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Page 31

by Summers, Eden

  My eyes burn as I watch.

  He isn’t fearful. Not even when outnumbered six to one. There’s a wealth of determination ebbing from him. An undeniable lack of doubt.

  But there’s no doubt in Drake either. He turns his back to Cole and strides toward me with an open grin. “Your sister was a means to an end, my friend.”

  “I’m not your friend.” Cole drags his hostage closer, the three goons following with him. “I will, however, be your executioner.”

  Drake laughs, the sound a strategic taunt as he swings around and pulls a gun from the back of his pants. I don’t have a chance to scream. I barely feel myself blink as he fires, shooting Cole’s prisoner in the stomach.

  There’s blood, so much blood, as the man wails and slumps to the ground.

  What’s worse is the look on my brother’s face.

  The confidence and sheer determination he had moments before is gone. I glimpse his shock, then the terror, before he hides the weakness under a mask of indifference.

  Oh, God.

  We’re not going to make it out of here. We’re all going to die. Just like the man on the floor who’s coughing the life from his lungs.

  “Don’t look, Keira,” Cole demands. “Close your fucking eyes.”

  No. I can’t.

  I’ve done this.

  I started the chain reaction that will lead to our deaths.

  “What are you going to do now, Torian?” Drake keeps his weapon raised, the barrel now pointing in Cole’s direction. “You’ve got no hostage, and I’ve got a man with a gun to your sister’s head.”

  Cole raises a brow. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”

  “No, you’re supposed to be scared. And you’re also supposed to drop your weapon.”

  Cole complies, the gun falling to his feet. “You’re going to have to try harder because all you’re doing is digging yourself into a hole you won’t get out of. No amount of owed money justifies your actions. You’re all going to die for this.”

  “This stopped being about money a long time ago.”

  “You plan on taking over with these four, plus the guy hiding behind my sister?” Cole smirks and indicates the human wall protecting Drake with a wave of his hand. “My men are loyal. Whether I’m dead or alive, they won’t stop until you’re gunned down.”

  “Loyal? For starters, you came here alone. That doesn’t scream loyalty to me.” Drake moves to my side, and Kyle takes the hint to step away. “Not even your own flesh and blood is devoted to your family. Didn’t Keira tell you about our agreement?”

  Cole doesn’t respond. He stands tall, unaffected by the taunts.

  “I still don’t have your attention?” Drake muses. “You’re right, I’ll have to try harder.”

  His fingers tangle in my hair, gentle at first, then he yanks at the strands, forcing my head back and a shriek from my throat. “Once you’re dead, I’m going to hurt her. We’re all going to hurt her.”

  My neck screams in protest, the pain taking over my shoulders. It’s nothing in comparison to my regret.

  “And everything you do to Keira will be reciprocated tenfold. If not by me, then by my father.”

  “I’ll deal with that if it happens.” Drake releases my hair and jerks his chin at one of his thugs. “Kill him.”

  My heart stops. I can’t breathe.

  I stare at Cole, wide-eyed and frantic, as I wordlessly beg for him to tell me what to do.

  “Close your eyes, Kee.”

  No. I shake my head over and over as my heart kicks back into action, beating so wildly it pounds in my throat.

  “Please,” I plead into the gag. “Please. Please. Please.”

  “Close your eyes.” His words are gentle. Peaceful. “Don’t remember me like this.”

  The man stops a foot away and aims for my brother’s head.

  This can’t be happening. It can’t.

  How could one stupid decision cause me to be responsible for his death?

  “Keira, don’t look.” This time it’s a demand. An order. “Shut your eyes.”

  I keep shaking my head. No. No. No. But I listen.

  For one last time, I promise to obey.

  Tears blaze down my cheeks as I sob into the gag, my eyes squeezed shut, my chin tucked into my chest.

  Then the gunshot sounds, and I scream and scream and scream.



  “Nice shot.”

  I ignore Hunt’s compliment as I continue to stare at Keira through the broken window at the far end of the warehouse.

