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Page 4

by Tl Reeve

He nodded. “It’ll get easier as time passes. We just have to get through the hard stuff first.” Nico placed her hand on his groin. “Now, I said, I need my little wolf. Care to join me for another quickie?”

  * * * *

  Hayden stepped outside. Even though they’d been as quiet as possible, she still felt like everyone stared at her. Nico had teased her on the way out of the house. She had that fresh-fucked look about her. Every inch of her vibrated with energy. The tension building within her had snapped and a languid easy feeling left her drifting on a magnificent endorphin high.

  The tables were already set, and some of the youngest children were eating. Kalkin came around the house carrying a platter filled with hamburgers, steaks, and hotdogs. There’d been enough food to feed an army, good thing too, because they practically were one. When he saw her, he smirked then walked away after placing the platter in the middle of the table. Emma and Bodhi were walking hand in hand while Bell, Christoph, and Jackson seemed to be conspiring still.

  “Do you think they’re pregnant too?” Hayden whispered to Nico. “They’ve been locked together since they arrived.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me,” Nico said. “But, I bet it’s something else. Won’t know until they say it.”

  There was one noticeable hole at the table. Well, six noticeable holes to be exact. Ever since the truth came out about Utah and what happened between Raquel and Rosy, Utah’s sister, Utah refused to come home. She understood his pain; in some ways it went deeper than hers. She understood why he stayed away. It didn’t mean it didn’t hurt anyone, any less. Osirus and Jenna were shattered. They put on a happy face whenever she’d seen them, but deep down they were suffering. Hell, everyone was, including Rosy.

  “Not today, little wolf,” Nico said, as if reading her thoughts.

  “Soon. I hope they can fix it before it becomes too broken.” She sat in the chair Nico pulled out for her.

  “They will,” he replied. “Took you time, didn’t it?”

  Yeah, it had. “Suppose so.”

  “Hey, sorry about earlier.” Emma and Bodhi joined them.

  “Don’t worry, I understand,” Hayden said when Bodhi left to join Nico.

  “So, you look...refreshed.”

  Hayden screwed up her face then laughed. “Oh wow. Nice attempt to be sly.”

  Emma laughed with her. “Sorry.” She placed her hand on her belly. “I didn’t mean for us to be such a drag on the way home.” She leaned in so only Hayden could hear her. “These three are being a pain in the ass today.”

  Hayden laughed harder. “So, this is when it starts, huh?”

  “Must be,” Emma answered.

  “Are you, you know, scared?” Emma had been pretty open about her mother’s death and her father’s subsequent passing as well. It left Emma and a baby Cassidy alone in the human world. If it hadn’t been for her parents setting up a trust, Hayden didn’t want to think about what might have become of both girls.

  “Very. But, Loraine put me in touch with her doctor, and Danielle will monitor me as well since we’re home, so, I feel better now,” Emma stated. “When we found out, I told them first.”

  “If anyone would have known what to do, it’s them,” Hayden said. “I understand why you’d wait though. I’d be freaking out.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  Why would Hayden be mad? She shook her head. Though she sometimes got in a funk about all of it, she’d never take her frustrations or worries out on the quiet bear who’d become her mated sister. “No way. I’m totally excited for you.”

  Emma’s eyes brightened, and relief filled the air between them. “I thought I screwed up big time.”

  Hayden waved her off. “No way.” She pointed to Bell, Christoph, and Jackson. “But, I am curious what they’re up to.”

  Emma shook her head. “Don’t know, but Bell sure did sound distracted when she called me. Almost a bit worried.”

  “You don’t think she’s pregnant, do you?”

  Her friend shook her head. “No. Christoph, Jackson, and she have been very careful. Plus, I don’t think the three of them could hide it if she was.”

  “I don’t know, mate,” Bodhi said, joining them. “They’re pretty tight-lipped. I got close to them a minute ago, and they shut up. Something is going on.”

  “I’m sure they’ll tell us tonight.” Nico placed a plate in front of Hayden. “If not, we’ll beat it out of them.”

  “Agreed,” Bodhi replied, placing Emma’s plate in front of her. “Eat up, pinky.”

