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Page 9

by Tl Reeve

  Hayden suppressed a growl. Something about what the girl said just didn’t fit. “Well, you should be proud. He’s a very well-mannered boy.” She gave him one more scratch behind the ear.

  “Thank you for speaking with us and allowing us to meet Oscar,” Nico said, guiding Hayden back towards the crowd.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy your evening.” Nicole gave a wave.

  “Breathe, little wolf,” Nico whispered against her ear. “You did good. You’re a natural.”

  “It’s a lot harder than I thought,” she admitted.

  “It’ll get easier. The first introduction is always hard. You picked the perfect target.” Nico produced their invitation once more and handed it to the security at the door.

  The man, dressed as Hauser had been, pointed to a table to the right of where they stood. “Sign in is at table two. They will have your auction packet. You’ll need it to bid on the objects up for auction. If you are successful, I will be your escort to the cashier.”

  “Thank you,” Nico said, guiding Hayden in the direction the man pointed them.

  Something wasn’t right. A soft humming sound filled her ears. It didn’t change in pitch or frequency nor did it dissipate the deeper into the preserve she went. She glanced at Nico, who didn’t seem to be affected by it, but it didn’t mean anything. Wasn’t like she could say, hey do you hear that?

  Hayden? Keeley’s soft voice filled her mind. She missed the connection to her aunt. It’d been the one thing she thrived off of when she first arrived in Window Rock. Can you hear me?

  Yes? The concern in her aunt’s voice only ratcheted up her anxiety.

  Honey, there is something wrong. Kalkin thinks there is a dampener. We can’t see or hear you.

  Would it sound like a soft hum? Hayden had to know. She’d have to tell Nico as well as Royce and Charisma.

  To wolves or any other shifter, yes, her aunt answered. Do you hear it?


  Keeley sighed. I am going to keep this connection open between the three of us. Danielle will boost it. If anything happens, use it. You have to tell Nico and Royce what’s going on too.

  I will. Hayden looked to her mate, who appeared unaware of what she’d been doing, but she knew better. He fully understood their situation, and she didn’t have to say a word.

  “There is an issue,” she whispered, into his ear.

  “I’m aware,” Nico answered. “We’re okay.”

  The open layout of the hands-on lizard exhibit had been turned into an elegant ballroom. Some of the reptiles—the non-poisonous ones, Hayden hoped, surrounded them—blending into the natural background of the decor. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but Hayden had been surprised. Nothing seemed garish or inappropriate—for the time being anyway.

  “Stay the course,” he said. “We need all the evidence we can get.”

  “I have my connection to Keeley open,” she murmured.

  His gaze darted to hers. Shock and a hint of mischief filled his brown eyes. “Aren’t you the resourceful one.” He winked at her. “Good, keep Keeley with you.”

  “Good evening,” the lady behind the table said. “Names?”

  “Goodall, James and Patricia Goodall,” Nico answered.

  “Ah, here you are.” The woman pasted on a cheerful smile while handing Nico their folder. “Have a wonderful evening and good luck.”

  Hayden curled her hand around Nico’s bicep. “We will.”

  After they picked up their packet, Hayden kissed Nico’s cheek and started exploring on her own. So far, she hadn’t seen any of the children. It didn’t mean anything. They could be kept someplace else. A waiter stopped in front of her, offering a flute of champagne. Hayden took it, needing something calm her nerves. She took a sip. “Mmmm, thanks.”

  “Enjoy your evening, Miss.”

  Hayden strolled through area and spotted an entrance where others were going. You can do this. Nico is watching. She straightened her shoulder and strolled to where the others had disappeared to. What she saw when she turned the corner churned her stomach. The small sip of alcohol threatened to come back up, along with her early dinner. She took a deep breath. Don’t lose your shit. Don’t lose your shit. She repeated the mantra several times before she settled.

