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Dark and Deadly

Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  And now he was bleeding. Warren wasn’t sure what to do, so he grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed Dr. Bjord.

  “Dr. Bjord speaking,” he said when he answered.

  “This is Warren Prickett. I need you at my house right away. Ryan was hurt, and he’s bleeding out of his ears. There’s some demon in my living room that Ash is fighting with some stranger who appeared out of a corner. I’m worried about Ryan. He’s not moving, and I don’t have a way to get him to you.”

  “Let me have a look.”

  Warren screamed when the doctor suddenly appeared beside him. He crouched down as his assistant rushed over to the fight and…Warren’s jaw dropped. He blinked several times to make sure he was seeing what he was seeing.

  The assistant had tackled the demon, and then a bright light filled the room, nearly blinding Warren. The crazy part was the fact that Dr. Bjord didn’t bat an eye. He was busy flashing a small light into Ryan’s eyes.

  “What the hell,” Warren whispered.

  When the light faded, the demon was gone.

  “I assume you wanted him in Hell,” the assistant said. “Because that’s where I sent him.”

  “Where were you half an hour ago?” Ash griped. “The son of a bitch cut me deep.”

  The assistant looked Ash over. “You’ll live. Stop crying like a baby.”

  Ash snarled. The redheaded newcomer laughed. “Thanks for the save, brother.”

  Warren looked at the doctor. “What just happened?”

  Dr. Bjord spared Warren a glance. “My angel mate just sent a demon to Hell.”

  “Oh.” Warren’s brain nearly short-circuited. Angel? Demons? Vampires? Shifters? Was there other creatures he was missing? Did he want to know if others existed? Was the world spinning in the opposite direction?

  “Take a deep breath,” Dr. Bjord said without looking at Warren. He was too busy examining Ryan. “It’s a lot to take in, but trust me, after a while you won’t even blink at new revelations. It’ll become your standard norm.”

  Warren wished he could believe it. He was tired of the craziness and wanted something resembling normalcy in his life. As normal as things could be with a vampire and wolf and a baby on the way.

  “He’s going to need to feed to heal his head trauma,” Dr. Bjord said. “I can’t let you be a donor since you’re pregnant. I might have to hook him to an IV and just give him blood since he’s not conscious to feed.”

  “How is he?” Ash asked when he joined them. Fuck, he was naked, and there were people in the room, though they didn’t look the least bit interested in Ash’s nudity, as if they saw things like this all the time.

  Dr. Bjord repeated what he’d told Warren.

  “I’ll donate,” Ash said. “Hook me up to a line.”

  “They’ve had enough bullshit for one night.” The assistant pressed his hand against Ryan’s head. “Don’t you dare yell at me for taking a shortcut.”

  Dr. Bjord glared at him. “We’ve talked about this. You can’t keep fixing people, Gavril. You yourself said there are rules.”

  “That I can break when I want to.” Gavril backed up. “Now can we go home? I wanna finish watching our show.”

  “This is entertaining,” the redhead said. “I could’ve just dropped a tear into him and gotten the same results.”

  Warren had no idea what they were talking about. What results? What the flip did a tear have to do with anything?

  Ash must’ve seen the confused look on Warren’s face. “Phoenyx is a demon warrior. He has the power of healing.”

  Warren sat on his butt, his legs too shaky to support him any longer. Did Ash just say the redhead was a demon? But weren’t all demons evil? Warren looked up at Phoenyx and tried to see anything evil in his eyes, but there was nothing but humor and kindness in their green depths.

  Ryan stirred, grabbing Warren’s attention. He smiled and leaned forward, so damn relieved to see his eyes opening. “Hey, handsome.” Warren fought back the tears as a burning lump formed in his throat. “How’re you feeling?”

  Ash knelt on the other side of Ryan as the doctor and his angel vanished into thin air. Nope, Warren wasn’t going to think about that. He was going to completely ignore what they’d just done for sanity’s sake.

  “Now as bad as I felt before I passed out.” Ryan pushed to his elbows and looked around. “Where is Macaw?”

  “Back in Hell,” Phoenyx said. “With a little angel help.”

  “It’s over?” Ryan fully sat up. There wasn’t a trace of blood left behind. Warren would forever be grateful to Gavril.