  My heart hasn’t stopped racing since Luca parked the Jeep at the far end of the road. I’d jumped out of the car before the engine stopped and ran from warehouse to warehouse searching for the Porsche.

  I’d been the first to see the dead guy in the parking lot. The first to reach the side of the building and determine I had seconds to save Cole’s life.

  I hadn’t thought, hadn’t planned, hadn’t strategized.

  I aimed the barrel of my gun through the broken window, pulled the trigger, and watched Keira as the man fell to the floor with half his skull missing.

  Her eyes remain clamped shut, her screams muffled through the gag.

  “Why doesn’t he talk to her?” I grate. “Why doesn’t he open his fucking mouth and tell her he’s still alive?”

  She doesn’t realize her brother stands before her while one of her captors lies dead at her feet.

  “I don’t know.” Hunter keeps his gun trained on our enemy, the men taking cover behind the ringleader, who grabs Cole around the neck and uses him as a shield. “It’s probably because he thinks the next bullet has his name on it.”

  “It will if we don’t come up with a plan,” Luca mutters. “I’m not sure about you guys, but I don’t have a lot of experience with hostage negotiations. How the fuck do we get all three of them out alive?”

  Pop, pop, pops slash around us, the return fire pinging against the side of the warehouse.

  I drop to the ground, the dirt and pebbles scratching my cheek as I face Hunt. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking this son of a bitch isn’t smart. He’s in an empty warehouse, without any cover, with nobody keeping watch. He’s got no idea what he’s doing, or who he’s up against, but he obviously thinks he’s invincible.”

  “That’s a dangerous combination.”

  He winces. “My thoughts exactly. He’ll kill them without considering the consequences.”

  “I need to make a call.” I keep my voice low, out of Luca’s range. “We won’t get them out on our own.”

  He frowns at me, his brows tightening as understanding dawns. “No. You’re not making any fucking calls. We do this on our own.”

  “We’ve got no other—”

  “No. You’re not letting that cat out of the bag, do you hear me? Keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  It isn’t a warning about being a snitch. It’s a caution not to blow my cover. Despite his woman being in there, this grumpy fucker is trying to protect me.

  “Hunt, they’re dead if I don’t.”

  He glares. “And you’re dead if you do. Don’t be a pussy and give up yet. We’ve still got choices.”

  Like hell we do. I can’t see one fucking option that’s going to get Keira out of there alive. Hunt’s gotta know his reputation isn’t going to have Drake waving a white flag. This shit is serious. One rogue bullet and Keira is dead.

  “Wipe the judgmental look off your face.” He shoves to his feet as the last of the bullets sound. “I’ve got more invested in this than your twenty-four-hour fling.”

  I follow, wanting to knuckle dust him for the harsh comment.

  It’s been more than twenty-four hours with Keira.

  I’ve spent months consumed with thoughts of her. I’ve waited a lifetime to have her close. Deceit or not, I’d do anything to keep her safe.

  “Don’t criticize our relationship.” I fall in beside his position against the wall. “Yo
u don’t know shit about us.”

  He shoots me a look of incredulity. “Focus, asshole.”

  I clench my jaw and peer inside. Keira has raised her head to face the scene before her, her eyes wide as her gaze searches her surroundings for answers.

  Pride fills my lungs. Through all this, she’s still got hope, which is more than I can muster at this point.

  “I’m here, precious. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Hunt scowls at me. “Are you for real right now?”

  “Stop worrying about me and get a fucking grip. You’re the one who excels at this tactical shit. So be fucking tactical.”

  “Would you two shut up?” Luca hisses as he stalks toward the side of the building. “If you haven’t noticed, we’re about to have company. You might want to prepare.”

  He’s right. A man is running through the warehouse, heading for the door.

  I crouch and aim my gun along the wall toward the door, where Luca is acting like wallpaper. “He needs to get out of the way.”

  “No, don’t shoot,” Hunt whispers. “Let him take care of it. The less Drake knows about us out here, the better.”