  The reason she hadn’t seen any of the children when they entered had been due to them being in cages. Some weren’t even big enough to house the shifter. Fear clung to every corner of the room along with despair and sadness. Her wolf bristled, brushing against her skin. She demanded Hayden let her out, so she could seek vengeance for all those caged. She’d never had to fight her wolf as hard as she did at the moment.

  She mingled among the throng of people, taking quick peeks at who might be in the cages. There were wolves, mountain lion cubs, beavers, ocelots, and bears. One of the cubs caught her attention. He’d been so small. He’d practically fit in both of her hands. His small head tipped up to greet her, and she’d been startled by his vivid green eyes. In those few seconds, standing there, she knew the cub would be hers. She didn’t give a shit what anyone said. She bent down to him, and he inched closer to her. She put her fingers to the wire barrier, and the bear nuzzled her. He made a soft sound, acknowledging her. Yes. She couldn’t leave without him.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a woman approach. Hayden stood and smoothed out the skirt of her dress. Though the woman wore a fake smile, the nasty vibe she put off didn’t endear her to Hayden. However, like earlier, Hayden pasted a smile on her face. The woman extended her hand, and Hayden took it. For a second she contemplated squeezing the fuck out it, but it would blow their cover.

  “I see you’re admiring our newest addition. The mother was a long-time member of our preserve. She had triplets, but two of them and his mother passed away in childbirth. We were surprised he survived.”

  Hayden didn’t detect a hint of a lie, but it didn’t mean anything. Some of the best liars could say just about anything and get away with it. “He is adorable. Please tell me he will be up for auction.”

  The woman’s smile grew larger, becoming almost predatory. “Yes, of course. He is lot seventy-two. Opening bid is seventy-five hundred.”

  “Outstanding,” Hayden replied. “My husband is going to be ecstatic.”

  “Yes, he’s young enough both of you can break him in properly.” The look on the woman’s pinched features turned Hayden’s already queasy stomach sour. She didn’t have to ask the woman what she meant, either.

  Breaking the cub in meant sexually. “Perfect.” She tried to keep her tone upbeat, but she feared if the woman didn’t leave her soon, she’d lose her shit. “Are there any others like this little guy?”

  “Oh yes,” the woman answered. “I have a wolf that is to die for.” She guided Hayden deeper into the group of patrons and farther away from Nico.

  After she left that horrid woman who took her to the wolf shifter pup—who paced back and forth in the confined area—Hayden attempted to memorize the faces of those behind the bars and those who were interested in purchasing what was for sale. The preserve made each section feel as though she were in a pet store, instead of a preserve dedicated to saving animals’ lives. It made her sick. Her stomach churned with bile and her skin crawled as she walked by cage after cage.

  Her wolf pulsed beneath her skin, demanding freedom. Hayden couldn’t let it happen. The beast would try to rip the throats out of every single person in attendance. Not only would it blow their cover, but also it would alert those who were there to who she was. It would also cause the organization to go underground. In a few months’ time, it’d most definitely pop back up in another state to continue, but by then it would be too late to help any of these children.

  Not tonight. Not if I can help it.

  The conversations she overheard, the plans the people were making, made her feel unclean just being around them. These people were there for one thing and one thing only. To prey on the weak. They rubbed their hands together in glee
at the anticipation of winning a bid, taking home one of the captives, and doing whatever they wanted to them, without fear of repercussions.

  Her wolf surged forward again, demanding freedom.

  Hayden knew rationalizing with her beast would do no good, as it was feeding off her emotions, which were all over the damn place. She took another small sip from the champagne flute and scanned the room for Nico, trying to give herself a moment to calm her erratic wolf. When she couldn’t spot him easily, she instead went in search of the bathrooms. A minute by herself to compose her wayward thoughts would do her and her wolf good, especially before the auction began.

  However, it also meant walking past the cages again, and the cub with vivid green eyes. Each step brought her closer to the cub. He whimpered as she passed, batting at her through the cold metal of the bars with his paw. It was as though he tried reaching for her.

  Whatever connection they created together earlier only strengthened the closer she got to him. Her wolf calmed, settling for the first time. It seemed her wolf was unable to resist the cute little cub either. The urge to kneel down and comfort the little guy overwhelmed her, but it would draw undue attention to them.

