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Page 6

by Tl Reeve

  There, high in the sky, the full moon shone brightly. Fuck, he knew it. He was going to knot his mate tonight. As many times as he could, until they passed out. He redoubled his efforts, eating her pussy with vigor. The headboard creaked again. Nico glanced up. Hayden’s arms were stretched toward him. Her fingers were curled into claw-like gestures and her top lip had been pulled back, exposing the curved canine denoting her wolf genetics.

  He had to be careful here. No way in fuck he’d ruin the evening by forcing her shift. Already, he felt the pull too. To give over to the wolf within and rut the night away with his mate. He flicked the switch on the vibrator, turning it to the highest setting while at the same time he drew her hard clit between his lips. He scored the nub with the side of his canine before sucking on it.

  The first burst of her release dribbled down his chin. Hayden howled, straining against the restraints. He drank down everything she gave him. He couldn’t get enough of her. He licked and lapped at her sensitive flesh, enjoying the way she quivered around him. She thrashed her head back and forth while shaking through her orgasm. The intensity stole his ability to think. Nico placed kisses along her hip then her belly and ribs. By the time he climbed up her body, the remaining tremors wracking her body subsided. Her features were relaxed. Her arms were above her head, pushing her breasts higher.

  He bent his head and took one of her taut nipples in his mouth and sucked. Hayden’s gaze locked with his. It swirled with lust and arousal, fueling his own need. The dominant part of her wolf called to his. The challenge. Later, he’d restrain her again and feed his cock to her, make her suck him off. His cock jerked. He groaned. Later, he could think of all the other naughty, debauched things he’d do to her.

  “Taste yourself,” he growled, capturing her lips with his.

  Their tongues tangled in a sensual kiss, testing his resolve. The searing heat of her pussy teased the head of his dick. He couldn’t wait any longer. Nico reached between them and adjusted himself then canted his hips. The warm slickness of her sex rippled around him. He eased into her, not stopping until he was fully seated within her.

  Nico snarled, breaking the kiss. “Fuck, little wolf.” She rippled and milked him, accommodating his intrusion. He sank into the sensation. “You feel way too good.”

  “You too.” Her voice hitched. “Please.” She wrapped her lean legs around his hips, urging him to move.

  “I love it when you beg,” he whispered. “Makes me want to knot your pussy and fill you with my cum.”

  “Nico,” she groaned. “You’re so dirty.”

  “Only for you, little wolf. It’s what you do to me.” He retreated then filled her again. “Fuck.”

  She clenched around him, making it hard to move. Already, his knot throbbed below the surface. The one thing about the full moon he didn’t like was the feeling of losing control of how long they fucked. They acted more like animals than humans. Nico grabbed her hips, countering his thrust. The animalistic sounds coming from his mate enflamed his arousal. Sending a spike of pleasure pulsing through his veins. He buried his face in her neck, giving over to the beast within him.

  The sensation of the vibrator pulsing along his shaft sent shards of bliss through his body. As much as Nico wanted to hold on, keep his control in check, he lost it. He growled, fucking her in hard, demanding thrusts. Her cries of ecstasy were music to his ears. He rutted within her, enjoying the way she rippled around him with each pump of his hips. He switched their position, taking her from behind like the wolves they were.

  Nico pushed her face down, holding her in place with palm of his hand between her shoulders. “This is me showing you who is in control, little wolf. You’re mine. Your pussy is mine. Your ass is mine.” He smacked her ass, reveling in the way her pussy creamed all over him, searing his dick. With each shift of his hips, he alternated which ass cheek he spanked. The scent of her arousal grew thicker to the point he could taste it in the air.

  Fuck yes.

  She clenched around him, the muscles of her cunt quivering. He gave over to the thrill of her impending orgasm. Nico reached around her and found her distended clit. He manipulated the hard bundle of nerves, and Hayden trembled. The soft mewling sounds she made grew in intensity, and then she shattered.

