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Page 12

by Tl Reeve

“Then what the fuck are we doing standing around with our thumbs up our asses?” Kalkin stepped away from them. “Let’s go.”

  They couldn’t go alone. “We need a team.” If he learned one thing from getting his ass handed to him, it was that the fucking margay and his handler, Worthington, didn’t do shit alone. If anything, they reminded Nico of cowardly fucking coyotes. They had to have a pack or else they pissed themselves.

  The thought of his mate and their son being stuck somewhere with Worthington and his band of assholes turned Nico’s stomach. Fuck. He needed her to be safe. Life without his sweet little mate wasn’t even an option.

  Kalkin snapped his fingers. “Don’t space out on me, kid.” His Alpha’s words brought him out of his thoughts.

  Nico focused on his Alpha. If they were going to bring Hayden home, he had to lean on them, even if he didn’t like it. For now, they would need all the information he had to help him get to Hayden and take that bastard down. “Worthington wants to breed her. He knows her family history.”

  Keeley gasped. The color leached from her face as she wrapped her arms around herself. “No. How? How could he know something we didn’t?”

  “Hazel and Holly. It seems Holly knew this whole time and didn’t say anything to anyone about it.” He stared at Kalkin. “He knew all about Simon. The experiments on Jace. He knew about Bodhi and Hayden. Knew about the experiments they conducted on other shifters. Knew about PBH. He also knew Bodhi wasn’t like Hayden.”

  “I don’t have time to deal with all this shit,” Kalkin muttered.

  “No, we don’t. But, Holly needs to answer the questions. She suppressed everything inside Hayden. You don’t have to live with the look on your mate’s face when she exposed herself. You don’t have to smell her fear and her disgust. You don’t have to ever know what it’s like for your mate to live a goddamned lie!” Nico let loose with a vicious growl. “What more has Holly done to my mate over the fucking years that everyone has kept secret? What other shit do I have to worry about coming after my mate?”

  Kalkin grabbed him up by the front of his shirt. Nico’s feet dangled off the ground. “You think I don’t understand?” He gave a disdainful snort. “I get it. My mate is just like Hayden. She hid. Everywhere she went she wouldn’t let herself be free. You think I like seeing my mate still withholding everything she can do from me and everyone else?”

  Nico shook his head.

  “Right, we don’t. Look, pup. You might think you and Hayden are in this alone, but you’re not. Jace was a shell of the person he is today before Hayden came to town. He lost his soul to the experiments Hazel performed. I watched my brother suffer the consequences of thinking he’d be making a difference in this world.” He shook Nico. “What Holly did or didn’t do or forced Hayden to conceal will be dealt with, but not now. We have to get your mate back. We have to get my family back. My blood runs through her veins. My brother’s blood runs through her veins. She is Raferty, and we take care of our own.” Kalkin snatched him into a tight hug. “Just like we’ve always taken care of you, son. You’re Raferty through and through. You’re my pack. We love you as much as if you were our flesh and blood. Don’t ever forget that shit.”

  Stunned, Nico didn’t know what to do. “Uh...”

  “Shut up,” Kalkin said. “We will deal with all of it later. And I do mean all of it.”

  Nico stumbled before righting himself when Kalkin released him. “There’s something else you need to know.”

  “Your son is with Hayden. We’ll bring them home,” Kalkin said with a smug grin.

  Shit. When had he found out? Nico pondered it for a second then pushed the thought from his mind. It wasn’t important. They’d talk about it later after everyone was home safe and sound. “He’s mine, Kalkin.” No one else would steal the pleasure of taking Worthington’s life from him. When the realization dawned on Henry as the life left his eyes, Nico would be standing over his body. He’d make sure the last thing Henry Worthington saw was Nico. No one, especially some rich piece of shit, would ever touch what was his again.

  Keeley got into one Enforcer, while Danielle hopped into the vehicle with him, Kalkin, and Hauser.

  “You’re letting her come?” Nico asked out of astonishment when the red break lights of the vehicle in front of them glowed. Everyone knew Kalkin Raferty babied his mate and would lose his goddammed mind if Keeley Raferty even broke a nail.