  “Lie down,” Phoenyx said to Ash. “Let’s heal that gash of yours.”

  Warren bristled when Ash lay down. He was still butt naked, his junk hanging out for Phoenyx to ogle if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He knelt on one knee, his face close to the gash in Ash’s side, and allowed a tear to drop. It landed in the wound, and Warren gasped as he watched the jagged skin begin to stitch itself back together.

  “Why do you guys hide in the darkness? Do you know how many people are in desperate need of your healing powers?”

  “Just as there are people with hearts of gold, there are others who would exploit us,” Phoenyx said. “Labs that would dissect us, study us, governments who would use us for their ill intentions. We hide to survive, but we also thrive.”

  “Thanks for coming.” Ryan got to his feet and looked down at Ash. “Get your sexy ass up and get some clothes on before I have to remove Phoenyx’s eyes.”

  The demon warrior snorted. “You could try, but your mate is sexy as fuck.”

  Warren chuckled as Ryan snarled and Phoenyx jumped out of the way when Ryan tried to smack him.

  “I’m out of here. Pleasure working with you, Ryan.” He gave a lazy salute before he walked out the front door.

  Warren turned his attention to Ryan. “You’re going to tell me why Macaw was after you in the first place.”

  Ryan’s smile faded, and a veil fell over his eyes. He held his hand out and helped Ash to his feet.

  “You know there’s nothing you can tell us that’ll make us turn our backs on you,” Ash said. “And you were the one who said we shouldn’t have secrets.”

  Without a word, Ryan walked into the kitchen. Warren sighed. He already knew being with Ryan wasn’t going to be easy. He was sweet, loving, but also closed off. He would need a crowbar to open the guy up.

  “Have patience.” Ash kissed Warren’s cheek. “He’ll come around. We’re too irresistible for him not to spill his secrets.”

  “Yeah, in about ten years.” Truth be told, Ryan never had to tell them what he was desperate to keep to himself. Everyone had secrets. Warren was fine with that. He just didn’t want Ryan to feel as if he had to hide anything for fear Ash and Warren would judge him.

  Warren and Ash looked at each other when they heard tired, broken laughter coming from the kitchen. “I think he’s finally losing his mind,” Warren said. “Do you think that angel healed everything in his head? He might’ve missed something.”

  Still freaking naked, Ash headed toward the kitchen. Warren was right behind him. Ryan was seated at the table, a cup of coffee clutched in his hands. Tiny bubbles of laughter erupted as he shook his head.

  “Ry, are you all right?” Warren asked. “Do I need to get Dr. Bjord back here?”

  “Hey, talk to us,” Ash said. “Tell me what’s going on inside that brain of yours besides traumatic injury.”

  Ash took a seat, but Warren knelt down beside Ryan.

  “I don’t know how you two deal with me. I’m a complete fuckup, and I nearly got you two killed because I was too ashamed to tell you that I whored myself out because I was broke, with nowhere to stay, hungry, and desperate.”

  Ryan rubbed his face with his hands then stared up at the ceiling. “Now you know my shame. If you two want this mating thing without me, I understand.”

  Warren was taken aback. Not because of Ryan’s confession but because he thought he was
disposable. “Weren’t you the one who said I had no idea how you felt about me?”

  Ryan gave him a sideways look. “Yeah.”

  “So when you’re embarrassed by something in your past, you’re first solution is to ditch us? Haven’t we gone through that already with Ash?”

  “Hey, keep me out of this,” Ash said. “It was a moment of temporary insanity.”

  Warren stood and jabbed a finger into Ryan’s arm. “You knocked me up. You said we were mate, that we were meant to be together. Was all that bullshit, something you made up to get me into bed?”

  The longer Warren talked, the angrier he became. How dare Ryan think he could easily walk away. “Am I that disposable?”

  “No,” Ryan said without hesitation. “The fuck? I was still after you even after you dumped me. I was obsessed with you, still am. You’re no more disposable than the beat to my heart that I need to survive.”

  “That was nice,” Ash said. “Smooth.”

  Warren glared at him. “We’re having a moment here. If you’re not going to help, go get some clothes on. Your dick is distracting.”

  “Then the two of you get naked so we can all be distracted. I’m over this conversation. Whatever Ryan did to survive, it’s in the past. I’m ready to move on to more interesting topics, like your lips curled around my cock.”

