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Rescuing Mercy (Special Forces: Operation Alpha): A Dead Presidents MC Spinoff

Page 17

by Stone, Harley

  “If you were so worried about Mercy’s safety, why’d you go to the school today?” Blade asked, leaning forward in his seat.

  “I was hoping she’d agree to leave town with me. I told her everything.”

  Link’s eyebrows rose as he looked to me for confirmation.

  I nodded, a little irritated that Link didn’t take his word for it. Then again, my brother had just admitted that he was moving dope for the WSB. “He was coming clean when the bullets started flying.” They needed to know Ben was still honest and good. “Said they wanted him to kill a cop and he couldn’t do it.”

  “He had this on him,” Havoc said, leaning forward to set a pistol on Link’s desk. Link studied it for a moment before sliding it into a drawer. “I’ll get it to a friend of mine on the force. Which cop did they send you after?”

  “A detective by the name of Javier Sanchez. They made a play to get him in their pocket, and he declined.” Ben reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with handwriting on it. “Here’s his address. Schedule for the week. I’m not a cop killer, and I’m sick of delivering their dope. I’ve gotta get out of here.”

  Link studied the paper for a moment before handing it to Havoc. “Will you see that Tap gets this and reaches out to Sanchez anonymously? We need to make sure Sanchez knows they’re gunning for him, but I don’t want the WSB knowing how he got tipped off. Let them worry about it for a while.”

  Havoc took the paper and walked out.

  Link’s attention went back to my brother. “So, you want us to help you fake your own death?”

  “They brought me here in a body bag. Think we need to do more than that?”

  Link nodded. “We can write you up an obituary, hold a little ceremony and give your sister your ashes, make it look all official. But you definitely can’t stick around here if we want it to work. One person spots you and the jig is up. Mercy will be in danger.”

  “I’ll go.” Ben looked at me. “I always wanted to travel anyway, sis. Here’s my chance.”

  My heart felt like it was breaking. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I know, but I have to. You can still come with me.”

  I shook my head. “You know I can’t.”

  “You serious about wanting to join the service?” Blade asked, jumping into the conversation.

  Ben nodded. “The more I think about it, the more sense it makes.”

  “What’s on your mind, Blade?” Link asked.

  Havoc returned and took his seat.

  Blade and Wendy put their heads together for a few seconds before breaking apart again. “We can take him back to Texas with us. We have an extra room, and he can stay with us until he ships off to boot camp,” Blade announced.

  Ben’s head whipped around. “You would do that for me?”

  “Sure,” Blade replied. “You got caught in a bad situation, and you found your way out of it. That’s exactly the kind of skill set the military is looking for.”

  The backs of my eyes were stinging again. I couldn’t believe Blade’s generosity. “Are you sure?” I asked.

  Wendy gave me a sweet smile. “Positive. I have a little brother that I raised, too, Mercy. It’s amazing the things we’ll do to protect them. I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now, but I know I’d want someone to help my brother if they could. We’re in a position to help Ben, and we want to.”

  “I can send money for food and supplies and whatever else he needs,” I said.

  Blade shook his head. “No need. You have a school full of kids to look after. Let us do this.”

  Ben’s shoulders relaxed, and tears filled his eyes. “Thank you,” he said.

  Blade nodded and smiled at Link. “That’s what brothers do. They help each other.”

  “Lucky,” Havoc said, smacking the back of Ben’s chair. “That’s what we’ll call you when you get out and join us. Don’t fuck up too badly, kid, and I’ll even sponsor you myself.”

  Ben’s brow furrowed. “Sponsor me for what?”

  “We’ll explain it later,” Link replied. “When you’re ready. But you and Doc there are gonna need to start riding bikes.”

  Landon chuckled, shaking his head. “Soon, Link. But for now, we should get some food in Ben and get him to bed. My patient needs rest.”

  “Of course.” Link stood, and everyone joined him. “Let’s go eat and celebrate your death, Ben. It’s time for you to start a new life, brother.”

  Chapter 17


  The Dead Presidents sure knew how to throw a party. We had more food than my entire platoon could eat, and more beer than it would take to drown them. Sitting around a giant table in the dining area, we all shot the shit about glory days in the military. Havoc said something about Ben heading to boot camp, and the entire room erupted into stories about basic training.

  “The ruck marches were the worst,” a guy named Stocks said. “Can’t tell you how many people in my squad were selected for their random rucksack checks only to discover they were carrying nothing but socks and shit to keep the weight down. I think we had extra PT every day of basic.”

  Wasp cleared his throat and beat on the table until he had everyone’s attention. “My rucksack was usually empty, but the drill sergeant let it go. He didn’t think it was fair to make me carry the normal weight since I was already lugging around this sixty-pound dick.”

  Laughter and calls of “bullshit” erupted around the table.

  Emily shook her head, laughing. “You’re awful, Wasp. When does Carly get off work? We need her to wrangle you back under control.”

  I hadn’t met Carly, but would have to before I left town. Any woman who could handle the club clown had to be worth meeting.

