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Page 2

by Tl Reeve

  “Well, doesn’t someone look thoroughly fucked.” Blake smacked Nico on the shoulder.

  “Blake, don’t,” Jace muttered from beside Loraine.

  “What?” Blake shrugged. “Nico is a virile young buck. They should be taking advantage of fucking as much as they can.”

  Oh. God. The heat in Hayden’s cheeks became a burn as she sat there, trying to concentrate on her siblings and not the conversation her fathers were having about her and Nico’s sex life. Her mate joined her on the ground, accepting his greetings from his mated brother and sister. If she thought he’d say anything, he didn’t. He radiated confidence bordering on cockiness as they sat side by side.

  “Because, Blake,” Jace sighed. “No father wants to hear about his daughter fucking anyone, mate, married, or single.”

  “Just wait until Natalie comes of age, my mate. Then we’ll see how much Blake is still into virile bucks and fucking.”

  Blake made a choking sound. “Come here, sweetheart, let me see you?” He held his hand out to Hayden. He wrapped her in a hug when she stood. “We’ve missed you.”

  She chuckled. “You just saw us at graduation.”

  “Too long ago, my dear.” He booped her nose. “Are you tired?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m good. I thought I was going to go with Bodhi and Emma to look for a place to live, but Bodhi said they got a place and they’d be over later.” She hadn’t realized how dejected by it she felt until the words passed her lips.

  “It’s okay.” Nico joined them. “We’ll do it together.” He pressed a kiss to Hayden’s temple. “He also said to tell you guys Bell, Jackson, and Christoph are on the way and should be here in a couple of hours. They said something about settling down or whatever?”

  “Well,” Blake drawled. “I’m sure Rapier will be happy to hear that.”

  “Dinner tonight will be interesting for sure,” Jace added. “Come on, let’s get you guys inside so we can catch up.”

  Hayden and Nico followed behind her parents. When they got to the top of the stairs of the front porch, Nico’s phone rang. Hayden glanced on the screen and suppressed a chuckle. Kalkin knew all the comings and goings in his town. Their arrival must have been noted. Nico held up a finger and stepped aside, while they went into the house.

  “Kalkin, what’s going on?”

  Blake closed the door behind him. “Come on, tell me all about the trip. I know it only took a few hours, but I like to gossip.” He joined her on the couch. “I have something to tell you.”

  Hayden blinked. “What?”

  Blake leaned in and whispered. “Loraine is pregnant.”

  Hayden sat back, shocked by her dad’s announcement. After the twins, there were some medical issues Loraine had gone through. The doctor had gently explained to Loraine due to the damage when the sheriff’s department was fire bombed and with the twins, it might be best not to have any more children. The risks might outweigh the rewards. For a few months, Hayden’s parents had been in a deep depression. Though they were happy with the twins they were gifted, she knew deep down Jace and Blake wanted more children and so did Loraine.

  “How?” she whispered.

  Her dad grinned. “We found a surrogate. Loraine produced the eggs, and I knocked them up then the doc preformed an IVF with Sage.”


  Hayden sat there for a minute digesting everything Blake told her, then she squealed and giggled. Happiness consumed her. “That’s amazing.”

  “You told her, didn’t you?” Jace joined them.

  Blake nodded. “Spilled the beans. Guess you’ll have to spank me later.” He winked at Hayden.

  “I always walk in at the wrong end of these conversations.” Nico closed the door behind him before crossing to Hayden. “I have to go. Kalkin wants to talk to me about a job. Shouldn’t take long.” He bent down and kissed her. “He said the party is at his place at seven. Jace, you’re on meat duty.”

  “Ohh...” Blake gave Nico a salacious smile. “I love it when Jace is on meat duty.”

  Jace shook his head and sighed. “You are a perverted old man.”

  “Yes, but I’m yours and Loraine’s pervert, and you love it.”

  Nico chuckled. “I’ll see you at Kalkin’s in a few hours, little wolf.”

