Book Read Free

Heart Beats

Page 9

by Davidson King

  “In your dreams,” Lion squawked and then flew away.

  He was pressing delicious kisses to my neck when his phone buzzed.

  “I’m ignoring that.”

  I wanted him to, especially when he started nibbling, but the phone never stopped, and eventually the mood was killed.

  “What?” Ledger snapped into the phone.

  I watched Ledger’s face morph from angry to frustrated to something I couldn’t place. Still angry, but mortified maybe?

  “When, where is it showing that?” he asked whoever was on the other end. “Fuck!”

  “What is it?” I sat up, concerned about what had Ledger so angry.

  “But that’s not what happened.…Yes, I want that stated.…What the fuck? Has anyone spoken with Trinity on this?”

  The second her name was mentioned, I knew it was bad.

  “Of course she said no comment, she’s likely loving this. How about Ziggy? He was there, he can clear this up too.”

  I got out of bed, Ledger’s gaze on me as I slipped on a pair of pajama pants he’d let me borrow and went to the bathroom. I’d clean up and when he was done with his call, I hoped he’d let me know what was going on and how Trinity was involved.

  I took my time in the shower and when I finished, Ledger wasn’t in the bedroom anymore, and the scent of coffee filled the air. I put on the pants I wore the night before and snagged one of Ledger’s shirts. I really was going to need to start putting clean clothes in a backpack if there were going to be so many spontaneous nights here.

  In the kitchen Ledger was sitting on one of his stools, slumped over a mug of coffee.

  “Hey,” I said.

  When he lifted his head there was no hiding the expression. He looked spent, sad, and frustrated.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I gotta tell you something, and I want to be the one to do it and not have you find out another way.”

  I hated the sound of that. “I think I’ll need coffee for this.”

  He didn’t say any more; he let me get my coffee. My head swam with thoughts and ideas of what he’d say. All I did know was, it involved Trinity and him.

  I sat on one of the stools and stared at his weary form. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  He sighed into his half-drunk mug. “The night Trinity and Ziggy left, I walked them to the car. Said good-bye. I guess someone, a reporter or whatever, took a picture of me hugging Trin good-bye. They got it in their head that she and I are a thing. Well, this morning it’s on entertainment rags and sites that Trinity and I are dating.”

  I took a sip of my coffee, digesting everything Ledger said to me. I let the words swim in my brain for a few, but, nope, it wasn’t computing. “I don’t get it, though. What does a hug mean anyway? You hugged Ziggy too, I bet. You hug people.”

  “I know, but Trinity always has reporters following her. She’s one scandal after another.”

  Nodding I said, “Fine, but again I say it was just a hug. How do they read into a hug that much?” The way Ledger’s expression fell told me he wasn’t disclosing everything. “What aren’t you telling me, Ledger?”

  “Anytime Trinity was close to me at the con is there too. The night she and I were out with Ziggy, we had a few too many. She was handsy. Nothing happened but the pictures, they tell a different story for those wanting to believe it.”

  “You saw them?” He nodded. “I see, and I’m guessing Trinity isn’t denying them?”

  “Nope. She is saying ‘No comment.’ I left a message with Ziggy since he was there every time but miraculously, he’s cut out of every picture.”

  I was starting to think Ledger was more upset that I’d believe it than what actually happened, so I put his mind at ease. “You should make a statement and leave it at that. If she wants to be a shit and lie, you show them that she’s delusional, that…” A thought crashed into me so hard, I almost choked on air.

  “Shane?” Ledger gripped my hand.

  “I just thought of something. What if Trinity’s been the one sending you the songs and gifts? If a reporter got word of that, or dug deep enough, they’d find out everything going on. Add in the fact there are pictures of you and her?” I sighed at the reality of what I was saying. “It would be a strong story, Ledger. One that would be hard for you to clear up.”

  Ledger’s eyes widened. “She’s been desperate before, but that’s a little farfetched, even for her.”

