The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 36

by Macy Blake

  Ward and Henry remained in the water. Draco turned to watch them in the distance. Henry seemed to have found a new favorite position. Draco couldn’t help but grin. Spoiled boy. No one said he had to be in the center of the lake for her to work her magic, but Henry wanted a little attention, and Ward had attention to spare. They were very good for each other. Ward longed to be needed, to be an integral part of their mating. Henry needed to be doted on, spoiled a little, even as he worked very hard to make sure he stood equal at their side. Draco liked seeing them together, balancing each other so beautifully.

  Eduard had joined Sawyer and Andvari in their routine, and their rhythmic movements were something to behold. Sawyer had gotten much stronger in the time since he’d been working with Andvari. His body, always lean and muscled, had taken on even further definition. Although… his hip bones were a little more pronounced than they should be. He’d make sure Sawyer ate more at their next meal. If only Cecil were around to force those smoothies down his throat. Draco could only imagine how Cecil would react to their current predicament. Of course, from what he’d seen, Cecil would manage to have the whole thing up to his standards before an hour passed.

  Puteri had done an amazing job, though. She and some of the sprites had already been fluttering around under the tent thing. They appeared and disappeared as needed. He wondered if they went back to the court when they weren’t with them. And if they had such abilities, who else might? Draco pushed to his feet, determined to find Loch and ask him that very question, when he heard a whoosh of sound, and then a roar unlike anything he’d heard before. He glanced around quickly and found that a strange wall of leaves, ivy, and thorns had formed between them and the water. He heard a roar from the other side and figured that Ward had realized they were separated. But that wasn’t what had Draco most worried. No, it was the sound of footsteps heading their way. Footsteps that had the trees shaking. Whatever was heading their way was huge.

  He ran to Sawyer’s side and found Loch and his fae also standing between them.

  “What is this?” Draco asked.

  “I do not know,” Loch said. “The water is blocked, but the shore should be safe.”

  Then he saw it. A huge, brown, mountain of a creature. It must have been twenty feet tall and had hands the size of a compact car.

  “Golem,” Andvari gasped.

  “How do we kill it?” Draco asked.

  “I don’t know,” Loch said as he drew his sword. “I’d advise you both to shift.”

  Draco didn’t need to be asked twice. He was in his dragon form seconds later and made sure to keep his body between the approaching golem and his mates.

  “Eduard,” Andvari said. “Go up. See if there’s a way over the leaves. If we can get Sawyer to the other side and into the water, he’ll be safer.”

  “Yes,” Loch agreed. “It cannot cause harm in the water.”

  “Or on shore,” Draco repeated.

  Loch suddenly didn’t seem so sure.

  “Golem,” Sawyer grumbled. “Golem.”

  “Dragon, may I have a lift?” Loch asked.

  The rest of the fae guards were already in the air, but Loch… actually, Draco had never really thought about it, but he’d never seen Loch fly. He tossed his head back to indicate his acceptance, and Loch took a running leap. He landed on Draco’s back and found a handhold among his scales.

  “I need to see this thing,” Loch said quickly. “Get me close so I can get a better look.”

  Draco flew up quickly and circled the golem carefully.

  “Try your flames,” Loch advised, “although I predict it will just anger the beast.”

  Draco would rather it be angry at him than go after Sawyer, so he complied. He shouldn’t have worried. The golem had already noticed him and was heading their way. Sometimes, being the largest target put him at a disadvantage. He circled once more and sucked in a deep breath, building his flames to an inferno before blasting the golem with all he had.

  He only caused it to stumble. It roared again and raised a giant fist, moving more quickly than a lumbering beast its size should be able to. Draco darted away, but it had been close. He could feel the wind from the beast’s arm nearly swiping them from the sky.

  He heard a second roar, then a blast of air. Henry and Ward, desperately trying to break through the wall between them. He hoped they would be successful. Loch seemed to truly believe that the waters were a safe place, and Draco wanted Sawyer in that water as quickly as possible. But Loch and Kavalan said the shore, too. So why were they under attack?