  He fucked her through it, laying his chest against her back. The position limited his movement, causing him to shorten his strokes. He might have been teasing her, but now, the base of his cock brushed against the plug, stimulating him even more. He loved it. He rubbed himself across the spot over and over again, getting off on how good it felt. Nico grunted and groaned with each thrust, chasing his orgasm. He knew trying to fight against it would only lead to frustration and an achy set of balls. Everything centered where they were joined. Hayden ground her ass against his groin while reaching between them to play with the hard knots of his sac. He made a harsh sound of pleasure, and her pussy clenched, holding him in a tight fist.

  Nico’s cock flexed. His knot started to form, signaling his impending climax. He nuzzled her neck, right over the mark he’d left almost three years ago. His mouth watered, and his teeth hurt. The tension inside of him grew to the point he tingled from head to toe. Fire raced down his spine and settled in his balls.

  “Nico, please. I need...” Hayden whimpered. She turned her head to the side, exposing the column of her neck to his perusal.

  He didn’t have to be told twice. Nico bit down on her flesh. Hayden screamed, clenching around him to the point of pain before she began milking him. His knot formed, locking them together as his orgasm was ripped from him. He lifted his head from her throat and howled through each jerking blast of cum bathing the walls of her sex. Nico collapsed on top of her, careful to not put his full weight on her body. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath.

  Below him, Hayden shuddered, rolling her hips in small circles, prolonging their climaxes. He released her hands then massaged her wrists to help her circulation. The love rolling off of her in a heady wave consumed him. He sank into it. As much as she had a hard time processing their lives together, he never doubted her love for him. If he had to, he’d use it to help them crawl out of the hole her family put her and them into. He’d do whatever it took to see his little wolf happy, including fight when she couldn’t or didn’t know how to.

  “You were right,” she whispered, clinging to him. “I have to stop worrying about them. They’re not my focus anymore. You are.”

  “We’ll talk about it later, little wolf. Let’s enjoy the first night of the full moon.” He adjusted them so they were comfortable then removed the toy from her rear. Hayden hissed.


  “It’s okay, just a bit sensitive.” She glanced back at him then giggled, pulling at the knot. “I like our bed.”

  Nico groaned as a mini-orgasm shot through him. “So do I.”

  * * * *

  Hayden came awake to an empty bed. The side where Nico had been sleeping, still warm. He hadn’t been up for very long. She groaned as she stretched. The pleasant burn of her muscles reminded her of what Nico and she had done the night before. She glanced down at her wrists and snorted. Small red lines marred the skin, from where she’d tugged a little too hard against the restraints.

  Last night...

  She hurt his feelings. She hadn’t stood up to Holly or demanded her father respect her wishes. She hadn’t done anything but shut down. Again, like always, she made Nico fight her battles. When does it end? When did she grow up and tell them no more? How many times would she disregard her mate in favor of her family? At some point, she realized Nico wouldn’t deal with it anymore. Then what?

  All of the answers she came up with led to him leaving, even though they were mates. They’d be stuck together sure, but it didn’t mean he’d stay. The idea of him not loving her ripped open the healed hole in her heart—the one that had taken so long to heal. She couldn’t let that happen again. Last time, she’d been too young to understand. She couldn’t rely
on the same excuse again.

  Hayden rolled over and grabbed her phone. Calling her father would cause a long, drawn-out conversation about space and time, so she’d text him. She was home now, so they could talk about it when she was ready.

  Dad. Taking job. Don’t worry. ~H. She hit send then scrolled through her contact list until Kalkin’s name popped up. She knew her uncle would be a bit smug when she called him, but right now, she didn’t care. She pushed the green call button and waited. It rang twice before he answered, his deep, gruff voice snarled her name.

  “We’re taking the job,” Hayden said in greeting.

  “Are you?” Kalkin grunted. “What does Nico say about this?”

  “He agrees.”

  “So, you told him already?” he asked.

  No. Not yet. “I will.”