  “Shh,” she warned the cub. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”

  The cub watched her with intent eyes and then she felt it, the gentle brush of his mind against hers. Holy shit…the baby was a telepath. Hayden gladly welcomed the little guy in.

  Mine, her wolf informed her and the cub.

  Yeah…yeah. I got the message earlier.

  Looks like you’ve been claimed. Keeley chuckled.

  Guess so. He’s cute. Not at all my plan for tonight, but I can’t leave him.

  Wouldn’t expect you to, Kalkin said. He’ll be a right fine Raferty addition.

  If you don’t mind, I want to do this in my time, she said. Already, Hayden knew the boy would need time to adjust to any life they’d have together with him. He’d already lost so much in his young life.

  ‘Bout time you found your voice, Kalkin snarled. Don’t worry about anything. Your secret is safe with us.

  Thank you.

  Hayden soothed the little boy the best she could without drawing attention to them. The cub yawned, then settled into the back of the cage. He curled up into a brown little ball, tucking his nose under his hind leg. His soft cries had killed Hayden, but before the night was over, she’d rescue him. She’d bring him home and make him a Raferty. The little cub sucked on the edge of his paw as he fell asleep.

  Hayden glanced over her shoulder as she began to walk again. She’d been afraid she’d drawn too much attention to both of them on her way to the bathroom. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her interaction. After checking the stalls, Hayden made her way to the seating area. It surprised her how sophisticated the bathrooms were considering the preserve survived on donations and ticket sales. She sat on the ornate loveseat and rested her head against the back.

  Her heart felt as if it was going to explode out of her chest. Her breathing was erratic, and a fine sheen of sweat covered her entire body. Great time to have a panic attack, Hayden. She’d been fighting it all along, but the stress of the situation was getting to her. Now, she allowed it to swamp her, even if it was only for a minute.

  She had them before when her aunt and she had been on the run from PBH. When she arrived in Window Rock, they got better. Talking about what had happened to her had helped the most. Unfortunately, the attacks started right again after she found Nico with the bimbo, and when she got to TSU, they continued. They disappeared once again after she mated Nico three years ago.

  She had to get her shit together and fast. Letting down her mate wasn’t an option. Hayden remembered all of the techniques Brie taught her when she was younger. She focused on the rhythm of her breathing, taking a deep breath in, holding it for a second, then slowly releasing it. With each breath, her racing heart calmed, and the apprehensive feelings began to ease.

  You’re doing great, Keeley’s words brushed across her mind. It’s hard to see all these poor sweet shifters in cages, but we’ll fix this. I promise you.

  I’m counting on it. It’s so hard. I have a lot more respect for Uncle Kalkin’s job now.

  She felt more than she heard his laughter. It wrapped around her in a comforting embrace, and Hayden sighed. She needed that right about now. She took another breath before she opened her eyes.

  The door to the right eased open. “Hayden?” She recognized the white dress Charisma wore when the girl’s face came into view.

  Hayden lifted her arm. “Here.” Give me a minute. Something has been off between these two since they arrived at the house.

  Kalkin said to tell you, it’s between Charisma and Royce and don’t go getting too big for your britches, Keeley said.

  She gave an internal laugh. I thought all Rafertys were too big for their britches. The link between them eased closed, leaving Hayden alone with Charisma.

  “Are you okay?” Charisma hurried to her side and sat in the chair to Hayden’s right.


  Charisma chuckled. “Rafertys are horrible liars.”

  Hayden popped open one eye, taking in Charisma’s pale features and sorrowful eyes. “What’s going on with you and Royce?”

  “Nothing,” Charisma replied, a little too quick for Hayden’s liking.

  “Hmmm, seems like the Winters family are also horrible liars too,” Hayden stated.

  Charisma leaned back in her chair. “You tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.”

