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Bad Boys Break Hearts

Page 24

by Smeltzer, Micalea

  “God, you’re boring and I need to get laid.”

  I try not to smile in amusement and open my textbook back up. “Enough goofing off, we have work to do.”

  * * *

  By the end of the week I’m walking out of my final exam. I feel confident I passed everything, but since you can never really be certain I won’t feel better until I know for sure.

  I don’t get far when a hand wraps around my wrist. A squeak flies out of my throat as my body collides with a very solid chest. My eyes dart up to meet Mascen’s. We’re around the side of the building, tucked into an archway. Still anyone passing by might see and recognize us. He does have his hoodie up, which blocks his face for the most part.

  “You are such a stalker—a true Edward Cullen.”

  “Don’t diss the bloodsucker.”

  I arch a brow. “You know who Edward Cullen is?”

  “My sisters made me watch the movies.” He shrugs like this information is no big deal.

  “Since you’ve went out of your way to pull me aside you must want something.”

  A little smirk dances on his lips. He lifts his hands to either side of my head, boxing me back against the brick archway. I narrow my eyes and his smile only grows larger. When he leans forward his hoodie shadows both of us. Anyone that looks over will see what they think is a couple kissing.

  His nose glides along the side of my cheek until his lips are at my ear. “Maybe I missed you, Princess.”

  A small sound threatens to pass through my lips. I don’t want to admit it out loud but I’ve missed him. Three weeks with minimal contact has been a hell I didn’t expect. It’s weird, since it’s not like we’re a couple, we’re not even friends, but this ‘something’ that we are I like a little too much.

  “Did you now?” I finally find my voice.

  “Only a little. But don’t tell anyone. I have my street cred to think about.” He brushes his lips against mine, there and gone too quick to be a real kiss.

  I weave my fingers into his shirt. “Are you going soft for me?” I arch a brow, fighting a smile.

  He growls in my ear, the sound making my stomach dip. “There is nothing soft about me, Princess.” To get his point across he presses his body closer into mine, all his hard lines against my soft curves.

  “So, you’re still an asshole?”

  “Yes, but I’m your asshole.”

  “There’s a difference?”

  He wets his lips. “Definitely.”

  I wrap one of his hoodie strings around my finger. “What was it you wanted again?”

  “Winter break starts this weekend.”

  “And?” I wait, wondering where he’s going with this. He mentioned during one of his evenings at Marcelo’s that his family was spending the holiday in L.A. and he didn’t want to go.

  “Stay with me.”

  The three words catch me off guard. “Where?”

  He rolls his eyes. “My place, Princess, where else?”

  “Your townhouse?”

  The last time I was inside I was fleeing from Cole’s room and yanked Mascen’s towel off and the last time I was there at all I was dropping a heartbroken Cole off.

  “That is where I live.” He presses his lips together. “If you don’t want to stay I’m sure I can find someone else to fill your spot, but they won’t be you, Princess.”

  “Don’t even play me like that.” I push playfully at his shoulders.

  “What will it be? Yes? No? Or, my favorite, fuck you, Mascen—as in the literal sense of fuck me please, baby, I miss your pussy.”

  Laughter bursts out of me from the unexpected turn of events. I let the string go and it unwinds from my finger. “Yes—to the staying and the fucking.”

  His grin is nearly my undoing. He places a tender kiss on my nose, the gesture sweet and surprising, and starts backing away. “If anyone was ever going to be my girl it had to be you, Princess.”

  He pulls his cigarette pack from the front pocket of his hoodie, finally turning away from me. I stay in the archway watching him walk away and the slow furl of smoke billowing behind him.

  I think I’m in love.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Sneaking around behind my friend’s back to have a girl over, his former girl, might be the worst thing I’ve ever done. Then again, probably not, but I do feel like shit over this.

  As soon as he’s gone I straighten things up—luckily the housekeeper stopped by last week so it’s not in too bad of shape—and change my sheets to clean ones. I close Cole’s door, my guilt seeping in just by looking inside his bedroom.

