Dwandv:: The Battle for the Gate

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Dwandv:: The Battle for the Gate Page 9

by Dinkar Goswami

  Danta, who was now well over two years old, had bonded with Master Iku instantly. The two were often seen playing unusual games that required high skills and coordination. Master Iku looked at Danta and beamed. “I see that you know the mudras. Let us see if we can put them to good use. Would you like to use your powers to good use and protect your mother?”

  Danta smiled at Master Iku and said, “Thank you. Yes, indeed I would.”

  Master Iku addressed both Gerua and Danta. “In sixth-century China, Zen Buddhist monks meditated for long hours for spiritual development, but they were weakening physically. Prince Bodhidharma, a super yog master, introduced the monks at the Shaolin Temple to a martial art based on yogic principles. The monks were not only priests but warriors too, and they practiced martial arts daily. Bodhidharma was an Indian prince, and the basis of his teaching was Kalaripayattu. Yog is the martial art of your soul as well as the spirit and body. With the practice of yog, you face the most difficult enemy, your ego. The conquest of the ‘I’ in you will give you the strength to conquer any opponent. And I can see that the ‘I’ or the ego is not that dominant in you, so it should be easier to learn what I am going to teach you.” Master Iku saw Danta was giggling.

  “What is so funny Danta?”

  “You said, ‘I am going to teach you’.” Danta snickered. “Hmmm... clever boy. Iku did say that. As with yog, we have to learn how to balance ourselves before we learn how to move. Iku will teach you how to make your movements fluid. He will teach you how to move as opposed to the asana, or yogic poses, in which you are required to remain in a particular position for a period of time.”

  “Iku has an ‘I’ in it,” Danta added mischievously. “Shusssh.” Gerua put her forefinger on her lips.

  “Danta is right. Iku shall change the name. From now on, Ku it is.”

  “Ku is nice.” Danta chuckled. “It is short for Kundalinichakra.” They all laughed. And thus began the training of Gerua and Danta in martial arts and martial strategy. In the months that followed years, Danta’s martial skills grew phenomenally as did Gerua’s. The masters in the ashram had to prepare them to face their greatest challenge yet. If they were successful, it could rectify a disastrous mistake.



  Mount K2, the Himalayas. Six years later.

  Within the recesses of the colossal Himalayan mountain range, Mount K2 stood as the second-highest peak on Earth. The pristine snow-covered peak reflected sunlight back into the sky, hiding its secret in broad daylight. Also known as the Savage Mountain, Mount K2 was fiercely choosy about who treaded on it and had been catastrophically perilous to unprepared trespassers. The silent message of the most dangerous peak in the world was clear.

  The unwanted beware!

  There was good reason for such a message. Hidden within the majestic peak was the obscure ashram where Danta had been born. The ashram and its occupants were the sure known path to obtaining Vital Knowledge and becoming a siddha. It was K2’s fervent duty to protect the ashram and its occupants. In 11,000 BC, the mountain had witnessed devastation because of the Great War. However, the danger still lurked, and though concealed, it was as real as the ashram itself. The mountain itself was aware of the potential danger. One single human siddha, consumed and corrupted by the power of siddhi, could put the planet and its inhabitants in peril. The Asura could return to wreak havoc on Earth. The last few years had been even more critical. The mountain had also to protect the little paragon and his yogini mother as they had been chosen to receive the Vital Knowledge.

  The reason for the blatantly protective Mount K2 being called the Savage Mountain was therefore with just cause.

  Today, however, Mount K2 was calm. Somewhere on the south face of the peak, a speck moved with inhuman ability, barely disturbing the snow and ice. A closer look revealed a young woman rapidly scaling the south face of the peak. A cotton blouse, dhoti pants, and flexible pointed wooden sandals called khadau adorned her stunning athletic body. In the Himalayas, at this height death came quickly. But the woman moved undeterred with amazing grace and agility, her dark hair flailing in the light wind. The thin air and the freezing temperature did not affect her being. The woman was Gerua, reincarnated into the implausible yogini she was today, testing her new-found yogic skills.

