The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 15

by Macy Blake

  “Of course,” Drew said. He led Ollie over to the bar and slipped behind it to fix them both a glass of soda.

  “So my Papa, he’s real big on us giving thoughtful presents. And I thought Ben would like his own hive of bees so he could have honey any time he wanted.”

  Drew couldn’t help but grin. “This ends in disaster, doesn’t it?”

  Ollie laughed and took the glass from Drew’s hand. “Well, depends. Do you consider a disaster me sneaking away from home, finding a hornets’ nest because I didn’t know the difference, getting it into a box by some miracle, wrapping it up and leaving it on the front porch and having my Nana find it, only for her to have to strip naked and run while she shifted into a wolf to get away from the hornets?”

  “No way,” Drew said. He cracked up, leaning onto the bar. “Was she okay?”

  “Yeah. Cause I swear, Nana’s the toughest person I know, and that’s counting Uncle Meshaq.”

  “I hope I get to meet her soon.”

  “Oh, you will. Papa will want to come for dinner again before too long. He loves Walt’s Saturday specials. I’ll see if we can come next weekend. Would that be okay?”

  “That would be awesome.”

  Ollie grinned. “Want to hear about the time I made Uncle Meshaq dress up like Slinky the dog?”


  Shaq’s voice boomed from the kitchen, and Drew cracked up. “Tell me.”

  “So, I went through this Toy Story phase, right?”

  Shaq came rushing out of the back and scooped Ollie up. He threw the kid over his shoulder and took off running. Both of them were laughing hysterically. Drew cracked up as well.

  Natasha came back to see what the fuss was about and laughed when she saw Shaq with Ollie over his shoulder. Drew made her a soda and passed it over the bar.

  “Since Shaq’s distracted, what’s this I hear about a Slinky the dog costume?”


  Ollie had just finished devouring his double basket of wings when Shaq’s sigil activated. He growled down at it, but pushed to his feet anyway. He leaned down and cupped Drew’s neck, planting a kiss on his forehead. “You’ll be okay with the kids?”

  “Not a kid, Uncle Meshaq,” Natasha protested.

  “I’ll be fine. The others should be here soon.”

  Shaq didn’t like leaving him with no one but Walt in the bar, but it was early and no one was scheduled for another hour or two. He always came in early on Thursdays to run payroll and to help Walt with their weekend deliveries. He had a bad feeling and rubbed his chest. “Stay inside. Nat, you’re in charge.”

  “Hey,” Drew protested.

  “She knows what I mean. If something happens, listen to her, okay? Drew, please.”

  “Okay.” Shaq hurried out the door, sending one last look over his shoulder to Drew. He ran behind the bar and opened the portal. His senses immediately went into high alert. The area was wreathed in an unnatural darkness. Another portal opened beside him and Solomon emerged from it.

  “What is it?” Solomon asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  They took defensive positions near each other. Shaq opened his senses further, listening and watching. Nothing. He knew something was there, though. He could feel the darkness surrounding him. Another portal opened. Calliope walked through it.

  “This doesn’t look good,” Solomon said.

  “I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.”

  Another portal. Teague stepped out. Then another, and Jedrek appeared.

  “Shit,” Calliope said. “Where the hell’s Achim?”

  “He and Vice got called out earlier,” Teague said. “I haven’t heard from them.”

  Shaq searched the area once more, his senses screaming danger. He couldn’t sense any humans nearby. There were always humans near them when they were called. “Solomon, Jedrek, shift.”

  His packmates immediately complied, their hellhound bursting free at the call of their alpha. Their forms were huge compared to their human counterparts, resembling oversized black dogs until you saw their glowing red eyes. They moved to Shaq’s side, breathing heavily next to him. He laid his hands on their backs as he continued to scan the area. “Calliope, left. Teague, right.”

  They fanned out around him, while Solomon and Jedrek remained at his side. Jedrek was a beast of a hound, second only to Shaq in size both as human and in his shifted form. Solomon was only slightly smaller and between them, they were his strongest as their hounds. “Jedrek, anything?”