  With everything in order I text Rory, letting her know she can come over when she wants.

  All she replies with is ‘okay’ which leaves me to meander around wondering when exactly that means.

  I’m unhinged because of this girl. I want to hate it but strangely I don’t.

  Picking up a candle my mom sent me I light it in the living room so the place will smell nice when she gets here.

  Fuck, I’m whipped.

  How did I get to this point?

  Before I can tailspin too hard the doorbell rings.

  Swinging it open I can’t stop the smile when I see her. “Princess, welcome.” I sweep my arm wide to let her pass.

  “Thanks, Hans Gruber.”

  Closing and locking the door behind her, I turn to face her.

  “This is your place, huh?” She looks around, eyes wide as she takes it in.

  “You’ve been here before, don’t look so surprised.”

  “In case you forgot I was running away.”

  “Trying not to turn around and look at my dick more like.”

  She rolls her eyes toward me. “Of course you’d think that. I was embarrassed as hell and then shocked out of my mind to see you.”

  I exhale, thinking back to that day. “I was surprised to see you too.”

  She places her hands on her hips. “Do you have any special plans for us today?”

  “No,” I reply hesitantly, wondering if I should’ve thought of something.

  “Good,” she replies excitedly, digging into the tote bag over her shoulder, “I brought these.”

  She spreads the DVDs out on the ottoman in front of the couch.

  “Silence of the Lambs,” she points, looking back at me with a conspiratorial smile, “Die Hard, Twilight, and Interview with the Vampire.”

  I narrow my eyes. “I notice a trend here.” This time, I’m the one who points. “Hannibal Lector, Hans Gruber, Edward Cullen, and Lestat.”

  She claps her hands giddily and I wish it wasn’t so fucking adorable. I like this side of Rory too much, the one where she lets her guard down and she’s just herself, unweighted down by her past. “I knew there was a brain inside that pretty head of yours.”

  “Well, I mean, it’s not completely full of air.”

  She rises of her tiptoes, kissing my cheek. Her lips are soft and warm. Gripping her hand, I pull her closer when she starts to back away, kissing her the way I’ve wanted since I opened the door.

  She melts into me, the heat of the kiss growing. Her small hands push at my chest. With a groan, I pull away.

  “Don’t think you can distract me from the movie marathon I have planned. I picked up snacks and everything.” From the tote bag she pulls out a plastic shopping bag. “Think you can handle this?”

  A gruff laugh escapes my throat. “If I can handle anything.”

  Her mouth drops open and I’m sure she’s ready to protest. Swiping the bag, I head into the kitchen before she can start in on me.

  I hear her opening the DVDs, ripping the plastic and stickers off, while I dig into the bag pulling out popcorn, Milk Duds, gummy bears, Reese’s Pieces, and Reese’s Christmas tree shaped chocolates.

  “Someone’s got a sweet tooth,” I sing-song.

  “Don’t mock me,” she yells back at me. “It all looked so good I couldn’t leave it behind. It was screaming, ‘Take me. E
at me.’”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re going to be screaming that at me later.”

  I hear her choke from the other room, on what I don’t know. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  I take the popcorn out of the box and pop it into the microwave. While it’s twirling around I get the bowl out and another to pile all the various candy and chocolate in. When the pops start to slow I take it out, dumping the steaming kernels into the bowl.

  “You ready in there?”


  I carry the bowls in and set them down. “Let me grab some drinks. What do you want?”

  “I’m fine with whatever.”

  From the fridge I grab two sodas and two beers. Setting them both down, I take the spot beside her on the couch. “Cold? Do you need a blanket?”

  “I’m good right now.”

  She hits play on the movie, wiggling around to get comfortable. I pick up the popcorn bowl and set it in my lap.

  “I’ve never had a girl here before,” I admit as the opening credits begin.

  I feel her stiffen and her head slowly turns my way. “Never?”

  I shake my head, looking at the screen not her. “Nope. I mean, sure, some come for parties, but not like this. Not to stay.”

