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Fragments of Us (A Contemporary Broken Hearts Romance) (Book Book 2)

Page 14

by Vasser, LaShawn

  “Yes. They were thrilled to be able to leave a little early so that they could get home to their friends and family.”

  “I know that feeling. I can’t wait to see my own kids when we leave in a couple of days. Were you able to take care of my other request?”

  “Yes. It is all set as well, and we’ll prepare the rest once you’re finished with dinner.”

  There was a twinkle in Nicole’s eyes. “And Davis is none the wiser?”

  “No, ma’am. He’s been holed up in his room all day. I don’t think he’s come out even once since he came back earlier.”

  That stubborn man has been hiding from me, but this time it’s to my advantage. Nicole kept her thoughts to herself. “Great. Thanks again, Akela, for all of your help.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Are you sure you don’t need anything else?”

  Nicole shook her head no. “For the most part, I think I’m all set. But, if I do, I’ll let you know.” Akela nodded and walked back down the hall.

  Nicole closed the door. She had just a couple of things left to do to get ready for her evening. Tonight was going to be one of the most important nights of her life. There would be no more running and hiding. They would lay all their cards on the table. Things could go left really quickly, but Nicole was determined not to allow it and to convince her stubborn husband not to give up on them.

  It was time to put her plan in motion.


  Nicole stood outside of Davis’s bedroom door. She was more nervous than she thought she would be but just as determined. She patted her hair to make sure it was in place, then smoothed down the strapless, all-white cotton dress that came down to her mid-calf. Davis loved her legs, and Nicole thought the dress showed off how shapely and toned they were quite nicely. All the yoga she had been doing since she had been on the island had paid off. Nicole felt sexy, and it had been quite some time since she had felt that way. The day Davis had arrived Nicole had ordered her dress, the string bikini, and a couple of other items. They were delivered with the rest of their weekly supplies. She had been lucky to have found the clothes on the mainland. Otherwise, Davis would have seen her in nothing but cut-off jean shorts and t-shirts for the entire week.

  She had stalled long enough. Nicole raised her hand to the door and knocked. He didn’t answer right away, but she could hear him moving around on the other side of the door. She knocked again only harder.

  After a few moments, Davis opened it, wearing a pair of board shorts and holding a t-shirt in his hands. His dirty blonde hair was wet making it look darker than its normal color. He had probably just gotten out of the shower.

  Nicole’s mouth watered, and she swallowed. His muscles were on full display. Those washboard abs almost always made her weak in the knees.

  The week had been good to him too. The South Pacific sun had bronzed his skin. Davis pulled his shirt over his head, covering up the masterpiece that was his body. She tsked. “Such a shame to cover all that up.”

  “Behave.” Davis was telling Nicole to do something that he wasn’t sure he had the strength to do himself.

  She couldn’t hide her smirk. “I will—for now. Anyway, I would like to invite you to dinner.”

  Davis knew Nicole was pulling out all the stops. She was drop dead gorgeous in that dress and all he wondered was how fast he could take it off. His thoughts changed, and Davis could only hope that he would have the right to take her clothes off again.

  Nicole saw it. The moment the heat in his eyes cooled. It was disappointing, but she was determined to reach him. He was pulling away because of that crazy need to protect her. She wouldn’t have it. She didn’t need protecting. She needed him. PERIOD. “Since we missed lunch, I wanted to invite you to dinner.”


  “You don’t have any excuses not to dine with me tonight, Mr. Chatham.” She wagged her finger. “No hiding for you.”

  Davis was tired of hearing her say that. He scoffed at the idea. “I’m a grown ass man. I don’t hide. I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “Then dinner with me, tonight, alone should be no problem.”

  “We’re never really alone here.” That was actually a good thing.

  “We are tonight. I was able to arrange for the entire Serenity team to leave a day early. They are already gone. The only people left on the island are Akela, Raphael, and island security.”

  The buffer he’d come to depend on had left, and Nicole was dressed like a woman on a mission. It was going to be a long night. It was possible that after they talked that she wouldn’t want to have anything else to do with him. Given that tonight was the last night they would be spending on the island, Davis had run out of time. He had to tell her everything, including the decisions he had made. “Honestly, dinner would be great. We have a lot to talk about.”

  The seriousness in his tone was a little unnerving. Nicole’s voice was soft, her confidence slipped just a little, but she forged on. “Okay. I thought it would be fun to eat on the beach.”

  “That sounds good.” She was doing her best to make this a romantic evening. Davis had to keep her at bay until they discussed their future.

  Nicole widened her smile. “Then, if you’re hungry, everything is ready.”


  “Nicole . . .” Davis couldn’t believe it.

  The butterflies in her stomach grew more intense, and she couldn’t contain her excitement. “Does it remind you of anything?”

  The tarp had been replaced by a tent, but, otherwise, the beach had been transformed into an exact replica of when they were stranded, and the night that they had made love for the very first time. It was the night their daughter had been conceived.

  He swallowed. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Nervously, Nicole nibbled on her bottom lip. “I hope to have a chance to do that forever.”