  His hound breathed, steam coming from his nose as flames built. Jedrek shook his head. Solomon huffed, scratching at the ground with his clawed foot.

  “Dammit, Shaq. What the hell is it?” Teague had assumed a defensive position, crouched low to the ground. He searched the trees, while the rest of them continuing looking low.

  Before Shaq could answer, a woman screamed. Jedrek bolted toward the sound.

  “Hold!” Shaq’s bellowed order shook the small clearing and all of his pack froze in place.

  Jedrek skidded to a halt but trembled with the need to move forward, his instincts toward human preservation honed after years of service.

  “That’s not human,” Shaq said.

  “Sounded human to me,” Teague said.

  “Same,” Calliope agreed.

  Which was exactly what made this creature so dangerous. “Back to me,” Shaq ordered. “This is an immediate extraction.”

  Solomon pushed against his side and growled, low and deep.

  “Do not hesitate. Portal directly and we’ll all meet you there.”

  “What are we dealing with?”


  “Never heard of it.”

  Jedrek stiffened, and he moved to face slightly more west.

  Shaq moved with him. “Ghost who’s actually a spider monster.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Teague asked.

  “Supposedly extinct,” Shaq added.

  And he’d have to check with the goddess about that. He hoped it wasn’t a result of the changing magic, but he had a feeling that hope was in vain. If this was a sign of the types of challenges she’d mentioned, he was going to have to change his strategy. There was no way his team could handle these types of creatures on their own.

  “Ten o’clock,” Calliope said.

  The woman who slowly crept toward them looked human at first glance. “Solomon, Jedrick. She’ll have minions roaming around. Stay low. Calliope, you’re on point with me. Teague, keep those little bastards off of us.”

  “What little— Oh fuck me sideways.”

  A couple hundred spiders began to skitter into the clearing. They were the size of baseballs and their eyes glowed an eerie orange. Solomon and Jedrek leapt into action, crushing the spiders beneath their feet.

  The woman screamed again, her eyes beginning to glow the same as her pets.

  “Fuck,” Shaq grumbled. He’d only dealt with one of these and it had been a long time ago, when he’d first become a hellhound. His alpha had been training him, and they’d barely survived the attack. “Go for the throat, Calli. We need to get her to the gates.”

  “On it, alpha.”

  “Dammit.” One of the little fuckers and leapt on him and immediately sank its fangs into his skin. He could feel the poison, but his enhanced abilities had already begun burning it away. Shaq leapt forward, making half the distance in a single leap. He shifted as he went, pulling upon the magic and letting his beast free.

  The jorogumo screamed again, and her minions attacked at her battle cry. Calli yelped when several bit her at once. Teague went down under a pile of them. Shaq focused and leapt again, opening a portal directly behind the creature. He was bitten numerous times, the creature having recognized him as the biggest threat. Jedrek yelped and Solomon howled. It fueled Shaq’s anger and determination. He would rip her throat out before they even hit the ground at the gates.

  She threw something at him and he barely dodged. Shaq plow
ed forward, finally hitting her at full speed. They flew backward into the portal and landed on the ground in the goddess’s territory. Shaq bounded up again, sending a desperate plea to the goddess for help. He’d left his pack behind to deal with the minion spiders, but they weren’t safe. They were hurt. Another portal opened and Calli limped through. The creature flung her hand toward Calli and something flew at her. Calli dodged, but it caught her on the arm. Calli screamed.

  Shaq snarled and attacked again. She ghosted past him, changing forms and throwing more of whatever it was she’d used against Calli. Calli’s arm hung at her side and Shaq made sure to put himself between her and the jorogumo. Another portal opened and Solomon leapt through. He didn’t even pause before attacking. Shaq dodged to the side and used his massive front paws to shove the creature backward.

  “She throws stuff, Sol,” Calli warned. “Watch yourself.”

  Nothing they did stopped her, but they had at least managed to slow her down when the goddess arrived. It only took seconds for the gates to rip open and for the jorogumo to be sucked through. Shaq shifted back to his human form and dropped to his knees. Solomon collapsed on the ground beside him while Calliope stumbled and tried to regain her footing.

