Book Read Free

By Blood and Magic

Page 15

by Jamie A. Waters

  Malek slid into the seat beside her. “Far be it for me to stand in the way of true love. I can always call him back.”

  Sabine wrinkled her nose. “That’s all right. I’m just glad I couldn’t smell him over the incense. I’d much prefer your company over his.”

  “That’s a relief.” Malek passed her one of the glasses. Draping his arm across the back of her chair, he said, “I ordered you some spiced wine. The bartender says it’s popular. If it’s not to your taste, they also have dwarven ale.” He pointed at the bowl filled with flat bread pieces topped with small balls of meat. “Those are kavastya. I’ve had them before, and you won’t find their equal.”

  Sabine smiled and took a bite. They were spicier than she’d expected, but the breading helped offset the burn. She took a sip of her drink and settled back in her chair. “They’re both very good. I think this wine is even better than the glass I had earlier at the bathhouse.”

  “Good. I’m glad you like it.” Malek’s thumb absently trailed over her shoulder, but she noticed he was paying more attention to the room.

  “You look worried,” she said and swirled the wine in her glass.

  “Sailors tend to be a rough lot, and we’re trying to keep a low profile. You’re attracting quite a bit of attention just sitting here.” Malek glanced at her and picked up his glass to take a drink. “I spoke with the bartender. He says he’ll discount the room if you’re going to dance. The man was practically tripping over himself when I mentioned you were interested. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Sabine nodded. “Yes. Zaverza wouldn’t have suggested it if it wasn’t necessary, but I’ll need you to warn me if I’m betraying myself. It’s easy to get lost in the moment.”

  He frowned and swiped his thumb over his chin. “Is that gesture too subtle?”

  “No. It’s perfect,” she said and took another drink. “I have no idea how long it’ll take for the person we’re waiting for to make contact, but I’ll only be able to dance for one or two songs. Any more than that, and we may run into a problem.”

  “You have me intrigued,” he murmured.

  Sabine leaned closer to him and whispered, “Our emotions and desires are closer to the surface when we dance. That’s why I need a warning, especially if I’m going to be keeping my eyes on you. One day soon and when we’re away from here, I’ll give you a private dance. Then you’ll understand... everything.”

  Malek put down his glass. “That tears it. We’re leaving at dawn. Hell, we could even leave tonight.”

  Sabine laughed and finished off her wine. The musicians were finishing their song, and it would be her turn next. She stood and made her way toward the musicians, adding a little extra swing to her hips. She could feel the eyes of more than a few people on her, but Malek was the only one she was going to be dancing for.

  Two musicians were seated near a stage area at the front of the room. One of them was tuning a small handheld stringed instrument that resembled a lyre, while the other had a drum sitting at his feet.

  Sabine smiled at them and asked, “Do you take requests?”

  “Aye, if yer the one asking,” the man with the lyre agreed. “What did ya have in mind?”

  “Know anything northern? Maybe a ballad?”

  The man grinned. “Not sure this lot will appreciate them, but we know a few. How about ‘Memories of a Dream’?”

  Sabine smiled at the irony, remembering the cup of magical wine she’d shared with Malek. “Perfect. Afterward, can you switch to something a bit livelier?”

  “No problem, pretty lady. I’m Ryley, by the way. The drummer there is Kobin.”

  “A pleasure,” she said, nodding at them both in greeting. “I’m Sabine.”

  “Pleasure meeting you,” Ryley said and tipped his hat. “Good luck, not that you’ll need it. Half these boys are already in their cups. You’ll either wake them up or drown them. Not sure which will be more of an improvement.”

  Sabine grinned. The woman who had just finished dancing climbed off the stage and asked, “That your man in the corner?”

  Sabine glanced at where Malek was sitting. “Not yet, but he will be soon.”

  “Lucky girl,” the woman muttered and headed to the bar.

  Sabine took her place in the center of the raised floor area and turned around to face the audience. In some ways, the inn reminded her of Dax’s tavern. There was a camaraderie here which immediately set her at ease. These sailors and other individuals might be rough around the edges but no more so than anyone in Dax’s crew.