  “Did you reject her?” He nodded. “Maybe when you ignored the gifts, she leaked some pictures, maybe thought in her mind you seeing the two of you together would spark something.”

  Ledger scoffed, but I could see the cogs turning. “How would she think something like forcing me into a relationship would work?”

  I didn’t have an answer for him. “I don’t know, but I think we should call Ciro.”

  “Who do you think called me this morning?”

  “So, he knows. Good. Don’t you have an agent or something?”

  “Yeah, I called her. She said she’d contact someone in PR and get back to me. I’m not some big celebrity, Shane. The reason I stay at Joker’s Sin other than everyone is family, is because I do this for the art of it. Because I enjoy it. Not for the limelight. Trinity, she—”

  “Thrives on attention and needs more positive than negative? Yeah, I got the memo.”

  “I’m sorry, Shane. My whole life is a mess right now.”

  He wasn’t wrong, but I was sort of used to life messes. “We’ll figure it out. That is, if you want my help.”

  “I want more than your help, Shane.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I really like you.”

  “Dork, I like you too.”

  Lion chose that moment to fly over us, saying, “Dork, dork, dork” over and over, making us laugh.

  “I’m going to go call Ciro and tell him your theory. If you’re right, we can end all this and move on with our lives,” Ledger said.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me.” I hopped off the stool and cupped his face. “I’ll be right beside you if you want.”

  “I definitely want.” He smiled into my kiss, and I hoped this was the end of the drama and that Ledger and I could, in fact, move on with our lives.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Ciro and his friend Riordan had come over after I called and explained Shane’s theory. While Ciro said it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, Riordan wasn’t so sure.

  “What you’re saying is you’ve known this woman for many years, never had any relationship with her other than friends, and now she’s stalking you?” Riordan quirked a brow.

  “It’s just a theory,” Shane defended. “She also tried to pursue more with Ledger and was rebuffed.”

  “The person you saw at the club the other night, though, they didn’t look like Trinity.” Riordan wasn’t being rude, but it was clear he was good at his job, because he made valid points.

  “No, but we’ve all seen the movies. She probably paid someone. I know it wasn’t actually her since she was on stage with Ledger and Ziggy,” Shane said.

  “Most stalkers who are pursuing people the way they are Ledger want to be noticed, though. They want to be the center of their world. Why would she hide that?” Ciro asked.

  “She was turned down. What better way to convince the world that she was with Ledger than staging it all? Maybe hoping if Ledger saw how much she thought she loved him, he’d—”

  “Relax.” I took Shane’s hand. “I’ve known Trinity a long time. I will admit it is very unlike her to act this way. But I’ve also never had a stalker, so I don’t know.”

  “We will look into this. No way are we leaving any stones unturned,” Riordan said as he stood. “I’ll let you know what I find.”

  Shane had to get back to his place to change and get ready for work tonight. I assured him I’d be fine, and he left with Ciro. I told him I’d drive by to pick him up, and there was no need to take the bus. He didn’t argue and when ev
eryone left my place I sat, head in hands, letting the daunting silence shroud me.

  I was driving to Shane’s to get him before going to work when my phone buzzed. I hit Speaker on my car and said hello.

  “Ledge, what is going on?” Ziggy sounded how I felt.

  “I really don’t know, Zig. I mean I’m starting to think Trin may be unhinged. When asked about everything, she had no comment? What the fuck is that about? She knows it’s all out of context, and she’s playing this game.”

  “I hear you. I called her, she said she’s doing what her agent is telling her to do.” Ziggy sighed. “I’m driving to her place. I’ll be there in an hour, but I wanted to see how you were. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, I had a gig and passed out.”

  “No prob. You’re going to her place?” I turned down Shane’s street. It was quiet, not the best neighborhood but not horrible.

  “Yeah, figured if she was face-to-face with me, she’d do the right thing.”

  Ziggy was a good friend, and sometimes I felt like I didn’t deserve him. He did more for me than I had ever done for him. “Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.”