  Gerua stopped climbing and stared at the ice-covered wall on the peak. She uttered a voice command. A portal opened, and she entered the cloaked ashram protected by the mountain. The portal in the far wall of the peripheral ashram closed immediately, leaving no trace of the ashram’s existence. She approached Master Shalya, the architect of her new avatar. He was sitting in meditation.

  Gerua sat opposite to Master Shalya in a lotus position. She emptied her mind, keeping her demeanor calm. Gerua could read Master Shalya’s mind, but she respected him too much to invade his privacy. Besides, she knew that Master Shalya could block her if he so willed. She patiently waited for him to speak.

  “A disturbing and sinister infestation has taken root on the mountain range below. Unchecked, it will consume everything.” Master Shalya paused, keeping his eyes closed. “I want you to create a disruption,” he commanded.

  “A disruption?” Gerua asked softly, her bright green eyes curious.

  “Yes. I want you to leave the ashram for the valley below. One village is particularly infested. Purge the infestation.” He opened his eyes. “While executing this task, I ask you to keep your siddhi cloaked.”

  “Siddhi cloaked...? But siddhi is my most potent skill.”

  “Yes, potent but a dangerous skill. For now, I would like you to focus solely on your mortal skills.”

  Gerua sat silently, knowing but still questioning the purpose of attaining siddhi as she had done before on numerous occasions. “Siddhi is an alien force that you are just discovering. If exposed, it can be used against the siddha too. A siddha must resist the desire to use siddhi. The purpose of siddhi is not to demonstrate supernatural power but to virtuously walk a path to enlightenment and total liberation from mortality.” Master Shalya paused, looking into her alert but thoughtful green eyes. “I had promised you that one day I would fully explain why I always caution you against siddhi, even though you have learned to contain it somewhat. Today is that day.”

  “Let me tell you what happened on the mountain range. It may help you understand why I am containing you.” He paused momentarily, looking beyond Gerua. Though his face expressed nothing, Gerua sensed a hint of sadness in his voice.

  “You are aware that after the Great War, there were some Deva who were bound by Shiv neither to use nor express the desire to use siddhi, though Shiv bestowed the complete Vital Knowledge upon them. They settled in the isolated Himalayan peaks in this ashram provided to them by Deva. Subject to the mandate of Shiv, they remained here isolated, continuously refining their yogic skills, always on the brink of attaining nirvana but unable to achieve it, at least until they passed on the complete Vital Knowledge they had received. They stayed here in secrecy for millenniums as custodians of Vital Knowledge, calling it ‘yog.’ These were our masters, and this was their ashram, which they left to us. I will simply call them ancients.” He paused. “After imparting the Vital Knowledge upon us, in addition to the mandate of Shiv, these ancients left us a mandate of their own. They mandated us to pass on basic aspects of Vital Knowledge to all mortals desiring to benefit from it. These basic aspects are now studied all over the world as ‘yoga’. So, you understand that Vital Knowledge of yog was meant to benefit mankind and it does so, even in its most elementary form. Hence, yoga is now available to any and all mortals desiring to benefit from it.

  “However, attaining supreme yogic skills requires an understanding and practice of the essence of Vital Knowledge. This Vital Knowledge inevitably causes siddhi to stir in a yogi, and usually, such a yogi is not prepared for such infinite power.”

  Gerua nodded thoughtfully. “Master Shalya, I understand this is so but it is still something I do not compre
hend. Why does siddhi manifest when one is not ready?”

  “The question is relevant. Let us try and answer it. You know that the word ‘yog’ can mean union. You also know that the ultimate aim of every yogi is to attain nirvana by achieving the union of individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness.

  “So the question arises, ‘What is Universal Consciousness?’ You know that the universe follows certain cosmic laws. These are determined primarily by the energies that power this creation and its operating system. This cosmic energy is everywhere including in you and it holds everything together, constantly revitalizing, regenerating, and reforming the universe and everything in it. It is the engine of all existence and is flowing through everything that exists. It is also the primordial energy that was used to form the building blocks of the universe. You have to think of all this energy as a living, moving, changing energy that is everywhere and anywhere. Collectively, this cosmic energy, whatsoever form it may take, and what so ever function it may perform, constitutes the Universal Consciousness.