  “Now that sounds like a damn good plan,” Ryan said. “I could use some nakedness underneath me.”

  Warren sniffed. “I thought you wanted to leave.”

  Ryan shoved from his seat and yanked Warren to him so fast that Warren yelped. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He pressed a kiss against Warren’s lips. “You forgive me for bringing so much drama?”

  “I’ll forgive you if you fuck me properly.”

  “Deal.” Ryan released him and damn near ripped his clothes off. He moved so fast, using his inhuman speed, that one second he was clothed and the next he stood there in his birthday suit.

  “Damn, I wish I could do that,” Warren said.

  Ryan pressed himself to Warren’s front. Ash was at Warren’s back. He was sandwiched in and shaking in anticipation. Raw power surrounded him, the heat, the muscles, of the two sexiest men on the planet.

  This would be only the second time he’d been with two men, but Warren had a vivid imagination. He just wasn’t expecting Ryan and Ash to strip him right there in the kitchen.

  “Up you go.” Ash lifted Warren and laid him right there on the table. Warren pushed to his elbows.

  “Right here?”

  “The better to eat you.” Ryan wiggled his brows.

  “How’re we going to do this, Ryan?” Ash asked.

  Warren had a feeling he was in deep trouble.

  * * * *

  “Lying right here,” Warren said as he wiggled on the hard table. “I can hear you two.”

  “Then you know the pleasure we’re about to unleash on you,” Ash said.

  Ryan grinned when Warren glanced down at Ash, his eyes wide.

  Ash winked at Warren before he took Warren’s cock into his mouth. Ryan stood there fascinated. It was like his very own porno was playing out right there in front of him. His breathing ragged, Ryan ran the tips of his fingers across Ash’s stretched lips. He inhaled sharply when Ash’s tongue lashed out to swipe over Ryan’s fingers.

  That gave Ryan an idea. As Warren thrashed on the table, crying out and hitching his hips, Ryan wet his fingers and then inserted two into his own ass, stretching himself for Ash’s invasion. As he did this, he bent, licking his way over Warren’s wrinkled sac.

  “Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod!” Warren kept repeating that cluster of words as his hips punched upward. When Ash slid his lips up Warren’s cock, Ryan took a swipe at the base, and when Ash swallowed Warren, Ryan went back to sucking at the man’s balls.

  They worked up a rhythm as Warren went rigid.

  “Stop fighting it,” Ryan said. “Just let go.”

  Ash wet his fingers, separated Warren’s cheeks, and slid them inside the man’s ass.

  Warren howled as his legs spread and his hips jerked, and Ash took his shaft down to the root. Ash’s throat muscles worked, and Ryan knew his mate was swallowing Warren’s seed.

  Ryan had to grab the base of his cock and squeeze to stop himself from exploding. The sight of Ash swallowing, the scent of Warren’s release, and the excited energy in the room nearly shook Ryan apart.

  When Ash pulled back, Ryan moved quickly, settling between Warren’s quivering legs.

  “I got the olive oil,” Ash said as he moved from the table and went for the counter, leaving Warren lying there still wiggling. Ryan held out his hand, waiting for Ash to wet his fingers. When he did, Ryan inched his slick fingers inside Warren.

  “Ohmygod!” Warren thrashed his head from side to side.

  Ryan chuckled. “Think he’s enjoying this?”

  “I think he is,” Ash said with a grin. “Now it’s your turn. Bend over.”

  Ryan’s heart sped up as he bent over Warren, claiming the human’s lips as he worked his fingers inside the man’s body. Ryan panted as Ash’s thick fingers entered him.

  He moaned into Warren’s mouth as Ash stretched him, kissed Ryan along his spine, and gave gentle bites to his butt.

  A part of his brain kept screaming that Ash was about to claim him. All three would finally be complete. There would be no walking away for any of them. Not that Ryan wanted to leave.

  In truth, it had felt good to get that off his chest, although he was still ashamed of what he’d done. What he hadn’t told the two was that he hadn’t gone through with it. He’d taken Macaw’s money and fled. It wasn’t so much the sex but the principle, and that was why Macaw had come after him.