  Even Danielle was persona non grata. He wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth either, allowing the warmth of her healing abilities to slide through him. He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

  “Fuck no,” Kalkin snarled. “Wherever Danielle goes, Keeley is there to help. When we get back to town, Keeley and Danielle’s asses are going home to wait for me and Caden until this mission is complete.”

  Hauser snorted in amusement. “You going to call Jace’s team back?”

  “Soon.” Kalkin made a U-turn and drove like a bat out of hell down a non-existent road. Dust kicked up around the powerful police SUV, coating them in red desert sand.

  Hauser whistled. “You gotta death wish?”

  “I’m his fuckin’ Alpha. He’ll remember that.”

  “Uh-huh,” Hauser replied.

  Nico rubbed his hand down his face, thoroughly confused with the current conversation in the vehicle.

  “What am I missing?” he asked.

  Hauser pushed his big body between the driver and passenger seats and cocked a thumb to Kalkin. “Kal sent Jace with a team after the two eighteen-wheelers that hauled ass out of the Wildlife Preserve while you were getting the shit kicked out of you. Last check in, they were still pursuing them.”

  “It’s a fucking eighteen-wheeler, and they’re driving in an Enforcer. All they’ve got to do is flick their lights on and pull them over,” Nico said.

  “Boss man here.” Hauser gestured to Kalkin again. “Gave specific orders those trucks are carrying precious cargo.”

  “Most of the shifters are kids. They’re not. It could lead to an accident and the shifters could get hurt,” Kalkin said.

  Nico tuned the rest of the conversation between Hauser and Kalkin out, instead focusing on what was going on inside of his body. Maybe with one or two more shifts, he’d be back up to full capacity, thanks to his surrogate aunt sitting behind him. They arrived back to town in no time, considering his Alpha drove like a mix of Dale Earnhardt and Mario Andretti.

  “Christ,” Hauser hissed from the backseat when they pulled up in front of the imposing Sheriff’s building.

  Standing on the steps leading to the main entrance stood the pack’s Beta, Caden Raferty. Beside him, the Feline Alpha, Rapier Dryer, Bell, Rapier’s daughter, and her mates Jackson and Christoph, an Alpha in the making, Maxwell, and Jerome. All of them waited to help him go rescue his mate and his son. A welling of hope built in his chest. Nico cocked a brow, glancing over at Kalkin. He shook his head and for the first time, he understood the concept of family, when it worked properly.

  He was grateful for their help, even if earlier he had attempted to push every one of Kalkin’s buttons. During the drive, Nico had taken the time to reflect on his argument with his Alpha. If anyone knew how Nico felt, it would be the other man. Keeley Raferty had been taken right from under Kalkin’s nose many years ago. Of course he’d gotten her back, but not without the support of his family. It made Nico realize that even the strongest of men need assistance at times.

  Nico regretted his words and actions towards his Alpha—who had never been anything but a father figure to him. It would be another apology on the long list Nico was building. Hayden being his first one, for not protecting her the way he promised.

  He’d do it after he got his mate and son back.

  Kalkin parked his big Enforcer at the base of the steps. Danielle wasted no time getting out of the police SUV and making her way to Caden. She had been quiet the entire ride, focusing all her energy on Nico, and he appreciated it. The pain in his
cheek was almost non-existent now, and he could now take a full breath without feeling like he wanted to die from the pain of his ribs. The ache in his hands, especially his right one, his shooting hand, was gone.

  Hauser followed Danielle, leaving him and Kalkin by themselves.

  “Ready to go get our girl?” Kalkin glanced at him.

  Nico nodded. At any other time, he might’ve bristled at Hayden’s uncle’s claim, considering Hayden was his mate and therefore his girl and not Kalkin’s. But not now and maybe not ever. Hayden could be any of their girls, but she’d always be his mate.

  No matter what.

  “She’s going to be fine,” Kalkin said. To be honest, Nico wasn’t sure if the older man said it to reassure him or himself. “She’s strong.”

  They had no idea exactly how strong his mate truly was. He did though, and he took pleasure in knowing tidbits about his mate her family didn’t. For some odd reason, it gave him some semblance of comfort.

