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Heart Beats

Page 2

by Davidson King

  “Okay, then, next?” Silvia said, and I looked over to Toby and Shane. Shane was watching Charles as the guy sat a few rows behind him. Toby shrugged at me like the whole thing was odd.

  The panel went on, and I answered the typical questions: They wanted to know my favorite band, song, album, and artist. I was asked about a girlfriend and a boyfriend. It was never-ending. All the other DJs were asked the same questions, and it made the panel seem more like a speed-dating event than anything.

  When it was over, we all stood, waved at the fans, and walked offstage to the back room.

  “My whole body tenses up when I hear someone say they got a question for me, ya feel me?” ZiggyJay asked me. I always liked him with his silver sprayed hair, outlandish glasses, and how he must rub gold flecks over his light-brown skin. He was real, too—he was probably the only DJ at this thing I would call a friend.

  “Same. Sometimes I think we should answer questions and hand out the answers before these things, so people could read them and not ask us the same shit.” I handed Ziggy a bottled water from the ice bucket and grabbed another for myself.

  “Thanks, man. Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.” He guzzled the water, and I did the same. “I’m gonna talk to my assistant about that.”

  I smiled and turned when I heard my name. “Ledger, you did great!” Toby patted me on the shoulder.

  “Thanks.” I looked over at Shane, who was eyeing the room and the people in it. “What did you think, Shane?”

  “Me?” I loved how his voice jumped as if he were shocked I’d asked him. It was dorky and cute. “It was, well, intrusive?”

  Ziggy, who was standing beside me, laughed. “You got that right.”

  “I’m shocked they can ask those things. I mean, it’s rude.” Shane appeared genuinely upset. “I’d tell someone to fuck off if they asked me if I preferred briefs or boxers.”

  “The glamorous life of fandom,” Ziggy exclaimed with a chuckle. “Talk to you all later. I’m going to my hotel room, taking a shower, and napping before the dinner tonight.”

  “Dinner?” Shane asked as Ziggy left.

  “Yeah, we have a dinner. No fans—just DJs and their assistants and such. Tomorrow is the signing, and then I’m done.” I watched every reaction on Shane’s face. I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

  “Well, I gotta leave after the dinner,” Toby announced, and both Shane and I shot him a look. “What?”

  “You said you were gonna be here to support me and shit!”

  Toby rolled his fucking eyes at me. “I said you’d have Joker’s Sin support and…” he waved over at Shane. “He’s gonna be there for you tomorrow at your signing table.”

  “I am?”

  “He is?”

  “Yep. Now, can we get out of here, please? I have to call Atlas, and that Trinity chick is staring you up like you’re Christmas dinner.” Toby gave Trinity a wave, which she returned.

  “What a…” Shane didn’t finish, just took a breath. I also found that cute. What was wrong with me?

  “See you all later,” I said as I left the room with Shane and Toby.

  Security was really good at helping us get out of there and to the car. I wasn’t staying far away, and though they had the convention at a hotel, I didn’t want to stay at the same place as the con. I wanted to be away from it all so I could rest.

  Toby and Shane got a separate room a floor below mine.

  “Dinner’s at seven, so wanna meet in the lobby at like six thirty?” I asked.

  “That works. It only takes five minutes to get back to the other hotel,” Toby answered as he stepped off the elevator and onto his floor. Shane followed silently.

  “See ya then.”

  When the door closed, I rested my head against the elevator wall. My body ached, and I wanted to close my eyes for a little bit. I opened the door to my room, tossed my shoes, and faceplanted onto the bed. It wasn’t long before I was drifting off, my head full of red hair, gray eyes, and shy smiles.

  The ballroom at the hotel where the dinner was held was like any other. Chandeliers dripped with crystal; there were floral carpets and large round tables with extravagant flowers and fine china. I was glad Toby and Shane were there so I could use them as a buffer. As weird as it sounded, I wasn’t a huge people person. In my DJ booth, it was me and the music. On special nights I interacted with Atlas on the stage, but the booth always gave me a sort of protection, a separation from groping hands and unwanted closeness.

