writing a good night email to me.

  You may have one glass of scotch (I smelled it the night I stayed over); it’s not good for your sleep pattern and can even exacerbate nightmares (I heard those from down the hall).

  I don’t need to tell you to do your chores. By the sight of your immaculate garden, yard, and home, there is no doubt you keep very busy. If anything, you may need to work on self-care and slowing down.

  It was entertaining to read over his soft Dom attempts since there was no way he would ever know if I was following his orders or not. But I could certainly play along with his reasonable requests. Until I got to the last line, which was a doozy.

  Tomorrow morning, before you get out of bed, be a good girl and FaceTime me at the following number xxx-xxxx.



  Chapter Ten

  That last command was how I found myself in the ridiculous, pajama-clad position of FaceTiming Jasper the next morning. At least the angle was flattering, all of gravity worked in your favor when you were lying with your head against the pillow and filming from above.

  “You look yummy, sweetie.” It was as if we had forgotten all about our rivalry as trespassing intruder (Jasper) vs. backwoods wild thing (me) and leapt straight into boy meets girl. The weird thing was, it didn’t feel odd at all. It felt right.

  I had forgotten how gravelly his voice was, and the sound of it pinged against my nipples as if someone had gently tossed real pebbles at them. Direct hit.

  “Thank you.” Great. Talking was never my strong suit, especially talking on the phone, and this was phone chat with a visual. It was always unfathomable people could waste hours on the phone as a pastime. Usually, when I hung up, it felt like I had been on for hours; then I looked at the call duration and it was typically twelve minutes max.

  I didn’t know what to say, but apparently Jasper had no problem taking control of the situation. “You look so young lying in bed with your jammies on.” I crinkled my nose, and he continued. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-eight, why?”

  “Oh wow.” He looked away from the screen and remained silent.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” I held my breath.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m forty. Forty years old.”

  I’d noticed his raven hair was touched with gray and found it sexy. “Congratulations?” I offered.

  He let his head fall back against the headboard that propped up his back. “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “Nope.” I stretched out on the mattress like a lazy cat. “I’m an old soul. Besides, we’re just getting to know each other, not picking out china.”

  “If you say so, kitten.”

  A shiver ran through my body at the pet name, and I hoped Jasper didn’t notice. Imagining what it would feel like if he were here with his arms around me, I allowed myself the fantasy of being wrapped up in his warmth.

  My clit throbbed at the thought.

  Chapter Eleven

  Three months seemed endless since getting lost and winding up at Mia’s tree house. It felt like we had known each other much longer since we connected online and started to FaceTime every day, but not being with her in person was agony.

  More than once, we fell asleep together while talking on the phone. Exploring her ability to follow direction, testing her desire to please me, and demonstrating my capacity to protect and care for her in spite of the distance consumed me.

  Waiting to be with her in person sucked, but it was necessary. To say she was “afraid” was an understatement. The only time I spent with her in person, her need for privacy bordered on paranoid, and I wasn’t about to scare her off by rushing her into something she wasn’t ready for.

  We were both hot and bothered after our shared experience of long-distance celibacy. Mia made a joke she would be willing to consider FaceTime sex after we had sent fifty emails to each other. It was an artificially established measure that seemed forever away when it was first mentioned, but our capacity to email each other a few times a day got us there quickly.

  Mia said it was scarier for her to come to town and go out on a date with me than it was for her to get naked via video chat. She felt safe and secure so long as she remained in her remote tree house in the woods, and I was ticking off every email that got me closer to virtual sex.

  What she didn’t know yet was I had every intention of protecting her myself and making sure she was unharmed no matter where she was. I would shelter her from her internal darkness and external real-life threats if necessary.

  I sent Mia my require
ments for her to prepare for our first online sexy chat when the fiftieth email was sent.

  She already knew a number of my likes and kinks, and while she hadn’t personally experienced a man with my tastes, she said she was looking forward to exploring them.

  Spankings. Discipline. Rewards for being a good girl.

  The thought of in-person consequences for good and bad behavior was pretty much occupying my mind 24/7 and waking me up several times every night with a stiff dick.

  I told Mia to wear a black lace panties and bra set for our first sexual FaceTime encounter.