  “What about for sex?” I can tell the question bothers her but she’s mad at herself that it does from the way she toys with a rip in her jeans.


  She looks at me in surprise and I force myself to meet her inquisitive gaze.

  “Then where?”

  “Their place or wherever.”

  “And by wherever you mean…?”

  “The library, locker room, a storage closet, hotel—should I keep going?”

  “No,” she blurts, “I get the picture.” The movie starts to play and it’s a few minutes before she speaks. “Just so you know, I don’t judge you for those things. I haven’t been a saint either.”

  “Really?” I sound doubtful, I know, but I’ve learned most girls are pretty judgmental even when they don’t mean to be.

  She nods. “Want to know a secret?”

  “Always. Secrets are the best form of currency.” I wink at her.

  She sticks a piece of popcorn in her mouth to stall. “I’ve never had sex in a bed.” Her confession takes me by surprise. It wasn’t what I was expecting. When I don’t say anything, she continues, “I know it’s super weird, but I couldn’t have sex at my mom’s place and I wasn’t comfortable enough to go to any of my hook ups’ place, so…” she trails off. “And then when we had sex it was in your treehouse. So, yeah,” she shrugs like she’s not uncomfortable at all with the topic at hand, “no bed.”

  “Pause the movie,” I demand, standing up.

  “What? Why?” I can tell she’s worried I’m pissed, but I’m the furthest thing from it.

  “We have a problem to rectify.”

  “Problem? What problem?”

  “Your bed problem, Princess.” When she doesn’t stand I bend, scooping her up and tossing her over my shoulder. The air rushes out of her lungs.

  I’m worried I’ve been too rough with her when she gives a tiny laugh. “You’re crazy.”

  “Maybe,” I agree, starting for the stairs, “but if you’re telling me I’m going to be the first to fuck you in a bed I’m all over it.”

  “Put me down you heathen.” She smacks my butt in protest.

  “I will. On my bed.”

  Pushing my bedroom door open I drop her onto the bed. She bounces, glaring at me.

  Resting back on her elbows she says, “You could’ve been gentler about that.”

  “Princess,” I take my shirt off, dropping it by my feet, “you should know by now there’s nothing gentle about me.”

  She wets her lips. “Stop talking then and show me.”

  Fuck, this girl.

  She scoots back on the bed and I lower my body over hers. Kissing her deeply I taste the popcorn on her lips. The past couple of weeks not being able to touch her, kiss her, has been an unexpected torture. Now that I have her here for the entire break I want to do nothing but savor it. I’ve never had this kind of feeling with anyone before. It’s strange and new but not unpleasant. I used to think a relationship would be the worst kind of agony. I’ve never done well answering to someone else. Rory is making me rethink all that. I like being around her and I miss her when she’s gone.

  Lifting her shirt up I kiss her belly. She squirms against me silently begging for more. When her shirt is gone her bra follows quickly. I take her firm breasts between my hands paying careful attention to each globe. My tongue flicks over one nipple and then the next, taking my time, savoring her body. I bite the top of her right breast and she yelps.

  “Mascen! What the hell?”

  I look up. “I told you I’m not gentle.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m starting to think I need to spank you every time you roll your eyes at me.”

  She narrows those pretty brown eyes on me. “Try it and see what happens.” I open my mouth to speak, but she surprises me by curling her leg around my body and pushing me down on the bed with a hand to my shoulder. She wraps her dainty fingers around my throat but doesn’t squeeze. “Your fatal mistake is always thinking you’re in charge.”

  “Or maybe I’m manipulative and I wanted to get you on top.”

  “Or,” she grips my face in her hand, digging her nails in, “that’s what you’re saying so you can still feel like you’re the dominant one.”

  I squeeze her delectable ass in my hands, still wrapped in her jeans. “I’ll let you lead … tonight.”

  Challenge glimmers in her eyes and fuck if that doesn’t turn me on more. I know she has to feel my dick rock hard beneath her.