  “Are you going to the con in California this year, Ledger?” Trinity, who was placed at our table, asked.

  “No. I only came to this one because it wasn’t too far from Joker’s Sin, and I only had to take a couple of days off work.”

  Trinity flipped her lavender hair off her shoulder and folded her hands on the table. Her cleavage was not to be ignored.

  “Why do you work in a nightclub exclusively? Your talent is unique, and you should be traveling.”

  I felt Toby sit up straighter, readying himself to speak, and I jumped in quickly. “I’m not a traveler. I like having one place that’s familiar. I did my time traveling and now—”

  “You’re settling,” she said.

  “Have you ever even been to Joker’s Sin?” Shane asked before I had a chance to respond.

  “No,” she scoffed. “Unlike Ledger here, I like to hop around.”

  “I asked you if you’d ever been to Joker’s Sin, not about your bed-hopping.” An angry Shane was hot: his gray eyes blazed, his skin flushed a gorgeous red, and when I saw his fist clench his napkin, I wished it were my bedsheets.

  “Why, you little—” Trinity started to say but I defused the situation.

  “You’re insulting where we work, Trin. He’s being loyal and protective. Maybe don’t push, and you won’t get it in return.”

  “I wasn’t talking to him—why would I?” she sneered. “I was talking to you. Why don’t you join me in Miami next month? It’s not a con, but it is a festival. Chill and calm, remember when you would do those? You always said they were your favorite.”

  She wasn’t wrong, but if I were going to go to a festival, it wouldn’t be with her. “I’m not sure that’s possible, but I’ll look into it.” I ended it there, happy when the servers placed our salads in front of us. I could feel the heat radiating off Shane, and my skin tickled with an overwhelming urge to comfort him and get him to relax.

  “Sorry,” Shane whispered to me while everyone else was busy in conversation.

  “Don’t be. You had every right to defend Joker’s.”

  “She—I don’t like her.”

  I laughed, not because I was surprised he didn’t like her—that was obvious—but because he’d genuinely pouted when he said it.

  “I know. She makes it hard to like her at all.” I looked over at Trinity, who was sipping some fruity drink and talking to who I assumed was her assistant. “She wasn’t always like this. But fame got to her head and never left.”

  “You’re not like that.” Shane placed his fork down, eyes on me. Fuck, I wanted to kiss him.

  “No, I’m not. Never been keen on the fame part of it all. I love what I do, not the crazy it brings.”

  He nodded. “Then why do this con?”

  “Because it draws attention to Joker’s Sin. And that helps the club, and for the club, I’d do anything.”

  He smiled like my answer was the best thing ever, and I felt like I’d won the lottery.

  The rest of dinner was uneventful. We ate, and there were a few speeches thanking us and explaining what tomorrow would bring. Knowing Shane would be there didn’t make me nervous. I was excited; maybe I could get to know him a little better. Playing this push-and-pull game with him was getting old. I wanted to know things about him. Maybe he’d say something unappealing, and I’d stop wanting to fuck him on every sturdy surface.

  As we were walking along to the lobby, Trinity stopped us. “Ledger, a few of us are going to sit at the bar and shoot th
e shit, like old times. Maybe you’d like to join us?” She looked over at Shane, and I saw her deflate. “I’m sorry about what I said before. I’m sure Joker’s Sin is wonderful, and I’ll be sure to visit.”

  Shane didn’t say anything, just nodded.

  “So, just for a little bit?” she asked me, and I wanted to say no, I really did, but I also missed talking shop with everyone.

  “Yeah, okay, for a little while.”

  “Great, see you over there.” Trinity bounced away, and I turned to Toby and Shane. The disappointment on Shane’s face nearly had me saying fuck it and going to my room, but Toby spoke up.

  “Go work. Shane and I are going to our hotel. I have to get my suitcase and head home anyway. Shane will meet you in the morning right here, yeah?” He looked over to Shane.

  “Of course, yeah. Have fun.” He turned his back to me. I wanted to say something, but Toby told me to go, so with one last look at Shane’s ass, I left to hang with the others.

  Chapter Three


  “You got it bad.” Toby had waited until we arrived at our hotel and were in the elevator to speak up.