  Instinctually, I knew it would calm her cautious nature to receive my direction. She didn’t share details, but I’d heard enough to know the “incident” resulted in her having symptoms of PTSD, and unease and apprehension were front and center. I made a point not to probe a memory that still had a hold on her. Big-time.

  During our session, I’d make it so she didn’t have room in her head for worry.

  My final email instructions read:

  Position your iPad so I can see all of you when you answer my call, baby. Be dressed as described and ready at the agreed upon time. See you soon XX.

  It was our first sexual interaction after flirting back and forth for weeks.

  It felt like I had been waiting forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  The iPad flickered, and the display opened with me in a little box in the top corner and Jasper filling the screen. This was our first virtual date, where we agreed to go beyond the platonic getting-to know-you communication that had become our daily routine.

  We FaceTimed on the phone every day, and it was the most human interaction I’d had in years. Jasper told me, for this evening, I should forget all about my past and experience the here and now. For tonight’s show, a bigger screen was needed than our usual cell phone ritual, ergo the iPad.

  I took a quick glimpse at myself and was pleased with how I looked and also the backdrop of my velvet swivel chair.

  My attention was focused on Jasper, who also wore all black. Black jeans with a black button-down shirt. His shirt had a few buttons open, but otherwise he was fully clothed, which made me feel exposed, skittish, and excited all at the same time.

  Was that what he wanted?

  “You look amazing, baby girl. I love how the black lace contrasts against your creamy skin.” He growled the last few words, making me glad there was some distance between us for this first erotic encounter.

  “Thank you.” I cast my eyes down in a mingle of enjoyment and embarrassment caused by the point-blank glimmer of lust in Jasper’s eyes.

  He quickly regained composure and commanded, “Unclip your bra and let it fall to the floor.” I rubbed the back of my neck and eventually complied, dropping the bra to the floor, turning purposefully sideways, showing the curve of my breast.

  His groan sent a thrill through me.


  I slowly turned toward him, mindfully displaying my nipples even though my hands longed to hide them.

  “Now your panties. Turn around and slowly take them off. Slide your hands all the way down your legs, like you’re touching your toes for Daddy.” He lowered his voice as he spoke, and the sound hypnotized.

  After touching my fingers to my lips when he called himself “Daddy,” I did as he said, noting the throbbing in my pussy. It was oddly powerful to show obedience, and it cleared the spiderweb thoughts from my mind more effectively than any scotch I’d ever sampled.

  Who needed scotch? Apparently FaceTime sex was the answer to thinking too much. I didn’t have a thing on my mind other than the pounding between my legs.

  “That’s it,” Jasper purred his approval. “While you’re standing there for me, step out of your panties and spread your legs.” My heart thumped in my chest like waves on the seafront, and my breath quickened in time to its battering rhythm.

  I gave him a long glance and swallowed hard, caught up in our game. Did I obey him like a good girl, or did I willfully go against his direction to see what might happen? The beauty in this arrangement was the absolute lack of threat in making either choice. Jasper still didn’t know how to get to my house. He couldn’t find me.

  I shivered at the naughty thought of turning off the iPad, leaving him hanging.

  How would he handle it?

  In our ongoing conversations, he alluded to his commanding back-to-basics approach: me man, you woman. You-come-to-cave-so-I-can-fuck-you type stuff.

  Funny thing was, it excited me.

  I rubbed my arms and wondered what it mattered if the thought of him going all primal on me was appealing, so long as I consented.

  So long as I wanted it.

  Oh, I wanted it all right. Judging from the heat level between my legs, “want” was the understatement of the year.

  Me, former cop. Me, Ms. I Can Take Care of Myself and Don’t Need No Mens.

  My nipples pebbled in the cool air, and the tingles and chills I felt at their tips made me squirm. Considering the liquid libido smearing the inside of my thighs at this moment, I needed Jasper a great deal.

  I did as told and looked through my legs to see Jasper with his eyes locked on my exposed pussy and swollen pleasure bud.

  Could he see how wet he made my slit? I was getting juicier and juicier, like a ripe mango, with every order he gave.

  “That’s my girl. Now turn around and let me look at you.” He stroked his throat and leaned in closer. “My little one is getting hot, isn’t she? Her cheeks are all flushed, and she’s panting.”