  Davis ran his hands through his hair. “Nicole—”

  There it was again—that tone. She didn’t like it. “Maybe we should sit down and have dinner before we talk. That’s another thing that’s a little different than before. Akela made an excellent meal.” The food was hidden underneath three large silver containers. Nicole dropped to her knees and stared up into Davis’s eyes. She reached her hand out to him, and he took it. He sat down on the blanket next to her.

  She lifted the covers off the food. Akela had outdone herself. They marveled over the meal she had prepared and laughed about the things they’d eaten to stay alive when they were stranded. They fell into a familiar comfortableness and kept the conversation easy.

  Nicole was wistful. “DJ has changed so much in the last three months. God, I miss the kids and can’t wait to get home.”

  Davis had been enjoying himself, and then her words home instantly soured the taste of the food in his mouth.

  She hadn’t noticed his easy demeanor had changed. “The beds here are great, but I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own.”

  The easy smile from moments before vanished. Davis cleared his throat. “A lot has happened over the past few months.”

  “I’m sure. But, whatever happens, we can get through it. I know you’re terrified of going to prison, and I’m terrified too, but I’m strong enough to support you.”

  “I’m not going to prison. That’s been resolved.”

  Her eyes widened. “What!?” Nicole threw her arms around him. Automatically, Davis wrapped his around her. Nicole’s smile covered her entire face. “You’ve been here a week and didn’t tell me that! Why? What happened?”

  He blew out a breath. It was as if he didn’t want to say the words, and Nicole looked confused. Davis had no choice. He had to bring up the elephant in the room. “Roman. Roman happened.”

  Chapter 26

  Nicole’s face froze. “Roman? W-why would he have anything to do with your case?”

  “The night we found you, Harlan and his team went through the entire apartment to remove any trace that you had ever been there—includ
ing the Clarks Tower video—where you met with someone else. I’m guessing that’s when you bought the drugs Dana found in your purse.”

  Nicole’s face turned crimson, but she would own up to her mistakes. She responded, sadness in her voice. “I was very desperate that night and in a lot of pain. But, yes. That is where I got them.”

  Davis couldn’t help but touch her in an effort to ease her discomfort. He placed his hand on her thigh. “It happened. We can’t ignore it, but I have faith in you and your recovery.”

  Nicole placed her hand on top of his. “Thank you.”

  After being frozen in place, Davis slowly removed his hand. “Harlan also found out that Roman was a member of The Liberation of Shebet and was sent here to compromise me—through you.”

  Nicole was horrified. “I-I don’t understand. I don’t know anything about your business, and even if I did, I would never have told him anything about it.”

  “Roman was going to videotape you and him together. It was to be used to control me. If by some small miracle their money laundering scheme didn’t land me in prison, it was supposed to be a way to shut me up, to keep me from working with the Feds.” His voice was low. “Who doesn’t know that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you?”

  His words warmed her heart. “But the money? It doesn’t make any sense. Why would he give the Angel Foundation ten million dollars?”

  “They were trying to tie all of our investments to the Liberation—more insurance for them.”

  They were silent. Then Nicole spoke. “Davis, I’ve said this a lot, but I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I put you in that situation. I wish I could take it all back.” So far, they had talked about everything, except for what really weighed on her mind and heart. Her voice trembled. “You may never forgive me for that night, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to make it up to you.”

  “You didn’t sleep with him.”

  Nicole looked into his eyes. “What?”

  “The video showed that you were passed out from the time he brought you into his apartment until we arrived. Whatever Roman’s plans were, he hadn’t executed them yet.”

  Relief swept through her. “Thank, God.” Nicole pressed her lips together and briefly closed her eyes. “I know that wondering, and then watching that video couldn’t have been easy for you. I have barely been able to stand it. Again, I am so, so sorry for putting you in this position. I promise you it will never happen again.”

  His own guilt was eating away at him. He had to tell her the truth. “For a while, I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. But I would have done it. I would have done anything to keep you and the kids safe. Fortunately, you give Braylee Hinsdale a few crumbs to work with, and she can make magic. Her team along with whatever shady characters Harlan works with were able to turn that situation around. Harlan found bank records and a few other things in Roman’s apartment. The money he donated to the Angel Foundation and the millions that were funneled into those offshore accounts were from the same source. Harlan and Braylee were able to trace the origin all the way back to the source of the money.” Davis gazed up at the sky. “The saying ‘follow the money’ has never been truer. Anyway, Braylee’s law firm did some kind of hocus pocus, and the charges were quietly dropped, and my assets have been unfrozen.”

  “That’s . . . that’s incredible! We have our lives back.”

  “Sort of. Chatham Industries stock ain’t worth much these days. We might have to downsize and put a few properties up for sale. I’m not as wealthy as I used to be. Not even close.”

  “The island?” Nicole looked around. “Now that you’ve made our private paradise livable. I’m sure it would sell for a small fortune.”

  Davis pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his elbows on them. He spoke quietly. “I could never sell this place.”