  “I’ll be there.” She gave him a small wave as he left. “So, when is this baby due and do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  * * * *

  Nico bounded up the ten steps, excitement coursing through his veins as he made his way toward the massive doors of the sheriff’s department. Inside he felt a sense of peace like he was coming home. And, although he loved his mate and was grateful she’d forgiven him, he still missed Window Rock.

  A little under thirteen years ago, the original sheriff’s building had been destroyed. The town’s sheriff, who was also the Alpha, had to rebuild. It was almost fort-like in the security measures Kalkin had implemented. The folks of the town and the deputies often joked it could withstand a nuclear blast. Nico didn’t take it as a joke. Kalkin Raferty didn’t fuck around with the safety of his pack, town, or family. He’d also noticed what looked like a full fleet of new Enforcers resting behind the secure fencing where the police vehicles were kept. When he’d been on the force they had several of them, but he’d been assigned an older model SUV. About time.

  Going to college had always been Hayden’s dream. For him, her happiness came first. He wanted her to experience it and grow up with the quintessential young adult experience—even if it meant he had to be away from the profession he loved. Nico had known eventually they’d make their way back to Window Rock and then he’d be able to strap his gun back on and wear his badge with the pride he felt for his job.

  Relationships were about compromise, and being a deputy had always been his ambition. He’d continued his studies at TSU for Hayden. Hell, who was he kidding. If his mate asked for the world, Nico would do everything in his power to give it to her.

  Caden along with Kalkin came to him when Nico was a young boy, needing him to be their eyes and ears during the shit with the Quincy pack. Nico had jumped at the chance. Ever the opportunistic kid, he never hesitated. Taking the job and the responsibility seriously and doing the best job he could, he came to love it. Sure, impressing the Alpha had been part of it, but he also knew it was a way out of being labeled the poor orphan. Something he hated.

  Kalkin knew adults often paid little to no attention to kids. They often said and did things thinking they were safe because who’d believe a kid. Kalkin Raferty, unfortunately, for those who’d spew their vileness, proved otherwise.

  When his Alpha came to him, informing Nico he’d be a good candidate for the Academy, he never hesitated. For Nico, putting his uniform on was like putting on a well-worn shoe.

  It just fit.

  The massive reinforced glass doors swung open, and Nico nodded to several of the town folk he knew who peppered the waiting area. Armed checkpoints, metal detectors, and a reinforced bulletproof glass wall separated Loraine, the deputies, and Kalkin from visitors. If Loraine was working the desk, getting in to see the surly Alpha would be no issue. But she wasn’t. She was currently at home with her mates, children, and Hayden. Nico should have had the foresight to ask his mother-in-law to call ahead for him.

  One of the older deputies who’d been there when he worked there recognized and waved him through. He gave a nod of thanks as he bypassed the line to show identification and made his way to the two large machines blocking the main entrance.

  Another familiar face motioned him forward, and he avoided the line for those who conducted business every day in this building. Since he didn’t have his firearm, he breezed right through, only getting held up at by a pretty young woman at the front desk, who rolled her eyes every time he requested to see the boss who he knew sat in his office. Right now, her lips were pursed together in disgust like she’d eaten a case of sour lemons.

  “For the last time. If you don’t h
ave an appointment—” she tapped at the appointment book he knew Loraine meticulously kept— “which you don’t, you’re not going to see the sheriff. Call first next time.” Her patience was clearly at an end.

  Nico dropped his head, trying to keep his calm. He’d have to try another approach. One he didn’t particularly care for. Desperate times called for desperate measures. “I’m married to his niece. You might have heard of her. Her name is Hayden Raferty.”

  The young girl rolled her eyes, clearly not impressed while chomping and chewing on a wad of gum. “Not sure how you being married to his niece matters to me one way or the other. You still don’t have an appointment.”

  “Then ring Kalkin,” he suggested.

  “That’s not protocol,” she stated before turning her back on him and going back to her computer.

  Nowhere near done with the conversation, he continued to speak to her back. “I’m aware of what procedure is in this office. I used to work here. Plus, if you ring Kalkin, you’ll find he called for me to meet him.”