  She locked eyes with Malek. He lifted his cup in a silent salute, and she winked at him. He chuckled and took a long drink. Sabine glanced at Ryley and gave him a nod. He immediately started into a rendition of the ballad made famous after the portal had been sealed.

  She lowered her head and closed her eyes, allowing the music to fill her and caress her soul. Focusing on the confusing emotions she felt whenever she was around Malek, she enfolded each note with her magic, keeping it contained within her glamour. Lifting her arms, she opened her eyes and held Malek’s gaze.

  The musician sang of a time long past, of love and betrayal, and of secrets and mysteries. She moved effortlessly, using her body to enhance the emotions of the song. Her eyes always went back toward Malek, whose hungry gaze hadn’t wavered. The thin material of her dress nearly shimmered in the firelight, emphasizing her movements even more. As she danced, she threaded her desire for Malek into each of her gestures, telling him without words how much she wanted him.

  When the musician came to the chorus, she raised her voice to join him.

  “‘Twas but a memory of a dream.

  Of life and love, I nearly lost.

  But for you, my love, I shall always remain,

  A dream within a memory.”

  A hushed stillness fell over the audience when the musician played his last note. As one, the customers began pounding their mugs on the tables. Coins were thrown on the stage at Sabine’s feet. Shouts filled the air as they demanded more.

  Sabine tossed her hair back when the musicians began playing a fast-paced song she wasn’t familiar with. Based on the audience’s cheers and awkward accompaniment, they knew this song well. It was easy to see why it appealed to them. It was a catchy tune, and she smiled as she raised her arms and swung her hips.

  A few of the patrons whistled loudly, and she gave them a teasing smile as she danced upon the stage. By the time the song finished, most of the audience was on their feet. Out of breath and oddly exhilarated, Sabine stepped off the stage and was swept up in Malek’s arms.

  He crushed his lips against hers and thrust his hand in her hair. Undeniable need filled her, and she curled her hands into his shirt. Returning his kiss with equal fervor, her magic surged to the surface. He abruptly broke their kiss, and she blinked up at him. Pressing his forehead against hers, he gripped her hips tightly and didn’t release her.

  Out of breath, her heart pounded as she gazed up at him. “Malek?”

  “Give me a moment,” he whispered, his voice ragged as though speaking had cost him a great deal. Sabine pressed her hands against his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin under the thin material of his shirt and his heart beating as fast as hers. In truth, she needed a moment too. She’d nearly revealed herself with just that kiss.

  Dimly, she became aware they were standing in front of the musicians. Malek released her, but he wrapped his arm around her waist in a gesture that was far more intimate than their actual relationship. He’d made his point. No one was approaching her, even though more than a few were watching her with frank appraisal.

  Oddly touched, she smiled up at him. “Claiming me, are you?”

  “Not yet, but I intend to.”

  A small thrill rushed through her at his words, but it also left her disconcerted. She’d meant her comment innocently, but the predatory look in his eyes made her wonder if she’d pushed him too far. He was a dragon, and she couldn’t afford to forget
their nature was to hoard valuable items and treasures. He couldn’t claim her, not in the manner he was speaking. No matter what transpired between them, she would never belong to him.

  “The gods must have been smiling down on me the day you decided to come to this inn,” Ryley said, putting his instrument to the side and getting to his feet.

  The mark of the goddess on her wrist warmed, and she pressed it against her leg in a silent entreaty to calm. The warmth faded a moment later, but it had effectively cleared her head of Malek’s confusing presence.

  Sabine smiled at Ryley and gestured at the coins littering the stage. “Without your talents, my dance never would have been so rewarded. It’s only fair to share the profits. Will you divide up the portions among the three of us?”

  Ryley’s smile widened, and he exchanged a glance with the other musician. When the drummer jumped up and began collecting the coins, Ryley turned back to her. “You honor us with your generosity. Most people wouldn’t have even considered it. You’ve got a rare talent, but I expect you come by it honestly.” He gestured at her pointed ears. “Last person I met with features similar to yours was also gifted but not nearly as skilled. Have you ever considered performing with a troupe?”