  “If I had to, I could live with the memories. I never cared about the money, Davis.” Nicole reached for his hand and laced her fingers with his. “I only ever cared about the man. So, if I need to get a job to help put food on the table, I have no problem with that. I just need you to truly forgive me and give us a chance.”

  “It’s not you that I can’t forgive.”

  “Then if it’s not me, why are you holding back?”

  “It’s me. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt or be in this godforsaken mess!” Davis got up and walked over to the water’s edge. He looked out over the jet-black sea. If it weren’t for the twinkling stars and the moon, it would have been pitch black.

  Nicole got up and stalked over to where he was. She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Why do you do that? Why do you always take responsibility for everyone else’s actions? You can’t carry the entire world on your shoulders! I won’t let you carry my burden. I’m here because I couldn’t cope with my life, and I turned to drugs. That wasn’t on you. That was on me! Stop blaming yourself because you couldn’t save your parents.” His body stiffened, but Nicole wouldn’t let him go. She held on. “So, what. You didn’t have a lot of things that money could buy. But I bet you anything . . . your mom and dad didn’t care about that. Why? Because they were rich in the things that mattered—each other. Take it from me; I know the difference between being rich and poor. You also have to stop blaming yourself for what happened to Rayna.” At the mention of his dead sister’s name, Davis tried to squirm out of Nicole’s embrace; she continued to hold on tight. She would not let him go. “You were just a kid yourself. Release it, Davis. Let it all go. It’s too much for any one person to carry. And you know something else, it’s a miracle you weren't in bed next to me at Serenity. If being a workaholic was a treatable disease, you would have been. That is how you’ve allowed yourself to cope all these years—by working yourself to death.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut. “It’s not that simple. And you wouldn’t be so forgiving if you knew . . . everything.”

  The hairs all over her body stood on end. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek into his back, steeling herself for whatever else that needed to be said. “To move forward, we’ve got to be honest. That means being completely honest. Tell me.”

  Everything was quiet except for the musical sounds from the jungle and the small waves washing ashore. Nicole waited.

  “I came into your life, and so many tragic things have happened.”

  Nicole kissed the center of his back. “So many good ones too.”

  “You were almost killed in a plane crash.”

  She responded. “As were you, but it was the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  “The Liberation of Shebet almost killed you . . . twice . . . because of me.”

  Nicole had no idea where he was going with his confession but relaxed a little at his words. “There you go again, trying to take ownership of something that wasn’t your fault.” She attempted a little humor. “If we want to be accurate, they were trying to kill you, not me. I was collateral damage.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You still ended up in the hospital, and . . .” His voice trailed off. “It was you that they targeted. You that they pushed down the escalator.” Davis stilled, waiting for the realization of his words to hit her.

  Nicole relaxed her hold on his waist and dropped her arms to her side. Then she stepped back. “That was just an accident. That was nobody’s fault.”

  Davis shook his head no. “When Harlan interrogated Roman, he admitted that the original plan was to send me a message through you. But, after he met you, he changed his mind and convinced the leaders of that organization that you could be more useful alive than dead. I was the target. That is why all of this is my fault. In order to make sure you and the kids stay safe, we can’t be together.”

  Nicole stared at him for long moments without saying a word.

  Davis hadn’t moved—hadn’t even breathed—waiting for her reaction anticipating her anger and hatred.

  Finally, her words came. “I’m supposed to let you walk away fr
om the kids and me over that?”

  He didn’t get the reaction he thought. It surprised him. “It’s not safe to be around me.”

  “Pieces of me would die a little every day without you.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I mean every single word. I know that just from being away from you these past three months.” She stepped up close and placed her hands flat on his chest while staring deeply into his emerald green eyes. “I meant it when I said I won’t let you run away from me, or yourself. I love you, Davis Chatham, and I plan to live a long and happy life with you—forever.”

  He searched her eyes for the truth behind her words. Once he found it, he pulled her into his body and kissed her long and hard.

  Nicole tore her lips away from his. Her voice was husky. “I’ve been dying to be with you.” She snaked her hands down into his shorts and held him in a firm grip then stroked his cock back and forth. Somehow, his shorts slid down to his feet. Davis was already crazy with desire; her touch was almost too much. Bits of pre-cum oozed out onto her fingers, and Nicole couldn’t wait to taste it. She dropped to her knees and darted her tongue out for a sample, but that wasn’t enough, so she licked the milky substance clean off before pulling him into her mouth.

  Davis’s moans were getting louder as he wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled. It was taking a superhuman effort not to thrust forward into the back of her throat and make love to her mouth.

  When Nicole gazed up into his face, the look of pure pleasure was worth everything. She opened her mouth wider and slowly pulled him inch by agonizing inch into her wet mouth. Her head began to move back and forth as she sucked the bulbous part of him. She swirled her tongue around the head and sucked at the opening. His legs started to shake, and he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting forward. Surprisingly, Nicole took all of him. To steady herself, she placed her hands on the sides of his hips as he rotated them.

  Davis’s body had a mind of its own, and it took over. She felt so good that he pushed faster and faster. His intensity picked up hitting the back of her throat. He was going to erupt. His voice was strained. “I’m going to cum. I need to pull out.”


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