  “Not for a while though. I’ve been covering weekends for the last three almost four years, and I’ve never seen you.” She ignored his last comment and continued to stare at her social media page.

  Jesus Christ. This bullshit was ridiculous. Nico pulled his phone from his back pocket before placing a call to Kalkin.

  “Where the fuck are you?” Kalkin demanded.

  “At the front desk. Apparently, I don’t have an appointment and your guardian at the gate won’t let me through,” he replied, attempting to keep the exasperation from his voice.

  Not surprisingly, the line went dead and less than two seconds later Nico heard the distinctive sound of a door being flung open and bouncing off a wall.

  That would be Kalkin.

  “It’s okay, Brooklyn. You can let him back,” Kalkin said, his tone deceptively calm considering his anger-filled, freaky ice-blue eyes and his tense shoulders. Nico knew the surly Alpha well enough to know the other man was holding on to his temper by a thread.

  The woman at the desk seemed not to even care. Instead, she mumbled under her breath. “God, this fucking job isn’t worth this crap.”

  Nico ducked his head, attempting to hide the smirk he could feel forming on his lips. Kalkin gave no indication he heard the young girl’s snappy retort. Maybe the older man was finally starting to mellow with age.

  “Let’s go, Nico, got shit to do,” Kalkin barked.

  Yeah, maybe not.

  Brooklyn hit the buzzer, unlocking the door. Nico didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the handle and stepped into the heart of the Sheriff’s department.

  Nothing had really changed.

  Familiar scents filled his nose.

  Fresh coffee was the strongest.

  Loraine’s desk sat at the front, while other desks were peppered behind her. His old desk sat off to the right. A quick glance showed it still remained empty.

  “We’re not taking a trip down memory lane,” Kalkin said.

  By the time he made his way toward the office, Kalkin had his ass in his chair and had started rifling through the top drawer of his desk. “Sit.”

  Whatever he was looking for was obviously important. Nico sat in one of the two chairs in front of the massive desk. “How’d you know we were back?”

  The other man stopped what he was doing, glanced up, and smirked. “Got my ways, boy.”

  “Was it at the gas station or before?” he continued.

  “Really want to have this conversation?”

  Nico shrugged. Why the hell not? Jace, thanks to the observant Blake, had already figured out he’d fucked Hayden close to home. Why not let it all hang out?

  Kalkin grumbled, “Having sex in a public restroom isn’t really what I’d really call respectable for a deputy of the law.”

  “Bastard,” Nico mumbled. “No one had a clue.”

  “I knew,” Kalkin said, ignoring his retort.

  He must be in a good mood.

  “How is she?” Kalkin’s voice had been heavy with concern for his oldest niece.

  Nico didn’t play dumb. He knew Kalkin was asking about Hayden. Nico got it. The Rafertys were a protective bunch, especially with their females. “Pensive.” Nico didn’t bother with lying. Of all the people he could talk to, openly, it was the man sitting across from him.

  Kalkin just had a way about him.

  Sure, he could be a hard ass, and often was. The other side of the Alpha, the one usually only family saw, was a loving, caring man who’d do anything for his family. Nico knew Kalkin would move heaven and earth for someone he cared about. And Kalkin cared about and loved his niece.

  The scent of Hayden’s uneasiness and worry had driven both him and his wolf nuts. It was one of the reasons he’d fucked her in the bathroom. The other being the constant arousal he felt gnawing at his belly for her.

  “She asked about my old apartment,” he blurted out, watching the other man for any little reaction.

  Kalkin nodded. “And?”

  “She’s never asked about it before.”

  When everything went down, Kalkin had remained neutral even though Nico had fucked another woman and shattered Hayden’s soul. Nico had been wary around the older man, always waiting with bated breath for Kalkin to take him out back and beat the ever-living shit out of him.

  Kalkin never did.

  To this day, Nico still felt the guilt of his actions. He could, in his mind, never apologize enough or do enough to earn his mate’s forgiveness.