  Sabine paused and considered Ryley thoughtfully. This conversation must be the reason Zaverza had encouraged her to sing and dance. Most of the other patrons were sailors or dockside workers. If Pearl had headed to the desert, perhaps this troupe could lead her there.

  Deciding to play along, she said, “You’re very kind. I can’t say I’ve ever thought about it. Are you part of such a group?”

  Ryley glanced around to make sure no was close enough to hear them. Leaning in, he said, “Kobin and I have been part of a traveling troupe for the past few years. The rest of our group is camped outside the city walls. Like yourself, many of them also come from mixed heritages. Karga’s changing, and in a bad way. It’s been getting even worse over the past few years. It’s not safe for someone like you.”

  Malek frowned, his arm tightening around her waist. “This is Sabine’s first time here, but I’ve been docking in Karga for a couple years. I’ve also noticed a change, more so during our current visit.”

  “Aye,” Ryley said in agreement, rubbing his chin. “I don’t say what I’m about to lightly. Normally we all have to vote on this sort of thing, but I’m not willing to let a talent like yours slip through my fingers. My group’s leaving in the morning. If you’re looking to earn a bit of coin, you have a spot with us. We can also offer you a bit of protection if you’re planning on doing any traveling.”

  Sabine hesitated. She wasn’t sure about traveling with a group of unknown people into unfamiliar territory, but she was desperate to find Pearl. “Where are you heading?”

  “Thought we might head south or east.” Ryley shrugged as though to say it didn’t matter. “Some of the desert tribes pay in meals for our performances, but the biggest profit is from the cities. There are a few larger cities between here and Razadon where you can earn quite a bit.”

  Sabine frowned. “Your offer is generous. I’m assuming you have room for both of us?”

  Ryley assessed Malek, his eyes lingering on Malek’s weapons. “You know how to use those?”

  “I do.”

  “Good.” Ryley gave him a curt nod. “We can always use another guard on the road. It helps discourage bandits. Besides, you may need them to keep people in line if she keeps performing like that.”

  Kobin brought over the coins he’d collected. He divided them up and gave both her and Ryley a portion.

  Ryley slipped his coins into his belt pouch and dipped his hat to her. “We’re leaving from the south gate at sunrise. If you’re there, I’ll assume you’re interested in joining us. Otherwise, good fortune to you both.”

  Sabine smiled. “To you both as well.”

  Malek said good-bye and led her back toward the stairs. In a quiet voice, he said, “Well, in addition to getting a free room for the night, at least we now have a plan.”

  Gripping the aged railing, she began climbing the stairs. “Then we’re both in agreement? We leave in the morning to travel with this troupe?”

  “It’s our best lead, and it’ll get both of us out of this city. There’s no guarantee the smugglers will even stick around once word gets out that they’re moving up the festival.” Malek put his hand against her lower back as they headed down the hallway to their room. He unlocked it with a heavy metal key and stepped aside so she could enter. “If we’re going to be up before the sun, we should probably get some rest.”

  Sabine nodded and scanned the room, but Blossom hadn’t yet returned. They still had some time before the pixie was scheduled to come back. After walking to the nightstand, she adjusted the crystalline lantern to give them a little extra light. She picked up the small container of tea Malek had purchased for her and inhaled the dried herbal blend. It was such a thoughtful gift, made even more precious because it had been given without any expectations. Dax had usually only given her gifts when he had wanted her forgiveness for some transgression.

  She picked up the tea and toiletry items and placed them in her bag. She glanced over at Malek, but he was focused on organizing the contents of his bags. While they’d been on his ship, she’d had the opportunity to observe him unaware quite a bit, but never in such an intimate setting. Malek always moved with a quiet competency, confident in his abilities and his strength. It was apparent even now as he systematically sorted through the items and repacked them.

