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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 35

by Macy Blake

  “You are not null,” Loch said finally. His voice was low, a little husky.

  Sawyer stared into his perfect blue eyes watching the silver of the water reflect in their depths.

  “I am,” Sawyer whispered.

  Loch leaned in, the intensity of his eyes drawing Sawyer closer. He could feel Loch’s breath on his face as their legs tangled together in the water. What was he doing?

  His doubt must have shown on his face, because Loch shook his head once more and spun them around, adding a little distance between them. “The lake is done with you for the night. You should be able to sleep now. Go to bed, Chosen One.”

  He guided Sawyer back to shore, letting him go once they were in shallow water. Sawyer walked into the sand before realizing that Loch hadn’t followed. Loch always followed, his shadow in this safe and scary place.


  “She apparently has more for me. Sleep, Sawyer. All will be well in the morning.”

  Loch turned and dove beneath the surface, shooting through the water like a torpedo shot from a submarine. He moved as quickly as Saeward, something Sawyer wouldn’t have thought possible. He stared for a few minutes longer, the silver water shimmering and only the faintest blur showing where Loch had disturbed the surface.

  He scooped up his tunic and pulled it back over his head before walking back to the ceannbhrat where his mates waited. He sat down at the edge of the makeshift bed, staring at their sleeping forms. He curled up and pulled one of the gilded cloths Puteri had provided as blankets over him, cold without his mates to keep him warm. He didn’t feel right about rejoining them, though. He didn’t feel right about anything all of a sudden.

  Sawyer forced himself to close his eyes, only able to sleep once Pearl rambled over and curled up beside him.

  It was still dark when he woke, and it was to the feeling of strong arms lifting him. He opened his eyes and found Draco picking him up. His dragon carried him back to the others and settled him in alongside their mates. They stared at each other for a long moment.

  “Never sleep apart from me,” Draco said in a low voice.

  Sawyer tried to pretend that his eyes weren’t getting a bit watery. “Okay.”

  “No matter what, you sleep with me. You wake up with me.”


  “No matter what, Sawyer.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “I know you do. Tell me what it is that’s eating you up inside.”

  He sniffed and wiped his eyes on the shoulder of his shirt. “I’m being stupid. Again.”

  Draco growled and tugged him close. “Don’t talk about my mate that way.”

  “Even if it’s true?”

  “Sawyer, we are all in a world we could never have imagined. Whatever is happening, you have to be honest with me. With us. You can’t hold yourself apart. That’s not how this works. Now what happened with Loch that made you feel you couldn’t come back to bed?”

  Sawyer couldn’t help being surprised, but he should have known better. “Nothing happened… but I wanted it to.”

  Draco leaned closer and pressed their foreheads together. “Okay.”

  “He’s not my mate, though. And that’s not okay. I don’t… I only want to be with my mates. It’s not… I’m not open to just sleeping with any hot…person who catches my eye. I don’t want that from you guys either. Just us. Any combination and I’m fine with it. But only us, Draco. It can only be us.”

  Draco ran a hand down his back. “That’s what we’ve agreed to.”

  “I know. So why did I want him to touch me? And why don’t I want Kavalan to? The thought… I don’t want him, Draco. I mean… I’ll… do what I have to do. I… can do it. I just… it’s not what I want.”

  Draco held him close, and they breathed together. “Do not do anything you don’t want. Never. Your body is yours and yours alone. No prophecy is worth more than that. Do you hear me?”

  Sawyer nodded and pressed himself closer, trying to absorb some of Draco’s strength.

  “I know you’re confused, and I don’t blame you. I’m confused as well. This is an unexpected turn. But the Mother never promised us this was going to be easy, did she? So maybe this is going to have to be one of those times where you use that beautiful mind of yours to figure it out. But I have no doubt that you will, my love. I have so much faith in you.”

  Sawyer sniffed again and tucked his face into Draco’s neck. “How do you always know what to say?”