  That and the fact that Phoenyx had bent Ryan’s arm when he’d seen them together, forcing Ryan to help him. That had pissed the demon off, and that was when Macaw had gone on his rampage.

  Did Ryan feel guilty for duping the guy even though he was a demon who’d escaped Hell? Yeah, he did. Lesson learned.

  Ash’s masterful tongue at Ryan’s hole made all rational thoughts flee. He wanted to get fucked so badly that his fangs descended.

  He nicked Warren’s lip, drawing in that tiny amount of blood as he licked and sucked at the man’s mouth. Warren didn’t seem to notice. He dug his hands into Ryan’s short hair and tugged at the strands as he devoured Ryan’s lips.

  The little human had had his first taste of sex with two men, and it seemed he couldn’t get enough. Ryan grinned into the hungry licks Warren was giving him.

  And then Ash pulled his fingers free. Ryan did the same. He held his hand out, and Ash dripped the oil onto it. Ryan didn’t bother to ask why Ash hadn’t gone to the room to get some lube. He knew the reason why. Neither of them had been willing to take those few seconds to leave the room.

  Ryan lined the head up to Warren’s stretched hole.

  In one fluid movement, he buried himself deep inside his mate. Ryan closed his eyes and forced himself to remain still. Not only did he have to allow Warren’s body to adjust to the invasion but he didn’t move as Ash slowly entered him.

  The dual sensation of being filled and filling Warren was mind-blowing. Ryan buried his face into Warren’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss to Warren’s neck. “You okay?”

  “S-so full.” Warren panted as his nails dug into Ryan’s back. God, he felt so fucking amazing.

  Ryan also wanted to feel his cock fill Ash. The question was, would Ash bottom, or would he remain a dominant top? Ryan shoved all that aside as Ash filled him completely.

  “You move,” Ash said. His hands dug deeply into Ryan’s sides. “Set the pace.”

  Ryan nodded as he pulled almost completely out of Warren and then thrust back in. As he moved, Ash caught the rhythm and moved in sync.

  Ash’s cock stretched Ryan to the limits. The hard shaft brushed over his prostate, making sparks of electricity shoot through Ryan’s body. Ryan’s hands were on either side of W
arren’s head, and Ash had pulled Warren’s legs upward, holding them in place as the three moved together.

  Ryan smiled down at Warren, teasing the man’s chin with his teeth. “Feel good?”

  “I can’t even…it’s just…oh, hell.”

  Ryan chuckled. “It seems our little human can’t form two words with a dick shoved in his ass.”

  “Neither should you,” Ash said as he started pounding into Ryan’s ass. With his cock buried deep in Warren and Ash’s cock in his ass, Ryan felt himself spiraling close to the edge.

  “Come for me, Warren.” Ryan sank his fangs into Warren’s neck, splashes of blood coating his tongue. The human cried out as his hole clamped down on Ryan’s cock, making movement almost impossible. Warren’s hole was too damn tight to begin with.

  Ryan bucked as he tried to bury his cock farther. Ash was fucking him in a frenzy. When the wolf shifter sank his teeth into Ryan’s flesh, it was over.

  He came so hard that a kaleidoscope of stars burst before him. His body shook as his seed erupted deep in Warren’s ass. Ash released Ryan’s shoulder, howling as his cock pulsed.

  Seconds later, Ash pulled free and then collapsed on one of the chairs. Ryan eased out of Warren then snatched Ash to his feet. He sank his fangs into Ash’s neck, sealing their bond.

  Ryan had already felt a connection to both men, but it had grown deeper, their souls melding as one. Never before had he felt this close to anyone, and Ryan finally felt as if he’d found a home. His home. Shared with the two men who meant everything to him.

  “I love you,” Ash said as his hand ghosted down Ryan’s back. “I feel it in my heart. So the next time you talk about walking away, I’m beating your ass.”

  “I love you, too.” Ryan had never said those words to anyone, and it felt freeing. So much so that he chuckled and hugged Ash to him. His wolf, his human, and soon his child. What more could Ryan ask for?

  When Warren remained quiet, Ryan looked over Ash’s shoulder to see the man fast asleep.

  “Lightweight.” Ryan chuckled. “Let me grab him and put him to bed.”

  Ash turned those chocolate-brown eyes on Ryan. “I’ll join you in a second. I want to lock up.”


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