  “Nah, no sweat, I had a few days to chill. I’ll let you know how it goes. Talk later.”

  The call disconnected as I was pulling up to Shane’s building. He was waiting and as he walked toward me, I took in his outfit. He was wearing a black T-shirt with Joker’s Sin on the left breast and skinny black jeans. We all had those shirts in all different colors. Atlas never cared what color we wore, but most of us favored the black.

  “Hey,” he said as he got in and to my surprise, leaned over for a kiss, which I gladly gave.

  “Hi, yourself.”

  He smiled and buckled up. When we were turned around and on our way, I let Shane know about Ziggy, and he was relieved that he was going to hopefully talk Trinity into clearing the air.

  “Did you tell Ziggy that you thought, maybe, she was stalking you?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t, not yet. I mean, he’s good friends with her too. If this gets her to stop, it’s a win. If it’s not her, then—”

  “It has to be her. I mean, think about it. It’s always music. Minus the flowers. She’s focusing on certain lyrics. Only someone as in love with music would do this.”

  I rolled that around in my head a moment. “Or the person stalking me knows how much music means to me and is trying to relate to something I love.”

  That seemed to catch Shane off guard. I liked how he opened and closed his mouth like a fish before finally speaking. “Yeah, okay, I can see how that’s a possibility.”

  We pulled into the small parking lot in the back of the club where the staff parked. There was a new gate that was shut behind us and a guy standing there.

  “That’s new,” Shane said as he got out of the car.

  “Yeah. Guess there’ll be no surprises in the parking lot or reporters anymore.”

  Shane nodded and followed me inside. Atlas was at the bar, talking with Max, Toby, and Ciro.

  “A gate?” I asked as I sat next to him.

  “Probably something I should’ve done a long time ago. None of my staff should be afraid to walk to their cars. But seeing those pap pics of you and a certain lavender-haired lady made me rush to get it up.” Atlas smiled at Ciro. “Ciro’s friend Riordan was able to get someone on it immediately. They’ll be securing it over the week, but he got something up right away.”

  “No big.” Ciro waved Atlas off. “No reporters here yet. Maybe we won’t see any. But I’m not letting any flash photography into the club tonight. Not until we know what’s up.”

  It normally didn’t bother me when people took my picture while I was working. Often I got a kick out of being tagged on social media with me mixing or Atlas and I doing a thing to entertain everyone. But right now, photos weren’t my friend, so I was grateful to Ciro for that.

  We briefly talked about security, and Ciro handed me a fully charged earpiece with strict instructions to charge it before I left. Shane went off to do his prep, and I went on stage to get ready for the night.

  I’d just finished all the sound checks when Ciro walked in with a young, lanky guy who was holding a small box.

  “Ledger,” Ciro said as he moved toward the bar with the guy. “This is a bike messenger who has a package for you. I was going to just take it for you, but it’s requiring a signature.”

  I slipped my headphones off, eyes searching for Shane. I shouldn’t have been shocked to see him coming around the bar to find out what was up.

  “Yeah, I’ll sign it, but I have a right to know who it’s from, don’t I?” I stood by the edge of the stage, where the bar was. The messenger looked nervous, and I imagine it was because Ciro wasn’t very welcoming.

  “Um…all I have is this information card, and I don’t really know.” He was looking all around now. Everyone had come over to see what was going on.

  Ciro handed the card to Max, who then handed it to me. It simply said it was from Music Fort LLC. “What’s Music Fort?” I wondered, but the messenger just shrugged. “Fine, I’ll sign.” Again, Ciro did the hand-off to Max, and he handed it to me with a pen. I quickly signed and once the messenger had the signature, he bolted.

  “Open it.” Max was glaring at the package.

  As I opened it, I asked Ciro if the messenger saw the person who gave it to him. “I asked. He said it was waiting for pick up at his work; his boss said a guy dropped it off and was in a rush. I’ll call his boss as soon as we see if what’s in there is worth calling over. For all we know, it’s not related.”