  “It’s what happens when you love someone more than the air you breathe. I’d give up my fire for you, Sawyer. I’d do anything to keep you safe. You are my light. You have been since the moment we met. And you always will be.”

  “Draco.” He could barely choke out his name, but he’d never known more surely just how much Draco loved him. Maybe it was the magic of the lake, or maybe he’d finally opened his eyes completely, but now all he could see was the big, beautiful dragon in front of him. The one who’d known him the longest, who knew him better than anyone else. When he focused on Draco, nothing seemed confusing. It all made sense. He just had to keep holding on to Draco, his foundation. His strength.

  “Close your eyes now, love. You need to get some rest. I’ll be right here. Never doubt it.”

  “I don’t.”

  He had no clue how long he lay there before he finally drifted to sleep. Draco never stopped rubbing his back, even when Henry made another of his snuffling snores and wiggled around to use Sawyer as his personal pillow. Not even when Pearl squirmed her way between them and tucked her nose under Sawyer’s hand.

  When he woke, it was full light, and Draco was still holding him tight. The others had already risen and started their day. His eyes felt itchy and crusty, but there was no way he’d be going back to sleep. Draco stirred when he moved and stretched with a loud groan and a crunch of his back.

  “That sounded painful,” Sawyer said quietly.

  “Yeah, well, I contorted myself for your dog. She decided to stretch out and poke me in the stomach until I gave her more room.”

  “You could have just made her move,” Sawyer said.

  Draco huffed. “Yeah. Right.”

  Sawyer laughed and sat up. “You’re the person. She’s the one who’s comfortable on the floor.”

  “Sure. Yeah.”

  He reached out his hands and pulled Draco up. Draco wrapped his arms around him and pressed their foreheads together once more.

  “Better?” he asked quietly.

  Sawyer shrugged. “Still confused.”

  “So I had a thought after you went to sleep. What if you tell the others what you’re feeling?”

  Sawyer pulled back a little and stared. “Um…I’m not saying no. But why?”

  “Well, one, we’re your mates and you should always be honest with us.”

  Sawyer sighed and leaned in again. “I know that.”

  “I know you know that. So here’s a two. Because maybe if we all put our heads together, we can figure out what’s going on. You’re always reminding me that we aren’t in this alone. Last night, I had to remind you of that. And it made me think, you know. Even if they don’t have some magical answer, at least they’ll be aware. And we’ll be able to help you more if we know what you’re feeling.”

  Sawyer nodded. “I know you’re right. I just feel bad.”

  “Why? Because you have feelings you are confused by?”

  “You always make it sound so simple.”

  “I’m a simple guy.”

  Sawyer snorted out a laugh. “Simple my ass.”

  Draco gave him one of his wicked grins that always sent a shiver down Sawyer’s spine. “Let’s get some food and go for a swim. Saeward told me last night that Henry needs some more time in the lake today, so we can all go together. Tell your shadow to stay on the beach, and we’ll talk it out.”

  “You… you don’t think they’ll be mad, do you?”

  Draco shrugged. “I can’t answer that. But it doesn’t m
atter if they are. They’re allowed to be mad as much as you’re allowed to be attracted to someone, or not be attracted to them. It’s what we do with those feelings that matters.”

  “Since when did you get to be so smart?” Sawyer asked. “I mean, when I think of all the times you got mad when you were making your YouTube videos and being all electronics bad, I wonder how you got to be this calm, cool, and collected.”

  “Electronics are never bad. Okay, sometimes they are. But packaging is bad. I mean, why do they have to put things into packages that you can’t get open? You have to have a chain saw to break into the damn things. It makes zero sense. And don’t get me started on their overuse of plastic. Don’t they know what plastic is doing to our environment? If they made an effort to reduce their packaging, it could have a major impact on the entire planet. And you totally got me riled up on purpose.”

  “I did. Next, I’m going to bring up those disposable plastic K-cup things. Just think of what they’re doing to the landfills. Oh, and water bottles. Water bottles are evil.”