  “Imagine being able to understand this cosmic energy, whatsoever its nature or form. Then being able to connect the cosmic energy within you with this cosmic energy that is anywhere and everywhere. Finally, being able to use the cosmic energy to manage and manipulate the cosmic energy throughout the universe. This ability is siddhi and the knowhow that comes through understanding the Vital Knowledge.” Master Shalya paused.

  Gerua stared at Master Shalya stupefied. “Cosmic energy in a person can only be tiny, as compared to the infinite amount in the universe. How can such small amounts of energy manipulate an infinite amount of energy?”

  “One single cell can populate an entire planet. A single particle of gas can link with others to create monstrous stars, galaxies, and so on and so forth. Size is relative to your perception. It is an illusion. But that is a discussion for another day. Energy in a being is limitless. One day you will understand. For now, let me continue with what I was trying to convey.” Master Shalya paused, and then continued leaving Gerua in the wake of his words.

  “It is effectively the ego that curtails a yogi from attaining his heavenly goal. Some call it nirvana, and it is said that it is actually the seeking of the union of individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness. But this goal in itself is so haughty that it is even difficult to understand. The problem is further eleviated by the nature of the ego that only grasps what it sees through its self-created keyholes, because ego in itself is limited but the goal is not. So even the best yogis sometimes begin manipulating what satisfies their ego, demonstrating minor siddhi power. They feel aggrandized by reveling in demonstration of this trivial power. This self-aggrandization is perpetuated by the awe and admiration of other mortals who adulate the power of such a siddha yogi. Eventually, even this limited power consumes the siddhas restricting further spiritual growth and leads to further abuse of siddhi, which causes much suffering and pain. Being consumed by power and just letting out a seed of a virulant lethal disease can affect the whole species and even the world. Not understanding limitless power of siddhi is enough to cause this damage. Ego limits such understanding and can be very dangerous.

  “Siddhi comes in stages, and this is a cyclic process. Siddhi leads to more knowhow and ability, and this knowhow and ability, in turn, fosters further siddhi, so on and so forth. There is no way to attain nirvana without manifesting siddhi. The difficulty is that great power often manifests when we are not ready… when we have no experience with such power or how to manage it… Though we can imagine what such power can do, we can only truly learn about the power once it truly manifests and is used. And the ego often leads to wrong and lethal consequences.

  “Let me give you a scenario. You understand now that when siddhi manifests, the yogi is still governed by an ego. This ego tells the siddha yogi that the yogi’s being has attained immortality and has been bestowed with power that should belong only to god. Now put it all together.”

  Gerua looked down and shook her head slowly in disbelief, trying to grasp the potential implication of what Master Shalya had just told her. Finally, she looked up at Master Shalya. “A huge conundrum, both for the yogi and the guru?”

  “Yes. When siddhi manifests, a yogi reaches a stage that I call the tipping point. If used recklessly to feed one’s ego, siddhi consumes a siddha, tipping him into a dark abyss of vice and illusion, called agoun and maya respectively. The tipping point should ideally be attained under the watchful supervision of a truly virtuous and capable guru who has the ability to contain the siddhi. That is why a good guru must do his best to contain the siddha from using siddhi. Thereafter, the desire for more knowledge must continue, and no matter what, a siddha must follow the path of virtue and should not abuse siddhi. But unfortunately, this is not always the case.

  “Even in an isolated place such as this ashram, there are many influences other than the guru. The very thought of being immortal instills egocentricity. Thoughts of long life naturally instills the desire for more opulence. Additionally, an immortal desires control over others as such a person deems oneself superior to others because of the ego.

  Possessed with relative immortality, a siddha fails to realize that on the cosmic scale, even immortality is evanescent. Hence the question... the first step toward tipping. What is the use of immortality with unmatched cosmic power if it cannot be used to serve me?

