The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 16

by Macy Blake


  Shaq went through the portal and emerged at a run, his packmates beside him. Solomon remained in his hellhound form, injured but still able to hold his own. “Calli, shift,” Shaq demanded.

  “I smell wolf,” Calli said. Then she let the magic overtake her and her black dog form stood beside him.

  “I will gut them if one hair on his head is damaged.”

  Then he heard Ollie scream. Shaq burst through the door of the bar. Walt’s shotgun went off, the boom causing Shaq’s ears to ring. One of the wolves dropped, making a total of three with gaping wounds on the ground. Cosmo and Natasha were fighting three other pack members while the alpha attacked… Dear Goddess, the dryads had shifted. Ollie was slumped against the wall, not moving.

  Shaq howled and charged. The other wolves turned and were met with Solomon and Calli’s teeth. Shaq went straight for the alpha, leaping over the tables and plowing him into the wall. The alpha’s head landed against it with a thud and his eyes rolled back in his head. Shaq howled again, enraged and unable to see Drew. He turned to the dryads, fighting to get back in control. They were in bad shape, but retained their tree forms.


  “Yes, Alpha.” Cosmo limped over to him, blood flowing from claw marks down his face and arm.

  “We need to get them help. Who can we call?”

  “We must get them to the river, Meshaq. To the healing waters.”

  Shaq turned back to the dryads. “I’ll portal you there right now. Please, I need to see my mate.”

  The dryads trembled and their wooden forms broke apart far enough for Shaq to make out Drew’s face behind them.


  “I’m here, love. I’m here now.”

  “They’re hurt. Please, help them. Ollie and Natasha?”

  “Hurt.” There were too many places to turn. “Solomon, go get Vaughn. Now.”

  Solomon shifted and opened a portal in the middle of the bar. He disappeared into it seconds later.

  “Calli. I’m going to open a portal for you into fae lands. Tell the queen you’re there with my permission. Escort the dryads and then return to me.”

  She shifted back into human form again.

  “Cosmo, go with them. You’ll be there under my protection, understood?”

  “The fae lands aren’t a safe place, Alpha.”

  “I know. But we’ve got to get you all some help, okay?”

  Cosmo nodded and glanced at his dryad friends. “Thank you, my brothers.”

  Shaq opened the portal and guided Cosmo, the dryads and Calli through it. The moment the portal closed behind them, he turned and grabbed Drew. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Oh Goddess, everyone is hurt. Everyone. Where do… what if…”

  “Check on Natasha,” Shaq said. “I’ll get Ollie.”

  He knew his niece was injured, but she was awake. Ollie hadn’t moved, but Shaq could hear his heartbeat. He crouched down on the ground beside him and gently touched Ollie’s face. Ollie groaned and his eyes fluttered open. Another portal opened, and Solomon returned with both of Ollie and Natasha’s dads with him.

  “Ollie,” Sam yelled. He ran across the bar and landed beside his son. “What happened?”

  “Attacked,” Shaq explained. “By wolves.”

  “Not… right,” Ollie said. He groaned and turned a few shades of green.

  “Vaughn, I think he’s got a concussion.”

  Vaughn knelt between Natasha and Solomon, who were both injured. Walt came out from the back room with a huge first aid kit in his hands. He passed it to Drew before turning to Shaq and gesturing to the side with his head. Drew took the kit to Vaughn as Shaq followed Walt to the other side of the room.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Something was wrong with those wolves,” Walt said quietly.

  Shaq had noticed. Red eyes, murky with darkness he’d only seen once before.

  “I need to get them to the gates.”

  “I don’t know what that means,” Walt said. “But something’s going on.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Shaq checked on Ollie, who was leaning against Sam with his eyes closed. Vaughn was busy stitching closed a heavily bleeding wound in Natasha’s neck.

  “She okay?” Shaq asked.

  “She will be. That was too close.”

  Shaq knelt down. “Drew, love, I have to get back to the goddess.”

  Drew looked panicked and reached for his hand. “Is everyone… where’s everyone else?”