  Kalkin sighed. “Hayden, this is where I’m supposed to impart some words of wisdom to you, like don’t say shit to me until you tell your mate, but I have a feeling with as stubborn and hardheaded as you are, it would fall on deaf ears.”

  “He told me last night he’d do it with or without me,” she replied, suppressing a spark of anger. “You guys have got to stop sending me mixed messages here. It’s fucked up.”

  Kalkin snorted. “He told you the truth, while you most likely said nothing in return. Not the same as being open.”

  He had her there. “Whatever. You wanted us to do the job. We’re going to do it.”

  “Why do all the Rafertys have to learn the hard-fucking way?”

  If he expected her to answer that question, she didn’t have answer. “Do you want us or not?”

  “Don’t get snappy with me, pup,” Kalkin growled. “You might be twenty-three, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take you over my knee and spank your ass for being disrespectful.”

  He meant it too. Hayden shivered. “Sorry. I’m trying to do this for us. Not for my dad or my aunt. I can’t keep going this way.”

  Kalkin grunted. “I agree, kid. You’ve spent way too much time allowing others to speak for you or tell you how to act. Tell Nico, and if you’re both still in agreement, come to the office this afternoon. We’ll talk more then.”

  Hayden sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

  “Now, if you don’t mind, Keeley and I were just getting started, if you catch my drift.”

  Ew. She didn’t need to know these things about her family members. “Yeah, sure. Um...later.” She hit the end button then threw her phone on the bed. Well, I guess it’s time to face the music.

  Hayden grabbed Nico’s t-shirt off the floor. The first thing she’d have to do, after she talked to Nico, was go get their car. All of their clothes and belongings were still in it. Which also meant wearing the same clothes she wore the day before, sans panties. After donning his shirt, she made her way to the kitchen. The scent of fresh brewed coffee and biscuits made her mouth water. Her stomach growled in appreciation. However, she didn’t see Nico at the table or in the general area.

  Where did you go? She grabbed a cup of coffee first, then wandered around the house, trying to find her mate. A small part of her began to fret. Had she been too late to realize her mistakes? Her heart clenched. No way. He promised they'd talk. He wouldn't just leave, would he? She glanced up and spotted the back door had been opened. A sense of relief flowed through her.

  God, she needed to stop expecting the worst. Hayden exited the house and found her mate sitting in one of the teal Adirondack chairs. He stared out over their vast yard, deep in thought. She took a moment to trace the marks she’d left behind the night before, including the fresh mark on his right pectoral. She’d been way more aggressive the second time, riding him to completion.

  Hayden licked her lips. Some of the lines left by her fingernails were deep, and a momentary pang of regret filled her. Sometimes, she didn’t realize her own strength. Over the years, she’d tried to figure out how Holly had suppressed her shifts, but the only thing she could figure out was that her wolf did it, to protect her. Not until she arrived in Window Rock did her wolf feel safe enough to show itself.

  The top button on his jeans was undone, and they hung low on his hips, giving her a peek at the crest of his erection. A pearl of pre-cum dotted the tip. Her breath hitched. Lust pounded through her veins. Full moon... She had to get control of herself. Now was not the time to jump her mate.

  “You keep staring at me like that and I’m fucking you right here.” A rumbled growl built in his chest.

  Hayden shivered. “Sorry.”

  Nico frowned. “I should fuck you just to teach not to be sorry about needing your mate.”

  He’d do it, too. She knew it. “We should talk.” As much as she wanted to climb into his lap and take him up on his offer, Kalkin had been right. She needed to tell him what she’d done.

  He patted his knee. “Sit.”

  Hayden didn’t hesitate. It was always easier to talk about things while in his arms. Nico cuddled her into his chest, and she inhaled his spicy, wild scent. She nuzzled his neck then sighed. The residual worry washed away.

  “I told my dad we’re taking the job,” she whispered. “You were right, Nico. I’ve spent my whole life allowing others to do everything for me, including you.”