  “Are you sure?” I creep closer, only to have Hunt place a warning hand on my shoulder.

  “Just watch.”

  I do as he requests, sticking to my haunches as the door opens an inch.

  The barrel of a gun peeks out, and a warning shot lashes into the distance.

  Luca doesn’t move. He remains in the shadows, propped against the warehouse until the guy creeps forward into the darkness.

  The gunman’s vision must take too long to adjust from the fluorescents. He stands there, doe-eyed, batting his lashes into the night. The second the door closes behind him he’s grabbed by the wrist and flipped onto his back.

  Luca follows him down in a knee slide that stops near the guy’s shoulders, the move seeming like a practiced dance routine. The subsequent glide of hands over the enemy’s face and the break of his neck is done with such smooth efficiency it almost looks artistic.

  “Holy shit.” I stare in shock. “He’s got skills.”

  “Aren’t you glad you didn’t try to kick his ass earlier?”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “Really fucking glad.” I shove to my feet and stalk the warehouse interior again. “What now?”

  “Now we wing it.” He aims his gun inside. “The warehouse is surrounded,” he yells. “Put your weapons down and you’ll live to see another day.”

  I watch Keira, watch her so damn intently as her face brightens.

  The guy in front laughs, his arm wrapping tighter around Torian’s neck while the two men behind him crouch for cover.

  “That’s gotta be Drake.” I jerk my head in the guy’s direction. “I’d bet my life he’s the one blackmailing Keira.”

  “This has gone beyond blackmail. It’s an assassination. He’s making a power play.”

  “Is that you Hunter?” Drake calls. “You’re late.”

  “And you’re sloppy,” he shouts back. “There’s no way you’re getting out of this alive.”

  “Even when I’ve got your girl?” Drake backtracks, dragging Torian toward Sarah lying lifeless on the floor. “From my perspective, I’m the only one walking out of here a happy man.”

  “Who is this fucker?” Hunter rubs his knuckles over his mouth. “And why does he know more about me than I do about him?”

  “Probably because you’ve got a fucking huge reputation.” My pulse pounds at my temples. Having that psychotic asshole in close proximity to both Sarah and Keira doesn’t sit well with me. I can barely breathe through the panic. “What are we doing? We can’t just stand here. He’s going to do something.”

  “I want you inside, Hunt. Now.”

  Drake shoves his boot into Sarah’s ribs, but her limp body doesn’t jolt from the impact. It stiffens. Spins. She launches from the cement, lashing out with a kick that has him stumbling to right himself with Torian’s weight.

  She swings out, jabbing at his throat, punching at his fist, only to be knocked out with a hard whack to the back of her head from the coward who had been hiding behind Keira.

  Her legs buckle beneath her, her delicate frame crumpling to the floor.

  “Son of a bitch.” Hunter takes off, running for the door.

  “Wait.” I sprint after him. “You can’t rush in there.”

  I grab his arm only to be shoved away.

  “Fuck off, Decker. You won’t stop me.” He barrels forward, approaching Luca, who spreads his feet and braces for impact.

  “He’s right.” The Navy ninja blocks the path. “You know more about this shit than I do. You need to stay out here and call the shots. If you go in there, you’re dead.”

  “I don’t care. Get out of my way.”

  Hunt isn’t thinking. He’s reacting on fear, not tact.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Let me go instead.” I maneuver around them both. My life isn’t a loss. Not when I’m dead already. “I’ve got a plan.”

  “What plan?” Luca defends against another one of Hunter’s attempts to barge past, whacking him in the throat. “You better not fuck this up.”

  Hunt jackknifes, coughing and spluttering.

  “I don’t have time to lay a blueprint.” I continue for the door and grip the handle. “You’re going to have to trust me.”

  I pause, not waiting for permission, but still waiting for something. Anything.

  I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing here. All I need is a thumbs up from Hunt to tell me I’m making the right decision. All I get is a deadly stare as he continues to cough up a lung.