  A guy who’d introduced himself as Frog chimed in. “Best reason I ever heard for anyone enlisting… scrawny kid named Private Lewis. Nerdy on a whole new level, even more so than Morse there.”

  Morse looked up from his tablet and flipped Frog off.

  “We had some top brass asshole come around, asking why we’d all joined. This Private Lewis kid tells him his level eighty warlock got banned from World of Warcraft and he freaked out and bit a kid at school. The guidance counsellor told his parents the Army was his only hope.”

  The table roared. More stories were swapped. With my arm draped over Mercy’s shoulders, I ate until my stomach hurt and laughed until my cheeks burned.

  Then the assholes turned the conversation on me.

  “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into with this 68Whiskey, Mercy,” Link said, taking another sip of his beer.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, smirking at me. “He seems like an all right guy.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he is. But there’s lots of stories about medics. For starters, whenever anything’s wrong, he’s gonna shove Motrin down your throat.”

  Everyone around the table laughed.

  “It’s true,” Havoc said, chiming in. “The Army gives medics these 800 milligram tabs of Motrin, and medics hand them out like candy.”

  Mercy eyed me thoughtfully. “He has fed me a lot of ibuprofen,” she confirmed.

  More laughter roared.

  “You had a concussion,” I defended.

  Link set down his glass. “You know what they say… above the waist pain, you get Motrin, below the waist pain…”

  “You get foot powder,” everyone chanted.

  “Comedians, all of you,” I said. “Just wait until I join your ranks. I’ll be flushing out your road rash with lemon juice.”

  That only made them laugh harder, the savages.

  “That’s what whiskey’s for,” a biker by the name of Eagle said, saluting me with his rocks glass.

  “For you,” his very pregnant wife, Naomi, complained before taking a sip of water. During the meal I’d discovered that Eagle was formerly a sniper in the Marines and Naomi—who was also Link’s sister—had been a helo pilot in the Air Force. They were one badass couple.
  When the conversation finally wound down, Link showed us the upper stories of the building. There were locker room style bathrooms and several bedrooms on both the second and third floors. He put me and Mercy in a room next to Ben and told us to feel free to roam around and check the place out, but after the day we’d had, we were exhausted.

  I checked Ben’s wound, changed his bandage, and listened to his breathing before he disappeared behind his door. Then Mercy and I locked ourselves in our room for the night. I made a quick call to Mom to make sure she was okay, and then Mercy and I stripped off our clothes and fell into bed with her lying partially on top of me, chest to chest.

  It had been an exhausting day and we were both tuckered out.

  “What’s on your mind?” I asked, sweeping the hair from her face to tuck it behind her ear.

  Mercy raised her head and stared at me. “I’m glad you were there to help Ben today. I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

  I squeezed her. “Yeah, me too.”

  Her lips fell into a frown and she dropped her head back to my chest.

  “What?” I prodded.

  She sighed. “Eight more days.”

  I felt the weight of my impending departure as well. I kissed her forehead. “We’re going to have to make them extra special.”

  “But then what?” She blew out a breath. “I’ve been trying not to be all girly and crazy about this… thought I could just enjoy our time together and let you go… but I’m freaking out inside. You’re not going to wait seven more years to come home, are you?”

  The thought of being away from Mercy for seven days hurt. Seven years? That was out of the question. “No.”

  “But when will you come back? Next Christmas? Any other holidays? Will I get a schedule? God, I sound so needy, but Ben’s leaving as soon as you clear him to fly and you’ll be leaving soon after, and a bullet whizzed by my head this afternoon, and I’m having a really shitty day.”

  “Agreed. You’re entitled to sound needy right now, but you need to stop reminding me that you could have been shot. It does bad things to my blood pressure.”

  “That’s not fair, since in the Army you can pretty much be shot at every day of the week. Not just on a random Wednesday.”

  I nodded. “Good point.”

  She huffed out another breath as her soft fingers doodled on my chest. I realized she was writing something. After watching her scribble out her message, I asked, “What are you writing?”

  She stopped, her hand slapping flat against my skin. “Nothing.”

  I’d seen the message, but I wanted her to admit it. “Tell me.”

  “Maybe later.”

  “Why are you being so cagey?” I asked. “You’re usually so open and blunt.”

  “I don’t want to make things weird.”

  I laughed. “Babe, that’s never stopped you before.” My laughter died away, and my tone grew series. “I love that about you.”

  Mercy’s voice hitched. She pushed herself up again, so she could look me in the eyes. “You saw it.”

  Naked, staring at me with those intense blue eyes, blonde curls framing her gorgeous face, she was so damn stunning she took my breath away. I understood what Havoc had said about finding his calm. Amidst this crazy shitstorm called life, Mercy was my serenity.

  She was my pardon.

  She was… well, my mercy.

  “I love you, too,” I said, admitting I knew what she’d written.

  Her eyes grew round and her lips formed a perfect little “o.”

  “I’m not gonna be gone for seven years, babe. I’m pretty sure neither one of us could handle that. I’ll be gone until June. I won’t reenlist. I’m coming home.”

  Seemingly stunned, she watched me as if waiting for the ‘but.’

  “For good,” I added.