  “Before we get out. Want you to know Mackenzie and Holly are here,” Kalkin said, his tone gruff and almost apologetic.

  Nico’s gaze flickered to the top of the stairs, finding the oldest Raferty brother and his mate standing off to the side. Nico’s lip curled in disgust.

  Not the time.

  Hayden and his son were his priority.

  Fuck everyone else.

  “Got nothing to say to Holly, Kal,” he admitted, before opening the door and getting out of the vehicle. He slammed the door then he took off up the stairs, stopping in front of Danielle first, who cuddled up against her mate.

  She looked spent. Her normally vibrant blue eyes were lackluster, and her face was pinched with exhaustion. She’d wasted a lot of energy on healing his mangy ass, and it showed. “Thank you, Dani.” He forced himself to remain cool, calm, and collected, even if he felt like he was anything but. Nico didn’t need to piss off his Beta by showing his mate any disrespect. Especially since he’d already pissed off his Alpha.

  Even as tired as Danielle was, she found the energy to bestow on him one of those beautiful smiles of hers. It made him feel special, warm and loved. Something he normally only felt with Hayden.

  “You don’t thank family, Nico. We do it because you’re a part of us,” she replied.

  Nico felt Mackenzie and Holly approach rather than saw them. Holly’s thin, cold fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling his attention away from Caden and Danielle. “How’d you let this happen, Nico?” Holly scolded him like he was a child rather than a full-grown man.

  He wanted to jerk his arm out of her grip—break the connection to Hayden’s aunt. He didn’t though. He knew his own strength, and it would send Holly tumbling down the steps. The shit storm it’d start would take desperate time they didn’t have when it came to locating his mate.

  “Holly…not now,” Mackenzie warned. He removed her fingers from Nico’s wrist and pulled her back.

  “Don’t you, not now me, Mackenzie Raferty. Hayden’s gone missing, and I want to know how Nico, her mate, let it happen!” Her accusations were said in a shrill voice that had Nico finally turning his attention to the couple at his right.

  Everyone was watching them like they were the main attraction at the circus. Maybe they were, considering his mate and child had been away from him for over six hours and the wolf below his skin was getting testy.

  He suspected shifting and allowing his wolf to show who the dominant species was against Holly wouldn’t go over so well with the family. Even if just thinking about it made his wolf happy.

  Mackenzie’s face had been devoid of emotion. Holly’s, on the other hand, had what Nico termed a perpetual sneer when she spoke to him. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her gaze was filled with accusation at his inability to protect her niece. As always, Holly found a way to blame Nico for anything and everything that befell her niece since he came into Hayden’s life.


  He was tired of it, and he was going to make it clear.

  “Right, Holly...” Nico didn’t care if the crowd around them heard him or not. He was done with Holly. D-O-N-E. “We’re not having this conversation. Not now and maybe not ever. My focus, as well as yours, should be on finding Hayden. If you’ve got no input, which we both know you don’t, go the fuck home and just wait.”

  He could feel Kalkin’s looming presence on his right side. He placed a supporting hand on Nico’s shoulder. His connection to the pack became clear. Nico could feel it. Their Alpha was making a statement and showing his support to his niece’s mate. Rapier came up on the other side of Nico and placed his hand on his left shoulder, while Christoph also made his presence known. Nico glanced over his shoulder and his friend, a guy he’d considered a rich brat in the beginning and who probably hated Nico’s guts too, shrugged then smirked before turning his attention back to Holly and Mackenzie. Each of them glared at the couple, and their body language matched Kalkin’s.

  “You made a mistake bringing her, Mackenzie. Should’ve known it wasn’t a good idea,” Kalkin reprimanded his older brother.

  Nico struggled to hide his surprise, and he wasn’t the only one. Danielle’s eyes were wide with shock, while Caden looked at his twin in astonishment. Rapier was the only one who didn’t look flabbergasted. He simply nodded his head in agreement with Kalkin.

  “Either send her home or you take her home and stay there. Your choice,” Kalkin stated.

  It was an order. Given by the Alpha of the pack. Kalkin could and would, rest assured, back that shit up. In a heartbeat.

  Holly, apparently not the brightest bulb in the box, said, “I’m not leaving.”