  “Go.” Luca juts his chin at me. “I’ll watch your back the best I can.”

  The assurance doesn’t sound promising, but me and Navy boat have come a long way from his threats to murder me. All I can do is have faith as I yank the door wide and brace for the unknown.

  “I’m unarmed.” I slide my gun along the cement floor. “I just want to talk.”

  I raise my hands in the air, my pulse pounding behind my eyes while I take the first step into the light.

  Adrenaline is rich in my veins, heightening my senses and clearing my mind. Problem is, I lied. I don’t have a plan. All I’ve got is the death wish I’ve clung to for too damn long, and the necessity to save Keira.

  Her sobs ring in my ears, her heartache increasing with every inch I approach.

  I don’t look at her. I can’t.

  Those eyes will kill me. They’ll kill us all.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Drake faces me, his tight neck-hold keeping Torian pointed toward the windows. “I said I wanted Hunter.”

  “I’m more valuable than Hunt. I’m the guy who can help you make the right decisions to get you the position of power you want.”

  He snickers. “You think I need your help?”

  “Yes. I do.” I keep my hands at shoulder height and continue my slow pace forward. “You’re not going to get your happily ever after if you kill Torian.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I’ll show you.” Slowly, I lower my hands as two of his goons place me in their sights. “I don’t have a weapon. I’m reaching to get my cell.” I slide my fingers into my pocket and retrieve the device. “If you kill anyone else, Hunter won’t let you out of here alive. But if you listen to me, and nobody else gets hurt, I’ll tell you how you can get exactly what you want.”

  “Put it away.” He repositions his choke hold, making Torian stumble backward. “You can go take a seat next to the rag doll on the floor.”

  “Wait.” I dial a number, connect the call, and show them the screen. “This is a friend of mine.”

  “Hang up the phone,” Drake snarls. “Turn it off.”

  “Why don’t you take it instead?” I approach another step, leaving a desolate yard of space between us as I reach the device toward him. “Here. All you need to do is listen.”

  Take the cell. Just inch forward and take the fucking cell.<
br />
  “I’m losing patience,” he seethes. “Either take a seat or a bullet. Your choice.”

  I raise my free hand in surrender. “Please. You’re making a mistake. Killing Torian is going to piss off a lot of people.”

  “You’re pissing off a lot of people.” He swings his gun in my direction and pulls the trigger, the projectile skimming past my thigh. “That was a warning. The next one won’t be.”

  “Okay. Let me do it for you.” I press the speaker button and pray to hear something other than a dial tone. But I don’t hear anything. Not even static. “Are you there?”

  Silence reigns, the seconds ticking by while failure shadows every beat of my pulse.

  “Decker?” Anissa’s dubious voice breaks the quiet. “Where are you?”

  A rush of breath leaves my lungs and the slightest glimmer of relief takes its place. “I need you to tell me your name. I need you to say it like you made me recite it yesterday.”

  Drake needs to know who she is without me prompting her. He has to believe she’s telling the truth.

  “Decker,” she warns. “What’s going on?”

  “Put down the phone. Drop it. Now.”

  “Anissa, please,” I beg. “Just say it.”

  “Drop the fucking phone or someone dies.”

  Another heavy breath escapes, this one full of defeat.

  If only Drake would take a step forward and move into the line of fire. If only I hadn’t fucked things up with Anissa and she trusted me enough to tell me what everyone needed to hear.

  If only.

  If. Fucking. Only.

  I look past Drake and the cowards behind him, and finally meet Keira’s gaze. Those ocean blues are glassy as they plead back at me. She’s begging for help, and for once I can’t save her. I can’t do a fucking thing to protect her this time.

  I’m sorry.

  She can’t hear my thoughts, but I pray she understands my anguish over failing her. I don’t know what else to do. This is going to end in a shootout, and the odds aren’t in our favor.

  “Okay.” I crouch, placing the cell on the cement before I straighten to my full height. Death lingers close. I can feel it. The icy chill of nothingness nips at my fingers, preparing me for the worst.


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