  I crossed my arms and actually pouted.

  “Go sit in your armchair, pretty girl.” I propped the iPad on the chest of drawers next to the swivel chair and sat down. “Lift your legs up and set your heels on the edge of the chair so I can see those princess parts.”

  My breath caught in my chest, and my thoughts raced around the reasons I should tell him off, but instead I complied. I was on display, and I noted after a moment of settling in, my mind was untroubled. Instead of the liquid courage of scotch, Jasper was giving me soft-core courage.

  “Now, Mia, show your daddy how you play with yourself when he’s not there to pet that pretty flower for you. Show me how to do it when I see you next.”

  Whoa Nelly, and now hard-core. This was the no-turning-back point. I broke eye contact with him and bit my bottom lip. Not sure why there was a direct correlation between Jasper calling himself my “daddy” and the moisture level between my legs, but the revelation was one of which my lady bits approved. Buffered by knowing I could disappear from his screen, and from his life, in a nanosecond, I slid one hand down over my stomach, parting my trembling fingers as I moved over my pussy lips.

  I started by rubbing and pulling at my pearl. Then with every third or fourth motion, I ran a finger across the middle of my slit.

  “You’re fucking beautiful, Mia. Rub your pretty clit for me as if I’m teasing you with my tongue.”

  Encouraged by his stream of erotic commands, it was impossible not to hone in on my swelling nub. I switched between stroking my clit and pushing a finger inside myself, and I could tell by the tensing muscles I was getting close.

  “Use the other hand to pull at your nipple, kitten. Daddy likes to watch.” I pulled hard on the tip for show, moaning and panting while twisting the rigid tip. “Do you think of me when you touch yourself, little girl?” I moaned my affirmation and rubbed harder. The lust I felt over his calling me “kitten” and referring to himself as “Daddy” was no act. Meow.

  “That’s it, baby, keep going, get yourself off. Look at me while you do it. Show me with your eyes how much you’re enjoying yourself,” Jasper said.

  I continued to play with myself to cool down the liquid longing that had been building there for weeks, pushing two fingers inside, my hips grinding, and my body twisting on the chair cushion.

  Being watched like this was a totally new experience and a turn on beyond anything I had known. I was wet, hot, and in charge all
at once.

  Shamelessly, I pumped into myself, grinding my hips forward, fucking my fingers so he could see.

  “Good girl,” Jasper groaned. “Make yourself come. Come for Daddy.”

  As I came, an unrecognizable groan escaped from deep inside me, as if a long-hibernating creature was released from its slumber. With one hand, I pushed my hair from my face, and with the other I gently rubbed my pussy as my breathing slowly returned to normal. My clit pulsed its aftershocks underneath my fingers.

  I could tell Jasper had grown even harder; his cock pushed against his pants, and his hand drifted on and off it, each time giving it a squeeze.

  My temperature rose as I watched him pull his hard cock out of his pants, and he told me to go get any toy version I had in the house. I stood up and put my hands on my hips. “How do you know I have one?”

  The gorgeous real-life cock was pulsating before me on the screen, the head glistening with precum made my mouth water.

  “Just be a good girl and get it, Mia.”

  I did as I was told.


  Chapter Thirteen

  It was as if I had waited my entire life to do what Jasper said. I had become so good at tuning out the world out here on this remote mountain, choosing to live in complete isolation where no one could judge me for my past. Now here I was going the extra mile to connect virtually to a guy who smiled to see me complying with his commands, no matter how outlandish his request.

  “Now, Mia, you’re going to suck me with those legendary lips.”

  Arousal had removed all of my inhibitions, and in the spirit of obedience, I got onto my knees and started to lick up and down the toy’s shaft while looking directly at the screen and the huge, fat cock in front of me. I felt lightness in my chest for the first time since I could remember.

  Being shameless agreed with me.

  “Behave and suck my cock, princess.” I moved my mouth over the silicone rod, giving him a show and working it in my mouth. I shoved it to the back of my throat, turning so he could see the tears in my eyes and understand when it came to giving blow jobs, I was a sword-swallower. Watching, he made a guttural sound as he pleasured himself on the other side of the screen.


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