  “They’re with her. I have to go, okay?”

  Drew nodded.

  “Solomon, with me.”

  Shaq went back to the unconscious alpha and picked him up. He flung him over his shoulder and went for the dead wolves at the door. He’d take them all to her and then they’d figure out what to do. He opened another portal and stepped through again, dropping the alpha on the ground once they arrived.

  The goddess wasn’t there, and Teague and Jedrek were still unconscious.

  Solomon sank down onto the ground. “Anyone but me feeling like we got played?”

  Shaq glanced over at him. “It was a coordinated effort. But to what end?”

  Solomon laid down and covered his eyes with his hand. “I don’t know. We’ll have to ask the goddess.”

  “I don’t like leaving Drew alone.”

  “I can stay with them,” Solomon offered.

  Shaq had never been so divided. He needed to be with his mate, to check on Ollie and Natasha. But he had injured pack members here, as well as two missing.

  “We can bring them all here,” Solomon suggested.

  “Let’s do that. I can’t be so divided.”

  “You need your mate.”

  And he did. His second was incredibly powerful and had been at his side for a long time. Solomon knew him better than anyone outside of the goddess. Shaq knelt beside him and touched his hand to his friend’s neck. “Thank you.”

  Solomon nodded and held onto Shaq’s wrist for a moment. “You’ve brought a lot of hope to our world, Meshaq. You built a pack where others floundered on their own. You found your mate, when everyone said it was impossible. You’ve protected the world while building a family.”

  Shaq glared at the unconscious form of the alpha who’d attacked his mate. “My reputation must be slipping.”

  “No,” Solomon said. “You are feared because you are fair. Never mistake that for weakness. The ones who cross the line know they will face you and lose. That is the reputation you have built, and that reputation holds. But there are gray areas, and you are known for navigating those as only a true alpha can do.”

  Shaq blew out a breath and gave Solomon’s neck another gentle squeeze. “Thank you, my friend.”

  “Go get our pack. I’m just gonna rest here for a minute and try not to bleed. But don’t worry. If that piece of shit wolf moves, I’m going to gut him and call it a day.”

  Shaq grinned and pushed to his feet. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  After opening another portal, Shaq stepped back into the bar and the chaos he’d left behind. Drew was fussing over Walt, who didn’t seem to be injured at all. Vaughn had finished stitching up Natasha and had moved on to Ollie. He was shining a small pin light into his son’s eyes while Ollie protested.

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Concussion. He hit his head pretty hard when one of those assholes threw him.”

  “He’ll be okay?”

  “Yeah. Everyone who matters is fine.”

  Sam sat next to Natasha, and she’d laid down with her head in his lap. He was stroking her long red hair softly while he watched his mate care for Ollie. “What happened?” Sam asked.

  “We’re still trying to figure that out. I want to take you guys through to the gates. It’ll be safe for us there until I learn more from the goddess.”

  Sam’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Drew left Walt’s side and hurried to Shaq. “Are we still in da

  “I’d rather be safe than sorry.” He leaned down and pressed his forehead gently to Drew’s. “You’re okay?”

  “I am. I promise. Shaken up, that’s all.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “What about the others? Shelly and Cody should be here soon.”

  “I’ll call them and tell them we’re closed for the night.”

  “Shelly’s not going to like that,” Drew said. He wrapped his arms around Shaq’s waist and squeezed.

  “I know. But they need to stay away until I know what’s going on.”

  Drew looked up at him and sighed. “I’m glad you’re here. It’s not so scary when you’re beside me.”

  “I’ll always be here, Drew. Always.”

  “Aww, Uncle Meshaq’s got it bad,” Natasha cooed.

  Sam snickered. “Your uncle will still whoop your ass with my permission, young lady. Behave.”

  “Come on, Papa. It’s so cute. He’s like you and Dad. All mushy and no, I love you more. No, I love you more.”

  “We don’t sound like that,” Vaughn growled.

