Taming the Beast

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Taming the Beast Page 4

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Gods,” he murmured again, looking down at her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Helping you.” Gisella stroked him again and looked up to meet his dark eyes so full of need. “Do you wish me to stop?” Without waiting for an answer, she leaned forward and placed a soft, open-mouthed kiss on the crown of his cock. The shaft she was holding jumped in her hand in response to the gentle touch and when she pulled back she could taste the salty, slightly bitter flavor of his pre-cum coating her lips. She licked them thoughtfully, deciding that she liked the taste and looked up again to see him watching her.

  “I’d be a fool if I asked you to stop,” he muttered hoarsely. “But I confess, your willingness to take me into your mouth to ease my pain surprises me.”

  “Almost as much as it surprises me,” Gisella said too low for him to hear. But she was committed now and she wanted to carry the act through. She leaned forward again, this time daring to take the entire plum-shaped head of his cock into her mouth. She wasn’t sure how much more she could fit, but the head at least she could manage, and she enjoyed sucking it and exploring the slippery slit at the top with the tip of her small pink tongue.

  The prisoner groaned again and pressed gently into her mouth. Gisella allowed this, opening her lips wide to accommodate one or two thick inches of his shaft. Soon he was fucking gently but urgently between her lips as she sucked and lapped to get more of his salty pre-cum. As he stroked into her mouth, he spoke in a low, hoarse voice, letting her know how much he loved the feel of her soft lips and sweet tongue against his shaft.

  “You’re beautiful down on your knees like that,” he whispered as Gisella worked to get more of his cock down her willing throat. “Just watching you makes me want to break these chains and join you. I want to bury my face between your long legs. Want to push aside those tiny silk panties you have on and eat your sweet cunt until you moan and gasp. I want to press my tongue deep inside your pussy and feel you tremble as you come for me.”

  “My lord,” Gisella murmured at last, withdrawing for a moment from his throbbing erection. “You make me blush with such talk. I do not even know you.”

  “And yet you are kind enough to bring me relief, if only for a moment,” he rumbled.

  “I have brought you no relief as yet,” Gisella said, eyeing his still-hard cock.

  “But you have brought me right to the brink,” he told her. “Best you should finish me with your hands. If you take me in your mouth again I won’t be able to hold back.”

  “You mean you would…would come in my mouth?” Gisella blushed as she spoke. It was another act she had only witnessed and never expected to perform. And yet she found herself strangely intrigued at the idea. Did she want to take the prisoner’s cock in her mouth and feel his thick cock pulse against her tongue as he spurted hot cum down her throat?

  “I would not ask it of you,” the prisoner said but every muscle in his big body was tense with the need for release. “What you have already done is a greater kindness than any of your predecessors have shown me.”

  Gisella thought of asking what predecessors he was talking about but again, she felt he needed action more than her words. She looked up into the dark, bitter eyes of the prisoner and lapped gently at the flaring head of his cock once more.

  “You need not ask it of me,” she murmured. “It pleases me to give you relief.” Bending her head once more, she took the plum-shaped head and as much of his shaft as she could between her lips and began licking and sucking in a way that left no doubt as to her intention.

  “Gods!” He threw back his head, his hips bucking, and she felt a surge of pure power that seemed to jump between them. And then he was coming, coming in hard, salty spurts down her willing throat as Gisella pressed forward and urged him to let go.

  She found that his cum was hot and thick and utterly delicious. The dark spicy scent of him seemed to impregnate his essence, making it no chore at all to swallow the hot jets that pumped at the back of her throat. She was vaguely surprised to find herself

  not the least disgusted by her own eagerness to drink all he had to give. Indeed, she was more aroused than ever with her nipples throbbing against the thin silk blouse and her pussy swollen and hot with need.

  At last he stopped coming and Gisella pulled away reluctantly, licking the corners of her mouth like a cat trying to get the last traces of cream. To her surprise, however, the rock-solid cock between his thighs didn’t go down a single bit. In fact, if anything it seemed harder and more painfully erect than ever.

  “Why…why are you not satisfied?” She looked from the pulsing shaft, up to the prisoner anxiously. “I am sorry, my lord, I did the best I could for you.”

  He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly for a moment. When he opened them, they were filled with a torment like nothing Gisella had ever seen before.

  “It’s not your fault, little one,” he said with surprising gentleness. “You did everything you could and much more than any of the other hapless girls my servants have dumped down here.”

  “The other girls?” Gisella scrambled to her feet and frowned at him. “But then…so you are the master here that they spoke of.” She was not surprised to hear it. Though bound and naked, the immense man had an air of nobility about him that could not be denied.

  He nodded wearily. “I am.”

  “But why are you chained like a prisoner? And what of the beast you talked of earlier?” Now that she had given him a release, Gisella found her curiosity was powerfully aroused.

  He sighed and she had the feeling he would have rubbed his eyes or ran a hand through his hair in frustration if only his hands had been free.

  “I am both the master and the prisoner. As I told you earlier, I am under a curse. And so I am also the beast.”

  Chapter Three

  The Curse

  “You are the beast?” Gisella looked at him blankly, thinking there must be some mistake. “You look human enough to me, my lord.”