  “Being home, permanently, will be good for her. She can finish up healing around family and friends.” Kalkin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “Never agreed with her leaving home. Running away to TSU. It isn’t the Raferty way. I voiced my concerns and was overruled and off she went.”

  “I still see the shadows in her eyes.” He overshared again, knowing he wouldn’t be judged.

  Kalkin shrugged. “Because, instead of staying—standing her ground and dealing with what was going on—she ran away. I’m sure she found out, the hard way, the problem didn’t disappear, it just followed her. Hayden needs to realize that’s all in the past. You’re mates now. She’s it for you, and you’re it for her. She shouldn’t have any fears. You both need to be reminded you two weren’t mated when it happened. Neither one of you owed any loyalty to the other in that respect.”

  “I’m not really sure Hayden or your brother saw it that way. I was wrong. We both knew who and what we were to each other,” Nico admitted.

  “Hayden wasn’t raised as a wolf or even in the county until her teen years. Jace can get off his fucking high horse. He fucked up big time with both his mates, so he’s got no room to talk.”

  Wonder how Kalkin would feel if it was his daughter instead of his niece. Nico suspected his body would have been hidden deep in the desert surrounding them.

  “Did the one-night stand pop your cherry?” Kalkin asked.

  Nico blinked at the other man’s blunt question. “Fuck. No.”

  “So, you’d gotten your dick wet before?”

  Nico nodded again.

  “Often?” Kalkin asked.

  Unsure how to proceed or what Kalkin’s point was, Nico simply kept it simple. “Yes.” He leaned forward. “The first time I had sex, I was thirteen. Kids who run around the town, without supervision, tend to do stupid shit. So yeah. I’d done it before. I just was careful, always going to another town and never bringing them to my apartment.” No doubt Kalkin knew he’d dipped his dick a couple times a month in the neighboring town, away from prying eyes.

  “You knew about Adam?” Kalkin’s gaze never wavered.

  “I knew,” Nico disclosed.

  “Yet, he’s still alive. By the way, saw him in town the other day. He’s doing well. Got himself a girl. Human. She’s not his mate.”

  Nico shrugged wondering why the hell Kalkin thought he’d give a shit.

  He didn’t.

  He held no animosity toward the younge
r male wolf Hayden had experimented with when she was a teenager. Granted when he had smelled Adam’s scent on Hayden, his wolf had gone crazy and to be honest so had he. Nico had kept his shit together because they hadn’t been mates and because he had reminded himself Hayden had been a teenager and teens tended to do stupid shit.

  Hell knows he had, often, with Kalkin’s own nephew Bodhi. “I understood it. Granted I wasn’t happy about it. Hayden was young, her mated life had been mapped out for her. She deserved a chance to experiment and live before we mated.”

  Kalkin snickered. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, boy.”

  Easy for him to say. He hadn’t seen Hayden’s eyes when Nico opened the door to her. She had been devastated and broken. It had been all his fault because he’d gotten shitfaced and taken a woman back to his place.

  “I hurt her.”

  Kalkin sighed, and a dark scowl of frustration filled the other man’s features. What the fuck is his point? “I don’t doubt you did, and you’ve done everything in your power to heal her. The last little bit that’s left, she’s going to have to figure it out on her own—take those last final steps to forgive you. Once she gets to the end of her road, she’ll be fine and dandy.”

  If only. “Kalkin, I’m not—”

  “It is just that damn easy,” Kalkin stated.

  “What the fuck? You able to read minds now?” Nico quirked a brow.

  The other man snorted. “Can you imagine the trouble I could get into if I could?”

  Nico smiled. “I think everyone would be running for the hills or going to Keeley to get help in building up their walls to prevent you from getting into their heads.”

  “Here,” Kalkin said, tossing something in the air, across his desk. “Kept it safe for you.”

  Nico snatched it out of the air when it got close, knowing what it was the second he wrapped his fingers around it.

  His badge.

  “Your weapon is in the gun locker in the basement. All your passcodes and IDs are still valid, so getting to it or getting it out won’t be an issue.”


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