  Draco growled and managed to lift Sawyer up and over his shoulder before he could finish his thought. He gave Sawyer’s ass a slap and carried him outside. “I’d be mad if I didn’t know you agreed with me.”

  He lowered Sawyer back to his feet. Sawyer leaned against him with a smile. “We all have to do our part.”

  The double meaning wasn’t lost on either of them. “Now get me some food before I starve to death. It takes a lot of energy to be this awesome of a dragon.”

  Sawyer laughed and grabbed Draco’s hand. He dragged him over to where the others had gathered around a small fire. The morning was a little cool, but not uncomfortable. Everyone had little sandwich looking things that they were eating. Puteri appeared out of nowhere and offered Draco and Sawyer each some food and drink before she disappeared once more. They settled down with their mates, and Sawyer let the low rumble of their voices wash over him. Draco shared their plan for them all to go for a swim, and everyone seemed on board. It was nice and easy.

  The imps came out to play again, chasing Pearl around the beach. Loch hovered nearby, always close, but never intruding. Sawyer kept catching his eye, though, and it didn’t escape his notice that Loch seemed to be just as confused and sleep deprived as he was. When they finally decided it was time for their swim— both Henry and Saeward turned toward the lake at once indicating that the lake had called for them— Sawyer breathed in and let the power of the place wash over him. He reminded himself that he could do anything with his mates by his side. Henry grabbed his hand and dragged him down the beach. Sawyer glanced over his shoulder and found Draco speaking lowly to Loch.

  Whatever he said didn’t make Loch happy, and when Draco came into the water and Loch stayed back, Sawyer realized he’d asked him to stay away. It went against the prince’s orders, but Sawyer was close enough to him and he’d be in the lake where they all swore nothing could harm him. He’d be surrounded by his mates. It was the safest possible place for him.

  Saeward dove into the water and emerged almost halfway across the lake. Sawyer laughed when he dove under again, and then shrieked when he felt hands on his thighs. Ward lifted him up and tossed him into the lake with a splash. He sputtered to the surface only to find Ward grinning evilly at him. “You are… so bad.”

  Ward wiggled his eyebrows in a move he had to have picked up from Sawyer himself. It wasn’t fair to be that hot and that cute at the same time. “Come and get me,” Ward teased.

  Sawyer lurched in his direction and managed to grab Ward’s shoulders, but only because he’d been allowed to. Ward was way too fast in the water to not be able to escape him. “Deep breath,” Ward whispered with another mischievous glint to his eyes. Sawyer complied, and then they were underwater once more, this time moving toward Andvari. They grabbed him and had him flipped over before Sawyer needed to take his next breath.

  Andvari emerged from the water with his blond curls hanging in his face and a scowl that promised he’d make sure they regretted dunking him.

  Sawyer couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Just wait. Paybacks are hell.” But there was a playful gleam in Andvari’s eyes and Sawyer swam over to him. Andvari tugged him close and kissed him gently. “Good morning.”


  Andvari gave him the look that said he knew something was going on, but promised it would be okay. His mates knew him. He sometimes forgot, having spent so many years on his own. There was only Draco and his brothers. But not even Draco knew him as well then as he did now. They’d forged something powerful, deep, and strong. Something he treasured more than anything else.

  They played around for a few more minutes, with Sawyer making sure to greet each of his mates. He reminded himself of their strength, of his love for them, until they’d all managed to gather about twenty yards from shore. Henry hung off of Saeward’s back while the others floated around on their own.

  “So, um.” Sawyer paused and cleared his throat nervously. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you guys about.”

  He bit his lip and looked to Draco for support.

  “Please tell me you’re going to tell us that you have the hots for Loch,” Henry said. “Because damn, the sexual tension is fierce.”

  Sawyer almost drowned.

  Saeward managed to drag him back to the surface.

  “Um, was I not supposed to notice?” Henry asked sheepishly, looking over Saeward’s shoulder. He actually seemed like he felt guilty for noticing.

  “You… you aren’t mad?”