  “Your pack is in danger, Champion.”

  He nodded. “The others. Her spiders.”

  The goddess closed her eyes and opened her hands. A portal opened and Teague and Jedrek were pulled through. They both looked worse for the wear. “Vice and Achim,” Shaq groaned. “They never returned.”

  She closed her eyes again, but this time, she opened them immediately. “Your mate.”

  Shaq roared and jumped to his feet.

  “Go, Champion. I will help your packmates.”

  Solomon limped after Shaq, and Calli followed him as well.

  Neither Teague or Jedrek were in any shape to fight. He glanced over his shoulder one last time before opening a portal and going through it at a dead run.


  Ollie tensed first. After Shaq was called away, he had leaned back in his chair and over onto Drew. He groaned and smacked his lips every once in a while, earning a disdainful look from his sister. From where Drew was sitting, they’d both eaten a ton… but Ollie had really put away the food. He was practically dozing off against Drew’s shoulder while Natasha talked to Drew about her plans to become a real estate agent. She was so excited about her prospects and had really thought through her plans. Drew couldn’t wait to see how successful she became.

  When Ollie froze against him, Drew looked over to make sure he was okay. Before he could ask, Ollie had pushed to his feet and stepped in front of Drew.

  “Tasha.” His tone told Drew they had trouble. It alerted his sister who rose as well.

  “What’s going on?” Drew asked.

  “Wolves,” Ollie said.

  “Not ours,” Natasha added.

  The door to the bar remained closed. Drew stood up and darted over to the pass-through window. He did the double tap, just like Shelly had taught him, and Walt stuck his head around the corner. He took one look at Drew and dropped the food in his hands.

  Seconds later, he was at the window with a baseball bat in one hand and a shotgun in the other. “Where’s the pack, Drew?”

  “I thought someone would be here by now. Shaq said… he said Natasha’s in charge if something happens.”

  “Makes sense,” Walt said. “Calliope’s been training that girl since she was fourteen years old.”

  That actually made Drew feel a lot better, and now he understood why Shaq had left her in charge. Drew glanced back at the kids and found Ollie and Natasha in a whispered conversation. Walt pushed the bat through the opening to Drew. “I know you won’t be sensible and come back here, so take this. Bessie and I will cover you as best as I can.” He cocked the shotgun, the familiar chi-chick sound sending a chill down Drew’s spine.

  “You named your shotgun Bessie?” Drew asked, horrified.

  “Is that really what you need to be worryin’ about right now?”

  “Well, no. Will you try to text the pack at least? See if you can get someone here.”

  “Will do. Get back over there with the kids, okay?”

  “Shelly’s not coming in until later, right?”

  Walt nodded before glancing at his phone again.

  “If you message her, she’ll know something’s wrong, and she’ll be here in minutes.”

  “Yeah. Damn fool woman. Now get.”

  “I’m gettin’,” Drew said.

  Drew glanced nervously at the door and clutched the bat more tightly in his hand.

  “They’re waiting in the parking lot,” Natasha said quietly.

  “For what?” Drew asked.

  Natasha didn’t answer. “We need to stay calm. Stall. Drew, you don’t get near them, okay? That would be the absolute worst thing you could do.”

  “But what if they’re threatening you guys? I can’t just sit by and—”

  “Yeah, you can. Because you’re the mate of an alpha. And if we let you go, it makes Uncle Meshaq look weak. He can’t look weak, Drew.”

  Ollie went still again, but this time he moved is eyes upward. Natasha pushed Drew behind her and they moved back toward the wall. Ollie crouched down in front of them. When Shaq got back, Drew was planning to demand he learn how to take care of himself. He hated being in this position more than anything. He didn’t want to be helpless.

  They heard a thumping sound from the back room.

  “What?” Ollie said in a confused whisper.

  The door crept open and a small horned head emerged.

  “Cosmo?” Drew said.

  “Alpha-mate. We have come to assist you.”

  “Cosmo!” Ollie beamed. He ran over to the faun and the two embraced.