  “Shut up.”

  “He’s just hanging out with them, relax.”

  We stood in silence for a few floors until I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “She’s like an octopus, all clinging to him, and her boobs practically slapped on the table at dinner—tell me you saw that?”

  The doors opened to our floor, and we stepped out. “You sound all jealous. It’s funny because I’ve never seen this side of you.” Toby slipped the key card in, and we went inside.

  “I know. He owes me nothing and uhhhg!” I fell onto the bed. “Maybe I should just ask him out.”

  Toby grabbed his small duffel and started tossing his clothes in. “Maybe a good idea.”

  “But Atlas doesn’t really like in-house shenanigans.” I rolled on my side, resting my head in my hand.

  “Well, he’d be hypocritical if he didn’t allow it, and do you plan on shenanigans?” He zipped his bag and…

  “Hang on a sec.” I hopped off the bed. “You’re full of shit, Toby St. Claire.” I poked his chest.

  “Huh?” He appeared genuinely surprised.

  “You don’t have to go back to work. You told me so!”

  His eyes widened and he hurried around me, duffel in hand. “Atlas texted me.”


  “Poppy’s wheelchair is malfunctioning, and she needs me.”

  “Nice try, she has her boyfriend for help.”

  Toby released a sigh and sat down. “Fine, you’re right. I’m doing this on purpose.”

  I sat in front of him on the table across from the small chair. “Why?”

  “To give you and Ledger some time. You two skirt around each other constantly. You’re never alone; there’s always someone there. I know he likes you, and you like him. Maybe you need time to get to know him. The signing tomorrow and the drive to Haven Hart will be perfect.”

  “Toby.” I sighed. “I do like Ledger, a lot, and I think he likes me too, but I’m not sure we have much in common. And from the look in Trinity’s eyes tonight, he may be occupied with her into the morning.”

  Toby shook his head and stood up. “I’m telling you, she’s not his type. Max spent over an hour once, while I was helping him organize the bar, telling me the sort of people Ledger went home with from clubs or bars. None of them were like Trinity.”

  When he moved toward the door, I ran to stop him. “Wait!”


  “What kind of people did he go home with?”

  He opened the door but before he left, he answered me. “People like you, Shane.”

  I didn’t know what that meant. Redheads? I was about to shout my question down the hallway when a door opened, and someone walked out. I slipped back into my room and pondered what Toby said. I thought on it the whole time I showered, and long into the night, until sleep finally claimed me.

  I ended up in the lobby earlier than Ledger and I agreed upon, but I woke up after a particularly hot dream, so I showered, dressed for the day, and grabbed a shuttle to the hotel the con was at. I figured I’d go to the cafe in the hotel and get some coffee and maybe a muffin. I could see the front door from where I sat so I figured when he came, I’d pretend I didn’t see him. Toby’s right, I’m acting stupid.

  I’d just sipped my coffee when the elevator doors opened, and he and Trinity came out, together. Knowing he didn’t have a room here meant he either stayed or got up insanely early and came over here. I welcomed the burn as I swallowed the scolding liquid. She had her arm entwined with his, and they were laughing. Maybe Toby wasn’t right after all. I got up, coffee in hand, and walked over to them.

  “Morning,” he said with a smile.

  “Good morning. Sleep well?” I glared at Trinity, who fucking gloated.

  “It was okay, prefer my own bed, though. Or a bed at all, honestly. The couch in Ziggy’s room wasn’t comfortable.”

  “Right? There’s no place like home…and a bed.” Trinity laughed. Ledger laughed. I did not laugh.

  “Well, let’s do this signing, and you can both get back to bed or couch or whatever. Right? Okay, and moving on.” I turned on my heel and walked toward the ballroom the signing was at.

  “Shane?” Ledger called.

  “What? Busy, busy, let’s move.”

  “We have two hours. I was hoping we could have breakfast first.”

  I halted and turned around. Unfortunately, Trinity was still there, and I realized what he said.

  “Oh. Yeah, of course. Go ahead. I’ll see if I can get info on where you’ll be sitting. Bon appetit.” I didn’t wait to watch them happily stroll to breakfast. I was so stupid to think I was anything like what he wanted.