  “That you think the super sexy fairy warrior is hot? Uh, no? He’s hot like burning. Am I right?” Henry looked at the rest of their mates, and they all moved a bit nervously in the water.

  Eduard cracked first. “I would love to dress that man. With that hair and those eyes? Can you imagine? Bebe would have a field day with him. I… um, yes. He’s very attractive.”

  “And, he’s, a, uh, pretty damn fine fighter as well. Keeps me on my toes. I like it.”

  It was the highest praise he could get from Andvari, and Sawyer had a sneaking suspicion there was some sexual tension there, too. He turned to Ward next. Ward seemed a bit unsure of what to say until he finally met Sawyer’s eyes and smiled. “He is the best of them.”

  “He really is beautiful,” Draco added.

  “Well, that’s not what I was expecting,” Sawyer said. He glanced around and saw them all watching him. Waiting. “Um, what do you all think of Kavalan?”

  Their uncomfortable expressions told him all he needed to know.

  “I don’t understand,” Sawyer confessed. “It’s like… I feel drawn to Loch now that we’re here. I never really was back at home, you know? I mean, I was aware of him but… it’s like he wasn’t…”

  “His powers were slightly muted,” Saeward said softly. “He is fae. They are at their strongest in their own realm and weaker in ours.”


  “He is stronger than the others,” Andvari added. “The prince left him behind when he returned here daily. Loch was always left to watch over you. So when did he get a chance to come here and recharge?”

  “Late at night, for short bursts,” Saeward said. When he realized they were all looking to him, he added, “Before I joined you all, I would see him leaving. But he never stayed gone for long.”

  “But why am I drawn to him? He doesn’t have the mark. Kavalan does. I’ve seen it. It’s right there on his arm.”

  “Maybe Loch has one too?” Henry said. “We do need two more guardians after Kavalan, so maybe you were supposed to add Loch first?”

  Saeward shook his head again. “I do not believe that is the case. It will be one or the other, but not both.”

  “Why?” Sawyer asked.

  “Because Loch is sylph. They are air elementals, as are elves like Kavalan. Nearly all the fae are. We already have our Henry, the first of our air elementals. My understanding is that your guardians will be equally div
ided. Two for each of the four elements.”

  “That is our understanding of the prophecy,” Henry said. “But we’ve been wrong before.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “We wait,” Andvari said. “We have other issues at hand, including what’s going to happen with the banshees and Queen Orfhlaith. We aren’t going to be able to remain here much longer. There has already been one attack, and we’re vulnerable out here in the open.”

  “The water is safe,” Saeward said.

  Sawyer felt the gentle pulse from the lake once more, almost as if she were praising him for a job well done. He wasn’t entirely sure he deserved it, but at least he felt better. His mates were feeling the same pull he was, and he didn’t have to feel like such a jerk.

  “I love you guys. All of you. A lot,” Sawyer said. “And I’m so glad I talked to you. Not going to lie, I was freaking out a bit.”

  “We love you, too. Now, let’s get to shore. You need a work out.”

  Sawyer groaned but did as he was told. He really could use the work out, and he had a feeling Andvari wasn’t going to go easy on him. He needed the distraction, and he usually had his best ideas when his mind was focused on something else. His mates really did know him well.


  Draco reluctantly followed the others to shore. He wanted to remain in the lake for a while longer, but he also wanted to keep Sawyer close. He could see that some of the weight had been lifted from Sawyer’s shoulders, but he wasn’t entirely over his upset from the night before. He kept glancing in Draco’s direction, reassuring himself that he was close. Draco wouldn’t let a jaunt in a lake take that away from him.

  He sent Andvari a look that warned him to go easy on Sawyer and received a nod in reply. Draco didn’t actually need to give Andvari the advice, but he couldn’t help feeling very overprotective of Sawyer at the moment. He kept his eye on Loch, as well, watched him hovering in and out of the trees near them. He never stayed in the same place for long, his eyes roaming over Sawyer, then the surrounding area. Move. Repeat. Move. Repeat. It was enough to make Draco dizzy.


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