  “You may call me Tristan, little one.” He sighed. “Not that you will have long to call me that.”

  Gisella felt a cool finger of fear tickle the back of her neck at his forbidding tone but she was determined not to show it.

  “If I may call you Tristan then you may call me Gisella,” she said briskly. Looking around in the dusty shadows, she found a rickety, three-legged wooden stool and pulled it up close so that she could look up at him when he spoke. “And now, begin at the beginning, if you please. Tell me about the curse. How did it come about? And how may it be broken?”

  “It cannot be broken.” There was sorrow and pain in his deep voice. “Or at least, not by any who have come before to try. But I will tell you how it came about.”

  “Please do.” Gisella leaned forward, her elbows on her knees and looked up at him curiously, eager to hear the tale.

  “I am the rightful ruler of Rigel Nine,” began the prisoner who she now thought of as Tristan. “Five years ago after the untimely death of my parents I ascended the throne and began to look for a bride to rule at my side. I was determined to find someone with courage and integrity as well as beauty so my search was long. One day a beautiful golden ship landed at our spaceport and the woman who piloted it asked for an audience with me.” He sighed and shook his head. “Many times since I’ve wished I had refused her but I was curious so I granted it. But then, I’m sure she would have found some way to get to me no matter what.”

  “Who was she, this strange woman?” Gisella found herself wholly caught up in the tale that was beginning to sound like one of the fairy stories her mother had read her before bedtime years ago when she was a girl.

  “She was a sorceress from the Therran system. They have it in them to bend reality in strange and terrible ways—ways you could not begin to imagine. You may scoff if you like—I know I scoffed when she told me,” Tristan continued. “No one believes in witches and curses and magic anymore. I didn’t believe myself until it was too late.”
/>   “What did she do to you?” Gisella shivered, intrigued by the strange tale.

  “She wanted me to take her as a wife. But I believe what she really wanted was to rule through me—to have all the power and riches of Rigel Nine to do with as she pleased.” He frowned. “She was very beautiful but I wanted to marry for love, to find a woman who was worthy to be mistress of the planet. Not a greedy, grasping witch who only wanted to squeeze whatever she could out of the position for her own pleasure. So I refused her.”

  “And so she laid a curse on you?” Gisella didn’t scoff at the idea. For some reason she believed what Tristan was telling her.

  He nodded. “A curse which cannot be broken. She said that since I would not have her, I would not have anyone. Once every month at the time when the twin moons of Rigel Nine rise together into the sky I become a beast and savage any woman I try to love. When she pronounced the curse, she disappeared in a puff of foul-smelling smoke and the black marks on my temples and arms appeared as you see them now.” He indicated the strange, curving black marks that marred the smooth tan skin of his biceps and forehead.

  “What…what kind of a beast do you turn into?” The cold finger of fear was tracing her spine but Gisella tried to keep her voice steady.

  Tristan shrugged and the chains behind him clinked. “I only know what my servants tell me. Some say I still look partially human but that I take the appearance of

  the animal from Old Earth that was called a bull with great curving horns and wild eyes. Do you know the creature I speak of?”

  Swallowing hard, Gisella nodded. She, like most children in the galaxy, had been taught in school about the mother planet that all humanity was descended from and the animals of Old Earth had always been one of her favorite subjects.

  “So you turn into a beast and…”

  Tristan’s dark eyes were filled with pain. “At the time that I turn, when the curse takes me, I am controlled by an animalistic lust. I am compelled to fuck any woman unlucky enough to be near me. There is a hunger in me to take her, to possess her completely and fill her with my cock until I come inside her again and again. If she resists my advances I become…violent and uncontrollable.”

  Gisella put a hand to her throat. Her eyes were drawn once more to the pile of ivory bones. Tristan must have seen where she was looking because when he spoke again, his voice was filled with self-loathing and pain.

  “Those are the bones of the first few women unlucky enough to try to break the curse. I keep them here to remind me of what I am, of what I become. For years now I have bid my servants to chain me as you see me now when the lust of the curse comes upon me. They have orders to try to rescue the hapless woman from me should I break loose, which I often do. I send the ones who try and fail away with a generous reward. Many have tried but so far none have succeeded.” He sighed. “I have long desired to stop trying and simply endure the curse once a month but my council of elders will not hear of it. For as long as I am cursed, I cannot marry. And until I have a bride, I can have no heir. If I die without leaving a son or daughter to take my place, all of Rigel Nine will erupt into civil war.”

  “But…but I thought you said the curse was unbreakable.” Gisella frowned. “And yet your servant, the one who bought me and brought me here, said something about a prophesy. Something about two red suns in alignment?”

  “Ah, yes, the prophesy.” Tristan laughed bitterly. “It was once a source of hope to me and my councilors but it has turned out to be an empty promise. Directly after the sorceress laid the curse on me and it became clear that it was not an idle threat, a wise woman from the country appeared at my palace one day. She appeared before me and my council and said, ‘Your Majesty, I know of the pain you are suffering each month at the time when the twin moons rise as one.’ Since we had been keeping my affliction a secret, I was greatly surprised to hear this. Some of my councilors wanted to have her beheaded at once, fearing that she would spread rumors. But I kept them back, eager to hear what she had to say.”