  I smacked my forehead as I walked. “Ouch.”

  I looked up to see DJ ZiggyJay leaning against a pillar by the ballroom. “You okay?”

  “Me? I’m cool. You, not so cool.” He tipped his chin in the direction I came from. “Trinny and Ledge, there’s nothing there. He stayed in my room last night. You should just tell the guy you like him. He talked a lot about you last night. Damn, thought you two were a thing for a time till he said nah.”

  “Me? No, you must be—”

  “Not wrong. So, look, I’m gonna help you out. Let’s go to breakfast, and I can pretend to be shocked to see them and sit and eat, yeah?”

  ZiggyJay was a gorgeous man. He shimmered all over, and his clothes were insanely flashy. He was being kind to me, and I was hungry since I’d left my muffin in the coffee shop.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Great, come on now, Strawberry.” He held out his arm, I chuckled, and hooked mine with his.

  When we entered the hotel restaurant, the delicious smells of maple syrup, toast, and coffee assaulted my senses, and my stomach grumbled.

  ZiggyJay walked and talked and suddenly stopped. “Oh my, look who’s here, Strawberry.” I saw Trinity and Ledger with full plates sitting at a four-top.

  “Hey, guys…again.”

  “I thought you were off finding things out?” Trinity said as she popped a blueberry into her mouth.

  “Nah, I stopped him, needed a breakfast date. So can we sit with you all?” ZiggyJay pulled a chair out for me next to Ledger. “For you.”

  “Thank you, ZiggyJay.”

  “You just call me Ziggy, Strawberry.” I felt my cheeks blush. Not because I was sexually attracted to Ziggy, but because he was extremely charming.

  “Strawberry?” Ledger asked.

  “Mmhmm. He’s got that red hair, and he is just so sweet.” Ziggy sat and the server took our drink order.

  “I’m going to go up to the buffet,” I said and rushed off.

  As I filled my plate with bacon, eggs, toast, and some fruit, I could feel eyes on me. I thought it was Ledger, but when I looked up, he was in some weird, heated conversation with Ziggy. I darted around the restaurant and they landed on
a guy sitting alone by the window. He was the fan at the Q and A panel the day before that asked the equipment question. He was glaring at me as if I’d spit in his cereal or something. I didn’t want to cause a scene, but I wanted to acknowledge I saw him, so I waved. He just looked away. Weird.

  By the time I got back to the table, my appetite wasn’t as big, but I nibbled. It was delicious, and I knew it would be hours before I’d eat again, so I made sure to fill myself.

  “You about done, Shane?” Ledger questioned with a bit of bite in his tone.

  “Yeah, almost.” I saw Ziggy’s shoulders shake.

  “How long does it take to eat?” he retorted, and I noticed his plate was still half-full.

  “I dunno, Ledger, finish yours and tell me how long it took you.”

  We had this stare-down. His intense gaze locked with mine. There was no question he had something to say but wouldn’t do it with Trinity and Ziggy near.

  “Whatever, I’m going to the ballroom. See you there.” He got up and stormed out.

  “Mmhmm,” Ziggy hummed as Trinity got up and followed Ledger out. I looked up and saw the guy who was staring at me walk by our table and out of the restaurant.

  “I can’t wait to go home.”

  Ziggy patted my leg. “Problems will be waiting for you there, Strawberry.”

  I knew he was right. I finished up and told Ziggy I was going to go because I had to help Ledger. He wished me good luck and said he’d make sure to stop by Joker’s Sin for a visit.

  When I got to the ballroom, I saw Ledger by his table with a few boxes of things he brought to sign. There were two people helping him, but I went over anyway. We didn’t speak; I just helped, and by the time the five-minute mark was called, we were ready for the signing.

  Chapter Four


  “What are these?” Shane asked as he held up the drives I’d brought.

  “My mixes. I sign anything, but I know people are mostly here because they love how I mix. So I figured I’d make a sample.” I chuckled when his eyes widened. “You seem shocked that I used my brain or something.”


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