  His dark hair was tied back at the nape of his neck, but a few loose strands had escaped. She longed to brush them back, exploring the strong lines of his jaw and then the rest of his body. From the brief glimpse she’d already had, the full package promised to be every bit as delicious as the rest. Gods. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone.

  As though sensing her silent observation, Malek lifted his head. Something in her face must have given him an insight into the direction of her thoughts because he said, “If you keep looking at me like that, I can’t be held responsible for my actions. We won’t leave this room again before morning.”

  She tilted her head and gave him a teasing smile. “Did you have some place else you’d rather be?”

  His mouth curved upward, and he crossed the room toward her. Without waiting for a response, he wrapped his arm around her and yanked her against him. His head lowered, and he claimed her with his mouth. Running her hands down his chest and then up under his shirt to touch his heated bare skin, she showed him with her kiss how much she wanted him.

  This brief taste of him wasn’t going to be enough. She’d held back for too long, and the emotions she’d channeled with her dance downstairs had only flamed her desire even hotter. She gripped the edge of his shirt, then pushed it upward in a silent demand. He yanked it over his head, tossed it aside, and eased her back onto the bed. His heavier weight pressed her to the mattress, and he ran his hand up her leg under the hem of her dress.

  His hand was hot against her cooler skin, and he accompanied it with a teasing brush of his magic. She trembled, and her skin pebbled as goose bumps broke out on her skin. The thought of having him touch her everywhere was more erotic than anything she’d ever imagined.

  Undeterred and desperate for more, she hooked her leg over his and rolled over so she was straddling him. He gripped her hips, staring up at her with a predatory gaze. She smiled down at him and pressed her hands against his chest. For now, she intended to be the predator, and he was her prey.

  She leaned down to nip at his lower lip and asked, “Does this count as riding a dragon?”

  He chuckled, his hands tightening on her hips. “I’d say it does.”

  She kissed him again, tasting a hint of the spiced wine on his lips. The light and alluring smoky scent she’d begun to attribute with Malek filled her nose, and she breathed him in, wanting to memorize this moment. His hands moved up to her waist, and he unhooked the metallic rings of
her belt. He started to change their positions, but she sat up and pressed her hands against his chest to keep him down.

  Running her hands over his bare chest, she sent a brush of her magic along his skin. “On my terms, or I’ll lose control.”

  “Sweetheart, if you aren’t losing control, I’m not doing this right.”

  Sabine laughed. “You enjoy playing dangerously, don’t you?”

  “With you? Absolutely,” he murmured, unlacing the front of her dress before she’d even had a chance to register his words. If he had his way, he’d distract her completely, and she wasn’t willing to relinquish her advantageous position.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she said, deftly unfastening his pants so she could see all of him. Moving down his body, she explored the hard ridges and lean contours of his physique with her hands and mouth. He tasted and smelled incredible, like spicy wood smoke or some other exotic spice she couldn’t name. And as she suspected, he was magnificent all over.

  Malek sat up abruptly, then hauled her up his body and kissed her like she was the air he needed to survive. She clung to him as he deepened their kiss, wanting everything he offered.

  He rolled over with her and pressed her against the bed. Gazing down at her, he asked, “I want to see you—the real you. Will you remove your glamour?”

  Unable to refuse, she nodded and slowly released the illusion hiding her identity. Her magic started to surge to the surface, but she forced it back down. Malek’s gaze roamed over her as he drank in her image. “You’re so beautiful, Sabine. I can’t tell you how long I’ve imagined seeing you like this.”

  “Malek,” she whispered, feeling uncertain for the first time. Without the pain of her glamour in place, this intimacy was even more dangerous. She wasn’t sure she could do this without losing control.

  He cupped her face, trailing his thumb over her cheek, and kissed her lightly. “Will you trust me?”

  She hesitated and then nodded. “Yes, but I’m not sure I trust myself.”

  His mouth curved upward, and he kissed her again. “I can hide your magic if necessary, but I’ve been wanting you for far too long not to touch you. We’ll go slowly and stop if the magic between us builds too much.”


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