  Hayden signed. “I’m having a panic attack. At the worst possible moment, so I came to hide out in a bathroom, in order to keep it from my mate. Who might go a little batshit crazy if he were to realize it.” Hayden leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and pressing the heels of her palms into her eyes.

  “Careful, you don’t want to ruin your makeup,” Charisma warned.

  Hayden chuckled. “I just told you I was sitting in here freaking the fuck out and you’re worried about my eye makeup?”

  “Yes, because we can hide the effects of the panic attack from Nico, we can’t hide raccoon eyes.” Charisma’s pulled her hand away from one eye. “Oh, thank the Gods, it’s all still in place.”

  Hayden giggled, her heart returning to normal. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” Charisma grinned, leaning back, playing with the hem of her dress. “Nico doesn’t know about these attacks?”

  Hayden shook her head. “I’ve never had one in front of him.”

  Charisma’s eyes widened in surprise. “You worry he’d think you’re weak if he knew?”

  “He would,” Hayden assured her.

  Charisma snorted. “He wouldn’t. That wolf is totally and utterly in love with you. Nothing you’d do or say would ever change his mind. Trust me, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  “The same way Royce looks at you,” Hayden interjected.

  Charisma shrugged.

  “Loving a Raferty male isn’t always the easiest, Charisma. They aren’t always so open with their feelings and tend to bury emotions.”

  Charisma gave a humorless chuckle.

  “Royce loves you,” Hayden said.

  “Royce is mated to me. He does not love me,” Charisma admitted.

  “That’s not true, Charisma,” Hayden assured the other woman. “Mates love each other.”

  “Do they, Hayden? You see your father, your entire family, in love with their mates and therefore you assume all matings come with love. They don’t. My mating with Royce is proof. I’m simply a bodily function to him, one he wishes he did not need.”

  Hayden winced at her mated cousin’s unemotional tone and dull eyes. “I don’t believe it.”

  “I’m afraid it is, Hayden. You and everyone else see what Royce wants you to see. He is often exasperated with me.”

  Hayden didn’t miss the tears in Charisma’s hazel eyes or the pinched look on her features. Even though Hayden knew differently, Charism
a believed her cousin didn’t love her, which was not possible with mates.

  Or was it?

  “Is this a recent development?” Hayden hedged. “You two seemed happy and in love the times I saw you together when I came home from school.”

  “Maybe at one time. No longer. Royce waivers between hot and cold, mostly cold since we mated. Most nights I go to bed alone. He rarely wants to be around me unless the family is around.” Charisma bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the tremble Hayden had already seen. “The only time he will seek me out is during the three days of the full moon, and even then, he waits till his need is at the highest.”

  Hayden moved, crouching in front of her friend and placing a hand on her knee.

  “Often times he doesn’t even look at me…while fucking me.” Hayden winced at the depth of pain in the other woman’s voice. It made her want to weep. “He turns me around, taking me from behind. It’s cold, calculated and it leaves me feeling dead inside. Fool that I am, I stayed.”

  “Oh, Charisma,” Hayden said. “You love him.”

  “I do and unfortunately, I’m afraid, I always will. Don’t,” Charisma begged, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Don’t feel pity for me, please.”

  “I don’t, Charisma.” A soul-deep disappointment in Royce filled Hayden. “What I feel is anger and disgust at how my cousin has been treating you.”

  “I’m fine,” Charisma said, patting Hayden’s hand.

  “No…no, you’re not. I can see and feel your pain.”

  “I’m…numb to it. I think he might be in love with someone else,” Charisma admitted.

  Hayden’s first thought was to seek out her Uncle Kalkin first thing tomorrow to find out if something like this was even possible. Although doing so would break the trust Charisma bestowed on her. It was obvious the human hadn’t brought this up to anyone else. “Do you know who?”

  Charisma smiled. It didn’t reach her eyes. “The woman who was slotted to come in my place tonight, Katie.”

  Since there was more than one Katie in the pack, just the first name wasn’t enough. Hayden bit her tongue. Pushing the already upset woman didn’t seem like the best idea right now.


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