  “And what did she tell you?” Gisella asked eagerly.

  “She said that a girl would come who could free me from my curse. And she spoke this prophesy.” Closing his eyes, Tristan recited in a low voice.

  “When two red stars align

  Six places from the sun

  From Beta comes the girl

  Who is the chosen one

  When chastity meets lust

  In a virgin and a whore

  She shall slake the bull’s dark lust

  And the curse shall be no more.”

  He opened his eyes and looked at Gisella. “Of course there were many different interpretations and each one of my councilors had an idea of what it meant. The wise woman disappeared so we could ask her nothing further. But it was my only hope and I clung to it—that someday a girl would come who could withstand my animalistic lusts at the time of my change—a girl who could break the curse.”

  Gisella was thinking hard, her lower lip caught between her teeth. “But you no longer hope?”

  Tristan shrugged dejectedly. “There doesn’t seem to be any point. So many women have tried and failed. And too many have tried and died.” He nodded at the grisly pile of ivory bones. “You are just another in a long line, little Gisella. And when the twin moons rise as one overhead—and they will rise very soon for I can feel it—I will change my form and become a beast so hideous you may be unable to look upon me.” He sighed. “If such is the case and you do not care to try to break the curse, run as fast as you can to the door of the dungeon and call to be let out. Only you must be quick and go before I scent you in my animal form. The scent of a woman’s ripe body, especially if her pussy is wet and ready for fucking, is too much for me to bear when I am the beast and I will certainly break my bonds and come after you.”

  “And…and if I do not wish to run? If I wish to try to break the curse?” Gisella swallowed hard but forced herself to continue. “What…what must I do?”

  Tristan looked at her with respect and wonder in his dark eyes. “Do you truly wish to try? No girl in years has had the courage. They all run from me in fright when they hear my story and see the bones of those that tried before them.”

  “I…” Gisella risked another glance at the pile of bones and then stood up and took a step toward the bound man until she could feel the heat of his bare skin against her nearly naked body once more. “I do wish to try,” she said softly.

  She thought of telling Tristan of her background and the reason she thought she might set him free of the curse but she sensed they had little time for talk. Already his dark eyes were taking a lighter cast and the curving black marks on his forehead and temples were starting to pulse, as if with some strange magical energy. Outside the twin moons must be rising even as they spoke and soon he would become a monster.

  “What must I do?” she asked again.

  Tristan looked down at her from his immense height and his dark eyes were now almost gold. “You must submit,” he said thickly. “Submit to my cock in your pussy, submit to my fucking. But I warn you, it will not be easy. As large as I am now, I grow even larger in my other form. And I am not gentle.”

  Gisella tried to swallow and heard a dry clicking in the back of her throat. Was she really going to do this? After all, Tristan had offered her an easy way out—she could run the minute he changed and beg the servants to free her. Then, with her virginity still intact, she could make her way to the convent of The Goddess of Light and take up the life her parents had planned for her.

  But when she thought of the convent, all she could think of was the way she would never again see a man, especially not a man as handsome and intriguing as Tristan. She would never know a man’s touch or feel a cock between her thighs, filling her pussy with cum. She thought of the pleasure she had felt when she touched him and tasted him—would it not be worth the risk to have such pleasure again? If she went to the convent, she would be dead before she had even lived. Whereas if she tried to b
reak the curse, even if she failed, she would have lived a truer and more exciting existence in her final hour than she would have in a lifetime of being a celibate priestess tucked away in a temple with nothing to do but meditate all day. With that thought, she knew she had made up her mind.

  Taking a deep breath, she looked Tristan in the eyes. “I am not afraid,” she said, though her heart was pounding so hard in her breast she could almost hear it. “And I wish to try to break the curse.”

  Chapter Four

  The Beast

  “Very well. But remember, if you stay and allow yourself to be fucked by the beast I become, I will not let you go until I have had my fill. Until I have claimed your pussy completely and filled you with my cum. Do you understand?” Tristan’s voice was little more than a growl and the thick black marks on his temples had begun to come alive. They were no longer just flat markings, now they were long, curving black horns with wickedly sharp points that curved out and back from the sides of his forehead.

  “I-I understand.” Gisella swallowed hard, suddenly wondering if this was such a good idea after all.

  “Then if you truly wish to try, stay there where I can see you and smell you,” he rumbled. “And remember that you must not fight. Whatever I do to you, you must submit. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Gisella nodded, her pulse racing.

  “Gisella, you are very brave, little one. The most courageous woman I have ever met. No other has had the courage to touch me, to take me in their hands and mouth and drink my cum.” He sighed and though his eyes were now rings of bright gold and the black horns curved up from his head, she found that she felt sorry for him.

  “I wanted to help you. I still want to help you.” Gisella stood her ground though he was growing in size and the humanity was leaving his golden eyes.

  “But I fear…I fear I might hurt you. If I awake from the curse and find you dead…” His voice was thick now, barely human, and when he flexed his muscular arms against his chains they creaked alarmingly.


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