  “Really?” she asked. “And you’ll live here?”

  I glanced around, reminding her that we were in the fire station. “Well, not here. I was kinda hoping you’d let me stay with you. Or we could get a different place, but I still want to be close to Mom, and I know you want to be close to the school and—”

  “You better not be fucking with me!” she said.

  Having never heard Mercy drop the f-bomb before, I knew she meant business. I grinned. “Definitely not.”


  I blinked, trying to figure out how to answer that.

  “I mean… I’m not the only reason, right? I want you here more than anything, but I don’t want you to do this just for me. This has to be the right thing for you. But I’m also feeling a little selfish right now, so I’d settle for it being mostly about me with additional reasons on the side.”

  “Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I want from life. Turns out I’m not much different from everyone else. I want to fall in love. Maybe even start a family. See if I can’t do a better job than my parents did.”

  She grinned at me. “I think you’d make an awesome dad, Landon.”

  Her words warmed me more than I could have expected. I planted a kiss on her lips. “Coming home, being with you, is definitely the right thing for me to do. And not just because I want to protect you. I haven’t felt this at peace in… well, ever. I love you, and I want to build a life here with you.”

  “Ohmigod, I love you, too! So much. You just turned this shit day into amazingness. I can’t believe you’ll be home for good in June! Now stop talking and kiss me. And then we’re going to have copious amounts of wild animal sex.”

  Laughing, I asked, “Copious amounts, huh? You do realize your brother’s next door, right?”

  “Yep. That asshole shouldn’t have gotten himself shot if he didn’t want to hear us getting busy next door.”

  Sometimes Mercy’s logic astounded me. “We’ll teach him. Bet he never makes that mistake again.”

  She pulled herself all the way up to a sitting position, straddling me. “Yes, we will.” She started rubbing the hot, damp lips of her pussy over my cock, making me even harder.

  I smiled, loving the feel of her. Loving how ready she was for me. “You’re a little wet, you know?”

  “Of course I am. You’re coming home for good in five months. I’m so freaking horny right now, I could pound nails with my clit. It’s that hard.”

  She bounced up and down as my stomach shook with laughter. “I don’t think that’s a thing, babe.”

  “Well, it should be. I thought I told you to stop talking and make me come.”

  “Damn, you’re sexy when you’re bossy. Today’s the day, right?”

  Mercy had been on birth control since the day after Christmas. I’d been counting down the days until I could go bareback with her. Neither of us had experienced sex without a condom before and she was hellbent on turning me into a sexual scientist with her.

  She nodded. “We are in the clear.”

  I reached down and angled my cock upward, positioning it at her entrance, then watched it disappear inside her as she took it in. Smooth, hot, wet, she’d always felt amazing, but without a condom, her pussy felt downright heavenly.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head and she smiled. “It feels even better like this. I love how we fit together so perfectly.”

  Grabbing her hips, I held her still, so I could rock upward and get deeper. “I love how that tight pussy strangles my cock.”

  I gave her a couple of slow thrusts before she took control and started riding me. Her big tits bounced, giving me quite the show as her nipples turned dark and red. They were far too tempting to ignore, so I flicked my thumbs over the areolas before leaning up to pop one into my mouth.

  As I sucked and nipped, Mercy threw her head back, moaning. She started bouncing on my cock harder and faster, making it impossible for me to keep her boob in my mouth. I released it with a pop and lay back, enjoying the view along with the feeling of her working me.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” I moaned as she slammed down harder, chasing her own

  Her walls started clenching and I knew she was getting close, so I grabbed her hips, held her still, and took over. Putting my feet on the bed and angling my knees in the air for leverage, I fucked her as she came all over my cock.

  Then, I turned her over and took her from behind, getting even deeper. She felt so damn good, and I didn’t think I was going to last until she came again, so I reached around and started stroking her clit.

  “God, Landon,” she moaned, dropping her head to the mattress.

  The view of her round ass rippling every time I pounded into her unsheathed, the feel of her soaking wet clit on my fingers, the sound of her moans as her release built… it was too much. Knowing I needed to get her there, I squeezed and pinched, reaching around with my other hand to grab a tit.

  Mercy cried out my name and we came together before collapsing in a hot sweaty heap. I didn’t want her to bear my weight, so I rolled to my side, taking her with me. Curled around her cooling body, I stroked her hair away from her neck and rested my face against her shoulder so I could breathe her scent in.

  She smelled like home.



  Four Months Later

  Landon was calling. Excited to hear and see my sexy soldier man, I accepted the call and waited for the camera to load. His face was a little grainy, but just as handsome as ever as he came into view.

  “One month,” he said with a grin.

  We started all our calls with a countdown. It helped me to know he still planned to come home, reminding me that there was a light at the end of this tunnel.

  “One month,” I agreed. “How’s Afghanistan.”

  “Touristy. It’s quite the vacation destination. Tons of sand, sunshine, things that go boom.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me,” I groaned.

  He chuckled. “I’m okay, Merce. I’m getting out of here. Four more weeks. God, I can’t wait to see you again. Have you talked to Ben lately?”


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