  She bites her bottom lip, the picture of innocence. “It’s cute you think it’s only for tonight.”

  Her lips descend on mine, taking the lead, and I follow. She rocks against me and I grip her hips, holding her down to increase the friction. A little moan escapes her, the sound so pure and sweet because it’s real and not a put on.

  “Touch me,” she demands, grabbing my hands and moving them from her hips to her breasts. I roll my thumbs over her nipples, eliciting a moan from her again. “Yes, like that.”

  She kisses her way over my pecs and down my stomach, kissing each indention of my abdominals. When she reaches the top of my jeans she scoots away and starts to undo my jeans, wiggling them down my legs. I sit up to help her and soon both my jeans and underwear are on the floor.

  “You next.”

  “I’m in charge.” She waggles her finger, trying to hide a smile.

  “You. Next.” I repeat, my tone brooking no room for argument. If I don’t get her naked soon I might spontaneously combust.

  She swallows a lump in her throat, possibly surprised by my tone. Easing off the bed she stares in my eyes the entire time she shimmies her jeans down her hips leaving her in black boy shorts. She takes those off too, exhaling a nervous sigh when she’s standing in front of me completely naked. Squaring her shoulders she climbs back on the bed. She wraps her hand around my cock and a moan rumbles in my throat. She lowers her mouth to the tip ready to wrap her lips around me.

  “Sixty-nine me.” I slap her ass.

  “W-What?” she stutters, her hold on my cock slackening.

  “Sixty-nine me.”

  “I don’t know what that is,” she whispers like someone might overhear.

  I grin wickedly. “I’ll show you.”

  She looks at me skeptically as I direct her into place. “This feels weird. My ass is in your face.”

  “So is your pussy, Princess, and I can’t fucking wait to taste it.”

  My tongue swipes against her core, eliciting a gasp from her. “Oh God.”

  I chuckle against her.

  Lowering her head her hair sweeps forward tickling my skin. I brace in anticipation of her mouth on my cock. I’ve fantasized about it a little too much in our three weeks apart.

nbsp; Her tongue swirls around the tip and my hips buck involuntarily. She gives a small laugh and the rumble of her throat against my cock … fuck, I’m worried I’m going to blow my load early like a complete amateur.

  Swirling my tongue around her clit this time she’s the one struggling to maintain composure. Payback’s a bitch.

  “Mascen, oh God.” Her legs begin to shake. I know she’s close to orgasming, but I don’t let her get there. I’m a selfish prick and I want to feel her first orgasm of the night squeezing my cock.

  Flipping her off of me and onto the bed the air rushes out of her lungs. Before she can catch her breath I’m plunging inside her. “Oh, fuck.” I squeeze her hips, trying to stave off my need to come. She’s turned me into a teenager with no self-control.

  “Harder,” she begs.

  “Not yet.”

  She whimpers with need, but I know if I give into her demands it’ll be over.

  Grabbing her hair in a tight fist I pull her up until our mouths meet. She bites down on my lip hard enough to draw blood. We both gasp at the metallic taste.

  “You fucking bit me,” I pant.

  She smirks as my arms move to the middle of her body, holding her up as I rock into her. “I told you to stop thinking you were the one in charge.” She nips at my ear, her playful laugh rumbling against me.

  I pull her back in for a kiss, addicted to her taste.

  With her hands on either side of my chest she pushes me down onto the mattress. Breaking from the kiss, she sits up, grinding her hips into mine. She pulls her hair over her shoulder, eyes shadowed behind her glasses. I barely place my hands on her hips when she pushes them away forcefully.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  I fold my arms behind my head, listening for once. If she wants to lead I’ll damn well let her.

  Watching the pleasure on her face makes letting her take control all the more worth it. She’s getting off on me. On my body. On my cock.

  She gives me a little smile, her teeth gently digging into her bottom lip. She almost seems shy and I realize she’s probably never experienced this with a guy, this level of control, if she’s only every had hookups.


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