  “The ancients knew from experience that not all those who received the gift of Vital Knowledge would continue to live as ascetics. They believed that there would be a truly gifted mortal who would be driven to use siddhi egoistically. He would not pay heed to consequences or collateral damages. Siddhi used in this manner would consume such a siddha’s conscience and inflate the siddha’s ego. With unimaginable power incessantly feeding a massive ego without a conscience or accountability, any act, no matter how dark and sinister, could be rationalized. Such an insatiable ego would demand unquestionable homage from any and all. Anyone who even remotely questioned this siddha’s ability or authority would be dealt with ruthlessly. And it is Earth’s fate, that Shiv in his limitless and infinite wisdom, has chosen humanity and the planet for evolution. So nothing can stop humans from eventually attaining siddhi even though, initially, it may be minor siddhi.”

  Gerua’s mind was racing. Were the ancients right? However, before she could ask, Master Shalya raised his hand, gesturing that he desired to continue. Gerua’s sensitive mind detected that he spoke with a heavy heart. “Alas, the ancients were right, and they had warned us,” he said emphatically.

  “Warned you?” Gerua raised an eyebrow.

  “Let me show you.” Master Shalya waved his hand and the warning of the ancients appeared in front of Gerua. Gerua read it, perturbed. Then she looked at Master Shalya, whose head was lowered.

  He looked up at Gerua and erased the warning with a swipe of his hand. Speaking softly but emphatically, he said, “A gifted master uses siddhi without remorse or heed to consequence. He is so powerful that even the most terrifying paranormal entities fear him. This master, who is a tantric and an aghori, has promulgated an edict. His edict draws the allegiance of all that is dark or sinister in this world, and beyond. He has an army unlike any other that preys on any maya and agoun, on both the paranormal and the earthly plain. The edict elicits total allegiance, and dereliction of the edict leads to dire consequences. I believe he is drawing cosmic attention, and Earth could be clear and present danger. I fear the Asura may have already discovered him, and since he has accelerated his reign of terror and despair, the Asura may even be aiding him.

  “I must ask you to confront the edict without using your siddhi powers. I can’t have you expose yourself under any circumstances. No EARE waves must be detected before Danta passes through the gate. Too much depends on it.”

  Confront the edict without using siddhi... The words continued to resonate in Gerua’s mind.

  “Even if I am left with no other option but to use
siddhi to protect myself?” Gerua said, raising an eyebrow. She knew Master Shalya was expecting the question.

  “Yes. Please ask yourself the question that must be asked by every siddha... What is the cost of using siddhi and what will be the consequence? Is siddhi the endgame or is it a means to something greater?” Master Shalya’s gaze met Gerua’s. “Can you calculate the consequence of using siddhi, especially in a situation where you have no option?”

  Gerua slowly shook her head.

  “If one cannot calculate the consequence of using power, should one use it? Do I need to remind you what could happen when EARE waves are generated because you cannot calculate the consequence of the use of siddhi properly?”

  “No, certainly not... to both the questions,” Gerua spoke respectfully. She was not worried about herself. She was aware that Master Shalya knew she would do as he asked. But thoughts of Danta occupied her mind.

  “Master Shalya, what if something happens to me? Danta is just a child, and I am concerned about him,” she said anxiously. “Will I be facing the master himself ?”

  “You have the element of surprise. Your mortal skills combined with the mantras you know should be sufficient for the task I am assigning to you. I believe in you and I am sure you will not fail. The master is not expecting you. He will not reveal himself to you. You will only deal with his minions.” Master Shalya smiled. “Danta is safe here. We will take good care of him until you return.”

  “Thank you, but I am apprehensive.” Gerua tried to maintain her demeanor. “I will be leaving him to execute a perilous task for the first time.”

  “I understand your concern. However, you should not worry about Danta. If you take care of yourself, Danta will inevitably take care of himself.” He paused and then emphasized, “Remove the infestation and purge the village clean. Think of it as an initiation to the challenges you may face when you embark on your next challenging task with young Danta. Consider this as a realistic examination of your ability. I hope I am leaving you with no other option but to succeed.”


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