  “Pushy.” Emma stuck her tongue out at Hayden’s brother. “You’re lucky I’m starving.”

  Once everyone was sitting and had been eating, Hayden broached the subject she’d been anxious to voice. She pushed her half-eaten plate of food away and cleared her throat. “Bell, could you please tell me what you’ve been conspiring about since you’ve arrived home?”

  “Could ask the same thing about you two,” Christoph said, inclining his chin in Hayden and Emma’s direction.

  “Things are about to get very interesting,” Victor stated, tugging Tate into his side. “Five bucks it ends in the boys throwing down.”

  “Shut up.” Bodhi smothered a laugh.

  “I have five on Jackson,” Shelly stated, perched between Henry and Cyril, her...whatever they were calling each other.

  “Only five?” Jackson pouted.

  Henry laughed.

  “Hayden asked first,” Nico muttered, focusing the attention back on what they were hiding.

  “I’m pregnant!” Emma blurted. “Surprise.”

  “No way!” Zoe yelped. “This is brilliant!”

  Zoe and Rocky were still...well...rocky. His parents liked her, but their convocation didn’t exactly accept Zoe. They didn’t like the fact she was the pride leader’s daughter. Too uppity for them. It broke Zoe. For a while, she was torn between what was right and what her heart demanded. However, once Rocky got his head out of his ass, he made the right decision, and they were doing good. So far.

  “How far?” Bell asked, sitting up a little straighter.

  Emma frowned. “Five months.” She rushed through the next part. “We weren’t sure if I’d be able to carry them...uh, three of them.” Emma gave a nervous laugh. “Then all of the problems with my mom and what happened with Cass... I—we worried.”

  “Well, you gone and done it, boy,” Kalkin teased. “Knocked her up.”

  “Times three. Outside the full moon, old man.” Bodhi smirked. “Don’t forget it.”

  Emma blushed. “I don’t think they needed to know that, Bodhi.”

  “Jace, your pup is getting too big for his britches again,” Kalkin grumbled.

  “He can hold his own,” Jace replied. “Besides, sounds like he’s outgrown them anyway.”

  “So, we have about three-ish months to plan a babies shower,” Bell said, pulling out the pad of paper she kept tucked in her back pocket since she’d arrived. “Do you know what they are?”

  “Uh...” Emma glanced at Bodhi then Hayden.

  “We haven’t even asked,” Bodhi answered. “Figured, there’s three. The likelihood of a mix of kids is high.”

  “Okay, so non-descript baby shower. Neutral colors. Done.” Bell smiled up at them while folding her hands. “See, told you I got this.”

  Got this? Hayden glanced at Nico, who shrugged. “So, you’re—”

  “Now you,” Christoph said.

  Hayden sat back. Okay, weird shit was going down. Bell had been organized, Christoph was...well, asshole Christoph, but more-ish. Plus, Jackson kind of just sat there. He hadn’t said much to anyone. But, who was she to say anything? She hadn’t been Talky McTalkster either.

  “We got a house?” Hayden shrugged. “Yay?”

  “That’s it?” Bell deflated. “No secret baby? No wild threesome you’re just finding out about?”

  “What?” Hayden reared back. “Where did that come from?”

  Jackson sighed. “We shou
ld tell them.”

  “Tell us what?” Emma asked.

  “My father’s pride is falling apart. Ever since shit went south with Shelby my father’s façades are slipping away. There’s no water, plus no money.” Pain etched every word Christoph spoke.

  “So, they’re coming here,” Rapier finished for him.

  “What?” Hayden sat forward. “I feel like I’m missing all kinds of stuff here.”

  “Me too,” Emma agreed.

  “Not all,” Jackson added. “Seems I have family, of the small variety. Several, and it seems they’re coming here too.”

  “I can’t be the Alpha female. It’s not...I’m not good at this. We already found out with the sorority and stuff, and I can’t, I mean...things.”

  “I think you did pretty well,” Victor said.

  “Plus, you left it to Cass and Henry. They’ll do you proud,” Hayden said. “But, I think you guys need to back up and explain a little better.”

  “I’ve made a deal with Kalkin and Rapier. We’re going to do this the right way. The pride is mine now,” Christoph said. “The new houses being built are for the families coming. There are a few cubs, teens. Jackson’s family is small, two will be staying with us. The rest will go to the orphanage for adoption.”