  He grunted. “You’re my mate. It’s my job to protect you and make the hard decisions. I know you want to please everyone, but at some point, you have to start pleasing yourself.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I can’t explain it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to, but it all changes today. I won’t risk us. I won’t risk my sanity. I know everyone will continue to want to shield me from whatever, but when do I stand up and accept who I am?” She didn’t expect him to answer the question.

  Nico brushed a kiss across her temple. “I love you, little wolf. My love for you will never change. This is for you. Do you think I didn’t feel the way your body vibrated with excitement the minute Kalkin started talking about the mission? Do you think I couldn’t sense how disappointed you were when everyone told you no? It pissed me off. But, what pissed me off more was the fact you didn’t feel strong enough or supported enough to tell them to fuck off. I am responsible for it. Your whole family is responsible for it.”

  “I called Kalkin and told him too,” she said.

  “And he didn’t rip your head off for interrupting him?” Nico laughed. “You’re a Raferty, through and through.”

  “No, but he did TMI me.” She giggled. “He’s behind us though. He said to come see him this afternoon, so he can give us the information.”

  “Good, then we can do this.” He set her astride him. “Much better.” He reached between them and opened his pants, allowing the hard length of cock to tease her.


  A wicked glint filled his brown eyes. “Oh yes, little wolf.” He pressed his erection into her, causing both of them to gasp. “Ride me, little wolf.”

  Who was she to say no?

  * * * *

  Nico smirked as Hayden stomped down the aisle of the area’s only big-box store within a twenty-mile radius of town. It serviced all the surrounding communities and although most of Window Rock residents supported the mom and pop business along Main Street, sometimes they just didn’t have what they needed. Hayden continued to ignore him. She was in a snit. Her back was ramrod straight, and he knew if he saw her face, her lips would be pinched in anger.

  It only made him hungrier and harder.

  He’d been knotted deep in her pussy less than an hour ago, and his dick ached like a bad fucking tooth. Only Hayden had the ability to take the pain away. His wolf pawed at his skin, wanting its mate again. Tonight, he promised the half-feral creature, they’d go for a for a run, behind the Raferty Compound. Hayden, in wolf form, would run and Nico, also in wolf form, would chase. Catching his little mate, he’d tumble her to the ground to claim her under the bright rays of the full moon.

  Nico groaned in anticipation.

  Without a care of where he was or
who was watching him, Nico reached down, pressing on his raging dick. He hoped it would relieve the pressure he could feel building in overly sensitive balls.

  It was going to be a long fucking day and even though his little wolf wasn’t happy with him right now, Nico didn’t give a fuck. They had three days of the full moon and as far as he was concerned, anything goes. Hayden should have realized it, and if she didn’t before, he’d reminded her prior to her exiting his vehicle. Which had just added to her bad mood.

  After their rambunctious fucking outside this morning, Nico refused to allow Hayden to shower. Instead, he informed her, while his gaze had been locked on the milky white fluid of his release sliding down her inner thigh, she’d remain as is. The scent of his cum during the full moon was stronger, letting any other shifter or otherworldly creatures in town know exactly whom Hayden belonged to. His wolf howled in pleasure as the man grinned like a loon.

  It wasn’t like he rubbed it into her belly or breasts like he craved to do.

  Maybe next time.

  Hayden didn’t like it, and she had made it abundantly clear once more after they’d unpacked their vehicle and headed back to town in Nico’s Enforcer. Mostly, she complained about her panties being wet and uncomfortable. Sometimes she said she felt sticky. Like the perverted wolf he’d been, Nico reached over to her and ran his fingers along the crotch of her shorts and groaned. “Later, I’ll clean your sweet little pussy.”

  He hadn’t missed the heady scent of sunshine and cotton candy. It mixed with her anger, making his mouth water at the spicy, sweet aroma. And, like a dog in heat, he’d followed after her when she exited the vehicle. It only made his dick harder and apparently made him more of an asshole.

  Maybe this was why Kalkin is one too. He always has a hard-on for his mate and can’t be buried in Keeley twenty-four seven.


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