  “Yes, you do.” Ollie and Natasha spoke in unison, drawing a chuckle from Drew.

  “Let’s get the kids somewhere safe,” Drew suggested. “We can argue over who’s cuter later.”

  Vaughn rose and helped a shaky Ollie to his feet. “You’re sure this is okay?”

  “I’m sure,” Shaq said. “Walt, come on.”

  “What?” Walt had tried to slip back into the kitchen once Drew wasn’t paying attention. “I’m not going into that flame business. Have you lost your mind?”

  “Walt.” Shaq gave him a look and the man finally sighed.

  “Fine, but only because Drew will pout if I don’t come. I texted the others and told ‘em not to come cause we had a pipe break. Told ‘em the place was a mess and you were cranky.”

  “Thanks, Walt. Check the locks for me, would you? I don’t want anyone coming in until I’ve cleaned up this mess.”

  “Understood, bossman.”

  Walt hurried to do as he’d asked while Shaq knelt and lifted Natasha.

  “I can walk,” she protested weakly.

  “I know you can.”

  It didn’t stop her from resting her head against his shoulder. Goddess, if something worse had happened to one of them…

  “Stop,” Drew said. “Don’t beat yourself up.”

  Vaughn gathered up the last of his medical supplies before he and Ollie walked over to the rest of them. Walt made it to them quickly, after having wedged one of the wooden chairs against the front door. “Just in case,” he explained.

  Shaq opened a portal and they stepped through, finding Solomon and the others exactly as they’d left them. Solomon looked a lot better though, his advanced healing already kicking in. It was too bad the others didn’t have the same powers. Ollie and Natasha would take a long time to heal their injuries. He hoped his goddess would assist them. If not, they were in good hands with their father. Shaq had seen Vaughn work miracles before with only the skill of his training.

  They sat quietly in the clearing for a long time. Drew leaned against him on one side and Solomon sat on the other. Teague and Jedrek were still fighting off the effects of the spider’s venom. They must have been bitten dozens of times as they defended him and Calli. When the goddess began her return, her magic flooded the area.

  And she wasn’t alone.

  Shaq scrambled to his feet, only to immediately fall back to his knees. The others were equally affected. The goddess definitely wasn’t alone. Achim and Vice appeared, limping ahead of three shimmering forms. They made it to Shaq, falling against him with oomphs of pain. Shaq touched them both briefly on the neck before turning his attention back to the impossible.

  Because there wasn’t one goddess at the gates. There were three. His goddess and her sisters.

  “My goddess,” Shaq said quietly. He lowered his head and the others did the same. Even Walt, who’d found a tree to lean against and was looking around the whole place like he was confused, lowered his head.

  “My champion,” she replied. “Rise.”

  Shaq pushed to his feet and stared at the sight in front of him. Drew’s hand slipped into his, holding on tightly.

  “What’s happening?” Drew whispered.

  All three of the goddesses shimmered into shape, and Shaq’s knees buckled at the force of the power in front of them. Drew wobbled as well, squeezing Shaq’s hand even tighter and leaning against him heavily. None of the others seemed to be reacting, and when Shaq looked down, he realized that they were all asleep. Everyone except Vaughn, who knelt in the center of Sam, Ollie, and Natasha, looking both wondrous and terrified. It was the first time the wolf alpha had been in the presence of a goddess. The honor was normally well-guarded, and if the circumstances hadn’t been what they were, Shaq wouldn’t have brought anyone other than his mate or his hellhounds to her sanctum.

  “Who are these…creatures?”

  His goddess stared down at the unconscious alpha who’d been after Drew.

  “This is the alpha who attacked my mate.”

  Vaughn cleared his throat and pushed to his feet. “Something is wrong with them.”

  One of the sisters stepped forward and touched her hand to Vaughn’s head gently. “My wolf,” she whispered.

  “Tell us,” the third sister said.

  “My son, he said this alpha had red eyes.” Vaughn’s own eyes flashed blue. “It’s not natural.”