  Draco looked down and saw that the golem only had one foot on the sand. The other was among the trees. Bending, not breaking the rule. So it wasn’t some dumb beast attacking because it had stumbled across them. Its huge size was an advantage, enabling it to stay within the trees, while still able to cause harm. He circled again and prepared another burst of flame. The golem tracked him through the sky, and for that, Draco was thankful. He wanted to keep its focus on him. He heard a familiar screech and turned to see Eduard with Sawyer on his back. “Draco! Come here!”

  He circled once more, hitting the golem with a burst of flame before moving toward them.

  “There’ll be a mark on it,” Sawyer said quickly. “Probably on its head. You’ve gotta cut it out or stab it or something, okay?”

  “Understood,” Loch said.

  “Be careful. I’m sending Andvari up with Eduard to help. The other fae guards will protect me. GO!”

  The golem had moved quickly and let out a roar of frustration when they moved once more.

  “Get me close, Dragon,” Loch said softly.

  Draco nodded and began to twist and spiral through the air. Loch held tightly but was prepared to spring. Draco circled around then doubled back before the golem could move. Loch leapt from his back and landed on the golem’s neck. Draco quickly spun back around and aimed a burst of flame toward its knees. He heard the clink of metal on stone, and realized Andvari had made a swipe at the golem with his sword. The beast realized it had an uninvited guest as Loch tried to stab at a spot on the back of its head. Draco swirled around again and when he got close, Loch leapt back onto him.

  “My sword is doing nothing,” Loch said.

  Andvari’s hadn’t done anything either.

  “Draco,” Andvari called. “It gets soft when you hit it with flames, and then hardens up quickly. Can you hit the mark directly?”

  Eduard and Andvari circled back to the front, with Eduard having to dodge the golem’s large fists. They’d had a few close calls. Draco swung around again and prepared his fire once more. Loch tensed again, preparing to jump. Draco unleashed his breath, and Loch leapt once more onto the beast’s back. Loch let out a grunt of pain as he slammed his sword deep into the mark on its neck, directly where Draco’s flames were landing. Within seconds, it was over. Nothing but crumbling dust remained. Loch had landed on the ground between the trees, trembling and obviously injured. Draco swooped down and nudged him. Loch weakly grabbed at his scales with one hand and pulled himself up. “Out of the trees,” he mumbled before draping himself across Draco’s back.

  Draco tried not to jostle him too much as he got them out of the trees and back over to the safety of the shore. The vines were still in place, and Henry was still trapped on the other side. Draco prepared his fire again. He’d burn a hole in them and let them free. He had to get Loch into the water so he could heal the burns.

  “What in the Goddess’s name is happening?” Kavalan roared.

  The prince and his entourage landed on the shoreline. He found Sawyer standing behind the wall of his guards, then turned and saw Loch draped across Draco’s back.

  “Kavalan, he needs to get to the waters,” Sawyer said. “There was a golem. He’s hurt.”

  Kavalan did something, Draco honestly couldn’t have said what, but the leaves and vines trembled and vanished. Draco flew the remaining feet to where Henry and Saeward were standing. Ward was in his fully shifted form
while Henry stood knee deep in water, glaring at where the vines had once been. Draco landed in front of them, and Henry ran forward to help.

  “Ward, can you take him into the waters?” Henry asked once he caught sight of Loch.

  Ward huffed and shifted back to his human form. Where Henry had struggled to lift Loch, Ward was able to maneuver him off Draco’s back without too much trouble. He had him submerged in the water seconds later. Henry leaned against Draco’s side and flung his arms around him.

  “I was so scared.”

  Draco had been as well. He shifted and pulled Henry into his arms. Sawyer was sandwiched between Andvari and Eduard. He sucked in a breath and turned his attention back to the water and Loch. He couldn’t explain how he knew it, but the lake was pissed. He could feel the vibrations of her magic flowing outward from Loch. Saeward had begun to glow, too, as she poured her healing magic into the now unconscious fae.