  “Whoa...” Emma took another bite of her food. “Intense. But, you’ll be great.”

  “It’s easy, Bell. Keeley has this in the bag. If you have any issues, you bring them to her. She takes care of the rest.” Jasmine smiled at them.

  “Welcome to adulthood, kids,” Caden said. “You’re now officially one of us.”

  “Which brings us to the most important part of the evening,” Kalkin added, standing. “Hayden, Nico, I have a job for you...”

  * * * *

  “Why us…I mean, why me?” Hayden asked after Kalkin had laid the job out to them.

  Nico fought back a smirk because, although her voice was filled with shock, he could feel the nervous excitement pulsing through her small body. So, of course, could everyone else.

  Hayden wanted to do this.

  My little wolf craves excitement.

  Nico’s gaze flickered around the area, taking in every Raferty male who sat at the long picnic table. Jace was furious. Correction, all of the Raferty males were pissed. Jace obviously had no clue Kalkin wanted them to do this job or what had been happening at the Wildlife Preserve. Even Blake, who was normally the happy-go-lucky parent, had been upset—not like Jace of course. Nico stared at Jace. His features darkened, a heavy scowl turned down his mouth, and his big arms were crossed over his chest waiting to pounce. If Nico had to guess, Hayden’s father had been about to tell Kalkin where he could shove the mission.

  Nico took Hayden’s hand in his and gave her a reassuring squeeze. When she looked at him, her eyes were the color of a crystal-clear sky on a cold winter morning. Excitement brimmed in her bright gaze. If his mate wanted to do this, they’d do it, no matter what the males of her family thought.

  “Nico can do the job. Not Hayden. We all know she’s not trained to do this shit,” Jace snarled.

  Apparently, Hayden’s father was going to be the only one of the brothers with the balls to voice his opinions. He’d been dead wrong about his assumptions, though.

  His little mate had been trained. Nico had made sure of it. Weekends at the range, learning proper care of firearms, honing her natural ability with weapons. His little wolf was a better shot than he was. No, her family had no clue. They would find out differently though. Nico realized early on all of the males had put Hayden in a box, wanting to protect the niece they hadn’t found till she was fourteen. They wanted her to remain safe and secure. The Raferty males had no clue the wild that ran through his mate.

  Nico did, though, and if Hayden wanted this, she’d have it.

  “It’s dangerous,” Blake added.

  Loraine remained silent, sitting between her mates, while her focus centered on Hayden.

  “And you...” Jace pointed at Kalkin. “What the fuck are you thinking, putting my daughter into danger? Would you willingly offer up your own daughter?”

  “We’re not talking about Ella. We’re talking about Nico and Hayden,” Kalkin replied, his voice eerily calm as he refused to rise to the bait Jace had dangled in front of his often-unpredictable brother.

  “I fucking doubt if you’d be willing to sacrifice her. Hayden’s not doing it,” Jace spat.

  Nico fought back a snort. At some point, Hayden’s family was going to realize they didn’t get a say in his or Hayden’s life, or how they chose to live it, anymore.

  “I believe, baby brother...” Kalkin turned his knowing gaze on Nico, as if he was waiting for Nico to stand and defend Hayden. It wouldn’t surprise him one bit if Kalkin found out about those weekends. “You don’t get a vote. Hayden is over the age of consent. She’s also mated and married. It’s Nico and Hayden’s choice to make.”

  “Let me be clear; I don’t give a shit,” Jace bellowed. “We’re talking about putting my daughter into a dangerous situation when she’s not trained. I’m not having it.”

  Nico snorted. “Hayden has a degree in Forensics. She was hoping to either work in crime scene investigations with the Sheriff’s Department or work with Vigilante. Both are equally dangerous. Would you have stopped her from that also?”

  “Of course not,” Jace answered.

  “Why Hayden and Nico though?” Holly shoved away from the table and stood. Her hands were fisted at her side as she took several deep breaths, a tactic she’d done over the years. Her mate, Mackenzie, Kalkin’s older brother, stood, placing a hand of support on the smaller woman’s shoulder while remaining silent.