  “Hello, young wolf. I have brought friends. Something wicked this way comes.”

  Drew glanced at Natasha. “Isn’t that…”

  “May my friends enter, young wolves?”

  Natasha looked to Drew for an answer. “Shaq lets them hang out here sometimes.”

  “That’s good enough for me.”

  Two more fauns and the three dryads who’d been drinking at the bar earlier in the week emerged from the shadows. None of them looked like fighters, but Drew was glad he had someone else here to help.

  “I count six,” Ollie mumbled quietly. “Cosmo, can you guys protect Drew?”

  “My friends can keep the alpha-mate safe, young wolf. I will assist you.”

  “Cosmo—” Drew cut himself off. He didn’t know what he was supposed to say anyway. None of them were warriors like the hellhounds.

  “The alpha-mate worries, but he shouldn’t. Old Cosmo has been around a long time. I’m not scared of the big bad wolf.”

  Natasha huffed out a laugh as the dryads moved toward Drew, their willowy forms circling around him. “I don’t like this,” Drew protested.

  “None of us do,” Ollie said quietly. “But we have to keep you safe.”

  The door opened and Drew immediately flinched. Part of him had known exactly which wolves were outside, even though he’d chosen to pretend they weren’t going to come after him after Shaq’s threat. The alpha who’d hunted him stepped into the bar and his gaze immediately found Drew. He smiled and it sent a chill down Drew’s spine.

  “There he is,” the alpha said. “I’d recognize that sweet scent anywhere.”

  Drew kept quiet, even though it took more self-control than he thought he possessed.

  “What do you want?” Natasha asked.

  The alpha’s gaze switched to hers and his eyes flared a murky red. Drew trembled, understanding now that what he’d seen in the reflection of the hotel doors hadn’t been a trick of the light after all. He’d not even thought about it after all the times he’d witnessed Shaq’s beautiful eyes filled with flames. He’d not been afraid of Shaq’s, though. There was something about this wolf’s eyes that scared him.

  Natasha and Ollie seemed affec
ted by it as well. When Ollie turned to look at Drew, he began to understand why. Ollie’s eyes glowed a pure, crystal blue. Nat’s eyes were a golden yellow color.

  “What is this black magic?” Cosmo asked. He stepped in front of the kids and moved closer to the alpha.

  Drew clutched the bat more tightly in his hand and prayed to the goddess that someone would be here soon to help them.

  The alpha snarled at Cosmo. “Do not get between me and my mate.”

  “Your mate?” Cosmo laughed so hard he bent over and slapped his knees. “Your mate?” he asked again. “Oh, you are out of your mind if you think the alpha-mate is yours. He belongs to Meshaq, alpha of the hellhounds.”

  The alpha snarled again and this time he grabbed Cosmo by the throat. “You are mistaken. He is mine.”

  “You need to let him go,” Natasha said. “Meshaq is my uncle and I promise you, Drew is his mate, not yours.”

  The alpha growled and tightened his hold on Cosmo. The faun began to struggle in his hold, his face turning red.

  “Let him go,” Natasha demanded.

  He did, but only because he flung Cosmo at her. The faun screeched and landed against Natasha, tumbling them both to the ground. The rest of the alpha’s pack spread out and the boom of the shotgun echoed through the room. One of the wolves fell, blood coursing from his chest. Walt loaded a new shell into the shotgun and aimed again. The alpha bolted toward Drew as Natasha and Cosmo scrambled to their feet.

  “We will protect you, alpha-mate,” the dryads said. They pressed Drew back into the wall and before he could argue, they began to change forms, becoming the thick trunks of oak trees before his eyes. He was behind a wall of brown and he couldn’t see a thing.

  He heard Ollie howl, and Natasha scream. The booming of the shotgun sounded again and Drew’s ears rang. Cosmo made an ungodly shriek. Drew fell back against the wall, helpless to do anything. He could hear the thumps and scratches of claws against wood and knew the alpha was trying to claw his way in. He looked down at the sigil on his wrist and pressed it. “I need you, Shaq,” Drew whispered.


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