  Kavalan passed by him and went directly into the water, velvet robes and all. He began to strip off the layers slowing him down, and then dove into the water. He swam toward Saeward and Loch, taking Loch’s body into his arms. Ward left them, swimming quickly to shore.

  “Whoa,” he said once he’d reached dry land. “That was intense.”

  “You’re glowing,” Henry said, awe in his voice.

  The others joined them, and they stood together watching as the prince floated in the water, the captain of his guard in his arms. It began to rain, and even that water had power. “She’s really pissed,” Draco said softly.

  “Yeah,” Sawyer agreed. “I think Loch’s going to be just fine.”

  “What happened?” Henry asked.

  “Burned,” Draco confessed. “It was a golem, and I had to hit its weak spot with flames. He jumped before I was done so he could stab the spot before it hardened again. My flames…”

  Sawyer reached out and grabbed Draco’s arm. He’d obviously not seen what happened.

  “He’ll be fine,” Draco said. He hoped it wasn’t a lie. “And… I’m pretty sure she wants us all in the water.”

  “Yes,” Ward said. “She calls us.”

  “Then let’s go,” Sawyer said.

  He led the way into the water, and each of their mates followed. Sawyer swam in smooth, strong strokes and reached Kavalan’s side quickly. They circled them, and Draco witnessed for the first time a crack in the prince’s regal armor. He looked devastated. Draco realized that Loch was his Sawyer, his oldest and dearest friend. There wasn’t more between them, Draco was certain of it, but it didn’t mean love didn’t exist. It was the love of family, of brothers. Anyone who hurt one of Draco’s family would feel his wrath. Kavalan’s fury built into the same raging inferno that Draco’s would. Wind swirled around him. The water began to move as well, creating a whirlpool of sorts. They circled around Kavalan and Loch, pulled by the currents in the lake.

  “Who did this?” Kavalan finally husked out. “Who dared attack at the clodagh?”

  He’d directed the question to Loch, almost as if he expected his guard to open his eyes and give him an answer. It was an order that Loch was unable to obey.

  “We don’t know who sent the golem,” Sawyer said softly.

  Kavalan looked up and locked gazes with Sawyer. “We go to court to meet my mother. She will find out who did this, and they will pay. I promise you. They will pay.”

  Sawyer nodded and moved closer. They all followed, closing the circle around the prince.

  “Touch him,” Sawyer said softly.

  Draco had no doubt who he meant. He laid his hand on Loch’s shoulder gently, hoping he didn’t cause additional pain. The others followed his lead. The lake began to glow, ethereal colors emerging all around them. Steam formed, a vapor mist of color that shimmered with untapped power.

  All of his mates began to glow as a result. They held firm, each of them focused on the fallen guard who’d risked his life to save theirs. The lake began to bubble around them, not with heat, but with pure energy. Draco could feel his strength building, his energy becoming whole in a way he’d never known he wasn’t. Sawyer gasped, his head thrown back in a kind of pleasure Draco had never seen on his face before. And finally after minutes had passed, they heard another gasp. This one from Loch.

  His eyes glowed the most brilliant blue Draco had ever seen. He immediately sought out Sawyer, whose attention had returned to him. Sawyer’s eyes glowed as well. It was only after the look shared between them that Loch turned his attention to his prince.

  “Loch,” Kavalan gasped. He adjusted his hold and pulled the guard close.

  Loch returned the embrace, one of old friends. Kavalan clung tightly for a moment then pulled back to stare into Loch’s eyes.

  “What happened?”

  “A golem, my prince.”

  Kavalan let out a low snarl, the most unattractive look Draco had ever seen on his face. “No one hurts you and lives.”

  Loch lowered his head, this time gently resting his forehead against Kavalan’s shoulder. “Thank you, my prince.”

  “We must go to court. My mother has requested our presence. The court awaits, and we celebrate tomorrow night.”

  Loch lifted his head again, this time his eyes filled with anxiety.

  Kavalan didn’t seem fazed. “You will continue to keep my mate safe, Captain. Stay by his side. This is my command.”

  “Yes, my prince,” Loch said softly.