  The goddesses turned to each other and Shaq could tell they were communicating, even though he couldn’t hear them. His goddess then knelt and touched the alpha’s head. Dark smoke poured from him, swirling around before the sisters’ magic flared and it disappeared. They immediately turned to each other again, and their magic began to build, a heavy weight that overwhelmed their emotions. Drew whimpered and his goddess turned to him. The magic lessened and she sent a pulse of calm through them.

  “This should not be possible,” his goddess said.

  “It is dark magic,” another added.

  The third sister moved from beside Vaughn and knelt beside the alpha’s prone form before looking up at them. “This is no wolf of mine.”

  “This is no wolf at all,” his goddess said. Her eyes blazed with flames and Drew trembled once more.

  “The dark one has emerged.” The next sister’s eyes flared as well, hers the infinite blue of the ocean.

  “We must gather our champions,” the third sister said. Her eyes glowed a brilliant green, a leafy forest or the greenest grass. “You were right to call upon us, my sister. Magic is definitely changing once more.”

  “H-how is it not a wolf?” Drew asked. He’d whispered the words to Meshaq but the goddesses turned to him. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.

  “It is fine, alpha-mate. There are many questions.”

  Shaq turned to Vaughn, reaching out to clasp his friend’s shoulder. “This is not the first time we’ve seen this.”

  Vaughn gasped and looked down at Ollie and Natasha. “No, it’s not.”

  “Explain, my champion.”

  “When we found the cubs, a decade or so ago, and placed them in Alpha Vaughn’s care, we were attacked by a wolf such as this. When I killed him, he became human.”

  The green-eyed goddess made a hiss of displeasure. “Someone is stealing magic from my wolves and using it for their own? How?”

  Vaughn growled, an angry sound that Shaq rarely heard from the other alpha. “Not just wolves,” he said. “My daughter is a fox. My other son a bear.”

  “And the seer,” Shaq added.

  The goddesses converged again. Vaughn dropped to his knees, unable to keep from touching his family. Shaq understood the need. His kids had been impacted by this their entire lives, had lived with the fear of the unknown when Shaq hadn’t been able to find the ones responsible for the crimes against them.

  When they separated again, all three sets of eyes glowed bright
ly. “Our mother’s hand is in this,” his goddess explained.

  “But the dark one must be stopped. The Chosen One has risen and he must face this task.”

  “This magic brings danger with it. We must protect our world and the secrets it holds.”

  “What can we do?” Shaq asked.

  “Our strength is in numbers, Champion. My sisters and I agree that we must manage this darkness in new ways.”

  “In the past, the hellhounds have been enough to guard against the dangers of the human world. Now, our champions will join you, Alpha Meshaq. You will lead them all and continue in your duties.”

  “What does that mean?” Drew asked.

  “It means, alpha-mate, that my champion is being promoted.”

  “As today proved, there are forces emerging from the darkness that have long remained hidden. Their efforts are coordinated, and they have purpose.”

  “But you, Drew, are an example of other forces emerging, ones from the light.”

  “The battle against the dark one is not ours to fight,” the other sister added. “But we must combat his forces. We must maintain the balance.”

  “My sisters and I agree, Champion. You will be the alpha of alphas. We will send other champions to you, to join your hellhounds in their duties. They will be tasked with protecting the secret, as you are. We will not be caught off-guard again. Will you accept this honor?”

  Shaq nodded, bowing his head once more. “I will. Whatever you wish, my goddess.”

  She smiled and touched his cheek before turning once more. “Send your champions to mine. He will bear this burden well.”

  “You may call upon us, Champion, as you call upon our sister.”

  Both sisters stepped closer and his goddess lifted his arm. The three of them touched his wrist, pouring power into the sigil that marked him. Power flowed into him and Shaq threw back his head, howling with the intensity of it. The sisters stepped back and slowly vanished, leaving Shaq and his pack alone at the gates. Even the bodies of the other wolves had vanished.

  The others began to stir, blinking awake in confusion. Solomon rose first, moving to his knees at the goddess’s feet. “My goddess.”


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