  Nico knew it wouldn’t go over well with his boss, and he didn’t have to wait long for Kalkin to react. Kalkin cocked a brow and turned his droll stare onto his eldest brother. “I don’t think I gave you that option. Mackenzie, take her home.” Kalkin got in Holly’s face and snarled at her, causing everyone to hold their breath. When he turned away, a burning sensation coursed through Nico’s veins.

  Kalkin, instead of raging, rebuked Holly. Giving her his back meant Kalkin didn’t care anymore. Holly wasn’t his problem. Holly... wasn’t pack.

  Mackenzie didn’t reply. He wrapped his hands around Holly’s shoulders and forced her away from the group. Holly protested the entire time, making it clear to the entire group on the steps and her mate there would be hell to pay if something happened to Hayden. Fuck the fact Nico was her mate.

  Nico scrubbed at his chin, trying to ignore the argument going on over to the side of the building where everyone parked their vehicles. They, or rather she, had been oblivious. Holly didn’t care. She never fucking learned. Didn’t she get she was putting her mate in the uncomfortable position of going up against his brother? Nico snorted. Of course not, why would she? Holly worried about Holly. Nico couldn’t fathom how the fuck Mackenzie dealt with her.

  Love must truly be blind.

  Nico felt sorry for Mackenzie, for about a half of a second, and then refused to waste any of his energy on the fighting couple. The remaining group gathered around him in a half circle.

  Rapier watched him intently, his face not giving a single thought or emotion away. Nico glanced at Kalkin who had his arms crossed waiting on something or maybe someone. They were all looking at him...

  For what though?

  He had no clue.

  Kalkin cleared his throat. “This is the part, boy, where you update the team, tell them your expectations and what your end goal is for this mission.”

  Oh fuck.

  Kalkin was letting him lead this mission. Squaring his shoulders, Nico ignored the tinge of pain in his ribs and kidneys and focused on addressing the team—which wasn’t as much as he wished.

  Maxwell stepped forward, holding one of the hand-held screens all agents of Vigilante used. “Hauser sent us the coordinates of where you suspect Hayden is. Got the blueprints of the buildings and I’ve been studying them while we waited for y’all to arrive. It’s an old warehouse, but
a well-built one. The point of entry is going to be here.” Max flipped the computer screen around to show the rest of the team what he was talking about. Max pointed to the where the exhaust fans sat on the top of the roof.

  “Why aren’t we going through the windows on the roof?” Hauser asked.

  Maxwell snorted. “Won’t work. They’re metallic glass.”

  Kalkin whistled.

  Metallic glass had been around for about twenty years now. It was stronger than steel and often used in areas where windows were cracked due to manufacturing mishaps inside of a factory. Once metallic glass was installed, the glass never had to be replaced.

  “Shit,” Hauser muttered.

  Ironically the mountain lion shifter was not a fan of small spaces, hence why he had looked for an alternative point of entry.

  “I’ve gotta couple drones. We can use them to scope out the location before going in,” Jerome said.

  Jackson, one of Bell’s mates and friend to both Nico and Hayden, stepped forward. “I can shift and get a couple of you onto the roof.”

  Nico nodded before adding. “Hayden is going to be overly protective of a cub shifter. It’ll be in bear form. He’s too young to shift into human form yet without some coaxing. Don’t fight her on it. Otherwise, she’ll rip your balls off. Oh, and one more thing…Worthington is mine.” He swallowed hard and pressed on. “She’s out of sorts too. Worthington shot her up with something to force her shift. She is like Keeley. If she is still disorientated, she might lash out at you. Be prepared. It’s going to hurt like a bitch.”

  Everyone looked at Kalkin, for confirmation of his statement. Surprisingly, his Alpha didn’t disagree with Nico’s statement. “Let’s roll.”

  Jackson shifted. His dragon flapping his wings, once, then twice, sending warm air over Nico’s skin. Christoph took off, running toward the tail of the big beast, scaling his way up and onto the dragon’s back.

  “No matter how many fuckin’ times I see it, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact my Bell mated a dragon. I could have a fire-breathing grandchild one of these days,” Rapier mumbled as the teams split in two and made their ways to the Enforcers waiting in the street.


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