  The lake settled, her magic clearly done with them for the time being. Draco couldn’t see any marks on Loch’s body, at least none that hadn’t been there before. They began moving in a clump toward shore, and Draco tried to process everything that had happened in the past hour. Something extremely powerful was after them, something strong enough to control a golem and to create the barrier which had kept them from the water. The lake’s energy had done something to them all, as well. Draco didn’t even think he could define the difference, but it was there. Deep in his bones.

  Kavalan led the way, emerging first from the waters. His other guards waited with clean robes held out. He stepped into them in a practiced way before turning to face them. “We ride to court to see my mother. Guardians, you may shift. My mother is sending her personal guards to attend us as we journey. She does not want us to delay our return. Puteri!”

  The little brownie popped into existence beside them. “Find my mate something appropriate to wear and attend the guest chambers in my quarters. The Chosen One and his mates will be staying with us.”

  Her eyes about bugged out of her head once more. “Yes, my prince.”

  She disappeared but returned moments later with a stack of velvet robes in her hand. Sawyer grimaced, realizing he’d have to wear them. He quickly pasted on a smile before anyone else noticed. Eduard stepped forward and lifted the topmost garment from the pile.

  “Exquisite,” he murmured.

  Puteri beamed. “Sprites, dry them. They cannot travel in such a manner.”

  The little winged sprites popped into being, and they flew around them all. Little sparks of radiant magic appeared around them. It dried out the water that had soaked them all to the bone. Eduard held out the soft green cloth he’d lifted. Sawyer let him guide it over his head. The cloak came next, the gold and silver flecks in it catching the colors in Sawyer’s eyes. He tugged on the trousers next and then slipped on the shoes Puteri held. He looked utterly beautiful and completely miserable.

  Kavalan, on the other hand, looked very pleased at the result. “Dragon, you should shift. I will let you know when we approach. Feel free to put on a show. Griffin, you as well.”

  “I can help with that,” Henry added.

  “Good. Now, Saeward, you cannot fly, so you will be the one my mate arrives on. The others will make sure it is an entrance not to be forgotten, and you will attend my mate. I will make a glamour so you are able to be in your true form for his arrival. It will be a spectacle.”

  Ward didn’t look comfortable with the idea, but Draco understood the p
oint Kavalan was trying to make. They all did. Showing all of them at their strongest made a statement about Sawyer’s power. It needed to be a really powerful one to have the effect Kavalan needed.

  “A glamour will allow me to swim?” Ward asked.

  “Yes. It will enable you to move freely in your shifted form.”

  Ward didn’t seem surprised by the ability, and it added another item on the list of questions Draco had for Loch. Exactly what was the power of the glamour, and who had the ability to appear and disappear like Puteri did? An idea was beginning to take shape, the edge of it beginning to form. It was like Henry had said a few days before. He didn’t have all the pieces of the puzzle yet, so nothing was clear. But they were close. He could feel it.

  “If it pleases my mate, one of my guards will transport his beloved pet.”

  Sawyer whistled and Pearl came running, the imps chasing behind her.

  Draco grinned and knew they were in for something special.

  He shifted.

  Andvari leapt onto his back.

  Eduard shifted.

  Henry climbed onto him.

  Saeward shifted.

  Sawyer glanced around at all of them, suddenly a prince in his own right. He met each of their gazes, stared for a long moment. When it was Draco’s turn, the love and pride he saw in them nearly brought him to his knees. He felt the sudden urge to roar, and as Sawyer grabbed Saeward’s mane and mounted him, sitting proudly atop the broad expanse of his back, Draco gave into the urge.

  He spewed fire into the air, bellowed it from the depths of his soul. Andvari screamed a battle cry which would bring the bravest of warriors to his knees. Henry lifted his arms and his magic swirled around them as Eduard lifted them into the air with a thrust of his wings.

  Kavalan beamed as he used his own wings to fly upward. His guards swarmed around them, and then another group of guards appeared from within the trees. They seemed impressed by the show, and Draco realized they’d been watching from the safety of the trees. These must be the queen’s guards.

  “Captain, guard my mate!”


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