  Ciro was right, but the second I saw the red velvet box, I knew it wasn’t professional. When I opened it, a drive was in there along with a small note. I held it up.

  “You’ll be calling that boss, Ciro.” I went over to my equipment to plug the drive in.

  “What’s the note say?” Shane asked.

  “It’s more quotes. ‘Make-believing we’re together that I’m sheltered by your heart.’ I know this song.” I clicked play and the song, “It Must Have Been Love” started playing, but it wasn’t the Roxette version. It was a slow version. We all stood in silence and listened to the song. Not because we enjoyed it—at this point everything was a clue…was a revelation.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Working at Joker’s Sin had been a huge relief after working at Vick’s Tricks for so long. There I always had to look over my shoulder, worry that if I didn’t do something right, I’d get in trouble, and trouble meant blood. That fear I had in the pit of my stomach every time I walked in there—I didn’t have when I came into Joker’s Sin. Until now. I found myself looking at everyone as a suspect. I feared for Ledger to the point that I was watching him on stage more than I was doing my own job and dropped more drinks than was normal.

  “Dude, take a break,” Max said, and I knew he was right. I wasn’t focused.

  My break, however, consisted of watching Ledger on stage and scrutinizing every dancer up there. Was one of them working for Trinity? I sort of felt she had something to do with this. We were stuck waiting to hear from Ziggy and until then, I was on edge.

  “You wouldn’t know looking at him that he’s as nervous as you are.” Sparkles came over and stood next to me. We were off to the side up in the VIP section.

  “Max told you everything, I assume?”

  Sparkles sipped his pink drink. “He did. I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled, and do you know what I realized?”

  I broke away from intensely staring at Ledger and turned toward Sparkles, interested in his realization. “What?”

  “That being all hyperaware of everybody around you isn’t always good, because I discovered not many people can dance well.” He smirked and I welcomed the laugh that burst free.

  “Next to you, I’m sure that’s true.”

  Sparkles owned his own dance studio and was a regular dancer at Joker’s Sin. He was a true performer. Whether it was a drag show, hip ho
p, or ballet, he was a swan among many ugly ducklings.

  “You’re sweet…and correct.” He winked and I felt just a little bit better.

  After that I realized there were more eyes on Ledger than not, and while all those interested in Ledger weren’t benign, more were. I was able to relax and finish my shift without dropping any more drinks.

  I had finished my cleanup and was sitting at the bar, talking to Toby, when Ledger came out from the back, phone pressed to his ear.

  “He seems a little better, no?” Toby asked, and I noticed Ledger had a calm smile on his face. Whatever he was listening to was good news.

  “Hopefully he found something out.” I hopped off the stool and moved toward Ledger.

  Sliding his phone into his pocket, Ledger gave me the most carefree smile I’d ever seen. “Good news,” he said, and for some reason, I didn’t need to hear it but would anyway.

  “Do tell.”

  “Trinity is scheduling a press conference of sorts day after tomorrow to explain the photos. Ziggy and Trin both called and said it would be cleared up, and she even apologized.”

  “And the creepy love notes?” Ledger had to have asked her about them, right?

  “I didn’t want to provoke the situation further, Shane. If this confession makes it all stop, I’m good with that. It was never violent, just weird.”

  I wanted so much to argue but at the same time, I understood his thinking. Sometimes just making it all stop was better than anything. Ledger wanted his life to return to normal, and if this was how he got it, I wouldn’t push him.

  “Okay, your call. Hungry?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I could eat. Diner is always open, and I could devour a cheddar burger and a milkshake.”

  As we passed Ciro, Ledger let him know the news, and Ciro said that until we knew it was truly over, not to put our guards down. The owner at the messenger company had little information on who from Music Fort sent the note, so he was still worried. That, of course, was like a splash of cold water over our good mood, but Ledger smiled and said good night.


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