  Holly had raised Hayden, taken care of the baby as if she were her own, even though she’d only been Hayden’s aunt. Holly was a wild card. Especially when it came to Hayden. Overprotective to a fault. It made sense for her to have issues with the assignment. “You have plenty of people who are better trained and could do it.”

  Holly wasn’t his biggest fan. She’d made it clear on more than one occasion she wanted more for her surrogate daughter than her being mated to a plain old deputy and an orphan mutt. Nico suspected, but never verbalized, Holly was the reason Hayden had run off to Colorado and TSU.

  Kalkin gave a tired sigh, rubbing at the back of his neck, while watching Nico.

  Still waiting.

  For what, Nico had no fucking clue. What had Kalkin expected, though? The other man had to have known asking them to do this job, in front of the entire family, would cause a shit storm of epic proportions.

  Kalkin had explained about the recent rumors they’d heard of the local Wildlife Preserve, which involved sex trafficking kids and teenagers, both shifters and human. It seemed the upcoming Gala was twofold. A glorified fundraiser and an auction for the flesh peddlers. Nico’s stomach rolled in disgust at the thought of the fear and pain those kids would endure if they didn’t put a stop to what was going on.

  Problem was, Kalkin couldn’t just send anyone to the Gala. They’d be outed immediately. Everyone knew everyone in Window Rock. It’d be smart to send him and Hayden.

  Nico turned his attention to Holly. “Because, we’ve been out of Apache County for the last four years. We only came home for short breaks or visits with the family. We’d have no clue of anything other than supporting a local organization.”

  “The answer is no!” Holly crossed her arms, acting as if she had a pony in this race.

  She didn’t, and Nico would assert his right as a mate and husband with the other woman, and with the family if needed. Beside him, he could feel his mate retreating back into the shell he’d worked so fucking hard to pull her out of. Her shoulders sagged in defeat, and her face blanked out. He knew his mate. She’d give in. She wouldn’t take the assignment because she didn’t want to upset her family. The earlier excitement he scented rolling off his mate was gone. In its place was the thick scent of disappointment.

  It pissed Nico off.
br />   “This isn’t a democracy, Holly. You all don’t get a vote in our lives,” Nico informed her before his gaze darted back to his Alpha. “Why put me back on the force if you were going to ask us to do this?”

  Kalkin smirked. “Everyone knew you’d come back and you’d return to your job. It’d only draw attention if you didn’t come back to work.”

  “When do you need an answer by?” Nico asked.

  “Twenty-four hours. It’ll give me a chance to arrange an outside team if you say no.” Kalkin turned to survey his family. “Anyone else got something they want to add to the conversation?”

  Holly openly glared at her mate’s brother, her face twisted in disgust. For a second or two, Nico actually felt bad for Mackenzie and having to go home with the hostile, pissed off woman. Nico would bet one of the twenty-dollar bills in his wallet, Holly was wishing right about now that her car had never broken down all those years ago.

  “Right. Then we’re done here,” Kalkin declared before making his way to where Keeley sat. Unlike Holly, if Keeley had any issues with her mate’s announcement, she gave no outward appearance of her opinion on the matter.

  Nico knew from previous experience that, if Keeley, the pack’s Alpha female, had concerns, she would voice it in such a way where it wouldn’t be taken as going against her mate, the Alpha. Instead, Keeley followed Kalkin toward the house, leaving Nico and Hayden to face the rest of the disgruntled family.

  It was no surprise when Caden and Danielle followed Kalkin, it would leave Nico and Hayden to deal with her disgruntled parents and her aunt. For now, they were at a stalemate, and he wouldn’t allow them to badger his mate. Nico would remember, come tomorrow morning, to thank his boss for leaving him in this predicament.


  Before either set of Raferty family members could spew more of their feelings, Nico stood, pulling Hayden to his side, tucking her slight form into his and using his body as a shield, protecting her from the angry scowls and glares of the remaining couples.

  Right now, Nico had to get her away from them and find out if Hayden wanted to take the job. If she did, it was a no-brainer. They’d do it together. If she said no, he’d do it on his own. Like his boss, he wasn’t willing to let an outsider handle the situation in his town or pack.


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